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David Wilcock: New Blog And Radio Interview

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posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by rainfall
why don't you give up on that 'disclosure date' and focus on the positive messages that David talks about...?....

Change can be good...

from what I understand, the positive message is contingent on disclosure from what I have read from him...aka, aliens will come and bring this and that and gumdrops and rainbows, etc...

but...without said aliens coming, then no rainbows, no gumdrops, no chicken in every pot, and all that jive.

So, he says...hey everyone, guess what, Obama is going to rip off his face and show everyone he is actually Mork from Orc and make everyone millionares and this will happen by the end of the week....

erm...ya, see, there is a issue here if indeed the events dont happen...means the positive message also is a bit of a scam...

I dont need to read some strangers book or blog to get positive messages, I can talk to any hippy or child and get the gumdrop and rainbow, what relevance does he have if his predictions dont come true to begin with?

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by rainfall

Because I'm not half-honest.

I'm not going to believe, support, or simply endorse by reading the material, of a person who lies and deceives with the purpose of taking profit from HONEST and TRUE beliefs of a community.

Ufology isn't perfect. The very basis are unprovable.

But that doesn't mean that we have to accept a liar, and clap to him just because in some words he is positive.

I'm positive and I don't see people preaching and nailing to the wall my posts, or any FSME on ATS for that matter.

That is the true formula of a cult, of a hoax, of something made to benefit from the good in people. A little bit of true, a lot of lies and dreams, and in the middle some profit from that.

I don't support that.

[edit on 7/2/10 by Tifozi]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:28 PM
I open up this topic and all i see is a fight and a bunch of spam? What the hell is wrong with you people? We shouldn't be fighting!

It doesn't matter nothing happened on that day in particular, don't you get it? Eventhough Wilcock wasn't the one slipping the date, but it was Project Camelot actually at one event. But that's not the point. The point is Wilcock's message itself as a whole, not one stupid date.

I'm not saying i buy or eat everything that comes out of his mouth, because not even Mr. W. knows everything (though he has some good ideas), basically noone does. You have to put the pieces together yourself! From dozens of sources.

But what he said, in it's core is true and makes sense. We will see certain things taking place before the big event. I know some of you old folks have been let down many times, but this is it. Maybe i'm delusional, but don't tell me you haven't felt and haven't seen that 2009 was way more different than all the other years before regarding ET's. It is coming, you can't postpone the inevitable forever...

Instead of bashing Wilcox, read or listen to what he has to say, listen and read what a dozen of others have to say, analyze it, put it together, compare notes, think about it and come up with a conclusion. Then sing blood. He atleast is doing something visible (atleast more visible then us on the net imho, but that depends on many things, sometimes i feel like in fact we here are doing all the work). If you don't like him, ignore him, simple as that. Why hate?

To summarize it:
Noone's gonna' give you a map, you've got walk your own path, remember that!


[edit on 7/2/10 by Cybernet]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Quantum_Squirrel

i don't pretend he says 'Its TRUE' before he says IF .. if you read my post it says he says its TRUTH in the NEXT part of the interview.

No, at no point does he say that this information he was given is "TRUTH". If I'm wrong, directly quote him, in context, saying this. He doesn't say it.

And yes its regarding his TRUTH about ET's etc , so what he is saying is i know the truth .. believe my truth .. after all its True right?

That doesn't make any sense to me (the same goes for your next few sentences). Suffice it to say that Wilcock doesn't say or imply what you claim here. Don't agree? Quote him directly, as your interpretation of the meaning of his comments doesn't bear any resemblance to what he actually said.

lots of people will pay to go see David to listen to his 'Truth' without any facts at all ... and remember its not 'The theory of David Wilcox' that he is peddling it's 'The Truth as told by David Wilcox'

Let people be. They can listen to whatever they want to and support the work of whoever they want to, for whatever reason they want to. It's none of our concern.

if people believe him then they will believe him every time he announces such things

Not really, if people believe him then they would believe that he had been told this and that it was a possibility, nothing more. Anything more than that and it's their own fault, not Wilcock's. I believed he had been told this (in fact, we have hard evidence he was) and I viewed it was a "possibility" (what isn't? LOL), but I wasn't getting all excited thinking Santa was definitely bringing me disclosure for Christmas, because I'm reasonable and don't take a possibility for anything more than that. LOL

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Malcram]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

from what I understand, the positive message is contingent on disclosure from what I have read from him...aka, aliens will come and bring this and that and gumdrops and rainbows, etc...

Nah, that's not my understanding of his message at all. There is considerably more to it than that, but I doubt you'd give much - or any - of it any credence. Which is fine.

