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The New World Order & The Globalist Agenda

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posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by AshleyD

Because it is inevitable! Looking at the ongoing "boom" sounds from notable regions, a high consideration that projectcamelot could be the viable answer for the sounds. It is talked about in many strategic moves for taking control. Ask H.G. Wells - a novel, movie and very probable! - Scarey huh?

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:39 AM
WHERE do 'conspiracy theroists' fit into the NWO?

I've just watched an incredible 9/11 video showing that even mainstream actors/musicians etc are well aware of the questions that arise regarding the 'official story'. Conspiracies in the past have maybe needed official documents to prove one way or another, whereas 9/11 almost seems to be in your face- as though it is intentionally obvious the official story is not true.

To me, the whole 9/11 event is so blatant once you look at the facts- is this blatancy part of the NWO plan?

The British government is looking to openly monitor internet access, are they now seeking to find out who the free thinking parts of a population are?

The official 9/11 'story' is an insult to intelligence, yet at the same time going against it and asking questions can be seen as unpatriotic- against the state etc?

So did 9/11 have two agenda's- not only to begin the wars in the middle east for the 21st century but also to be so obvious to those who can think openly that they can use it to expose those who may be a danger or opposed to the NWO as it develops further?

The NWO brainwashing seems to have got to so many people- you can present genuine questions about 9/11 or Libya etc and they just literally shut off and think you are crazy.

But for those who do think and question, where do we fit into this NWO? If the government is going to monitor our internet- we're not literally a danger, but we do ask questions and try and expose the truth- so what is going to happen?

Worrying times, especially as it seems Israel is on the verge of attacking Iran

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by AshleyD

Great work... now what do we do?

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 06:22 PM
In my opinion there must be competing parties within the power structure, it is absurd to suggest that every one of the elite work in unison and agree on every policy decision that is made. The fact is that there is probably nobody in the world that understands the working of the world in its fullness, but some have greater insight and control than others.

It seems to me that the whole 'us and them' concept arises from the fact that those with money and power will act to maintain their status and advance their own personal agenda, and this often requires like-minded individuals working together to preserve what they have. It is a mutual relationship, but also one that creates enemies as well as allies.

There is certainly a dominant globalist agenda working behind the scenes, there are obviously secret socities and secret meetings taking place, but they all fit together like an inperfect patchwork rather than a completed jigsaw puzzle. The all-encompassing 'Illuminati' or 'new world order' idea recieves so much criticism partially because it goes against human nature; a formal system like that could not maintain itself in overwhelming secrecy for so long. However, it is a concept rooted in truth, as certainly the powerful and wealthy stay as they are while the poor continue to suffer with very little change ever occuring. The interconnected grid network is obviously there working in the shadows, but it is naive to suggest it is so clear cut as many have argued.

It is here that the pyramid analogy proves useful - the way I see it the richest and most powerful occupy the tip of the capstone, while those beneath them battle with each other to move ever upwards. The higher you go in the structure the easier it is to maintain your position, due to the resources at your disposal , and the authority that you have over those beneath you. It is not a formal system with numbered rankings or coloured wristbands, but rather a sliding scale of power. The layers of the pyramid are permeable, so that people can seep through the divides in extreme circumstances (someone like Richard Branson could be an example of this), but it is almost impossible for a common man or person to access the very top of the structure.

The important thing to remember is that the pyramid is compartmentalised; meaning each individual sector of it has little concept of how it relates to the rest of the structure. This is how all of the otherwise implausible 'conspiracy' type events can be pulled off; everyone just does their job without question and without any sight of the bigger picture they are helping to create. An analogy would be a common supermarket - how much does the person working behind the till know about the board meetings going on in skyscrapers in the city?

Things do seem to be getting steadily worse for the human race, and we have been circling the drain for a long time. There is huge merit in what OP and others have stated, but we just need to take a step back from time to time and look at things from a fresh viewpoint. To end on a positive note I don't think the elite are as organised or as united as is commonly suggested, and the turmoil we have seen recently suggests there is conflict within the upper tiers of the power structure.

