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ok, I need help tracking down Body Parts

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posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:22 AM
i have only one report of body parts being delivered to the Shanksville Cornor.
those parts were delivered by the FBI according to the source. however, when
asked how many people found body parts...? no one knows where they came from.
no one knows anyone who found a body part.... I have since put in a request for Video Affidavid of all knowledge on the subject through the source. My time is very limited and this subject has been put off for over a year due to lack of information. If I could ask you guys for some of your time, help me resolve what happend to the people on Flight 93. thank you.... God bless America.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

i have only one report of body parts being delivered to the Shanksville Cornor.

So? How many do you need? Is two better? or five? Exactly what kind of "reports" are you looking for?

those parts were delivered by the FBI according to the source. however, when asked how many people found body parts...? no one knows where they came from.

So when you asked how many people were involved in collecting the human remains you got the answer that they didn't know where they came from? I think you are more than a little confused here. That's kind of like asking someone what time it is and then complaining that you still can't find your car keys. If you want to know where the remains came from you probably shouldn't ask the number of people involved in the collection.

no one knows anyone who found a body part....

Or they just aren't telling you - big difference.

I have since put in a request for Video Affidavid of all knowledge on the subject through the source.

Request to whom? The FBI? The DOD? The County of Somerset? The Pennsylvania State Police? And why should they release this information to you?

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

Remains were recovered by DMORT team sent to scene to assist Wallace
Miller the local coroner

DMORT stands for Disaster Mortuary Operation Response Team

The Pennsylvania Team

The response was augmented by personnel from several other DMORT regions, in addition to two new DMORT specialty teams. Local responders and members of the state funeral director association also provided assistance. The team arrived on September 13 at the Somerset County National Guard armory, where the morgue had been organized. After meeting with the local and federal authorities, the team went to work on setting up the morgue operation. The local jurisdiction did a superb job of providing basic equipment for the facility.

This response marked several firsts, all of note because of their importance for future responses. These included the deployment of the DNA team, the establishment of protocols documenting the operation of each morgue section, responding under a memorandum of understanding with the FBI, the response of the FAC team and the collection of family blood reference samples, the inclusion of a formal triage station as the first morgue station, and the first use of the Kenyon International Services mobile morgue.

The FBI was the lead authority in the investigation because of the criminal nature of the crash. Although victim identification responsibilities resided with the local coroner, his capabilities were severely taxed. Attempts to have the site declared a federal disaster through the state proved unsuccessful. The FBI stepped in to establish a memorandum with HHS that allowed DMORT to respond. During the activation, the crash site was under the control of the FBI; the DMORT operation focused on the morgue and the family assistance center.

Since the DMORT morgue was deployed to New York, we relied on the mobile morgue of Kenyon International Services, Inc. Kenyon did an outstanding job of outfitting the morgue and providing supplies for the operation. The Kenyon team served as the "red shirts", locating supplies through local channels, tracking down unique equipment, and supporting the morgue operation to the fullest.

Pennsylvania Morgue Site

In their first response, the DMORT DNA team, headed by Dr. Joyce deJong, worked closely with personnel from the Armed Forces DNA Identification Lab (AFDIL). Given the particulars of the crash, DNA identification played a primary role in this response. The DNA team had trained earlier in 2001 at AFDIL, and the coordinated response with AFDIL proved beneficial.

The DMORT Family Assistance Center team, who had just completed training a few weeks before September 11, had their first chance to deploy to Pennsylvania and New York. In Pennsylvania, the team was headed by Cindy Arnold. The FAC team worked out of the Seven Spring Mountain resort, the site of the family center established by United Airlines. They worked closely with United, the Red Cross, and the NTSB to collect victim information. The national travel restrictions posed some problems in obtaining records, and some families chose not to travel to the assistance center. Collecting family reference blood samples for DNA analysis was established. A DMAT nurse collected and documented the samples from family members and helped to collect direct reference samples.

Given the legal investigative aspects of the crash, a decision was made to produce written protocols for each section of the morgue operation. Under the direction of Marilyn London, each section of the morgue operation produced a written protocol explaining how the section worked. These protocols were compiled, producing a document describing the particulars of the United 93 morgue operation. These protocols will serve as a tool to describe morgue procedures in the event of legal proceedings.