I'm not even sure I do. I have listened/watched/read some of his stuff and I generally find it very positive and inspirational, which is where I think it has value, but it's mostly a kind of spiritual philosophy, rather than focusing of specific events like disclosure.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Malcram]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by Cybernet

What people need to do in Ufology, is to stick together, and find TRUTH.

The problem is, there are way too many people throwing sand into our eyes, throwing traps of money to steal the attention to the RIGHT aspects of life and the right cases.

While this idiots were screaming "DISCLOSURE! DISCLOSURE! I WANT MY CANDY!", maybe something happened in the world that flew past our eyes while we are trying to separate the good from the bad.

I'm not saying he doesn't have the right to talk about ufo's. Anyone of us does that.

I'm not saying that he doesn't say some stuff that is actually true.

I'm not saying that he doesn't has the right to even make mistakes. Everyone does that.

What I KNOW he doesn't have the right to, is to explore our beliefs with PAY-PER-VIEW shows and lectures.

Yes, I know that he has free stuff. But you have a free sample with ANY commercial product.

[edit on 7/2/10 by Tifozi]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by Tifozi

I don't understand the crusade against people spending their money according to their own wishes. Nobody forces anyone to buy his stuff.

I'm sure there are things you spend money on that others might feel was deeply negative and passionate about - do you smoke, eat meat? What happened to live and let live? LOL

I get the impression David works pretty hard at what he does and I think people have a right to make a living from their work. Just because you don't value his work doesn't mean that others must feel the same way.

You say "people need to stick together" to find truth - but it's your truth and only found your way? Maybe unity comes through tolerance, rather than conformity to one persons ideals.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Malcram]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Malcram

I'm sorry, are you trying to turn around the subject?

You fail.


btw, just because your moral compass isn't set accordingly, and you accept that some people benefit from others ignorance, doesn't mean that I have to, and I'm not the only one in ATS with this opinion. the point of the staff of this site not supporting all the charlatans that appear in the UFO community.

But, since you consider yourself the king of your castle. Have the cake, if it makes you happy.

[edit on 7/2/10 by Tifozi]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Tifozi

No, you changed the subject from the (false, and failing) accusations regarding David's supposed crimes regarding disclosure, to his supposed crimes regarding charging for some of his work.

So I responded to your change of tack.

If you want to go back to discussing disclosure, please do, but provide direct quotes to back up your claims.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Malcram]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:00 PM
What the hell are you talking about, "its coming this is it"... nothing is going to happen, 2012 is a big hoax, stop believing and start getting SOLID EVIDENCE AND PROOF, hes even selling some dumb book thats more unprovable garbage, some people need a reality check, you just have a hard time accepting that there are people out there who will prey on the innocent.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Tifozi

and I'm not the only one in ATS with this opinion. the point of the staff of this site not supporting all the charlatans that appear in the UFO community.

That's an interesting comment. The ATS staff? How does this relate to Wilcock?

And obviously, just as you and others despise Wilcock, there are many here who find value in his work, on various levels.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Malcram
reply to post by Tifozi

I don't understand the crusade against people spending their money according to their own wishes. Nobody forces anyone to buy his stuff.

I'm sure there are things you spend money on that others might feel was deeply negative and passionate about - do you smoke, eat meat? What happened to live and let live? LOL

I get the impression David works pretty hard at what he does and I think people have a right to make a living from their work. Just because you don't value his work doesn't mean that others must feel the same way.

You say "people need to stick together" to find truth - but it's your truth and only found your way? Maybe unity comes through tolerance, rather than conformity to one persons ideals.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Malcram]

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Malcram]

The overall issue is that he is trying to position himself as a expert in the field of UFOlogy...ok, consider this more basic.

Joe the billionare is bored with life...wants something different and progressive to invest in. He might have seen some weird light in the sky one day and know, there might be more to this UFO thing than I considered.
He fires up the ole computer machine and googles UFOs...he is met with Wilcocks whom is talking his stuff.
Joe gets excited...great, ET is coming this year...well, let me just spend all my money on welcome mats and a factory to create these water powered space cars that we are going to learn about...
then end of the year comes and goes...he grumps, sells off his stuff, and never returns to this scam of a field a world where Wilcocks was silenced...

Joe sees light, etc etc etc...googles, and comes up with some very credible and critically viewed observations, seeing the current limitations. He spends his money on enhancing telescopes, creating a shuttlecraft able to go to and from the moon carrying people and bases...he knows there is no proof of these disks or whatnot, but he really is now trying to help this movement by doing both logical and helpful steps, along with whats profitable in the long run. He never gets tired of this effort because there was no pretend sweet story to begin with. just evidence, accounts, and maybe a little bit of very clearly stated speculation.

I prefer the second bit...humanity needs progression, not fantasy.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by rainfall

Really good post Rainfall!

Hope your quote below is right.

