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I'm Tired - I'm Exhausted

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posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

I have openly stated that my biggest fear is a cage. I believe a cage is horrific to any entity when thought about enough. I believe we live in a cage. The world is rather, a set of cages in which all the "lesser people" are kept held down and secluded by the great "zookeepers" of government. If one of the caged ones suggests a new idea or change to the system, the zookeepers need only to throw them a piece of meat and tell them to shut up. They happily oblige because, after all, the zookeepers are fulfilling their basic needs. They used this continued thought to some how JUSTIFY why they are in a cage but the fact remains, there is no justification.

There is only the want for power and control. Even though the caged ones can remember a time when the cages weren't their, they are led to believe that times have changed and the cages are needed for their own protection. This is wrong. Times may have changed but humans are able to protect themselves. If they cannot then they die. All people die eventually. The people in cages only die sooner because their souls die before their bodies.

You say that some men don't like bananas... but I don't feel there is a man alive that does not like freedom. I have never seen an argument that has come close to persuading otherwise. Freedom is the power to CHOOSE. Whether you are religious or not, this is the power that God (or the Creator what have you) bestowed upon us - the power of free will. Who are other humans to take that away? In that sense, wouldn't they be declaring themselves God to take away something given by 'him'?

Freedom is a universal want. However, fear of freedom has been a tactic four centuries. Leaders for hundreds of years have touted that the cage is necessary, and it all comes back to the same thing - the search for power.

reply to post by kiwitina948

You make it sounds as if I would be keeping a check system of how many people I've waken up.

Honestly, I don't even think about it and I too feel the same way. I have probably woken up quite a few people in my time, but when I finally see that the only thing I can think is "Thank God. Finally."

reply to post by Wisen Heimer

What people are waking up to is the philosophy of individualism. The ability to think, formulate thoughts, question, and make opinions of your own accord and not by following a group ideology or a caste system.

I don't try to project my opinions onto others, I project the information in an unbiased way, and I hope that they are able to think for themselves. While an awakened person might say "That is interesting, I will have to research that myself to find out more." the unawakened individual would say "That is impossible, so and so said this and I KNOW they are more credible then you."

It is all a matter of open mindedness; individuality vs group think.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:02 PM
I don't know if I misunderstood you gwydianblack, as many people here seem to be lashing out at you. I think I understand you fully and have to say something.

I too am in the very same predicament. You put out tons of energy and for what? I will defend your stance on this. People say, you call them sheep...I do to, because that is what they are. Not my sheep, no! A sheep to the system, and a sheep to the lies...and most of all a slave.

I mention what's happening in the world and I'm lucky if I get a response at all. Even after encouraging people to research it themselves and come to their own ideas or conclusions...people still do nothing.

When that time comes when they look to me and ask for help...I do not know what I would do. It's not me playing God, but, if you can help yourself and you are not doing so, it's very unlikely that I will help you.
People mock me, or us, ridicule us and most of them don't even take the time to research the matter to see if it holds any validity, but form opinions on things they know nothing of...and just the idea of those same people needing help when sh!t hits the fan disgusts me.

I've stopped giving advice for most things and have stopped going around trying to show people the other side of life. They will see it when it is time for them to see it, and people seldom take advice. Life teaches the best lessons and they will learn it when they need to, just as I did.

They say you can bring the horse to water, but cannot make it drink. I do not even bother showing the horse where the water is, or that such a thing as water exists. The horse will find water when it wants to find water and will drink from that water when it wants to.

I'm a musician and frequently write about my beliefs. Those who want to listen, will listen. Those who do not, will not. And that's how it is, and how it always has been.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by sdrawkcabII]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:14 PM
I don't understand why you feel it's your duty to make everyone "wake up" and change. I like reading conspiracy theories even though I think 99.9% of the are complete rubish, but when I'm done reading them (aka. wasting time) I go out, have a good time, and enjoy life.

I spend my time worrying about taking care of my family, ensuring that I'm having fun, laughing, joking, and spending as little time as possible in this short life worrying about things.

I don't care if the world is ending, the government is getting ready to kill us all, that some new disease is out there about to wipe us all out.....


Because there isn't a damn thing I or anyone else can do about it. If I were to survive some huge catastophy, I have supplies, I have guns, and I have the know-how. Other than that, I live my life happy, watching my kids grow, spending time passing on the fun things I like to do, and basically watching unicorns fart rainbows and skittles out of their ass.

That's where your head and heart should be, not living your life trying to find something to shout from the rooftops. You only get one spin on this ball of dirt, you might as well have fun while you're here.

