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Mind Reading Software Could Record Your Dreams

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posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:38 PM
It would be best to make sure that the words "brain" and "mind" do not umbrella one another. I understand there are scientist that demand for proof before they would make such distinction, yet maybe they'll get that proof when they find what they lost.

Atheists tend to say there is no life after death. Then, logically, that means they believe in infinite death. Further, logically, the reciprocal to that is the belief of infinite life. How could an scientist that is an atheist demand proof of infinite life when he or she already believes in infinite death. Doesn't that seem like a contradiction in logic for burned of proof when they can't see the proof within themselves already? It seems very clear to me.

I touched on that subject alone because I don't believe that "mind reading" is the same as "brain reading." The brain is more like "allowed to read" while the mind is "not allowed to read." We have to put limits to our abilities and keep what is private as being private.

When science (in the atheist sense) can't define that line, we can. Yes, we can.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by dzonatas

Valid distinction...

Brian reading would indeed be a more applicable the term mind is more of an abstract concept...

posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

I'm someone who's experienced all sorts of harassment from secretive, as yet unidentified parties (some suspected military involvement, though the participants are from all levels of society; controlled by ??). Events such as group stalking, covert hypnosis (later confessed subversively by the perpetrator, leading to recall of the event - he has since become a victim of mental harassment, I believe as punishment for disobeying their order of control and secrecy). There's also the general meddling and life/health interference which might otherwise be interpreted as 'the worst luck possible' etc etc ad nauseum.

The dream and mind interference are common, everyday occurrences for me. I've had clear dreams with specific attributes and plotlines that were later described - often cryptically (there are various techniques, as Memory Shock will know), to incite paranoia and fear, to engender a mindset of submission to the 'mysterious power' behind it all.

Despite never explaining the content to anyone, and despite no-one being present to hear me (if I was talking in my sleep for example) - family and 'friends', as well as perfect strangers, have commented on my dream and thought life. Some of the details re: dreams can be explained by normal electronic surveillance (though I have only ever found partial evidence of this - no devices), for example if I was providing detailed vocal narrative while I dreamt. Saying that, I'm married now and dream every night - my wife says I only talk in my sleep on very rare occasions - she is a light sleeper, and wakes each time I do.

For the most part, I cannot understand how the perpetrators would be able to give clear inference of the dream or thought pattern content - unless the dreams/ thoughts themselves were pre-plotted and installed, or somehow 'viewed' telepathically (for want of a less misused term than 'telepathically').

Nowadays, I feel I have mostly mastered thought control, in as much as any of us can; however I frequently 'catch them at it', attempting to install lines of thought, by using (by various means) an induced hypnotic state - or very frequently during the hypnogogic state as I'm drifting off to sleep.

Memory Shock - you'll have noticed I'm revisiting several of your threads at the moment; I would like to compare notes at some point if you're willing to engage in some back and forth. I think I read once that you'd prefer to have discourse 'on thread' as opposed to by U2U - I agree that would be preferable, in order to ensure that people who have had similar experiences would feel less encumbered by doubts as to whether they'll be taken seriously.

Let me know what you think anyway.


posted on Aug, 23 2010 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by NoahTheSumerian
covert hypnosis (later confessed subversively by the perpetrator,

I have had this happen on a few occasions from a few people (for obvious reasons names won't be divulged...

Memory Shock - you'll have noticed I'm revisiting several of your threads at the moment; I would like to compare notes at some point if you're willing to engage in some back and forth. I think I read once that you'd prefer to have discourse 'on thread' as opposed to by U2U - I agree that would be preferable, in order to ensure that people who have had similar experiences would feel less encumbered by doubts as to whether they'll be taken seriously.

Let me know what you think anyway.

Absolutely I would like to compare notes with someone on this topic who may have experienced something similar. I to have had dreams where I was sure that the dream was scripted. The Dream Subliminal thread really is something that I only could have come up with if I had experiences that I suspiced. In fact, save for a few instances, the voices that I claim to hear are often times easier to hear when I wake up between rem for me, dream manipulation is not a huge leap in logic. I think I may know a post with a list of patents showing some tech that could be used for this but I am going to have to recall where I saw it, though my discussions on this topic are not reliant upon those specifics (I wouldn't know how to verify its' use by any kind of internet search and this stuff is certainly classified to a great extent)...

And I can appreciate some of these threads being re-visited; the more people who come across it the better...

