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Putting the Law of Attraction to the test!

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posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by amazing

Yes, it is possible to achieve results while being completely unaware of the occult. Many people manifest their intentions into reality every day without realizing exactly what has happened. Many people say that EVERYTHING we experience in our personal reality tunnels is directly due to the manifesting of our intentions; thats how reality is formed. I disagree with that to an extent but that is a whole other story.

Just like someone unintentionally having an out of body experience: people do unintentionally, actively manifest their own realities.

But, just as in OBE's if you really want the experience and really want to 'control' it, you will have to study. This is where the Occult comes in.
One must realize that the Law of Attraction is nothing more than another, more 'digestible' word for Magick. The Law of Attraction is Magick, there is no way around that fact.

So, if anyone has some apprehension or a distrust for Magick but is interested in the Law of Attraction: they better do some more research and examine within themselves if their opposition to Magick or the Occult is valid or based on ignorance or social 'programming'.

I must make it clear that I am no Adept. I have never been associated with any 'Order' or anything like that and have never even had a personal mentor. I am however a MAD researcher. I have much pride in my ability to research. On top of this I also have a very strong intuition that takes me very good places. When I first began down this rabbit hole, I quickly realized that I have somewhat of a natural understanding of the many theories and practices that are involved in this. I constantly find myself theorizing about something or trying out a new practice that I thought of, only to read or hear about it somewhere else soon afterwards.

That was my long way of saying that I dont have any formal training but, instead of being stuck with just the knowledge of some specific 'Order' or dogma, I pull from every resource I can find.

I realize the secret is a basic overview of creation and attraction but why expand on such a simple yet powerful formula. What else is there to add to it? If there is more to add then it must be able to be listed out in a post.

There is much more to it than just one secret. It could boil down to a very broad thing but would be best if it is not. I have learned that there really is no 'secret' per se, it is more of an 'understanding' but, all the rumors are true.

It probably is way too much to get very deep in to on a message board like this.

Is it not possible to think-speak-act-with a feeling of gratitude to achieve results though? or to visualize-verbalize-realize results

Unfortunately, there really is more to it than that. I will say that those methods will benefit you more than not but, you could employ some techniques that may benefit you with much greater results.

Lots of people will report positive results with mere visualization but, it can get much better.

posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by Brahmanite

Thanks for the reply. Could you point me to a resource or place to begin? I'm having a hard time believing that this could not be attributed to God-thus in my programmed mind-not necessarily Occult as that has a negative feel to it. But I could just be arguing semantics here without doing more research on my own.

If I was to get no more direction here, I would head in this direction.
1. Reading the Secret now....having just re-watched the movie a couple of weeks ago. Also just read conversations with God again. From there I would like to dive into some egyptian history. I feel drawn in that direction somehow. But I also feel the need to go back in steps, first to Wallace Wattles and then back further. Interesting indeed.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 01:00 AM
The Law of Attraction is only one of many Universal Laws, as I'm sure you are all aware.

The Law of Attraction is in force in all our lives at all times of our existence in the Energy field grid, we know, as the Universe. The 'Secret' is only a secret if you are new to the concept that we all create our own realities in this Energy Grid.

For a really basic understanding in laymans terms of this Law of Attraction there is a book, (several books actually) by Louise Hay called You Can Heal Your Life, there is another book called The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield, which also touches on the Energy field of vibration of existence. Another book called The Power of Miracle Metaphysics by Robert B Stone, another book called The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr Joseph Murphy which explain the concept of Creative Manifestation, or The Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction most definately works even when, in your own physical mind you may not be able to see how something will happen, but then miraculously, it happens without any major effort on your part, but for the belief you hold, that it has already happened.

Being in a state of believing the event has already occurred and then releasing your deepest 'want' of that thing to occur whilst inwardly knowing that it is taken care of and will arrive in your life in Divine Timing, ie when it is for your highest good and highest spiritual evolution.