**A quick edit for a question: What freedoms exactly have we lost? What has been changed by the government that holds you down? What freedom has been taken away that does not allow you to live your life in peace and happiness?

Okay, so that was like 5 questions, but I sincerely believe that there are too many people that don't know how to be happy unless they have something to bitch about.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by KILL_DOGG]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by stephanies-chase

Yikes, you may want to re-read my post. I stressed a few times that it's my own personal truth, and that other people may have their own truth, and their own path. Through my own daily experiences, this is where my soul has ended up. And this is what feels right to me. I'm not some Mormon that knocks on everyone's door and says "this is what you should think."

Show me the proof, and I'll change my belief in a second. But for now, this is what I've concluded as my own truth. So far, it's working out for me! I don't expect everyone to listen, but /if/ this theory is correct, I'd like to help as many people along as I possibly can.

Just trying to do the right thing. No need to bash. =)

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:29 PM
For every question there is but one truth. Truth does not care whether anyone believes it.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 01:43 PM

As long as your think for yourself and remain an individual, then your should have no reason to not see the corruption and behind the scenes of the world that the mass media and governments try to hide on a daily basis. Once you begin thinking for yourself and creating your OWN opinions, doing your OWN research, living your OWN life - then everything else comes naturally. My work is done.

What if people listen, say no thanks to ideas at first impression, but still end up going home and researching the material that you were so passionate about because it makes them curious to know why you are so passionate. What do you think about the people that will sit at their computer for awhile and realize that they in fact are not interested nor believe in the material being presented from multiple sources, even though they took your advice to "think for themselves", "created their own opinions based on the research" and "live their own life"...does it mean they are still sheep because they chose not to believe the material? Or are you fine with that as long as they decided to sit at their computer looking at multiple sources therefore showing that they were thinking for themselves and doing their own research?

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 04:03 PM
The world is the way it is because it could be no other way, there are no cages but that of the mind that time and expireance has placed on us we are our worst enemy. One human owes nothing to any other, but to live withouth strife we must understand others wich is an imposability becaouse of the nature of this flawed analog universe that sorounds ourselves. In saying that u want to wake up the sheples, your betraing your lack of knoledge of the past, All live with what is convenient to themselves, the electrition does what is most natural for him, so does the musician, so does the actor or any other way of live out there this includes the politician, wich I believe u are, as u mentioned in one post, politicians are liers by nature, what else can they be when so few dont understand what there purpose is. What would u have them do when there job is to kiss some babies bull# allday and they get paid $$. say no, to that, unlikely. In a different era were all are awakend they would be out of a job. continued

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 04:32 PM
Anyone can change the world if they are willing to pay its price, or u can go with the flow thill somthing better comes along. There is defenetly something wrong with the system, some have outgrown it, we are living in the information age after all, why would anybody be on this site if it werent so. your expeariance is yours only or a few close friends or family. All thing differ from eachouther to wake some up is to create the same thinkabilaty or meme or wavelengt or whatever u like to call it. Besides whoever tries to change the world is selling something, the only difference is most are not worth buying, since you are politicion by nature if all things in this world sudently became enlightned, wouldent you be putting yourself out a job/hooby or whatever your own personal guest is, what would you do then? excuse the spelling skipped class the day when at school they taught it.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

And the men who came up with this phrase owned slaves and literally meant MEN...excluding women. You are following a "concept" that doesn't mean what you think it does. Sure...we can morph it to our own meaning today...but that is not what the founding fathers, your heroes, meant at all. How did that "freedom" that you speak of, that you say the founding fathers envisioned, work out for the Native Americans? You are chasing a dream that doesn't exist...that never existed...that will never exist.

I have a question for you. What are your views on illegal immigration???


This is an odd definition of "truth". Many people can think for themselves and come to incorrect that "truth" since they thought for themselves? Thinking for yourself does not equal "truth" in any sort of stretch of the meaning.

That is it. Nothing more. As long as your think for yourself and remain an individual, then your should have no reason to not see the corruption and behind the scenes of the world that the mass media and governments try to hide on a daily basis. Once you begin thinking for yourself and creating your OWN opinions, doing your OWN research, living your OWN life - then everything else comes naturally. My work is done.

See, this is where you are sounding arrogant and don't even realize it. Let me paraphrase this quote for you.

Paraphrase: As long as you think for yourself and come to the same conclusion as I have...then you see the "truth". If are a sheeple.

Or in other words..."think what I think...or you are a sheeple".

In REALITY...this is what happens. Give 10 people the exact same facts, sources, and research and ask them to come to an individual conclusion on the aren't going to get one consensus unless that topic is a mathematics equation.

