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ATTENTION Patriots / Birthers / Teabaggers / Whomever - If you did get your Revolution, Then What?

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posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

All your doing here is putting words in his mouth. He laid out a broad oversight of what needs to change. What are you doing; going to extremes. Picking out the worst case scenario and plugging it into ideals that this country was founded on. No welfare for 6 months, who said anything about the sick or injured? Its about Constitutionalism.

What you don't understand is the more govt. has control, the less you are in control. For the people, by the people. What don't you understand about that. No where does it say for the govt by the govt.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by ziggystrange

Z - What evades some, is that we are Americans, and we are not going to slide back to the wisdom of segregation under any name. I like that if I decide to move to Harlem, I may have to be more tolerant, and vigilant, because I'm different but I can count on the law of the land not the neighborhood. I like being Free to choose.

In the U.S. you describe, individual States would have the right to institute, unconstitutional laws designed to give comfort to an engineered majority.This would take away my current right to choose.

Today, if someone objects to my Jewish Wife breathing, I can do something about it. Wherever I happen to be. I may lose my life, and or Wife, but Freedom demands sacrifice, and sometimes death. But the all important law will be on my side.

E - Ziggy you must be misunderstanding me, not one time did I say people could infringe upon others (your example of someone not liking your Jewish wife breathing) or break constitutional laws. Just as you said that if you go to Harlem there are certain things you may have to be more tolerant of you are free to choose to go or not. What you said is exactly what I was saying about freedom.

Z - You ask me to trust that people are inherently benevolent, as a replacement for laws, I choose to keep the laws that limit my freedom to oppress you.

E - Now that my friend is tyranny. I do not wish to oppress you yet you don't give a second thought to assume what is best for the collective and put laws in place to ensure your way is the only way?

Z - Dennis would create a US that was divided by color, and National origin.
He then would treat "X's" any way he pleased in his protected area. But the next day he'd be at their Restaurant munching, and trying to do the chicks.
But this would not be allowed in his area. I'm not saying X's are better than whites, just better than Dennis. I'd rather see the X's happy than Dennis, any day. Does Dennis represent me? absolutely not. I take precedence over Dennis because he is a Constitutional scofflaw. Dennis has demonstrated that he can't be trusted not to step on others rights. It's only the law that prevents him from increasing the scope of his bigotry.

You and I pay a price for his bigotry. Let's get rid of his ideology, and then we can start to talk about trust in place of laws. Until then, I have to keep on trusting the instruments that work. The Constitution, The Pen, and unfortunately, The Sword. The Founders were a lot like me, 2nd 3rd gen immigrants. I believe I understand what they wanted to accomplish.

E - 'act locally, affect globally', the only reason you and I pay a price for his bigotry is that the people close to him who call him a friend but oppose his behavior enable him by doing nothing and expect someone else to do something about it. If his so called friends would call him out and exile him in some way he would either change his ways or move somewhere else and hopefully the people where he moved to would act the same way and pretty soon he would either be a total outcast or see the light, no new laws would be enacted and the only ones enforced would be if he infringed upon another's right, that is true liberty my friend.

Z - What about the rest of the world. How do we become Merlin, and cast a spell over them? I'm no Imperialist, but we need a presence overseas to survive today. Our enemies would destroy a Rubik cubed Jello version of America.

E - We cannot and should not be the world police, there are too many countries with different ideas far removed from the American ideal to try to go all preachy on them. Private organizations can go and do their humanitarian deeds with true voluntary passion all we can do is protect the people inside the US. I am for immigration done correctly.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by equistar
reply to post by ziggystrange


E - Ziggy you must be misunderstanding me, not one time did I say people could infringe upon others (your example of someone not liking your Jewish wife breathing) or break constitutional laws. Just as you said that if you go to Harlem there are certain things you may have to be more tolerant of you are free to choose to go or not. What you said is exactly what I was saying about freedom.