Change is coming, but whether it will be good or bad remains to be seen.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 07:45 PM
This is an excellent thread and there are some great replied too. I will write at more length on a couple of issues which ate connected. As good as this well thought out thread is, there are a few dots missing. That said, regardless of the details, there is a plan to dominate and enslave the world and most people have no idea and the majority do not care or do not want to hear. The issue is personal freedom or control by a "higher" power. Forget discussing the details. if you do not understand that the basic issue is GREED and CONTROL the details of who, how, when and why are irrelevant. Those in control of this process are evil. I am not religious so I use that word to describe their true character. They have finaced all wars, revolutions and genocides for a couple of centuries not just the recent past. In particular to simplify the issue they financed the russian revolution and Hitler. Prescot Bush was arrested for trading with Nazi Germany. THAT is how evil they are....anything for other motive. More to come.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 10:43 AM

However, I do hope the above information is enough evidence to show that such a push is indeed being made by the governments of the world.

Excellent argument and well presented information AshleyD. I completely agree and attempted to corroborate the very idea presented in your Conclusion with a video consisting of Presidential speeches, activist speeches, Congressional testimony, news reports and interviews with key individuals.

Amerikaniki Epanastasi (American Revolution) ...

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 09:57 PM
This is merely my opinion on the topic of a NWO and a global agenda. There aren't top many specifics in what I'm about to say, just merely generalities.

At first when I watched films like Zeitgeist and other films highlighting conspiracies in our history of the world, I will admit that I was ticked off that such things were happening. I was mad that the elite groups atop the federal, corporate, and financial pyramids have been secretly advocating wars and have been blatantly lying to the general public while we blindly carry on with our insignificant lives. They control everything through their invention of the Federal Reserve and central banks and have been able to sway/lobby politicians to go to war for their own gains.

And after reading more and more about government conspiracies and secrecy within the elite, I hear more and more the possibility of a NWO by somehow combining NAFTA, EU, APEC, ASEAN, etc. into one ruling power over the globe. Now the way their doing this through secret societies, deception, and fraudulent war isn't morally acceptable to the average human. But sometimes I think it's a necessary evil. I'll try to explain why.

It all depends on what the supposed NWO's global agenda would be. If their agenda was to unify the population of the world towards one purpose of improving our species technologically and eventually expanding into outer space, I wouldn't be opposed. If it were solely a greedy ploy to create a handful of wealthy families, I would oppose. It's tough to really tell.

Right now we have all of these problems in the world because of differences in cultures, borders, and religion (stupid misconceptions about the Sun that date as far back as man). To me it's as clear as day that therein lies the root of all evil. "United we stand, divided we fall". If a NWO could abolish archaic cultural and racial thinking and unify everyone under one common goal of furthering our species (no matter the race), it would be the best thing that could ever happen to our existence.

Our technological gap is go great because people can't put aside their differences in ideas, religion, race, and other social things. We still wage wars and are hostile with one another because of our violent histories that we just can't seem to put aside.

Unfortunately, countries won't just lay down. So, the only solution is for one nation or group of nations to come out on top and take over it all. It obviously won't be pretty, we can already see examples of that fact. But it's inevitable. Otherwise, the species will die killing itself. Everyone on the corner of the Earth needs to view the world as a living organism and an organism at war with itself all the time is doomed. Unfortunately, war with itself is the only means to acquire true ideological unity within our species. People will die but it's also a necessary evil, the Earth is already overpopulated and over-consumed.

With a World Government and Economy we could accomplish an unimaginable amount of growth and stability. All of the world's resources could be used for one specific purpose with regions specializing in separate things.

In our current world we've created a society based on differences and competition. We hold resources from one another instead of building together. It's all about the individual and it gets us nowhere. I'm starting to think all of these secretive societies and institutions (like the Federal Reserve, FBI, CIA, etc). are the only way to get all of us organized in the long-run. It makes sense because there wouldn't have been much growth without them.

The biggest question will be the people in control of the supposed world government. Some might think they might have their own agendas. As the old saying goes: "absolute power corrupts absolutely". However, if you put yourself in the shoes of the "leader of the world" you'll realize that, unless you actually want to end our civilization, the only actions you can commit are for the betterment of us or nothing at all. What I'm trying to say is there isn't any room for corruption by that point. You'd have all the wealth in the world and everyone in support. The person(s) in charge would have to want to deliberately undermine the species to be corrupt.