Now...if you were in that group of 10...I would assume you would say everyone else is wrong in their conclusion...and you are right.

People are not attacking you just because they are bored...they are attacking you because you come off as arrogant.

SO for all of you who don't understand the difference between urging people to think for themselves and indoctrinating my beliefs, then you need to rethink the situation.

I hope you can re-think this quote after reading my above response.

What people are waking up to is the philosophy of individualism. The ability to think, formulate thoughts, question, and make opinions of your own accord and not by following a group ideology or a caste system.

Your own way of thinking is not unique and does not display any individualism. You follow a group in your thinking as's just a smaller group then the popular opinion. But it is still following a group ideology.

You are doing the exact thing you are accusing others of doing...following an existing group ideology.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by OutKast Searcher]

[edit on 24-2-2010 by OutKast Searcher]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 04:47 PM
Your plight is noble. It is one that has been carried by many generations.

The cage you fear is something I fear as well. .

PEOPLE have been numbed and can easily be taken by "surprise", but...
Do not sell our ability to ADAPT, short.

Many "sheeple" I've come across, don't disbelieve that s*&^ hitting the fan could happen. They choose not to, and to live for today. React tomorrow.

I've seen the "generational" sense, where my great uncle was SURE the 60's, 70s, AND 80's would bring atomic destruction of humanity, along with governmental oppression, somehow. He died without living a day, for as long as I knew him. He was pretty reclusive. Maybe that is what he was happiest doing and so DID live with purpose. But, he died without any of it happening.

Some people are happier not worrying about it, until it happens, so you won't really get through to them.

I personally have faith in the ability of humans to adapt.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Demoncreeper

The cage you fear is something I fear as well

This cage you guys speak of...where is it?

I'm picturing in my mind you and the OP as mimes...trapped in your invisible box screaming "I'm trapped, I'm trapped". And the rest of us just walking past you giving you a rather odd look.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by Demoncreeper

The cage you fear is something I fear as well

This cage you guys speak of...where is it?

Just a metaphor for governmental oppression that could come with this "SHTF" thing.
I don't think I'm already in the cage, if that was your interpretation of what I wrote.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by Demoncreeper]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by sdrawkcabII

I'm glad a few people fully understand where I am coming from. While I can't say I will stop showing the horse to water, I am definitely going to stop trying to make them drink. It is up to the people to decide for themselves as you said.

reply to post by KILL_DOGG

Because there isn't a damn thing I or anyone else can do about it.

That is this biggest EXCUSE in the history of mankind. The world is a crap hole and there is plenty that the people could "do about it". However, people find it much easier to IGNORE the crap around them, pretend it doesn't exist, and then say "Oh, well I can't do anything about it anyway." Have you even tried? Seriously, have you ever gone forward, risked it all, and actually TRIED to make a change? My guess, for 99% of people worldwide, is a big fat NO, yet it follows the sheep rhetoric to assume a truth that they know nothing about.

What freedoms exactly have we lost? What has been changed by the government that holds you down? What freedom has been taken away that does not allow you to live your life in peace and happiness?

Once again: THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE. Take a week of your life. Document everything you do. Everything to THINK about doing. Now I can guarantee that your week is affected 100-500 times by inadequate laws, and restrictions placed upon you by society and most of all government. Therefore you have lost the freedom to choose. Well, technically you haven't, you still have it, no one can take it away - but they can punish you for it. They can control your life based on what THEY think no upon what YOU think. Each and every day these things occur to people, however, most people dismiss it as "that is just the way it is". They don't like it, but they force themselves to go against their own will and accept it.

I can't happily live with the burden. No one has the right to tell me what to do or how to live. As long as I am not hurting anybody else or infringing on their rights as human beings, then I should not have mine controlled or monitored as they are today.

Once you realize this harsh reality that you no longer control yourself, you will never - EVER, forget it. There is no way to be happy while living among the standards of another.

reply to post by mrbarber

For every question there is but one truth. Truth does not care whether anyone believes it.

For every truth, there is 7 billion interpretations. Get enough people to interpret the truth the same way, and you rewrite the truth entirely.

reply to post by Sci_Girl

I am happy as long as someone makes an effort. But there are conspiracy theories and their are blatant facts. For example, if someone looks at the "official" unemployment numbers today, they would see a certain number. However, there are countless statistics and information that proves that unemployment is actually much higher. If you choose to accept this information, then you will find truth - if you choose to ignore it, then you are simply being naive and ignorant, and yes, therefore you are a sheep.

