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NASA Moon Anomaly *Captured On Video* - Life Revealed 2010

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posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Extralien
here is the blurring that was mentioned;

Is this to do with pixelation as 'whatever it is' passes from light to dark areas?
Or is it something else?

Yes -- I think the blur could be pixelization caused by the spot going from a dark to light background.

That fact that the "object" does not move relative to the camera frame makes me think it's not a "real" object.

Or, if it is a "real" object, it would need to be moving the exact direction and the exact speed as the camera -- which I find highly unlikely.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Hey everyone. I don't consider myself like the worlds biggest skeptic, but this video footage is....underwhelming to be kind...

How is this a rocket? It looks more like it could be a dust particle or any number of other boring explanations... I just don't see how someone could come to the conclusion "This is a rocket" or "This is actually in the scene" not to mention "There is life on mars."

There is obscure footage and then there is OBSCURE.

This is unconvincing in every way...

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

I hope you were joking about the NO STARS if not please read below.

Do you actually know how photography and video exposure works. The MOON is lit by the SUN so exposure is like a BRIGHT SUNNY DAY ON EARTH thats why the stars do not show google astrophotography and go and learn something!

Photograph moon link (look at exposure time)

From above link
I used the Olympus E-30 SLR with the 70-300 mm F/4.0-5.6 ZD zoom at 300 mm. Manual exposure: 1/1000 s at F/8, ISO 800. Shot from hand,

For stars LINK

From this link

Taking a photo of stars in clear focus (no trails) is very similar to taking a photo of star trails, though it’s a bit more difficult to capture a shot in which the stars really show up brightly, but without trails.

* If you can mount your camera with a telescope (beginner’s models start at under $100), then you can take incredible shots of trail-less stars, and even distant celestial bodies such as planes and nebula.
* If you don’t have a telescope mount, you will need a very dark night when the stars are very bright. Since exposure time is shorter, your camera will need all the help it can get to capture the slight cast of light that stars emit.

* Use a wide aperture (say, around f/2.8) and expose for anywhere from fifteen to thirty seconds. * Try using an increased ISO and monitor for noise levels.

Moon 1/1000s stars 15-30 seconds!!!!!!!

Is that simple enough for people who ask about NO STARS!

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 12:15 PM
I can't stop giggling at "life revealed 2010"

Let's all be ignorant like the OP and assume it's not a pixel/dust particle for a second....would that then give this video credibility, and prove once and for all that their are aliens on the moon ?

Hell no.....

Whatever it is, cannot be analysed further. it''s just a dot. 0_0.

[edit on 1-2-2010 by Eisbaer]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 12:17 PM

Later tonight I will have a look at the video in HD on my 92" SCREEN.

Will report back after that.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008


Later tonight I will have a look at the video in HD on my 92" SCREEN.

Will report back after that.

you could look at it with a 900" screen and you won't improve the resolution. The resolution is set by the camera, not by the viewing mechanism.

you will see a really well blown up picture of a blurry pixel. :-)

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 12:24 PM
Good catch mate. Sick of all these people that can NOT accept that millions of videos out there are NOT all hoax and natural phenomena. Bunch of closed minded folks that simply can not come out of their box they've been put in by society/educational facilities.

You talk about odds and statistics and logic... yet you only use it to justify your perception of reality rather then "questioning" the reality. There are billions of videos out there of UFO/ET for decades... you're telling me not even ONE is real? Then my friend you can shove that statistic up your *SNIP, because the odds/statistic favor that ONE of these videos are real and that on it's own just proved the existence of UFO/ET.

my 2 cents

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by freighttrain
You talk about odds and statistics and logic... yet you only use it to justify your perception of reality rather then "questioning" the reality. There are billions of videos out there of UFO/ET for decades... you're telling me not even ONE is real? Then my friend you can shove that statistic up your *SNIP, because the odds/statistic favor that ONE of these videos are real and that on it's own just proved the existence of UFO/ET.

my 2 cents

Nobody is saying there are no videos of real UFO thingies on it...just saying...ok, show us it...
You can have a billion videos of birds, that doesnt mean one of them, based on statistics, is actually a wizard of oz flying monkey therefore flying monkeys exist...until you produce the video of said flying monkey, then all you have is a really freaking huge collection of birds.

The most valueable thing you can do to the UFO investigation field is to dismiss birds, spots, satellites, etc...and become a skeptic...that way whatever is left over is something really great....

or of course you can simply say everything is a UFO...skeptics be damned, and label the whole field as little more than the playground of the insane, willfully ignorant, and delusional. I suggest if thats your answer, you check up on may be what your seeking overall.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by freighttrain
Good catch mate. Sick of all these people that can NOT accept that millions of videos out there are NOT all hoax and natural phenomena. Bunch of closed minded folks that simply can not come out of their box they've been put in by society/educational facilities.