I'll end by saying this: we are already on this path of human history. The only mystery will be if we as a species survive what's ahead because there will be a lot of war and opposition still clinging to traditional ideologies. It will be the religious populations and nations who still believe they're special and different and should live individual lifestyles.

I'm 20 years old so I'm as open-minded and tolerant as anyone on this planet. And if there's one thing that I've really learned so far is that our borders and differences in cultures shackle us. This Earth won't be around forever and we theoretically could be. So if there's a responsible NWO entity that is willing to go ahead and do the dirty work, I can't say that I mind.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:04 PM
very good thread TS

but the Third Reich operated efficiently as does communist china which is by and large not even a true communist state. As a true communist state has never existed however i must say this you have failed to describe what would happen should the world order fail. A thing these naive children on here fail to realize is that their very children and blood and breed shall be stripped beaten down and raped and the "b#tch" of the 3rd world shall the new world order fail. Your people your western world will become enslaved and become in turn subordinate to the 3rd world shall the new world order fail.

You are naive if you think world order has no positives to it. Oh and no the world wont be enslaved an enslaved population is not a viable option rather one that has freedoms to a certain extent but one in which the populace feels special for being alive.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by DannL
This is merely my opinion on the topic of a NWO and a global agenda. There aren't top many specifics in what I'm about to say, just merely generalities.

At first when I watched films like Zeitgeist and other films highlighting conspiracies in our history of the world, I will admit that I was ticked off that such things were happening. I was mad that the elite groups atop the federal, corporate, and financial pyramids have been secretly advocating wars and have been blatantly lying to the general public while we blindly carry on with our insignificant lives. They control everything through their invention of the Federal Reserve and central banks and have been able to sway/lobby politicians to go to war for their own gains.

And after reading more and more about government conspiracies and secrecy within the elite, I hear more and more the possibility of a NWO by somehow combining NAFTA, EU, APEC, ASEAN, etc. into one ruling power over the globe. Now the way their doing this through secret societies, deception, and fraudulent war isn't morally acceptable to the average human. But sometimes I think it's a necessary evil. I'll try to explain why.

It all depends on what the supposed NWO's global agenda would be. If their agenda was to unify the population of the world towards one purpose of improving our species technologically and eventually expanding into outer space, I wouldn't be opposed. If it were solely a greedy ploy to create a handful of wealthy families, I would oppose. It's tough to really tell.

Right now we have all of these problems in the world because of differences in cultures, borders, and religion (stupid misconceptions about the Sun that date as far back as man). To me it's as clear as day that therein lies the root of all evil. "United we stand, divided we fall". If a NWO could abolish archaic cultural and racial thinking and unify everyone under one common goal of furthering our species (no matter the race), it would be the best thing that could ever happen to our existence.

Our technological gap is go great because people can't put aside their differences in ideas, religion, race, and other social things. We still wage wars and are hostile with one another because of our violent histories that we just can't seem to put aside.

Unfortunately, countries won't just lay down. So, the only solution is for one nation or group of nations to come out on top and take over it all. It obviously won't be pretty, we can already see examples of that fact. But it's inevitable. Otherwise, the species will die killing itself. Everyone on the corner of the Earth needs to view the world as a living organism and an organism at war with itself all the time is doomed. Unfortunately, war with itself is the only means to acquire true ideological unity within our species. People will die but it's also a necessary evil, the Earth is already overpopulated and over-consumed.

With a World Government and Economy we could accomplish an unimaginable amount of growth and stability. All of the world's resources could be used for one specific purpose with regions specializing in separate things.

In our current world we've created a society based on differences and competition. We hold resources from one another instead of building together. It's all about the individual and it gets us nowhere. I'm starting to think all of these secretive societies and institutions (like the Federal Reserve, FBI, CIA, etc). are the only way to get all of us organized in the long-run. It makes sense because there wouldn't have been much growth without them.

The biggest question will be the people in control of the supposed world government. Some might think they might have their own agendas. As the old saying goes: "absolute power corrupts absolutely". However, if you put yourself in the shoes of the "leader of the world" you'll realize that, unless you actually want to end our civilization, the only actions you can commit are for the betterment of us or nothing at all. What I'm trying to say is there isn't any room for corruption by that point. You'd have all the wealth in the world and everyone in support. The person(s) in charge would have to want to deliberately undermine the species to be corrupt.