Bring your thinking pathways into alignment with what it is you desire and know that the very thought and belief you are expending Energy-frequency wise is creating, within the Universal Energy Field, your desire.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by amazing

Yes, semantics. Someone once said that disagreements do not exist because of an uncommon desire. Disagreements are merely constructs of poor communication. If we could learn to articulate and confront our feelings we would learn that we all want and feel the same things.....Semantics.

Given the right semantics and time, I would actually feel it worth while to convince you that yes, it is just 'GOD' doing the work. You are exactly right. But, again, we would have to resort to semantics and it would be required that you look at 'GOD' in a whole new way.....

If you do become interested enough and do enough research these revelations about 'GOD' should come naturally.....Every religion and philosophical tradition has been telling us the same things.... At this point, I will leave it in the air for you to discover...

There are MANY, MANY paths which you could begin to go down to reveal more. I will spare you the highly mystical and esoteric stuff for now and start with some easier to follow things..

First off, the movie called 'The Secret' is not referring to the 'real secrets' that people have devoted their lives to throughout history, they co-opted the term to make their movie flashy.

None of what I present below represents exactly my views. I am providing these to you to create a better understanding of the general principles at work here.

This movie has two versions. Many people have seen the first version but not so many have seen this one. It is long but certainly worth it if you are truly interested in understanding this stuff more.

You will find that as you begin your journey through The Mysteries that Many, Many things seem to just fall in to place. Many theories that dont associate themselves with the mysteries fall directly in to place with them. Why? because it all has to do with the nature of our universe, it is very natural that these conclusions are achieved even without knowledge of the occult or quantum physics.
This next video is a great example. His results are the fruit of various means, regardless though, he has come to MANY of the same conclusions as the Ancient Mysteries and articulated it all very well. This video has so much information, it alone contains enough understanding worth years of study. It is essentially a description of the

Those two videos explain some of the mechanics. If you are doing it right, you should have a list of 'leads' after viewing the videos. Remember, a full understanding requires lots of dedication, you will need to follow every lead you can get.

ok ok, before I throw out any more resources, I must ask if you want to know more about the mysteries in general or specifically how to manifest your intentions (magick)? It does sound as if you are apprehensive about the word 'Magick', as if you have some presuppositions about the whole thing for some reason. Is it your religious views that creates this? I can assure you that your presuppositions are likely quite wrong....

"Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will."

That quote is attributed to none other than Aleister Crowley.

Now, given that definition, how many things now fall under Magick?

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 07:47 PM
Thanks for the links. I'll be watching them later tonight or the next two nights depending how long they are. I'm interested mainly in the law of attraction stuff-creating your own reality, but you have me interested in everything now! LOL Everything is a large concept though. I know I'm just scratching the surface here, but isn't creating your own reality and attracting whatever you want in life about as everything as everything can get? What is the beginning of understanding? Are/were there actual schools that taught you these concepts in a set/rigid curriculum? (The mystery schools mentioned above or the Mysteries mentioned in the "Lost Symbol"?) I'm enjoying this discussion.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 09:54 PM

Since I am a rookie poster and cannot make my own threads, I decided to post this here.

There are some self contradictory views that channels of Abraham & Bashar (to whose information Secret & other law of attraction material is based on), are sharing to their audience.

1. Fractal universe, that would be expanding.

First of all, both Abraham and Bashar share a view of a sea of infinite possibilities, in which all has already happened - all that is exists, and all that has and will ever be is included in. From this sea of possibilites, we, according to our vibration, attract a corresponding reality towards our points of perception.

This choosing of new realities from this sea of infinite possibilites, according to Abraham and Bashar create expansion, and fractal like exploration of a universe, that was already calculated, and was all in the formula of all that is - only we are the first ones to experience and find it.

This fractal zooming into the infinity and reality, is then determinen by our free will and choice.

There are however flawed and self contradictory metaphors that are being shared here.

The idea of, zooming first time ever -in a fractal like manner- into allness and creating expansion to consciousness, by experiencing a part of all possibilities, that is selected from a sea of already precalculated events that have happened in a non defineable eternal inity, of all events that are possible, have ever been anywhere in any universe and will ever be, without that experience (that is just created as a new direction of exploration into the infiniteness) having also occured beforehand (having been therefore also included in the matrix of all realities, all possibilities, and allness of all that is and the never ending sea of all possibilities), is an impossible -self contradictory- paradox.