Given some of the concerns involving the numbering and processing of remains at previous responses, a triage station was established. Staffed by a pathologist, an anthropologist, and a dentist, the triage team sorted through the remains, first separating personal effects from remains. Once the personal effects were transferred to the FBI, the remains were examined to ascertain their potential for identification. Potentially identifiable remains were assigned a sequential number, a file was created, and the specimen was carried through the morgue operation. Non-identifiable remains were stored in containers, weighed daily, and stored in a separate area of the refrigerated truck. The triage process helped to focus work on remains that would most likely lead to identification, eliminated unidentifiable remains from the morgue flow (also reducing unnecessary paperwork), and greatly simplified the numbering system.

The DMORT response began on September 13 and concluded on September 25. While on site, ten positive identifications were made through dental and fingerprint examinations. As of December 2001, 40 of the passengers and crew had been positively identified. Four unique DNA profiles, representing the terrorists, have also been isolated. Thus, all passengers and crew have been identified to the extent possible.

DMORT III and their colleagues from Regions IV, V, IX, and X are honored to have served the brave passengers and crew of United 93, the "flight of heroes". The support and camaraderie between the local officials, the FBI, and the DMORT teams proved invaluable to team morale. While isolated from the events in New York and Washington, the team focused intently on their work. Each team member held a deep understanding of the importance of their role in providing the highest level of care to these victims.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:34 AM
A new Person to talk too.... Marilyn London ... thank you ... your information really didnt answer very much but gave us more than we had before... excellent digging.. now let me track Marilyn down...

I also requested Dmort to provide more information if possible so stay tuned...

Did you catch this paragraph..?
"The DMORT response began on September 13 and concluded on September 25. While on site, ten positive identifications were made through dental and fingerprint examinations. As of December 2001, 40 of the passengers and crew had been positively identified. Four unique DNA profiles, representing the terrorists, have also been isolated. Thus, all passengers and crew have been identified to the extent possible."

Identification was 10% ? in 12 days ... humm, a round of congradulations are in order for effort. also, a cross reference brought up a plane crash report on NBC or ABC about Camp King David. no plane at shanksville, PA maybe Camp King David crash produced what we know as Shanksville, PA.
also, this DNA of Terrorist.... Identified, when did they get the samples from the terrorist to cross check it to know it was terrorist..?

This subject is working itself out. keep digging and tks for your assistance.

[edit on 4-2-2010 by Anti-Evil]

[edit on 4-2-2010 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

now let me track Marilyn down...

That line gives me the creeps.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by hooper

No, just want to email her and ask what she knows. I wouldn't persue or hound a individual over the sadness of that day, that wouldn't be polite. If she didnt want to talk further thats where it would stay, unresolved. and that does bring up a good point.
exactly how should we make contact with people that may or may not have information to support the Official Story. were just trying to tie up a few loose ends that was put in motion from Mr. Dimaggio. I said I would look into it and its been over a year. and with you guys assisting the information gathering we might have a better picture to view of the aftermath of Shanksville, PA hopefully laying some of these questions to rest with a ready source of information should this topic be persued any further.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

No, just want to email her and ask what she knows.

I imagine she knows quite a bit. She also is probably a professional and is not going to talk to anyone specifically about how the remains were handled.

What and why would you ask her anything? Do you want her to prove something to you? If you don't believe the general reports why would you believe anything specific?

Be honest at least, you will not believe anything that does not support your conspiracy fantasies.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by hooper

well thank god I dont live where you do... we have to be vigilant to keep the evil away from our shores.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

well thank god I dont live where you do... we have to be vigilant to keep the evil away from our shores.

Now the 'tracking down" line is giving me the creeps again.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by hooper

Yea, it appears I am a miricle of modern evolution, I have brains somewhere down there, people keep calling me a smartass.. I dont know why..

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Anti-Evil
also, this DNA of Terrorist.... Identified, when did they get the samples from the terrorist to cross check it to know it was terrorist..?

Very simple, try reading what they wrote about identifying all 40 passengers and crew!

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

Identification was 10% ? in 12 days ... humm, a round of congradulations are in order for effort. also, a cross reference brought up a plane crash report on NBC or ABC about Camp King David. no plane at shanksville, PA maybe Camp King David crash produced what we know as Shanksville, PA.
also, this DNA of Terrorist.... Identified, when did they get the samples from the terrorist to cross check it to know it was terrorist..?

Camp King David?

There were some early news reports speculating that Camp David was the
intended target of Flight 93.

