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Proof of 600 Trillion Dollar debt, Financial Meltdown Caused by Bankers for Profit

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posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

You are spot on. It is a sad thing that has happened to an entire industry in the past 30 years. My first job was on Wall Street at a now defunct form that you old-timers will know, E.F. Hutton. They're corporate motto was "We make money the old fashion way, we earn it". E.F. Hutton bought and sold stocks, bonds and commodities. Of course they also did what at the time were sexy things like futures and options, but they would not do any of this nonsense that passes for investment today. That began just prior to the market meltdown in the 80's. By then, by virtue of their not "playing the game" with junk bonds, derivitives and the like they already had lost so much market share that the crash put them under.

There was a time and not really that long ago when investment shops performed an honorable business. Researching tangible financial instruments, recommending them, etc. They made investment decisions that supported quality companys.

I know that there are many on this site who as a matter of course just hate the financial sector and think that all of the folks in the industry are whores, greedy whores. It did not used to be.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:56 PM
A good read not tooo into economics to depressing however it does shed light on the motives behind this squandering thanks for the invite.
peace my freind
Be Well

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by triplescorpio
A good read not tooo into economics to depressing however it does shed light on the motives behind this squandering thanks for the invite.
peace my freind
Be Well

Thanks for stopping by Triplescorpio, its always a pleasure to have you around.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 03:10 PM
Our only real form of peaceful activisim which can work is to stop using money and stop providing your labour to create a (deficit)amount of money. Grow your own food is a good start. I really got interested in growing my own when i heard it was going to be made illegal. Set up local co-operatives and labour exchange schemes (lets) sometimes called time banks or banco de tiempos.
Dont worry about money let the bankers do that. you cant eat money.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 03:15 PM
Is it really what banks should do - play in the markets? That very fact is ruining everything. When they gave bailout money to the banks, they practically established monopoly on the market because they were able to twist it any way they wanted.

The economy model is changed for good. Some call it socialism, but essentially it is the rule of a "group" which is too smart to expose itself simply as a "party" or some other specific "organization". It is a faceless group of manipulators who hold positions in every facet of society and can break or create any law it suits them. The fact is, too, they are not very coordinated and the effects they create are, obviously, out of hand and catastrophic. Their only hope is they will not be recognized for what they really are - but they will. Already are.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

My parents were once in debt to the greedy clutches of BofA, but I put a stop to it before they robbed my parents of what little possessions they had with my life's saving. Bankers need to stop taking advantage of the little people and all their profiteering. Only then can our economy slowly recover. $&F for bringing awareness to these banking frauds.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 05:16 PM
most of it is ghost money... for example::

24 years ago I bougt a new house for 60.000 euro's
value on market now = 200.00 euro's

it seems that I have earned 140.000 now...
but the 140K euro's don't really exist...but is well counted by the bank and they loaned it out...
thats the real bubble...over valued.......

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 05:44 PM
Hi EM, thanks for letting me know about this thread.

How I understand it, you've got people essentially betting against a good economy, to the tune of trillions... I get that

Here's what I don't quite understand... If the economy tanks, who pays them their 'winnings' ... their insurance, if you like?

I ask because I remember the recent scandal (prior to the last meltdown) where it was alleged that Goldman Sachs on the one hand encouraged their customers to buy a load of junk bonds and investments, whilst at the same time betting with the likes of AIG that the same junk bonds and investments would tank. When the government handed out it's bailout money, not only did Goldman Sachs get a share, but apparently they 'made sure' that AIG got a share of that bailout ... hence they got paid on their bet.

Now, if we have another meltdown, similar to the sub-prime one (maybe much worse, who knows), chances are many companies taking those bets are going to be adversely affected (like AIG where) by the meltdown. All those who've placed hedges/bets are going to want payment - payment the affected companies might not be able to make.

So who then pays the hedge/bet?

With Goldman Sachs it was a government bailout of AIG that enabled them to get paid.... I can't imagine any government bailing companies out to the tune of trillions - the populace wouldn't tolerate it.

Also, if they could pay out, wouldn't the sheer act of paying out those trillions mean countless companies going to the wall anyway, while a few survive and get very rich? .... and then do what with their money?... since the whole system will be in chaos anyway.