If the infinity of possibilities (which cannot be seen as neither growing nor shrinking due to its non definableness), from which we would select our direction when experiencing our reality according to our vibration, would be considered as anyhow expanding - then we must agree, that 1. the thing it was added onto, is not infinite (because someone is able to define, wheter anything was added onto it or not) and 2. that, that what was just considered as the allness of all things that will, and would and ever could happen, did not -in its allness- somehow include what was just created & expanded - that is; our newly expanding experience.

Therefor, (to put it simply) there cannot be both the idea of a timelessness, in which all have already happened, and the expansion of it happening at the same time - this is a (thought)paradox.

In such a system that contains all things that have ever happened, there can only be predetermined pathways to be explored [..albeit being an infinite amount of them..], and only the exploration of those pathways is possible - because, nothing can ever be added, to all things that ever exist in all ever existing realities - therefor the experiencing of anything would - in such case, from the infinity perspective - not be new, nor could it be considered as expansion.

When we understand this scenario, we can come to the law of free will.

Free will, cannot be considered free will, ever, in a material world, unless it is handled from a dimension that is not considered to be run by the material worlds laws.

That is to say, in 3D life, free will is only possible for a multidimensional soul, who is experiencing this lifetime - otherwise, it would be only caused by the events of the world where it is happening in.

posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 09:55 PM
Therefor, as we can agree that free will must allways act from timelessness, and have no constrains or necessities determining the outcome of it - we can understand, that it must be aplliable in such a way, that the outcome of it (being free from all beingnesses and possibilities from the past and the future), must be such that it (the will - when considered free) can be a direction of events, that would not never ever have existed - without the free choice that was just being made.

Therefor, if that choice was already included in the allness of all eternities and possibilities, it would not be free of the predetermined pathwaysystem inside such a realitymatrix of all possibilites that had already occured, because that would allow only for those kinds of choices to occur that have already happened inside the timelessness and infinite existense of itself.

Free choice must be done from an infinite consciousness, in 3D for it to be really a freely chosen direction - but if we consider this infinity, to have some kind of predeterminationalness as inbuilt feature - then it is no more free of the constrains of predetermination - and the law of free will, simply does not allow, for any necessitation.

Therefor, the law of attraction that is shared through such mediums as Abraham and Bashar - have flawed standpoints. Also they are channeled information from entities, that do not seem to understand (and -from a point of experience- appreciate) the value of human emotion.

Because of this, and these paradoxicalities, I feel like perhaps we should ditch the selfish kind of law of attraction guidelines - that eventually seem to be some kind of social experiment - more than a logical and functioning framework that would provide success to humanity. The reason simply being, if one human appreciates such a reality where all would live in harmony, and have peace - like most of us do - according to law of attraction, that would not be possible, because we would still need the contrasting reality to allow for that.

There is simply no logic in like attracting (..only..) like, and there is no logic in having to be assr*ped (..and to learn to appreciate that as a contrast..) before having the urge (and possibility) to rest calmly on a couch - without no-one disturbing.

There is however really much truth to many facts in the LOA materials, which are the main reason why they are so appealing to people. It is natural that thoughts create, what we think, and allow for what we concentrate on when perceiving a situation. And it is true, that it is most important to clear ones thoughtpatterns from self contradicting beliefs - that would hinder ones focus into the wanted outcome of things.

Also I am fully confident that there is a fundamental anatomy of attracting certain kinds of possibilities to ones life - but what I don't like, is when someone is channeling some entity who says that in order to achieve what you want (peace), you need to (practically) give up compassion. ie. don't feel for others (in pain), and deny your feelings (when facing atrocities), to allow your self to feel like you want to - that is also a paradox, that will actually lead into inhuman action, and denying ones feelings.