This is why early reports have to be either discarded or treated with large
degree of skepticism until confirmed

Been over this before - family of victims were asked to provide personal
articles from the VICTIMS (ie passengers and crew members) pathologists were able match the VICTIMS to the DNA profiles from these articles (toothbrushes, hair brush, etc)

Seem to have problems with reading comprehension and logic

Did not identify the terrorists as were able to isolate their DNA from the VICTIMS by process of elimination, IE, if we have identified everyone
else on the plane and have 4 unmatched remains which have not received
any articles to match must be the terrorists

Or is this too complicated for you to understand? Can go over it R E A L
S L O W.......

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

Did you catch this paragraph..?
"The DMORT response began on September 13 and concluded on September 25. While on site, ten positive identifications were made through dental and fingerprint examinations. As of December 2001, 40 of the passengers and crew had been positively identified. Four unique DNA profiles, representing the terrorists, have also been isolated. Thus, all passengers and crew have been identified to the extent possible."

Identification was 10% ? in 12 days ... humm, a round of congradulations are in order for

What is your problem?

That DMORT was not established until September 13? It takes time to
assembly people and equipment and travel to the scene - Shanksville PA
is a rural area.

Also snide remarks that were able to identify 10 % of the renains in 12 days....

Let me ask - Have you ever been to crash scene? WHats that I hear you

I will enlighten you as I have...

There is not a lot of remains left from a high speed plane crash, And what
there is fragmented into small scraps of what can be called "human hamburger" As member of FD walked the crash scene of a Lear jet marking body parts for coroner to recover. Only thing recognizable
was part of a torso, a hand (minus fingers) and severl amputated fingers

Not a lot to identify with - DNA analysis unlike on TV takes weeks for labs
to run, so having to wait until Decmber for results is underatandable

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 09:41 PM
Good luck on that, I recall some of the older threads discussions about a simular topic. But it was about how body parts were still being found, months later on near by roof tops and such.

I know, sounds bad right, clean up at a crime scene/disaster area lasted too long and started too soon, yet parts of people were still being found month and so after the incident "cover up".

If you dig deep enough in the 9/11 forum you can probably find some threads about this. I'll see if I can find the one I remember about the roof top finds.

Crazy as it sounds, this thread is long over due, but not surprising. Maybe that was one of the aspects to the media blitz, distract every one from thinking about what was being done with the victims remains... or perhaps the lack, of some thing being done.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:15 PM
If you're looking for body parts, Shanksville is not the place to look. No body parts there because no commercial airliner crashed there. 911 appologists are spooked. Yeah, you got some more crap to sell us?

[edit on 4-2-2010 by SphinxMontreal]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by Anti-Evil
no one knows anyone who found a body part.... I have since put in a request for Video Affidavid of all knowledge on the subject through the source. My time is very limited and this subject has been put off for over a year due to lack of information. If I could ask you guys for some of your time, help me resolve what happend to the people on Flight 93. thank you.... God bless America.

Dude, if you now have to resort to tracking down what happened to the body parts for you to "expose the conspriacy", this isn't out of any desire to learn the truth. It's out of a hard core desperation to prove somethign that can't be proved. What, are you going to say, "it must be evidence of a coverup" if they won't give it to you?

Earth to Anti-Evil: noone is going to give you video of body parts. EVER. It's disrespectful to the victims and the relatives of the victims, it's inappropriate, and it's just plain ghoulish.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by thedman

you do know its on video:

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Now its just a missing part that otherwise would be easily chek off... a good investigation has to be a through one. and since Uncle Sam only Spent $660,000 determining what happend on 911 and most of that money was spent on the 911 commission if my information is correct.
*google 911 missing links" enjoy. its a columbo comb job... good luck on getting that lice through. We are having an Investigation... stop obstructing, if you have information to add please provide useful information. thank you.

and you would think we would have a grusome story of a finger found on a roof or something like a shoot down occured as the medal that was given for shooting it down and rumsfeld's admission of the shoot down.
ah, .... ?

[edit on 5-2-2010 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

So since someone made a Youtube video thats means its true?

Somehow the logic escapes me?

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by thedman
So since someone made a Youtube video thats means its true?

Somehow the logic escapes me?

No, that is valid truther logic - they saw it on a conspiracy website, or someone made a youtube video, that means it must be true. That is where truthers get all their information from, conspiracy websites or youtube!

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