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Human hand wedged between bed and wall.

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posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 03:14 AM
Ok, this might sound creepy or impossible. But try to remember the circumstances of that day/night. I believe hypnotherapy would help you since you don`t remember what happened after. But take this for a possibility, you were supposed to stay the night at grammas, or a friend or other relative that night, your parents, or just one, knew that with you gone, they could murder someone and hide them under your bed, somehow the guy wasnt dead all the way and got his hand up there. For some reason your plans to stay wherever didnt pan out. You are brought home unexpectedly and theres no time, or anywhere else to hide the body. You dont remember what happened next because it was too traumatic. your parent(s) came in and checked to see if you found anything then they too noticed that the hand was poking up. and they knew you noticed it too. maybe you said something about it. your mother or father or both have to come up with something. they convince you that this nice man was hiding under your bed to surprise you with tickets to disneyland but when you got on your bed too hard he suffocated to death! yes you were a very bad boy indeed. and the police were going to put you in jail forever where all kinds of terrible things would happen and you could never see mommy and daddy again. unless of course, thats it! mom and dad can take care of this mess and as long as you dont ever mention this, nothing bad will have to happen. thats a boy timmy! dont even think about it! just FORGET this ever happened! you dont want to be taken away from mommy and daddy do you?! with no christmas or birthdays?! then you just erase this from your memory son! FOREVER!!!

either that or your mom was cheatin and it was her lover hidin under your bed and for whatever reason his hand was sticking out, maybe his arm was in a cast.

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posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 03:53 AM
maybe some of these experiences are semi lost memories of abuse....

2nd line

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 04:00 AM
Had something like this happen about the same age as well. I was going to sleep one night and looked out the window. Clear as day was the grim reaper. No trees to make shadows or anything. I searched my entire yard the next day to see where he might be at but never could find him. He's real ya know. I have been a faithful believer in him since then.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 09:05 PM
Wow. Thanks for posting your experience. I know how it must have given you the creeps. I wish I could understand this myself. Too weird others have experienced this as well. What could this be?

My experience was the hand stuck up between the wall and bed, then the hand moved back down. The bottom of the bed started to move and rolled away from the wall probably a foot or so then moved back. I was freaked but then thought that is was probably my cousin , had snuck in there, and was playing a trick on me. I got up to look under the bed to catch him but no one was under there! I also had no prior knowledge to this bed being on wheels which was confirmed when I looked.

Walked out into the kitchen ..told grandmother I wanted to go home and go home NOW. I was approx 8 yrs of age at the time. She tried to console me, and make me think it was a bad dream. I insisted I was awake and this was real for I had already been awake when this happened. Needless to say, I NEVER spent the night there again and this had been my 1st and ONLY time.

[edit on 3-6-2010 by SeekerLou]

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 09:10 PM
When I was around 2-4 years old I saw a hand or clown gloved hand come out of the wall and tickle me when I was in bed, scary stuff.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 10:18 PM
These experiences can happen anywhere!
Although mine does not feature a hand specifically, here's a short summary...
I was in seventh grade about two years ago. The teacher dude had turned off all the lights to use the projector, and the subject was on Abraham Lincoln and one of the Kennedys.
I was situated in the left-hand corner of the room, and I turned my head on reflex to look at something contrasting in the darkness in the right-hand corner. At first glance, it was a cute little white Kokeshi doll with black accents and I wondered what it was doing there. It was radiating a faint sheen.
But after a second or so, my brain immediately focused on the face of this doll.
The eyes were gouged out!!!
And it had no mouth!
My initial reaction was to nudge my friend in the shoulder and show her the doll. She kinda stared at it but didn't really react the way I thought she would - not fazed a bit.
Just then the lunch bell rang, so we all ran out. As my friend retold the sight to my friends, it got to the part with the face, and I blinked, and at that exact moment the doll's face shows up in the split-second of black. I stumbled back and cried out, and of course everyone looked at me weirdly.
After I explained what happened, they didn't talk about that thing anymore.
I have a little red Kokeshi doll in my bedroom that somehow makes me feel safe but wary at once. If I ever come into the room to find some of my siblings have been playing there and see her knocked over, I will pick her right up and dust her off. I feel that she's doing me a favor so I better fix her little location or risk having bad things happen to me.

[edit on 6/3/2010 by Elaethyr]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by MaxBlack

While your account seems fanciful, I suspect you did see something . Here's my story:

My wife is a nurse at a local hospital. One night she got a call from a friend whose 6 year old son was hysterical. The boy said that he was about to fall asleep when "beings" started coming through a wall in his bedroom. They just walked through the wall and stopped and stared at him as he lay in bed. "They came through the wall", "they came through the wall" he yelled over and over. He was darn near crazy.