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by MemoryShock

Glad that you're open to discussion on these points

To start with then, I'll describe that experience (covert hypnosis) and its aftermath in a bit more detail:

At the time it occurred, I was living in a hostel (here in the UK, in Manchester). These places are a tale in themselves. In order to qualify to live there, you need to be in receipt of certain state benefits. The most important one is Housing Benefit. The people who run the hostels basically charge exorbitant rent for a tiny room, crappy shared living space and one evening meal a day (some don't even provide the meal). They charge the government upwards of £280 per week for the absolute basics of living space - the equivalent amount of money paid privately would get you a five bedroom detached house in an upper middle class suburb of Cheshire!

Anyway, the people who occupy the hostels are from different walks of life - usually working class youths/ men, or those guys from the middle classes who've had a nervous breakdown and lost everything etc. Many are institutionalised in one way or another, and have given up hope of ever achieving anything better.

Pretty depressing place to be all in all.

And so, I was there for one reason or another - part of the plot in all likelihood - and I was drifting along, doing not much except smoking the odd but of pot and drinking lots of booze.

A young guy a year or two older than me was in one of the rooms on the floor below me. He seemed out of place. He wasn't a criminal, and was 'jobless', but had all the latest clothes, designer shoes, trainers, expensive stereo system and huge CD collection etc etc etc. He was always out and about, and had the money to buy large amounts of cannabis, expensive whisky etc. He kept himself immaculately groomed, and was very particular about his appearance - in particular he seemed not to want to be seen as a jobless, hostel-living youth.

The first day I met him, he invited me to his room to smoke a joint (as was customary practice) - he rolled the joint and let me smoke it first (odd in itself), and it seemed very strong. While I smoked, he put on his stereo system, and - here's the clue - he put on headphones, while I was left to listen to the drum n bass tune. The next thing I recall, I was back in my room, lying on my bed.

Now over the next few years, things went from bad to worse. I ended up in mental hospitals, and saw accumulating evidence of family/ friends manipulation using 'mind games' etc. My situation was engineered to put me entirely at the submission of a mysterious and seemingly omniscient power, which was determined to make me seem small and insignificant, and to accuse me at every turn of being somehow 'sub-human' or deviant (neither are true).

Five years ago, having married and fathered our first child, I moved into a terraced house. The neighbours were a friendly couple aged around 60. I quickly met their son, who lived with them on and off. It was the same guy who I'd seen in the hostels all those years previously. He remembered me, and gradually he became friends with me and my wife. We'd invite him over for drinks and whatnot. Anyway - things quickly changed. He started to seem edgy, paranoid and lacking in motivation. He began to discuss his contact with a senior policeman who had been a freemason, who had een a friend but was now making cryptic threats against him. He explained how people were gang stalking him and accusing him of crimes he didn't commit. One thing he kept coming back to was a strange tale (now I see it was intended to convey a message to me). He related that he was homeless, and had committed a crime relating to a stereo. He said that he hadn't intended to hurt anyone, but that now he was trying to be honest about it, people were persecuting him. The way he kept repeating it, though I tried to reassure him and pass it off as insignificant (which it would have been if it were a literal tale) made me suspect there was more to it than met the eye.

He became more and more withdrawn, paranoid, unable to socialise, the target of aggression whenever he did go out etc etc. He ended up staying at a church community to try and get some relief from the targeting.

Only in these past few months did I start to have flashbacks to the actual event - and thus realised what he might have been trying to convey to me with the odd tale. I now firmly believe that he was manipulated/ paid to put me under hypnosis - and now, because he was trying to make amends with me, he was being persecuted by the people who had set it up. Gradually (over the last year) we have lost contact with him - now living as a recluse, he refuses to even allow his parents to enter the small flat he occupies. He has been ruined by the targeting.

As I thought more about these issues, flashbacks to that hypnosis experience began. At first they seemed like dreams, but gradually one experience from it has come into sharp focus:

The key element is this - I was lying sideways on a couch in his room - in front of my face was a TV screen, or book - some sort of display, with pictures of odd-looking people (homeless, schizophrenic, paranoid types) taken covertly by observers with long lens cameras. The accompanying narrative was spoken (possibly by the stereo recording) - 'Over 300 people in the UK are continually watched by the government, for displaying weird behaviour'

Memory Shock; I think you'll agree that I may need to undergo regression hypnosis with a trustworthy practitioner in order to recover the full experience. It underlines for me the genuine nature of my experiences in general - the old adage 'you're not paranoid if they really are watching you!'