Trillions eh?... Can't even begin to visualise the scale.

On a final note: ... I find it ironical that the USA outlawed online gambling, while at the same time allowing the financial markets to indulge in an orgy of reckless gambling. An orgy with no apparent limit, and on a scale that is almost beyond comprehension.

EDIT ... Just to say, if I got this all wrong please enlighten me


[edit on 13/2/2010 by Dagar]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Dagar

What's up Dagar??? It seems that you have the information correct. There's really no need for me to attempt to enlighten you when you seem to have it all put together quite well.

As far as the payouts go and how they operate, I would imagine that it would be those who insured the betting schemes in the first place. Probably insurance companies and the banking institutions which allow it.

It would effectively insulate the big money (corporate banking) while sinking the little guy (independent institutions).

That would be my guess.

Spread the word. This is information that the world needs to hear. I don't want this thread to get popular for the sake of boosting myself, I want it to get popular because I want ATS'ers and everyone else to have a look at what our financial institutions are purposefully doing to the population at large. This is important stuff that everyone should consider.

And, again...imagine what this means for the weather control conspiracy. They have shown in this article, every reason for the purpose of creating destruction. Its profitable.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by ressiv
most of it is ghost money... for example::

24 years ago I bougt a new house for 60.000 euro's
value on market now = 200.00 euro's

it seems that I have earned 140.000 now...
but the 140K euro's don't really exist...but is well counted by the bank and they loaned it out...
thats the real bubble...over valued.......

In my opinion, the economy has reached a point to where it is literally..."imaginary."

However, even with an imaginary system, its proven to have very real consequences.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by Stop-loss!
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

My parents were once in debt to the greedy clutches of BofA, but I put a stop to it before they robbed my parents of what little possessions they had with my life's saving. Bankers need to stop taking advantage of the little people and all their profiteering. Only then can our economy slowly recover. $&F for bringing awareness to these banking frauds.

Thanks Stop Loss. I hope everything is well where you are at. Stay safe and come home soon!!!

And yes...this madness must end. We are constantly being taken advantage of, and for nothing more than the wealthy to increase their fortunes.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by DangerDeath
Is it really what banks should do - play in the markets? That very fact is ruining everything. When they gave bailout money to the banks, they practically established monopoly on the market because they were able to twist it any way they wanted.

The economy model is changed for good. Some call it socialism, but essentially it is the rule of a "group" which is too smart to expose itself simply as a "party" or some other specific "organization". It is a faceless group of manipulators who hold positions in every facet of society and can break or create any law it suits them. The fact is, too, they are not very coordinated and the effects they create are, obviously, out of hand and catastrophic. Their only hope is they will not be recognized for what they really are - but they will. Already are.

I am in complete agreement. The fact is, I sit and wonder how this could possibly be reversed. To be honest, it would take nothing short of complete insurrection and the elimination of those who are currently in control. (ie...the bankers).

I do not support armed revolt by any means, but, it doesn't look to me as if there is really any other way unless we as a people simply, STOP SPENDING and quit contributing to their wealth.

Pretty sick...huh?

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by discolo

Agreed. Your method is one of many, but, it may be one of the only real ways of reversing our situation.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Dagar

It's ultimately a ponzi scheme, like the Madoff one, except this time the whole system is involved.

You're absolutely right in identifying that with this amount of exposure the whole thing can collapse in a big way.

Theoretically, there is a balance of hedges (just like in a game of roulette there are wagers on both black and red) that cancel each other out, thereby limiting the total exposure of the "real" economy to a mere $15 Trillion. However, these instruments are unregulated and there are so many of them we don't know what kind of system risks are involved.

This is what happens when you remove any oversight and restrictions from the following types of organizations and their ability to strike deals with each other behind closed doors:

- Reserve Banks (Depositories)
- Commercial Banks (Lenders)
- Investment Banks (Brokers)
- Insurance Companies

These entities have colluded to create this system where everything works as long as capital continues to flow through it, just like a typical pyramid scheme. Once spending slows, eventually someone somewhere cannot make the margin call, and the house of cards starts to come down.