Now, we learned the next day that local law enforcement while on patrol saw a number of UFOs in the vicinity of this neighborhood. Needless to say there were a number of calls reporting odd lights over houses.

The rest of the story - my wife's friend soon sold her house because her son would only sleep in the living room. He refused to ever sleep in his bedroom again.

[edit on 4-6-2010 by Jrags]

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:34 AM
Wow, that's pretty freaky. I had a very similar experience when I was around 8 or 9. For quite some time I'd been hearing scratching noises like there was something under my pillow/bed, but I ignored it figuring it was my imagination. One night I was lying in bed with my arms near the top of the matress, and something reached up from between the wall and the bed and tried to pull my hand down with it.

I don't know whether it was a dream, hallucination or real, but it scared me enough that for many years I slept with my hands in a fist, thumbs tucked in and was paranoid about leaving my hands resting under my head/the pillow.

I feel kinda foolish, but up until I was about 17/18, I even slept on top of my hands so nothing could grab them.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by livingtruth

Dude, the exact same thing happened to me, also when I was 5. That dirty #$**$%T weird hand haunted me for years. I was terrified of all things paranormal. Its hard to imagine being so scared as I was, but I mean I was young but it followed me for many years to some degree.

For me when it happened I got out of bed and ran to the door and I thought I could still see it, don't remember, and I ran to sleep by my parents bed on the floor. That thing messed me up man.

I gotta go to work, i'll comment more later. Interested to see what other people post, this was a huge annoying part of my life, its kind of cool that it happened to someone else.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 08:00 AM
I remember when I was a little kid and the movie "the Hand" came out,I had nightmares of a hand crawling under ,my bed brings back old memorys

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Oldtimer2
I remember when I was a little kid and the movie "the Hand" came out,I had nightmares of a hand crawling under ,my bed brings back old memorys

I too had nightmares about this old 50s movie. It scared me for a very long time.

When I was older, I rented a VHS tape of THE HAND. By then, I thought it was corny but still creepy

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:49 PM
Interesting but perhaps just an illusion

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:38 PM
I have a similiar fear, but with no memory attached unfortunately. Due to childhood trauma my brain has a knack of erasing all frightening situations.

I cannot, leave my arm or hand hanging off the side of my bed. When I do, I fear that somebody is going to reach out and grab it. I am certain that this at some point happened in my childhood. Quite frankly Im glad I dont remember it.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
I have a similiar fear, but with no memory attached unfortunately. Due to childhood trauma my brain has a knack of erasing all frightening situations.

I cannot, leave my arm or hand hanging off the side of my bed. When I do, I fear that somebody is going to reach out and grab it. I am certain that this at some point happened in my childhood. Quite frankly Im glad I dont remember it.

lol me too.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 02:05 AM
Uh... I think when I turned 16 maybe, I stopped having all of the irrational fears that you guys are describing.

Are you people adults, or children?

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:01 PM
Theres something very sinister about disembodied hands. A few years back my Dad was dating a woman who lived out in the country in an old house that had a long history of gypsys and "white witches". The woman had a song who was around 11 at the time, a bit hyper but he wasnt anything out of the ordinary. He used to beg me to stay over when me and my Dad would visit because every night he would see hands in his room.

I recall one night - the only night, I stayed over I slept on his top bunk. I awoke to see a black figure at the end of the bed that was obviously half way up the ladder staring at me.

I pulled the covers over my head and shook myself to sleep. It was not a nice entity, and I have no problem relating the hands to it.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 04:52 PM
link all have unlocked some sinister repressed memories that I had locked away in the recesses of my brain for years - and now they're starting to come back to me clear as day.

I have some eerily similar stories to a few that are described here. One incident happened when I was 5 or 6 years old and in bed. I shared the same room as my brother at the time (he is slightly older), and his bed was across the room. I woke up for some reason in the dead of night and just lay looking at the ceiling for quite a while - maybe even like 15 minutes (so yes, I was awake). My eyes adjusted to the darkness and with the moonlight in the window I could see things very clearly in the room at this point.

I suddenly got an overwhelming uneasy feeling of something happening behind me and to my left, my bed was wedged against the wall on 2 sides but pulled maybe a few inches out on the top and side. Fear gripped me. I finally built up the courage to look back / to the left, and to my horror I saw a hand working its way up near the back corner against the wall. The hand had a tight black glove on and was knuckles out. I was mortified - i literally couldn't move. My brain started racing as I saw the hand and arm coming further and further up against the wall from under the bed. It started feeling around on the wall and reaching around like it was trying to grab something. I thought maybe it was my brother and realized the angle wasn't right and the hand would have been bigger than his. The way it was reaching around would had to have meant the joints were dislocated. I freaked. I scrambled up and ran to the door struggling to open it and find the light switch. I ended up waking both my parents up b/c they heard me, and after they came in I saw that my brother was still asleep in his bed under the covers but groggily waking up. No possible way it was him. It was really bad...