Z - Perhaps, but would not your Harlem have special laws, or lack thereof to suit the comfort level of Harlem residents? This is what I understood from your post in this context.

I don't mean a local ordinance like a speed limit. That makes sense. If you drive at 80 mph though busy streets, or school zones, you are selfishly endangering the lives of others. I think we can agree on that. This is not about comfort, but common sense. Is not common sense that which is by it's "nature" agreed upon as, for the good of the collective?

If a guy wants to go to the salt flats and slam his vehicle into surrounding terrain at 3000 mph. I say go for it. No problem. Suicide? I don't like it, but there should not be a law. My not liking it, is as irrelevant as my Religion condemning it, which it does.

In Woodstock NY, if you paint your fence the wrong color, you have a problem, and there is a town hall meeting. "I was there for this one", the citizen lost, and had to repaint the fence. Only some colors are considered in bad form. I have no idea what the criteria was, or is.

What if Woodstock residents decide that, since most of them have purple fences, yours has to be purple also, and they pass an ordinance.

Do they have the right to decide the color of your fence?
It's your property. What is your opinion?

Now let's replace fence with a variable. Call it (x). The paint color with (y)

What if Woodstock residents decide that, since most of them have (y) (x)s, your (x) has to be (y) also, and they pass an ordinance?

Do they have the right to decide the (y) of your (x)?

Replace Woodstock with NY.

What if NY residents decide that, since most of them have (y) (x)s, your (x) has to be (y) also, and they pass an ordinance?

Do they have the right to decide the (y) of your (x)?

I know I have the option to move if my (x) is the wrong (y). But what if I want my (x) to be the (y) I like?, and I don't want to move to another state.

Is there recourse? and based on what? In your version.

This may not be the best suited example, but I think it works well enough to illustrate the difference in ideologies.

It's broad in scope so it can be indicted subjectively, but not objectively.

Now let's explore, and contextualize, my potential misunderstanding of your idea.

I understood that you felt, that it was good to see all the different ethnic groups residing in happy segregation, and you asked, Could we not expand this to the entire USA? Not a word for word quote but correct me if I'm wrong.

I responded by explaining that in NY there is no segregation, but there is ethnic flavor. All New Yorkers can live in any area they can afford.
No locality may pass ordinances that Contradict State law. The state law, can not contradict Federal law. Federal law can not contradict the Constitution.

The Constitution is a living document, and should not be perverted, which is why we can, and should amend it as needed.

An action, hinges on a wish by an individual, which is adjudicated by a local ordinance, that has to adhere to State Law, which must not contradict the law of the land. Is everybody happy? no, that's impossible in our world, so far.

All men are created equal. We know this includes women, but we had to fight for it to be put into practice.

Is it all men? or just American men? Do foreigners have rights? Do prisoners? Do illegals? I think they all have human rights.

I understand that there are, inalienable rights.
That is an absolute statement, vulnerable to subjective interpretation.

The point of conflict is what exactly are these inalienable rights interpreted to be.

Life, Easy one. You would think a person is either alive or not.

Liberty. Now it gets complicated, a dictionary will not suffice, since the literal meaning would preclude anything defining what it is. A circular argument, with no rational solution. A valve had to be put in place, if it was to exist at all. We made laws of the land to sustain the union of states, under one flag.

Pursuit of happiness. About as difficult to nail down but not a self contradicting statement, just limited by it's own definition. Pursuit does not mean attain. There is no guarantee of happiness, just the freedom to try.

A serial killer "may" be pursuing his happiness, but at the death of others. Easy one to decide. Serial killing that makes you happy is unconstitutional. We have to curtail the S K's right to pursue his happiness for the good of the collective. You may argue it's insanity, thus not pursuit of happiness ,but that is not the point. Please assume a SK that is made happy by killing for this example.

