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ATS 2010 - Part Two - Convergence. (Merge BTS & ATS?)

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posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:18 PM
I don't really use BTS as the internet is filled with "fun zones" which I can discuss the same topics.

ATS however, is the ONLY place I can talk about these subjects with the level of depth, honesty and respect that we see here.

So I vote NO.

I do suggest bringing Mutter to ATS or some form of that however, it would be extremely useful I would think.


posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:19 PM
I'll go with no. Seems great the way it is now.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:27 PM
I vote YES!
If it will save you guys money and help cut down on your crappy advertisments I'm all in.

In fact I'm all in for a monthly or anuual fee to help keep some of the trollers out and cut out your advertisers. I feel ATS can't fully operate without censorship when you rely on outside advertisment as operational capital.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:30 PM
Hey SO,

Gonna have to vote a big NO on the merge..

I mean, if there was a way to combine log-ins to keep people happy, then fine, more the merrier, it's never been a problem for me

So what if it takes like 5 seconds to log in to the other, why is slowness the enemy these days? Take a break, relax, it's doing, give it time. Contemplate while you do..

But that's the only thing that needs doing to them, like don't fix what isn't broken..

Anyone that knows me, knows I love BTS, it's a great family of friendly welcoming people, and you are all welcome too!

Oh yes, quick edit: something like stars would be lovely in BTS too

[edit on 10/2/2010 by purehughness]

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:31 PM
quick question...

If the merge doesn't happen and BTS stays having the same same members that post and nobody more... could that translate into the death of BTS?

Let's say 2yrs from now, either the same or less number of members post there, could that result in the death of BTS?
Mods? Supermods?

Just asking, thx

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:38 PM
I vote no.

Sections are important to keep discussions in their place, without going off-topic or mixing subjects that don't belong in X thread or Y forum.

Putting BTS together with ATS means that the line between the two will disapear.

If you do merge, at least keep it completely isolated from the other ATS forums.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:40 PM
I would enjoy not having to log into both sites. I vote for merging.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:46 PM
Please leave things as they are - except give us back the stars in BTS.

Some very good arguments have been made from the 'No' camp and there isn't much that I can add. Except to say that I agree

I enjoy BTS and its friendly atmosphere. For those who think logging in is an issue, give it a go and come in and join us.

You might not find much that you like, but at least give it a chance. You'll be welcome and you might even have some fun.

If you end up really hating it - won't you be glad we've got a place of our own where we all can't bother the rest of ATS ? ?

I never log out of ATS or BTS. Occasionally, for some reason I get logged out but it takes seconds to rectify that. I just swear a bit and get on with it.

BTS is a real pleasure and an extra log-in would be a small price to pay even if I had to do it every day.

May I ask: 8% - how many actual people is that?

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by berenike

May I ask: 8% - how many actual people is that?

From the botton of the U2U directing us to this thread..

(This is a mass U2U sent to all 12056 members who have been on ATS in the past 30 days. Please do not respond to this message.)

So 8% of that might be close? Around 1000 members, pretty cool I'd say.
That's only over 30 days mind..

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:53 PM
Reply to post by SkepticOverlord

I say go for it! The ATS BTS division is annoying with it's seperate log ins. Go ease of use!

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:56 PM
I vote no. BTS is fun little "basement" to ATS, where people can be free from the heated debates, mud slinging and ludicrous theories being flung around by the community.

Just keep it the way that it is. Who cares if a few people are too lazy to log in separately?

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:59 PM
while i would like to be able to login just once to everything.

I would also have to vote no.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:00 PM
I think it depends on the goals of ATS. I see a lot of topics on BTS that are simi related to conspiracy discussions. What is wrong with user specific filtering of the boards? I would like the ability to easily glance at all my favorite BTS and ATS discussions that occur without flipping back and forth. If you don't like certain topics you should be able to select an option in your user profile to filter out board discussions. This option seems the most balanced between the opposing viewpoints presented here on this thread. I vote user filtered boards and to merge the two sites.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:02 PM
If the merger is made, I am assuming that an "omit BTS posts" option would be available on the Recent posts section.

Then it would be reasonable for the merger.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by seattletruth

I have to agree. IF we are able to omit the BTS from our viewing of the "Most Recent Posts" list, then I am all for it.