I'll end by saying this: we are already on this path of human history. The only mystery will be if we as a species survive what's ahead because there will be a lot of war and opposition still clinging to traditional ideologies. It will be the religious populations and nations who still believe they're special and different and should live individual lifestyles.

I'm 20 years old so I'm as open-minded and tolerant as anyone on this planet. And if there's one thing that I've really learned so far is that our borders and differences in cultures shackle us. This Earth won't be around forever and we theoretically could be. So if there's a responsible NWO entity that is willing to go ahead and do the

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:08 PM

You are using your brain unlike the children that run around screaming new world order. There are many many negatives to the global world order that is the truth but it becomes a necessary evil (far to much for me to explain). Basically if it does not occur than the western world cannot sustain itself and in turn the rest of the world the 3rd world would eventually surpass and hold resentment towards what we have done to them in the past. You would see your future children raped and beat down in some form. I am not lying this is true i have read many many books by many of these men who are involved in this world order i have attended speeches by some of these men i have looked at all sides and it really truly comes down to two sides. 1 side is the success of the western world with the elite in control the second is the destruction and collapse of the western world and the rise of the 3rd world and the subordination of the western world to that of the 3rd world.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Wonderer2012
WHERE do 'conspiracy theroists' fit into the NWO?

I've just watched an incredible 9/11 video showing that even mainstream actors/musicians etc are well aware of the questions that arise regarding the 'official story'. Conspiracies in the past have maybe needed official documents to prove one way or another, whereas 9/11 almost seems to be in your face- as though it is intentionally obvious the official story is not true.

To me, the whole 9/11 event is so blatant once you look at the facts- is this blatancy part of the NWO plan?

The British government is looking to openly monitor internet access, are they now seeking to find out who the free thinking parts of a population are?

The official 9/11 'story' is an insult to intelligence, yet at the same time going against it and asking questions can be seen as unpatriotic- against the state etc?

So did 9/11 have two agenda's- not only to begin the wars in the middle east for the 21st century but also to be so obvious to those who can think openly that they can use it to expose those who may be a danger or opposed to the NWO as it develops further?

The NWO brainwashing seems to have got to so many people- you can present genuine questions about 9/11 or Libya etc and they just literally shut off and think you are crazy.

But for those who do think and question, where do we fit into this NWO? If the government is going to monitor our internet- we're not literally a danger, but we do ask questions and try and expose the truth- so what is going to happen?

Worrying times, especially as it seems Israel is on the verge of attacking Iran

I am not a moron like most of the children who scream NWO

I will be serious

9/11 was an inside job
The dollar is being devalued on purpose
the SDR will become the new reserve currency within a decade and the one world currency ( a lot to explain)

the list goes on.

These children screaming NWO on youtube and conjuring up some branch off absurd conspiracies that have no logic in them are throwing off the nwo and what it originally stood for and making a lot of the legit theorist seem "crazy".. Basically you have the children to blame and to an extent Alex Jones while he does make good use of spreading a great amount of truth the sad fact is a lot of his followers are complete morons with 1/100th of the knowledge that he has so with only 1/100 of the knowledge and their childish minds filled with to much info they reiterate few key points and than spin things off to their liking.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 01:16 AM

But you are correct, there is literally mountains of material related to this subject.

Have people lost the meaning of the word "literally", or why is it used this way so much? People use it when 'figuratively' should be used.

If there is LITERALLY mountains of material - that would mean, actual, literal mountains somewhere to be seen or even climbed on. Are there such mountains, literally, somewhere on this planet?


So although you are presenting a good case, and obviously with hard work and with good research, you attack your own credibility with thoughtlessness with this type of wrong usage of a word. It's like I said "The NWO is literally a train wreck". You can obviously see that's not true. It's not -literally- a train wreck.

(I know, bad and slightly nonsensical example, but hopefully it clarifies the point nonetheless)

My point: Don't use the word: "literally", unless you really mean "literally", and not "figuratively".