This isn't to say that things aren't open for interpretation. If you are open minded enough to interpret things your own way without accepting a predisposed view of it, you are already well on the way to being awakened.

reply to post by galadofwarthethird

You called me a politician. Then you called politicians liers by nature. Forgive me for taking that as an insult, however, let me assure you - I do not lie.

As for me being "out of a job" this isn't a job. The is a responsibility for all of us. Some of us will choose to do nothing and thus we are lacking in that response. Others will dedicate their lives to making the smallest of changes. In a world that I see, I will be able to lay down my arms and go ahead and do what I always dreamed of doing - opening my own business. And guess what? I wouldn't have to go through all the red tape to do it. I wouldn't have to pay the government on a yearly bases because I chose to create a business. I would be able to name my business what I wanted, and run business HOW I wanted. If people felt scammed by my business, they could think for themselves and go elsewhere. After all, to reach that point people will have to be able to think for themselves anyway.

reply to post by OutKast Searcher

How did that "freedom" that you speak of, that you say the founding fathers envisioned, work out for the Native Americans? You are chasing a dream that doesn't exist...that never existed...that will never exist.

They are heroes for their time. Human evolve, mentally and ideologically. I never claimed them to be perfect men, however, before then it was common over the majority of the world to own slaves and demean the rights of women. We have grown up and that is why certain amendments were added to compensate for that. However, it was those men that came up with the idea that secures that notion and for that, they should be respected.

I have a question for you. What are your views on illegal immigration???

I'm not sure how that pertains exactly, but I'd be happy to answer. I am against illegal immigration. I believe all illegal immigrants should be deported immediately. However, I also believe that our immigration process should be simplified and that anybody who is wanting to come to the United States should be able to do so - LEGALLY. As long as you go through the proper channels, then all men are welcome here and are equals.

Thinking for yourself does not equal "truth" in any sort of stretch of the meaning.

Ah, yes - it does. Thinking for yourself makes truth for YOURSELF. Following other is simply believing in somebody else truth. Truth is all a matter of opinion, but that opinion should be made by you and only you.


posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

See, this is where you are sounding arrogant and don't even realize it. Let me paraphrase this quote for you.

No, as a matter of fact I DON'T want you to paraphrase ANYTHING for me, much less TWICE as you chose to do. If I wanted to "paraphrase" you I could make you sound like a pedophile even though I know nothing about you. However, I am a better man that that. The reason that you don't see the "paraphrased" version of what I said, is because what is written, is what is meant. Nothing else.

And you can ASSUME all that you want but why don't you back your statement up:

Or in other words..."think what I think...or you are a sheeple".

Why don't you show me where I said, or even ALLUDED to the fact that if you don't think what I think you are a sheeple? Go ahead. YOUR OWN OPINIONS, YOUR OWN RESEARCH, and YOUR OWN LIFE - have NOTHING pertaining to me the last time I checked, so maybe you want to rethink about what you saw in that paragraph.

In REALITY...this is what happens. Give 10 people the exact same facts, sources, and research and ask them to come to an individual conclusion on the aren't going to get one consensus unless that topic is a mathematics equation.

No, in REALITY, THIS is what happens.

Give 10 people the exact same facts, sources, and research and ask them to come ti individual conclusions. Tell them the answer before they have a chance to think. Reward the ones that believe in you, deem the ones that choose to find the answer themselves as "crackpots" or "truthers".

THAT is the way the world works.

People are not attacking you just because they are bored...they are attacking you because you come off as arrogant.

And I could say that they came off just as arrogant. The fact that they resort to "attacking" someone they don't know is only further proof of such. It is irony in its most pleasing form. How many people have you seen me personally attack in this topic?

I hope you can re-think this quote after reading my above response.

No, I believe I've already thought it through. Are you going to honestly sit there and tell me that indoctrination is the same as freedom of thought? Seriously now?

Your own way of thinking is not unique and does not display any individualism. You follow a group in your thinking as's just a smaller group then the popular opinion. But it is still following a group ideology.

Wrong once again in your almighty ASSUMPTIONS of me and failure to understand. I don't FOLLOW group thinking. I form my own opinions and do my own research. Statistically, YES I will fall into a group of people that may share the same thoughts, but that doesn't mean I just listen to them and don't think for myself.

If 4 people decide to commit suicide at the same time at four different corners of the world for 4 different reasons, under your logic they are following a group ideology because that all have reached the conclusion to commit suicide. However, anyone who looks past circumstance and coincidence would realize that there is no relation and that they indeed were thinking individually, not as a group.