To further display that this is ongoing (for 15 years or more now): The other night I was putting our car into the garage. I was listening to a track on the stereo, the lyrics describe an end to suffering and a hope for the future. As soon as I switched it off, someone walked past my fence, mimicking the tune I was listening to, singing "Your life will never get any better".

That very night I had been researching gang stalking and TI's (Targeted individuals) online. I have always suspected that I was victim of something like this, and now it seems they're not too bothered about me knowing it clearly...


posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 07:50 AM
Hopefully thought crime is not applied with this technology, otherwise im going straight to jail after folks take a peep at the images conjured up in my mind.
But it is brilliant and like many other advances shows how science fiction is becoming science fact at an ever increasing pace.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 08:44 AM
When I read this I thought of an old classic comic "2000 AD,"
One of the stories was called "Nemesis,"and the evil empire used similar dream reading machines to monitor the masses,in order to prevent thought crime while dreaming..

Ah those were the good 'ol days indeed-when such things were truly science fiction.

But although this tech will probably be used to destroy more privacy in the future,there could also be benefits-
You would need no keyboard or mouse-all computing could be done by thought alone-so could driving and operating machines.

Although I expect this tech will first be used to find tax evaders and benefit cheats,and may end up putting a whole lot of polygraph technicians outta work.

[edit on 25/8/2010 by Silcone Synapse]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by NoahTheSumerian red flags would have gone up after discovering the guy was related to your neighbours of five years later...

I have a similar experience though I will be the first one to state that it may not be accurate as there is no way to verify...

I had the son of a couple stay with me while I was living in a trailer park in my early twenties (hostel, trailer park connotation?)...anywayz...he was kind of upbeat and seemed out of place but he wasn't trying with bling too much...though he did smoke pot...for the record, pot does bad things to my brain so I am a staunch refuser of it for myself. At any rate, quite a few years later, I get a job after having moved into a room with my GF at the time in Burbank...and the guy who started the same day bore a striking resemblance...and the same personality traits.

I didn't realize the similarity until a few years after that when I was doing my retrospection thing...something that ceased for the entire time I was with this gal...

Turns out that the last phone conversation I had with her ended just about when she said, "You know this conspiracy thing you have been talking about? There may be something to it..."

The targeted individual thing fascinates me as I certainly think that I was/am...but one of the differences I perceive with my experience is that I never reacted the way that I think I was expected to...I knew from the onset of 'major symptoms' that I would be perceived as crazy and that the conversation would go no where. So I worked on discussing things I perceived they did.

While indirect symbological communication is more the goto rhetoric when I chose to discuss this stuff, I also discovered, after ATS, that I could reference verifiable studies and tech to lend credence to what I was essence, how it worked out for me was that the internet provided these points of discussion without me having to get all accusatory...which is what indirect communication of 'unknowns' is intended to do.

If one is forced out of a valid social circle and has only imposed individuals...and those individuals are attempting to provoke you (I was guided towards mental health institutions rather than forced, which allotted me time to think) then they hate it when you don't react...further, I had a few people become friends because of this strategy.

I came up with it because I was scared that I would be labeled and that I had no I slept in the lions den so to speak...

And it hasn't stopped for me...especially since I am on ATS...I still hear them, I have moments where there is emphasis so to speak but I also have made much headway...and the voices and dreams are still very much a part of my life...

This is real...and one day, I hope, that this will come to light including the sociological tactics used to isolate an individual...but for what it is worth...I think a lot of people are either indirectly mislead on a public level when participating in TI events or that they are intentionally lied to from above...

And that is where I have found peace despite continuous 'interactions'...

I am fascinated to hear more of your thoughts...indeed...

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 09:10 PM
If they hook you up to this thing to try to get you in trouble just imagine pigs flying, and think to yourself "I believe pigs can fly." You can make that voice in your head say anything you want. Though anything can come out of your mind when you get tired or go to sleep that we have no control over. If they begin to use random thoughts to prosecute people... well those thoughts will be random and irrational, so if they use them it will be baseless tyranny.

You could even "Think" about how much you love the U.S. government while deep down knowing whatever you really think.

This has to be related to Schemas. The strongest Schema wins, just like in dreaming. In other words whatever part of your brain is firing hardest though mixture of chemicals and electricity, is what will come to the forefront of your mind and mental imagery.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Novise

My concern is not for the capacity to is with the mentality of those who will assume that thoughts registered define a personality...