The biggest story at the moment is the fall of the Rockefeller faction, which is the main group behind the UFO cover-up and suppression of over 6000 patents that could give us free energy, gravity control, water cars, incredible healing devices, Stargate teleportation, interstellar travel and even time travel.

Energy, water and healing should be free.

I hope I live to see service to selfers defeated, what a paradise this Earth could be.

David Wilcock is interesting to listen to. To me sometimes he comes off a little spacy and arrogant but much of what he has to say "feels true".

Thank you for sharing.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

...ok, consider this more basic.

Joe the billionare is bored with life... He fires up the ole computer machine and googles UFOs...he is met with Wilcocks whom is talking his stuff....Joe gets excited...great, ET is coming this year...well, let me just spend all my money on welcome mats ... then end of the year comes and goes...he grumps, sells off his stuff, and never returns to this scam of a field

LOL Well, poor Joe is clearly a bit of an idiot and I don't think he'll be much of a loss to the community.

Seeing as Wilcock didn't say it would definitely happen, only that he had been told that this had been planned and he thought it could happen, then Joe was silly to invest so much in a possibility.

I heard the same thing, but I didn't 'go Joe' LOL. The reason? Because I heard and understood what Wilcock actually said, I didn't read things into it that weren't there. A possibility is a possibility. Nothing more.

" a world where Wilcocks was silenced...Joe sees light, etc etc etc...googles, and comes up with some very credible and critically viewed observations, seeing the current limitations. He spends his money on enhancing telescopes, creating a shuttlecraft able to go to and from the moon carrying people and bases...he knows there is no proof of these disks or whatnot, but he really is now trying to help this movement by doing both logical and helpful steps, along with whats profitable in the long run. He never gets tired of this effort because there was no pretend sweet story to begin with. just evidence, accounts, and maybe a little bit of very clearly stated speculation.

I prefer the second bit...humanity needs progression, not fantasy.

LOL But Millionaire Joe is a fantasy, and I think the amount of millionaires who could have saved the field of UFOlogy, if only they hadn't read - and completely misunderstood - Wilcock's words, is pretty damn small, don't you?

I don't think Wilcock should be "silenced" just in case there are dumb millionaire Joes in the world.

PS. "Silenced"? Really? There must be some very militant, intolerant UFOlogists around these days.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Malcram]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Malcram

From 1:00 to around 2:30 or 3:00... I really don't bother enough to time it to the second.

From the rest, go ahead and discuss semantics.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Tifozi

LOL. I've listened to that entire show at least four times now (in order to be accurate when I discussed it) and debated it in at least two other threads apart from this one.

I'm very familiar with everything that is said there.

What is said does not support your accusations, which is why you are providing a link to audio rather than a direct quote.

If you have an accusation regarding his comments, then quote them word for word, in context, otherwise you're just avoiding the issue. Actually, I have already addressed this in this thread. But I'm happy to do it again, in response to direct quotes, just for you.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Malcram]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Tifozi
reply to post by Malcram

From 1:00 to around 2:30 or 3:00... I really don't bother enough to time it to the second.

From the rest, go ahead and discuss semantics.

all you did in this thread is get off on Wilcocks failed predication date.

you claim to be a serious follower in Ufology, what exactly is this?

does it regard just unidentified flying objects, or ET entities in general?

He obviously got that predication date from a inside source, which turned out to be wrong, but how in the world does that take away from his overall message or goal?

do you even understand the concept of a synchronicity?

i am not a Wilcock endorser, i simply believe there is a truth to what he says on more than a few subjects.

just please, point out where wilcock is wrong in his thinking or theories.

Otherwise stop using the single argument of a failed disclosure date to discredit this guy.

I have researched him plenty, and my conclusion is that there is no doubt truth and a positive goal to what he does.

However, he makes mistakes like any other person, i.e the whole disclosure date predication.

Disclosure is coming, but the thing you fail to realize that is just the start in a much bigger plan.

i understand your point of view and to be honest i respect it, because it is needed in this day and age.

and just a question, who do you think took down the twin towers, also do you believe the Egyptians built the pyramids?

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by rainfall
suppression of over 6000 patents that could give us free energy, gravity control, water cars, incredible healing devices, Stargate teleportation, interstellar travel and even time travel.

Care to give us the numbers of these "patents"... if they are patented they would have numbers, and not suppressed...

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by Malcram

I am sorry, I thought we were discussing David Wilcock.

But from that post of yours, I realize that we are debating your inability to read.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Tifozi

Your comment doesn't make any sense.

If you have nothing to say in a post, better to refrain from posting. If you want to discuss your accusations of Wilcock then stick to the facts. Back up your claims, or don't make them.

Quote him, verbatim, in context. It's not hard.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Malcram]

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