Deepak Chopra actually puts the law of attraction material, into the framework it is supposed to be in. To be applied towards the benefit of all humanity, and beings on this planet - not just self. And I personally think, this is the missing piece that fills all the blanks in the LOA theories. Universe provides, when your intention is towards the good vibes of all. Universe (timeless eternity) co-operates, when there is an intent to better the lives of all, in the universe.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Jussi

From what I am learning and reading and experiencing, I would agree with a good part of your posts. I feel LOA is a very strong law of the universe though, and that our thoughts to create our reality. Of course there is more to it. I think I'm going to read Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction next just to get a feel for what the material is again. There are a lot of contradictions in all of this LOA material, but most of the core ideas I think, are solid and I feel this way due to both experience and that the same thoughts and ideas seem to come from many different sources. What I came away with most from my last reading of Abraham-Hicks was that you need to work at this to set aside a time and place to do this work, to visualize, meditate, say affirmations etc. I believe they called it going to your work shop or something like that.

[edit on 11-2-2010 by amazing]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 03:14 PM
This law of attraction seems to be what I call positive thinking.

Ever since I banished the negative thought loop with cbt, I noticed a huge change in my life.

I find that I draw to me what I envision, or desire. Simply by thinking upon awaken, Its a good day, I am successful and I am glad to be here puts me on a path to making my thoughts reality.

I find I have synchronicity in my life daily, mundanely or otherwise.

I think if what I do is anything akin to your LOA, it is my attracting to myslef that which I desire that nearly 99 percent of the time guarantees me:

parking spots close to doors at large shopping centers
short line a grocery
finding money I had hidden in a book when I was broke
solutions for problems coming in form of phone calls that had the solution
calls from old friends when I thought of them

Anyway you get by what I meant by mundane, but these things happen daily, daily and daily.

I dont try to attract specific things, but try to put out what I desire to have returned.

it is hard to explain.

I have never read the secret or seen the movie, nor have I studied LOA, only read about it on the forums.

Before I employed positive thinking in my life, you could never have convinced me it works. NEVER.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 05:30 PM
I do agree with Jussi in that the specific mechanics of the actual LOA theory has many flaws. I would personally agree with but also replace many aspects of it with my own theories. If anything it does go to show that no matter how much we can throw in our own preferences of ideology, no dogma is necessarily needed to achieve results.

Just as hotbakedtater eluded to, living a life of positivity, proactively thinking positivety will achieve great results itself.

No Dogma or system is needed but, technique certainly is. Even if that technique is 'only' proactive positive thinking.

The acknowledgement that your forethought intentions DO affect actual change in the real world later down the road is the very first step. Once you can accept and appreciate this, you open up a whole new world of potential.

Watch this movie. Kymatica

Again, the videos I have been posting are just 'primer' type stuff...

Amazing, you asked about the existence of Mystery Schools. Yes, there have been Mystery Schools throughout time and still are to this day...I use the term in a fairly loose way, as many people consider many things 'mystery schools'. Many people say that Jesus studied with mystery schools. All the mythos we hear about with the ancient Egyptians was mystery school based. Scottish Rite Masonry is a mystery school. The mystery schools and people involved in them have always had their hands in EVERYTHING. You may be VERY surprised how prolific the influence of mystery schools is even to this day.

Many groups that dub themselves mystery schools today are nothing like the ones of lore. The level of dedication today cannot be matched with the demands of the modern western world. People used to completely dedicate their lives to mystery teachings and most lifestyles just cannot afford that because you cant just sit up in a cave an 'will' a million dollars into your possession, with your intentions must come action. The sort of dedication I am referring to is a change in lifestyle so as not to need such things....You do still see this practiced in places like India and other locales of South Asia. I wont go off on a tangent now, maybe some other time.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

So by positive thinking do you mean that you employ techniques from "Think and Grow Rich" or "The power of positive Thinking"? That kind of thing? Just curious!

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by Brahmanite

So I guess the question is how much technique or how much more do you need to know? I have seen most of What the Bleep before, but definately need a refresher. I look forward to watching the other two videos as well. I guess the question is, If you meditate and visualize and all of these other basic techniques as described in the secret and some of the other current literature...It should work, your life should change with just this much? Understanding Quantum physics is not needed? And if you master or at least become proficient in these basic techniques and apply them daily you should see noticable results?