Another incident happened when I was way older, early 20's in college. I was laying in bed and would occasionally have my girlfriend sleep over. I was sleeping and again woke up in the middle of the night, and just laid there for a while on my side staring at my alarm clock. I was really groggy and trying to remember if I had any classes the next day, so then I rolled over onto my back and an arm fell onto my upper torso. I laid my arms overtop of it and smiled thinking I wonder what my girlfriend was dreaming of. Suddenly like a bolt of lightning I realized that it was a Wednesday night - I had classes the next day - and my girlfriend was not over. I pushed the arm off of me and there was not much weight to it, as in it seemed disembodied. It felt what I can only describe as "spongey" as well, like what someone else described. I screamed out and jumped to door and turned the light on, nothing there of course. I clearly felt it, I clearly threw it off of me, and my friends that I awoke throughout the house could tell that I was shaken after they made their way to see what all the fuss was about. I did not go back to sleep and it was like 2:30am or so.

I have other terrifying ones and will get into those if anyone is interested...

[edit on 6-6-2010 by Ajax]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Ajax all have unlocked some sinister repressed memories that I had locked away in the recesses of my brain for years - and now they're starting to come back to me clear as day.

I have some eerily similar stories to a few that are described here. One incident happened when I was 5 or 6 years old and in bed. I shared the same room as my brother at the time (he is slightly older), and his bed was across the room. I woke up for some reason in the dead of night and just lay looking at the ceiling for quite a while - maybe even like 15 minutes (so yes, I was awake). My eyes adjusted to the darkness and with the moonlight in the window I could see things very clearly in the room at this point.

I suddenly got an overwhelming uneasy feeling of something happening behind me and to my left, my bed was wedged against the wall on 2 sides but pulled maybe a few inches out on the top and side. Fear gripped me. I finally built up the courage to look back / to the left, and to my horror I saw a hand working its way up near the back corner against the wall. The hand had a tight black glove on and was knuckles out. I was mortified - i literally couldn't move. My brain started racing as I saw the hand and arm coming further and further up against the wall from under the bed. It started feeling around on the wall and reaching around like it was trying to grab something. I thought maybe it was my brother and realized the angle wasn't right and the hand would have been bigger than his. The way it was reaching around would had to have meant the joints were dislocated. I freaked. I scrambled up and ran to the door struggling to open it and find the light switch. I ended up waking both my parents up b/c they heard me, and after they came in I saw that my brother was still asleep in his bed under the covers but groggily waking up. No possible way it was him. It was really bad...

Another incident happened when I was way older, early 20's in college. I was laying in bed and would occasionally have my girlfriend sleep over. I was sleeping and again woke up in the middle of the night, and just laid there for a while on my side staring at my alarm clock. I was really groggy and trying to remember if I had any classes the next day, so then I rolled over onto my back and an arm fell onto my upper torso. I laid my arms overtop of it and smiled thinking I wonder what my girlfriend was dreaming of. Suddenly like a bolt of lightning I realized that it was a Wednesday night - I had classes the next day - and my girlfriend was not over. I pushed the arm off of me and there was not much weight to it, as in it seemed disembodied. It felt what I can only describe as "spongey" as well, like what someone else described. I screamed out and jumped to door and turned the light on, nothing there of course. I clearly felt it, I clearly threw it off of me, and my friends that I awoke throughout the house could tell that I was shaken after they made their way to see what all the fuss was about. I did not go back to sleep and it was like 2:30am or so.

I have other terrifying ones and will get into those if anyone is interested...

[edit on 6-6-2010 by Ajax]

That first incident sounds horrific. I hate that feeling when you know something isnt right but man after reading these posts hands totally freak me out now.

PS. When me and my friend were at Uni together his room was next door to mine and he used to come sit in my room at 4am because he felt things getting into bed with him.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Munji

That first incident sounds horrific. I hate that feeling when you know something isnt right but man after reading these posts hands totally freak me out now.

PS. When me and my friend were at Uni together his room was next door to mine and he used to come sit in my room at 4am because he felt things getting into bed with him.

Yeah, it was really really bad. Both of these were actually, and I have others just as bad. It's strange how certain occurrences seem to come in spurts and then not happen for a while. I wonder if there's anything to that.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by Ajax

Holy crap! A disembodied arm fell on you? Wow- never heard of that before! This thread is quickly becoming one of my favs.

What part of Maryland are you from? Im from Northern Virginia. There is alot of paranormal richness in Maryland, especially in areas around Baltimore. Although areas up near Delaware, Annapolis, and Ellicot City have always felt creepy to me aswell.

Ajax, please post more stories! Very very interesting!

[edit on 8-6-2010 by xynephadyn]

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