(You could have stated instead, that there is so much material, that if it were to be printed as paper, it would create a small mountain (probably not 'many mountains' though) - or in a similar fashion. But that there is LITERALLY "mountains of information" would require actual, visitable, real world mountains of 'material' of this kind.)

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 01:17 AM
Bluewave, will you please lay off the shaming language? It doesn't benefit anyone that you call other people "children".

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 10:47 AM
Dear friends,

as i found scaring information about the 2012 olympics in london, i feel urgently to share them with you.

In the following i added web addresses with these information.

They all give hints, that there will be a massive bombing on the olympic stadium and surrounding london.

The eu and us politicans will say these were terrorist attacks , as in 9/11, but you will know better. It was planned by themselves.

I am certainly anti semitic as i know that all humans are equal. If the links seem antisemitic to you just dont close them and read and watch the neutral information,

It can easily happen that you will close your eyes before this information, for it is easy to say that all this is a stupid conspiracy theory.

So i ask you to please open your eyes no matter how dumb the sources may seem,

for we are living in crazy times and innocent people are killed in wars right now thruout the world and also remember 9/11.

Even if you dont feel to take action about this, when in 5 weeks this attack will happen, and the mass media will say this was an terroristic attack by some satanistic iranian terrorists, you will know that it was not.



youtube: London 2012: Olympics, Zionism and Freemasonry

-on PAGE 34 this offical rockeffeler document predicts the london attacks in past tense :

-HERE is a page adress for a really rather ATISEPTIC VIEW of the olympic 2012 strange things:

-ths adresses shows an article on an international news page:

-ROGER HAYES: This news wich is ignored by mass media may show you whats going on right know in the UK. He just was a thread to the new totally corrupt system so he was taken out oft he game, like John f. kennedy, martin luther king, john lennon. (and these are only the famous ones!)

- 2012: iran warns stay away from london, the mass media is here making fun of iran warning

-a big action has been taken in KANAda against the MASSIVE CRIMES AND GENOZIDES OFT FOLLOWING INSTITUTIONS: CHURCH (iVATIKANi), STATE AND PHARMA INDUSTRY. A big conference will be hold on july 4 in kanada NEWS: INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL INTO CRIMES OF CHURCH AND STATE ( : ` On Wednesday July 4, our friend and ally, Jason Bowman of The Association of Citizen Prosecutors (ACP), will be filing the first class action lawsuit in history against the Vatican, the Crown of England, the government and churches of Canada, and pharmaceutical corporations for crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.`


posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 01:54 AM
A New World Order would be a great thing. All countries working together. No wars no one country in debt to another. Everyone working together for the better good of man kind. A new way we govern the world.

posted on Jul, 10 2012 @ 09:34 AM
According to Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince in their book The Sion Revelation there has been a conspiracy by a group of people involved in Synarchy. They have been infiltrating, secretly getting their members into positions of authority in religious, political, and economic institutions.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 07:44 AM
Does anyone know anything about the lawsuit against the Federal Reserve by Neil Keenan that was filed earlier this year in the 2nd District of New York?

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 07:46 AM
I have photograph quality copies of the entire lawsuit in pdf format. I'd be glad to post them but I don't know how.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 09:27 AM
This just in the CBC has reported that the new cross boarder security will allow either American or Canadian cross into each others boarders "armed" if necessary to arrest people of interest.

These people of interest are deemed criminals. As most of us do; we all want to make sure the bad guys get caught: however reading between the lines tells me that this is just another step forward to the N.W.O agenda.

Story here:
Cross-border policing provokes sovereignty worries

Now tucked away inside this new legislation is the following, no pun intended.

The integrated Cross Boarder Law Enforcement Operations Act will now track departing travelers under the guise of failed refugee claimants.

Which means another step to losing privacy. Why do they need to know where we are going to be while out of the country? Are we not US or Canadian citizens. We are not failed refugee claimants.

Tracking you, to what extent? Sure right now they say it is your departure to destination. Exit and entry monitoring? Again this is under the guise of an immigration problem.

Story here:
Canada-U.S. border deal will track departing travelers


posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 02:57 PM
Has anyone heard of the recent Executive Order by the President essentially giving him (and anyone he delegates) total authority to access any and all personal information without due process nor even notifying anyone?

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