You talk about odds and statistics and logic... yet you only use it to justify your perception of reality rather then "questioning" the reality. There are billions of videos out there of UFO/ET for decades... you're telling me not even ONE is real? Then my friend you can shove that statistic up your *SNIP, because the odds/statistic favor that ONE of these videos are real and that on it's own just proved the existence of UFO/ET.

my 2 cents

Excuse me, but I am even more sick of people that think anyone who doesn't buy this as close-minded...

I am NOT close-minded at ALL. I don't judge based on anything but what facts I perceive.

There are NOT "millions" of UFO videos and you can search all day and all night for UFO vids and you will not find ONE that proves anything. I have seen all the 'great' UFO videos and they are not credible at all... Unless you are dying to believe, I don't see how you can be convinced. I feel like I would be open to any possibility, but not because I WANT to be open to it.... If that doesn't make sense to you... well, it probably won't.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by freighttrain
Good catch mate. Sick of all these people that can NOT accept that millions of videos out there are NOT all hoax and natural phenomena. Bunch of closed minded folks that simply can not come out of their box they've been put in by society/educational facilities.

You talk about odds and statistics and logic... yet you only use it to justify your perception of reality rather then "questioning" the reality. There are billions of videos out there of UFO/ET for decades... you're telling me not even ONE is real? Then my friend you can shove that statistic up your *SNIP, because the odds/statistic favor that ONE of these videos are real and that on it's own just proved the existence of UFO/ET.

my 2 cents

To echo SaturnFX, I wouldn't tell you that there are NO videos of UFOs/ET out there. Verification of an authentic video is just what we're looking to get our hands on. Sadly, many of the "good" videos which haven't been proven as hoaxes and misidentifications still don't tell us much. Weird, huh?

This moon video in the OP, if it actually were showing something worthy of interest, might just be one of those videos. In the least, it would purport to show there there is some sort of base on the moon (as has been asserted many times before).

However, after reading hundreds of UFO forum posts in the past few years, and commenting on dozens, I believe this is the first time where I have most definitely been able to say that this video does not show what the OP contends it shows. In other words, I actually know that this is not a rocket launching based on that you can see the "rocket" well "south" of its purported launch position at about :14 secs into the video.

Speck of dust? Dirt? I honestly don't know. All I know is that it's not a rocket launching from the moon; at the same time, I am astounded at the sheer number of people who can't see/refuse to see what I am seeing...because it is there like the nose on my face!

[edit on 1-2-2010 by Elepheagle]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 02:54 PM
Spec of dirt/dust on the lense.

A nice bit of trickery was used in the you-tube video, to slide the camera to the side makeing it look like the spec wasn't on the lense, but then the OP posted the "real" undoctored videos, and it's clear it stays on the same exact spot of the lense as the camera moves over the crater.

Also as others pointed out the "this dirt/ dustspec" can be seen well before it's supposed "launch".

Interesting at first, but easily debunked....., unfortunately

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by djusdjus

Originally posted by wmd_2008


Later tonight I will have a look at the video in HD on my 92" SCREEN.

Will report back after that.

you could look at it with a 900" screen and you won't improve the resolution. The resolution is set by the camera, not by the viewing mechanism.

you will see a really well blown up picture of a blurry pixel. :-)

No I will see it in 720p so dot will be made up of same amount of pixels but I wont have to strain to see it (also helps when playing call of duty

[edit on 1-2-2010 by wmd_2008]

[edit on 1-2-2010 by wmd_2008]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 03:08 PM
Wow - what an angry grumpy bunch on this thread...

Can I please ask all those in favor of 'dirt' please show me any more of the JAXA video's with the same? No? Oh the dirt must have been washed off by a space gorilla eh?

Now I'd settle for a camera taking a FOCUSED distance as shown, with a white speck of 'dirt' - equally as focused? It makes no sense. How exactly does dirt light up - and not be a dark mark in this instance?

You that attack me - just do yourselves favors and put me on ignore - that way I won't destroy any preconceived existence you blissfully exist in...

Now I'm off to hug a puppy, and kiss a beautiful woman... nice eh!