I just fear the merging the two would convolute the boards and make it harder for people like me, who come to ATS specifically for news and updates to actual conspiracy theories to get to the content that is easily accessed in this model.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:24 PM
The revamp will it cost to 2 do both domains more or at least double the effort perhaps, for one site that has 8% of usage (but may we see a stats breakdown of that?) Its the usage that has TAN concerned not a couple of people complaining about 2 log ins. I will add it is valid business option to consider but my personal preference is a no...shock horror surprise!

BIG NO from me unless you find a way to separate them out clearly, I support not having to do 2 domains, but you should be able to find way to promote BTS on ATS

The discussion on BTS is actually at times more thought out and more intelligent than the majoroity of ATS posts, hard to believe? But I think ATSers could learn alot from the BTS way of behaving. The topics may be relaxed, but the discussions are as a discussion board should behave. Perhaps it is a reward system, as the general feel is loyal older members use it more
and we all know people love rewards.
Going to BTS usually indicated longevity of stay, have a look at the numbers of BTsers who are here for 12 months and over, where as ATS usage abandonment rates or decrease in usage would be higher, even though the new members keep coming in. You make more money from new member usage though ( I assume through ads you do as higher flag members dont have to see them so much as we don't click through). Hm-mm quandary.

If its about usage
A) find a way to cross promote on ATS better, you want ad revenue from new members on BTS.
B) if you merge it so as to have the one cost for a domain and a make them clearly separate areas when one can go to relax.

And the issue I'm here to protect with my dear life.... MUTTER, Do we need to raise another Mutter Town Hall meeting? We'll brings guns ( and I'll throw my cats) this time! On a serious note, You will find less thread posting on ATS as people will just use mutter to discuss ATS topics, not a good business plan, leave it a social area only......

And secretly the thought of the angry lunatic fringe gaining access to mutter which is a realxing chat zone makes my bottom twitch in fear. People use ATS enough to manage their social, emotional and Psychological angst.
Mutter for ATS discussions? I'm the panic stricken lass in the chair, Hellmutt is Lelsey Neilson who sneaks in a 2nd slap.

[edit on 10-2-2010 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

I completely agree with the pooch on this one. I have read many a good post on BTS and have no way of acknowledging it. Stars should be available for all posts except on those threads concerning board business. BTS has flags, why not stars.

As to the merger, while I can understand that with only 8% total usage, you would be inclined to merge the two, I also vote a big fat resounding NO! The reason is that the shill voices that permeate ATS are a rare breed on BTS. When one is here only to argue and shout one's opinion, they tend to not want to 'waste their time' with the BTS topics and crowd. As many other frequent BTS posters have commented, we have a community formed there that would be shattered with the introduction of the endless 'This thread is stupid, there's no conspiracy here!' posts that would enevitably come from such a merger. Plus the mutterbox (a favorite item of most of the BTS crowd) would turn into God knows what with the introduction of the shills and screamers...

Just my $0.02 worth on the subject...

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 03:05 PM
I vote for the merge. I don't see why BTS should be seperated.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 03:05 PM
I've waffled several times in the course of reading this thread. I think I'm leaning towards a reserved "yes" on the merge.

I actually think it might decrease the numbers of threads posted on ATS that really belong on BTS, just because more people would be aware of the existence of those forums and it would feel like somewhat less of a punishment to have one's thread moved from a conspiracy-centric forum to a BTS forum if that didn't mean one's readers would desert it due to extra logging in, perception of BTS being "out of the way", etc.

I think a merge would require some careful planning and thought. Particularly with topics like BTS's "Health and Wellness" and ATS's "Conspiracies in Medicine" for instance. That's a case where I can easily see making "Health and Wellness" more accessible to newcomers could cut down on a lot of non-conspiracy posting in "Conspiracies in Medicine", but the line could be kind of blurry at times.

If you do decide against the merge, I think it would be a good idea to make BTS more accessible through ATS. I know there's the link at the top of the page, but it's not very prominent and unless one already knows what "BelowTopSecret" is, there's no incentive to explore it. I also think better integration of both sites with the media portal is crucial for the redesign.

Meh, I just don't know. Either way, merge or no merge. But as it stands Below Top Secret is definitely an underutilized area that could actually help clear some of the non-"alternative" stuff out of the regular ATS forums. My dream: start sending at least half of the BAN threads over to "other breaking news" on BTS and save BAN for actual alternative news

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 03:05 PM
I also vote no.

I don't go there too often, but when I do, it's easy enough that it isn't a problem.


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