I have read the The book by Lynne McTaggart entitled The Field as well as Jung's syncronicity. I'm really trying to dig deeper here.

My experiment ( though am I already pushing it away if I call it an experiment?) is to manifest a Mercedes. That's it. If I get a Mercedes then I have concrete proof that this works. I don't make enough at my current job to afford one, nor do I have those types of savings etc. I have a vision board and it's my wallpaper at work and it's on one of my affirmations. I'm jumping head first into this.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by amazing

No, because I have not read those books. I got the idea from a shrink, who introduced me to cognitive behavioral therapy. Now I quit going, because I hate spending money on shrinks, but I took away this technique.

He told me it is a proven fact any habit can be changed in 30 days. He explained how your neurons on the old path (bad habit) die off I guess and new neurons or pathways are mad ein our brains each time we do the new habit.

I wanted to quit the negative loop that had been playing in my mind for ever, ever since I was a child, it was I am so bad I cant do anything right what a loser etc etc etc. Of course with those kinds of thoughts, no wonder my life was a self fulfilling novel.

After learning about this, I wrote a list of things I wanted to become.

My first list was,

I am good.

I am successful.

I am beautiful.

I carried the card with me. I said that mantra each morning, and each time a negative thought popped in my mind. It took me over two months, because I struggled.

But one day I realized, I did not have that negative loop in my head any more.

After that first realization and breakthrough, I felt like a weight had been lifted. My new way of thinking actually helped me cope with stress, because instead of turning to my old coping method(symptom orientated wallowing in negativity) I began to think proactive. (I am now proactive, instead of reactive). I also began to think of solutions to my problems, instead of focusing on the problem.

And before long, problems disappeared, and became challenges. No longer did I need to yell to get my point across. I could actually take care of myself, and believe in my ability to be a good human being.

Another big part of my change is breathing, deep breathing and meditation.

But once I began thinking positive, I noticed that all of a sudden, my thirty six year old self is being told I look younger. I am now 40, and people still don't believe it. I attribute it to my new outlook on life.

And with the positive thinking came the positive results. Like what I described above, all these awesome synchronicities I never noticed before.

I am more confident, and I always listen to my intuition, which never fails me.

Positive thinking doesnt mean I never get sad or depressed anymore. But it does mean I dont look at it as a bad thing anymore, but simply another challenge I am capable of overcoming.

I hope this explains it for you a bit more.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 11:41 PM
Our thoughts and visualizations do affect change within the Energy Grid (Universe/ Our Reality). Also called Positive Thinking, Visualization, Power of Manifestation. The Energy frequency each of our thoughts holds affects the frequency in the Energy Grid, and the Energy Particles then change to become the same frequency as our thoughts and therefore produce into our reality the experience we repeatedly envision for ourselves.

Love thoughts have the highest vibrating resonance which is 528 hrtz, this is the frequency where DNA can be altered to delete illness or disease, and return one to a Blueprint of Divine Health one was 'born' or created with originally.

I have found the key to my own daily manifesting is to 'want something' and believe it is on its way to my reality, and visualizing the end result which I desire. If my own conscious mind believes it can and will happen, then without fail, it happens.

This goes for everything I have desired since I was 15 years old, and could also be classed as Goal Setting with a desired date stated.


Parking spaces, a packet of cigarettes, help when needed, people coming into my life, flatting situations, all jobs I have ever held, manifesting my house, my car, things to happen which I desire.

The most recent manifestation was today, I had asked Universe if a certain client could be removed from my roster at 8am this morning, at 9.07am I received a phone call advising me the particular client had been removed from my roster by my co-ordinator (without anything mentioned by myself). Also my car was damaged last week by some mindless idiot scraping it with a key intentionally, and then my flatmate had further damaged the same side of the car by raising the garage door which opens on an angle and had scraped the side of my car. I wanted it to be fixed but I didn't want to take time off work to have it repainted and be without my car for a day or two. My flatmate's partner came over and advised me he used to be a car painter and he would fix my paint job at absolutely no cost to me whatsoever, and best of all, he is going to do it tomorrow whilst I am away for the weekend and am leaving my car at home. That is very cool.