And yet even now, very little is known about what kind of toxic paper is still out there, what circumstances will cause it to come due, and how to eliminate it entirely.

The taxpayers picked up the tab with the last hiccup. Who's going to pick up the tab next?

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 07:35 PM
Great thread,your links and others have made me decide to put them all in an email and send them to my family and everyone else in my address book.
Tried to warn family back at the end of 2006 of what was coming, and copped "we think you're weird but we love you" they were all horrified that I was planning to sell my house at that time.

I know so much more now over four years further researching but kept it to myself thinking what's the point even though I worry a lot about what will happen to my parents and my siblings and their young families all living in the centre of various capital cities when the chaos commences.
I decided just to enjoy them in the moment before the pain and helplessness arrives for them because I love them too and did not want to further isolate them.
Maybe they will believe it coming from these peoples lips since mine seem to be in another dimensions to them.
I myself got out of owning a home, unburdened myself of unessential belongings , stocked up on essential goods and food ,got off the grid ,bought some "solid" money for the aftermath,and moved to the bush early before it all started to crunch, and it hasn't really hit yet here in Oz, we built our housing bubble bigger while everyone else's was popping.

Once the street madness phases out when the shtf , I will come back to civilisation and see what I can contribute to rebuilding lives and a sustainable lifestyle for all.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by UrbanShaman

These entities have colluded to create this system where everything works as long as capital continues to flow through it, just like a typical pyramid scheme. Once spending slows, eventually someone somewhere cannot make the margin call, and the house of cards starts to come down.

Shamanistically speaking, the capital, which is essentially energy, initiative, is caught within a vicious circle of a practically isolated system, and is literally exhausting itself in maintaining this humongous structure which it is supposed to keep alive.

Taxing-out people is a temporary solution, buying just a little time before it (the system) starts to purge itself, in an attempt to cut off its less needed parts.

Already seen in history. (The night of the long knives, the Crystal night, Stalin's insane purges, Cultural Revolution, etc.)

The problem of this economical system is that it is based on the principle of "directional current" (Edison) which means that the power (capital) is being used up quickly by reverting it into the material structure of the system. Therefore an unlimited, external source of power is needed to keep things going.

With the principle of alternating current (Tesla), the loss of the force (capital) is much smaller, and such dynamical system is capable of quick regenerating.

But, bureaucratization and fascisation means stiffening instead of relaxation. How long will this kind of system be able to survive? Depends on several factors, but in my opinion, if things don't change, it may lead to heavy oppression and worse.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by DangerDeath
reply to post by UrbanShaman

Shamanistically speaking, the capital, which is essentially energy, initiative, is caught within a vicious circle of a practically isolated system, and is literally exhausting itself in maintaining this humongous structure which it is supposed to keep alive.

The problem of this economical system is that it is based on the principle of "directional current" (Edison) which means that the power (capital) is being used up quickly by reverting it into the material structure of the system. Therefore an unlimited, external source of power is needed to keep things going.

With the principle of alternating current (Tesla), the loss of the force (capital) is much smaller, and such dynamical system is capable of quick regenerating.

A most excellent analogy, DD.

The only unlimited source of power that I am aware of is Unconditional Love / Prana / Chi. And it always brings balance and harmony.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by UrbanShaman

The only unlimited source of power that I am aware of is Unconditional Love / Prana / Chi. And it always brings balance and harmony.

I'd call it knowledge

But, truly, not part of "this" world.
It does, though, strike in the same manner as death. Especially those who are hopelessly ignorant

Perhaps, pushing humans beyond their limits will have sobering effect. Soon...

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by asIam

I understand your feelings. I have been through the same thing myself especially around 1993-94, when I first began to study this stuff.

Many people will turn a blind eye about this stuff until its knocking at their doors.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by DangerDeath
reply to post by UrbanShaman

The only unlimited source of power that I am aware of is Unconditional Love / Prana / Chi. And it always brings balance and harmony.

I'd call it knowledge

But, truly, not part of "this" world.
It does, though, strike in the same manner as death. Especially those who are hopelessly ignorant

Perhaps, pushing humans beyond their limits will have sobering effect. Soon...

I very much agree with your last statement. Its pretty much the only way people will come to terms with reality.

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