You are doing the exact thing you are accusing others of doing...following an existing group ideology.

No, I'm not. You, once again, have assumed to understand who I am when in reality you know nothing about me. This seems to be a pattern.

This cage you guys speak of...where is it?

Right in front of your eyes. You either choose to acknowledge and live with it, or you choose to hate it and denounce it. Obviously, you have chosen the former path.

I however do feel we are already in cages. However, the bars are still spaced far enough for us to get out. Accept the cages any longer, and allow them to have more control, and the bars will grow tighter until their is no escape besides death.

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

I think I understand more of where you're coming from. People are stubborn and it goes farther than just their preconcieved ideas or concepts. You want to go for a walk? "No that's gay! You're an ediot!" People also get angry at me for trying to start philosophical debates.

I don't really have any friends either.
People always try and prey on the weak and because I'm physically small they try and use me for their own benefit and it's all about physicality. Just because I can't bench 300 pounds I'm apprently worthless. Even though most people just lie and say they can.

Yeah, it's f'ed up and I guess that's why I do drugs. Come to think of it, that might be the problem, but I've been sober for 3 months and plan to keep it that way. And the fact that most people I associate with are my age, 20 years old, and I think I'm more mature for my age. I've noticed that when I hang out with older people they treat me with a lot more respect.

[edit on 24-2-2010 by Wisen Heimer]

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 11:00 PM
I have read this whole post, and came to the conclusion that everyones right in all the things they said. It seems to be all opinions, different perspectives on the same things, brought abouth by different paths in live. I still dont understad this freedom your talking abouth, but u wouldent understad mine, so to each his own. U say u want to open a business withouth the government charging u a hand and a foot in fees and paperwork and whatever and bull, thats reasonable I wouldent mind that to. But its unrealistic wherever there are masses there will be problems, I could list a lot of them, dont feel like it. U could move to a small town and save yourself some hardship in that process. But then again you would grow borred and miss all the hardships that u left. Unless your like dick prenoke, the dude that lived by himself in Alaska for 30 something years. But I get what your going through, happens to all and all have different reactions when the spirit of gravity hits them. My advice get a new hobby.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by Wisen Heimer

dam dude you need some new friends, sounds like you got some serrious problems. Im curious when your in a room with some dude thats bigger then you are, is it a automatic thing that u feel smaller and weaker, or is it only a confrontatinal thing. as in if he tryies to talk to you.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

It's really in the small things. It doesn't get physical. They just talk down to me. I think I just have a habbit of making horrible friends. It's perplexing because they usually don't turn into a holes intill I've form a relationship with them. I guess it's easier to be an ass to someone you know. It's not really bigger dudes, but just people who have the need to feel better than someone else. I notice this in a lot of people and I can avoid them much easier now. They have this impulse to compete with everything you do and then everything ends up turning into an argument because of it. I think these people had some sort of personality disorder and low self esteem. And because I'm nice and easy to approach I become an easy target for these people.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Wisen Heimer]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by gwydionblack

Unfortunately many will have to learn the hard way.

Children don't always listen to their Teachers instructions/warnings when playing in a playground and sometimes it's necessary for children to fall down and hurt themselves to finally learn the lesson.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by gwydionblack

Do you remember the part in the Bible that says that in the end of days during the tribulation of man, most of the world will be unbelievers even still?

Well in that light just be thankful you can reach one or two people in a life time. In our day and age that appears to be a huge percentage considering the world at large and it's confusion. With this I have grown accostumed to the world of unbelievers and have found a loneliness that I have learned to accept.

I don't want to change people, I don't want to do anything but share what small pearls I have. It should never be about trying to convince anyone of anything. It is about sharing a portion of splendour that God waters and nourishes. We share what we can from our own experiences without wanting to change anything or anyone and God does the rest, because the rest is not our concern.

Most of all it is how we live and what our priorities are. Do we talk more than we feed the poor? That is a hard question for us all to answer because most of us love to talk and do very little. This is not saying anything about you. This is only saying that we are meant to be free and in that freedom we share freely without expectation. Just in good faith that the Lord knows what He is doing. After all we are His petals in the wind, gently meant to fall and fly again in the next gust of air. And in the mean time we should focus on little things that are actually big things like helping the poor and forgotten. Jesus was big on that. What will be will be. It has already been written and the names also in the Book of Life. There are only slight variations within the flux of chaos that bring certain changes and alterations but outside of that things go according to plan.

I tell myself the same thing everyday and hope that one day I will do more than what I have done.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Egyptia]

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Egyptia]

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Egyptia]

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Egyptia]

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