The one that really sticks out in my mind was when I lived in Australia and had just lost my job through no fault of my own (was a good thing though) and having absolutely no funds, looking at being kicked out in the street as I then wouldn't have been able to pay my rent, and wanting desperately to move back to New Zealand, my home country.

I strongly visualized myself walking down my favourite streets in my hometown in NZ on 30th May 2007, and not knowing how this was going to be possible without having any funds, I had put out the Energy frequency thought to Universe as well, and on 1st June 2007 I was on a plane landing in Hamilton (New Zealand) airport (2 days later). My best friend had 'felt' she needed to ring me in Australia and I had told her my plight, she had gone to see my old employer (bank manager) and he granted a $1,200 overdraft to enable me to buy my ticket home. MIRACLES DO HAPPEN, just believe they are possible.

The Power of the Word is extremely strong and every word has its own vibratory frequency within this Energy Grid.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Thanks! That explains it in great detail. Very much the power of positive thinking and really most law of attraction principles. I know that affirmations are used in all kinds of programs, counseling, etc. I had not been using for the better part of a year now, but have started again.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 06:28 AM
Amazing, I think you may have some trouble with manifesting a Mercedes. Magick, or whatever we want to call it does not work that way.

It is much like if I were to ask for my child to get a good grade on their report card..I need a child first. Magick does not just make things appear out of nowhere. Whith your intentions must always come action....You can think positively or even do some spells to create friendships in your life. But, in order for it to work you have to put yourself in situations where you have a chance to meet people...A spell cast in attempts to make friends will never work if you dont leave your house. If you wish to win the lottery it will never happen if you dont buy a ticket.

It is the same way with wishing for a car; if you have no means at all to acquire such a things, it will never come. You must at least enter yourself in a contest or something....Its like expecting something to fall into your hands without ever opening your hands up to catch something..

Also, if a Mercedes is what you are after, if you are doing this out of gluttonous opulence then I suggest you examine your motives...I am not sure how comfortable I am helping people out that just want to get some cool new toys....

In short, your test will not work. The acquisition of a fancy car does not seem like it is in your reality tunnel. Remember, this is not fireballs and flying dragons, their are limitations.

Think of the path that a reality must take before it becomes manifest in the real world. Imagine that under normal circumstances the path is covered in snow. In order for the reality to become manifest it has to dredge through the obstacles. Manifesting a Mansion wont work for a homeless man because Magick does not create the road. Magick simply plows the snow out of the path so that the reality can become manifest in a much easier manner, it doesnt have as many obstacles before it manifests itself. You must first create the road before you can plow the snow off of it.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Brahmanite

Thanks! Well if LOA really works or some form of that then what WILL happen is that the right people, situations and opportunities will present themself to me and then it's up to me to take advantage of these situations...and if I do then I can not fail? This is my understanding so far. This is basic and there are many steps but...this is my understanding of the basics. I realize that a new "toy" won't really bring me happiness but if these principles or Laws are real then I can't help but attract or create the reality that I want? Is that correct.

Don't worry I'm not that materialistic and I buy many things at walmart and the dollar store...but I thought a mercedes would be the true test?

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 04:48 PM

Thanks! Well if LOA really works or some form of that then what WILL happen is that the right people, situations and opportunities will present themself to me and then it's up to me to take advantage of these situations...and if I do then I can not fail?

Yes, that is pretty close. When you become good at this what you would be doing is determining which people and situations present themselves.

Imagine as if our common 'reality' was much like that of a fish in the ocean. The collective unconsciousness, which in my opinion is where reality is generated, can be looked at as water. We are the fish. Our paths are greatly determined by the flow of the water. We generally swim with the current, if a sudden wave of motion occurs we are affected by it and we simply glide through the water pushing it out of our way as we travel.

Being good at manifesting is like taking the ocean of potential and turning it from the consistency of water, to that of a gel or Jello. When we do this to the ocean of potentials it then allows us to carve our own realities out of it instead of just gliding through without much determining factor.

Feel free to use the U2U if you are serious about this and might like some pointers.

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