The tech far surpasses the objective consideration of those involved in some cases...

Considering the pro and con should not get someone labeled as a con...

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

Most people are probably paranoid about this. I see it as a method for people like me, who can't draw or paint to save our lives, to get the images in our heads onto a monitor or even a piece of paper. Could you imagine how much easier it would be to do concept art for a video game or movie idea and then pitch it to some executives if you had this at your disposal? And what of getting an insight into the minds of people who are in a semi-vegetative state, people with autism or even the blind.

People can say what they want about the risks of such technologies but if anything the benefits greatly outweigh them.

Bring on the Inception Dream Sharing technology next please

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

While I agree that there are positive applications here the fact of the matter is that nor you or I can access it. Along with other technologies, there is more danger due to the lack of comprehension in our society for misuse and abuse of information received than there is any positive collaboration of an integration of dream/subconscious communication with everyday life.

And for the record...I viewed the first twenty minutes of Inception and was astounded that Hollywood missed the beat.

It is harder to extract information from a mind due to subjective analysis of received information (based on the information I have run across with MK experiments in truth serums) than it is to implant a thought using even simple tactics such as Neuro Linguistic Programming...

Inception is misinformation and there is ample proof of that if one did the research...

Edit to add - I wasn't 'really' astounded'...

[edit on Wed, 25 Aug 2010 21:32:16 -0500 by MemoryShock]

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

Its a science fiction action movie, so how could it be misinformation? Its nothing more than a work of fiction with a few interesting philosophical ideas about reality, dreams and ideas. The dream sharing technology, however, would be pretty freaking sweet, getting to spend a few hours a day in a dream that you could have complete control over, that's an incredible idea. Making yourself into a god of the dream world redefines the idea of a good night's sleep

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

You may be surprised how Hollywood effects the mindset of those unaware...especially on this topic.

But that's a different thread...

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 10:41 PM
Dreams, from what I've studied, are a differrent language - a language of symbols, generational and genetic and racial and cosmic and personal. It reminds me of a court case back in the few years just after 9/11 when a person found themselves trying to defend against a dream someone had of them. This was the entirety of the prosecutions' case: a dream. This was the madness of that time and if I can find the story again I'll provide a link. From my studies of esoteric subjects I have learned that a person can not interpret another above their own evolutionary level.

I find the thought of reading another persons' mail extremely distasteful even when asked to do so. It seems like all the technology that becomes available these days has already been exhausted and pushed to its' limits for military purpose and/or government intrusion into our lives. What we get to see is just the tip of the iceberg while what we experience and are subjected to, whether aware or conscious, prior to the most recent breakthrough, can be hard to take.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by luxordelphi
Dreams, from what I've studied, are a differrent language - a language of symbols, generational and genetic and racial and cosmic and personal.

Summate that with experience. Dreams are based on experience.

It reminds me of a court case back in the few years just after 9/11 when a person found themselves trying to defend against a dream someone had of them. This was the entirety of the prosecutions' case: a dream. This was the madness of that time and if I can find the story again I'll provide a link.

Please with a wouldn't have gotten that far if there wasn't validity but a link is needed.

From my studies of esoteric subjects I have learned that a person can not interpret another above their own evolutionary level.

Define that wonderfully assumptive statement.

I find the thought of reading another persons' mail extremely distasteful even when asked to do so. It seems like all the technology that becomes available these days has already been exhausted and pushed to its' limits for military purpose and/or government intrusion into our lives. What we get to see is just the tip of the iceberg while what we experience and are subjected to, whether aware or conscious, prior to the most recent breakthrough, can be hard to take.

This is the tip of the iceberg...

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 10:59 PM
The only addendum I would make?

People don't remember their dreams...why is that?

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by NoahTheSumerian

By the way...I don't agree with therapeutic hypnosis...too subjective...

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

Dreams can be prophetic - where's the experience?
Dreams can be a warning - where's the experience?
Dreams can be interdimensional conversation - where's the experience?
Dreams can be a new experience - where's the experience?

If I set about interpreting a prophetic dream that someone else has had, never having had a prophetic dream myself, how am I going to do that? How will I interpret a dream at an evolutionary level that I myself am not at? I won't, I can't and I will err if I try to interpret within the scope that I know.

posted on Aug, 25 2010 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

Actually, Roddenberry covered it in the very first episode. Yes it is real, and developed beyond comprehension, so much so, that it's, well, boring. You ought to see what's on the street now.

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