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 03:12 PM
Is it just me or is there more debunkers on ATS than ever before? The mods should rename ATS to Bad Astronomy

[edit on 1-2-2010 by MOTT the HOOPLE]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by freighttrain
You talk about odds and statistics and logic... yet you only use it to justify your perception of reality rather then "questioning" the reality. There are billions of videos out there of UFO/ET for decades... you're telling me not even ONE is real? Then my friend you can shove that statistic up your *SNIP, because the odds/statistic favor that ONE of these videos are real and that on it's own just proved the existence of UFO/ET.

my 2 cents

Nobody is saying there are no videos of real UFO thingies on it...just saying...ok, show us it...
You can have a billion videos of birds, that doesnt mean one of them, based on statistics, is actually a wizard of oz flying monkey therefore flying monkeys exist...until you produce the video of said flying monkey, then all you have is a really freaking huge collection of birds.

The most valueable thing you can do to the UFO investigation field is to dismiss birds, spots, satellites, etc...and become a skeptic...that way whatever is left over is something really great....

or of course you can simply say everything is a UFO...skeptics be damned, and label the whole field as little more than the playground of the insane, willfully ignorant, and delusional. I suggest if thats your answer, you check up on may be what your seeking overall.

Well that's what I'm saying... there are millions of "unexplained" videos that can be the real UFO and so that should be enough to changed the subject from "is there UFO out there?" to " What are these UFO?". The problem I have with these so called "skeptics" is that they find any possible solution to answer the first question and totally neglect to consider the second question.

On a second note, are you saying me and millions out there in the world that have "witnessed" these UFO activities close up are all "delusional/confused", the only thing we may represent is being "misguided" and thank god for that, otherwise there would be no open mindedness in this world what so over.

"Evidence" is NOT just something i can find "statistics" for, just because I can not hammer it does not make it invalid. It is NOT my job to "convince" you of their existence, it is your job to evolve, all we're doing is shedding a light on the dark side of "some" skeptics mind. Be a true skeptic and "open mind" to possibility so that you can question the "real" questions, not to prove what you "used to believe" in, that's the problem with "science" which skeptics use to justify their understanding, it NEVER evolves, it is the repeat of the past with fancier words and slight step forward. Everything is unexplained gets dumped into "junk" baskets, rather then the "genius" baskets.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
...How exactly does dirt light up - and not be a dark mark in this instance...

Perhaps it is a "hot pixel".
(as others have suggested before).

[edit on 2/1/2010 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People


posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by argonfritz

Originally posted by freighttrain
Good catch mate. Sick of all these people that can NOT accept that millions of videos out there are NOT all hoax and natural phenomena. Bunch of closed minded folks that simply can not come out of their box they've been put in by society/educational facilities.

You talk about odds and statistics and logic... yet you only use it to justify your perception of reality rather then "questioning" the reality. There are billions of videos out there of UFO/ET for decades... you're telling me not even ONE is real? Then my friend you can shove that statistic up your *SNIP, because the odds/statistic favor that ONE of these videos are real and that on it's own just proved the existence of UFO/ET.

my 2 cents

Excuse me, but I am even more sick of people that think anyone who doesn't buy this as close-minded...

I am NOT close-minded at ALL. I don't judge based on anything but what facts I perceive.

There are NOT "millions" of UFO videos and you can search all day and all night for UFO vids and you will not find ONE that proves anything. I have seen all the 'great' UFO videos and they are not credible at all... Unless you are dying to believe, I don't see how you can be convinced. I feel like I would be open to any possibility, but not because I WANT to be open to it.... If that doesn't make sense to you... well, it probably won't.

It is not matter of "belief" it is matter of "perception" and yes, me and you can have a VERY different perception on life, both valid, but one encourage other to investigate other perception. It is not about proving or disproving, it is NOT your place to disprove something that others may prove, it is your place to "question" these events.

Why people are so ignorant is beyond me, it is not your place nor mine to "pass a judgment' on something that we both can not prove or disprove. I can only share with you my experiences and you debating it with me, not to judge and make conclusion. Otherwise we NEVER learn about the unknown, which I can easily say it's %95 of our "reality".

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Elepheagle

i'm not arguing this "particular" video is an actually UFO or not, but sick of hearing all these "certain" people constantly pushing their view by using "physical evidence" as the ONLY evidence to back their view. I would pay more attention to "testimonials" of people around the world that reach over millions... all delusional? I think not!

For all of you skeptics out there...

"Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow"

[edit on 1-2-2010 by freighttrain]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People


Do you care to share why you think the idea of a hot pixel is so funny?

Also, you haven't quite explained why this "thing" is in the exact same position on the screen the whole time it is visible (which is from about :14 seconds to :35 seconds on the high-definition version of the original videos -- not the edited version).

To stay perfectly in frame, the "thing" would need to be flying along the same course and the same speed as JAXA's spacecraft. I suppose that is "possible" in the extreme sense, but not probable.

It is more likely something physically on the camera or something to do with the image file.

[edit on 2/1/2010 by Soylent Green Is People]

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