What it boils down to for me, is perception. I can be mistaken, as being human brings with it, that caveat.I err. Thus, it is within the realm of possibilities that I completely misconstrued your statements, and or your ideology.

If I did, I sincerely apologize for incorrectly characterizing your words.

On Dennis, I did everything I could to educate him. That failed. I did shun him, and, told him bigotry would not fly with me around. He got justice from me, and others, often. But I had no right to oust him from the neighborhood. He's an American Citizen. There were public places we both frequented.

He got better with time. He learned what his problem was. He was afraid people thought he was Hispanic because he had a Spanish surname, he is half Portuguese, half Ukrainian. Blond hair, blue eyes, white skin, with freckles. He married a Jewish girl. His kids would look Sephardi, but would be perceived as Ashkenazim. Personally, I could not care less.

Herein lies the problem.
We disagree as to what Liberty is, my friend, where does that leave us?

Who is advocating Tyranny? You? Me? Both of us? or Neither one?

How do we come to terms?


posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 11:53 PM
I don't know quite where to begin because I believe we are saying the same thing on many issues. Communities can have socialistic, fascist, collectivism, progressivism etc... IF and only if the people of said community voluntarily by way of vote decide it to be so. Just as when you decide to purchase a house in a subdivision which has a covenant (paint your fence purple for example) you have the choice to abide or not buy the house. If you try to extend this ordinance to a bigger area you might not get the same results that why collectivism works and sometimes very well in small or even medium size areas but not the whole United States. When you make mandates for the whole US then how can one have a choice? I'm not sure what you mean about special laws, I used your example and agreed with it and wondered why it couldn't be expanded. Nobody is forcibly segregated but one knows where the specialties can be found.

Personally, I understand if people vote to have speed limits in school areas and in the heart of a city. I don't see the need to make people wear seatbelts or helmets even though it is in their best interest to do so because they will only hurt themselves and not others by their self neglect.

A SK happiness is overided by his infringment on another life. So he has no right on that issue.

I did not say you had the right to oust him from the neighborhood but as you said due to people around him not tolerating him he had to change.

I certainly am not advocating tryanny and you with this post here are not but when we allow the Federal government to supercede local and state laws we definitely move in that overstepping of civil liberties direction.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by yenko13
Stick to the constitution

Yes, and yet we have these "tea party patriots" advocating for mandatory religious celebration in public schools. We have advocating for an "official christian america" and some calling for more support of Israel. These are the tea patriots and this is what some of them want. The dont wish to uphold the constitution, they only wish to install one of their own. The constitution is just a cover.

The united states land should be broken up and go through an 'american Balkanization'.. let people live where whatever their nutty values are most appreciated by the local govt.

So cal would turn into a sunny pacifist amsterdam where adults personal freedoms would rise to the level of chavez' venezuela (drugs / prostitution legal regulated).. bible thumpers who don't like it, leave. Go live with your tribe.. or feel free to stay and crusade for the flocks cause, if enough people dig on your message.. you could actually effect real change.. not obama change.

Same with those who want to support isreal.. go live where the masses have agreed to be happily heavily taxed taxed for that purpose... more better, donate your own damn cash so those of us who could care less if isreal withers on the vine can keep our money for drugs & hookers.

So Cal doesn't need you, we could live a peaceful stoney economic mecca where tan people driving electric cars get overly laid & provide for ourselves without any of you.. we don't need a meddling incompetent money bleeding fed govt, we dont care much about the bible belts opinion about anything or how the senator from thumpperville thinks we should live.... wars?, other peoples bummer.

This nation is just too big, too big for one "leader" so called, too big to be ruled by two political opinions... too big & powerful for it's own good. If we had a real choice here in so cal.. there would be nothing resembling the GOP or DNC representing us, no wars of just because.. none of that dumb waste of time.

We'd be much better off under the laws and rules of local citizen statesmen representatives... DC has become a human toilet that is overflowing with bs people who make bs rules and are always full of bs... it would be funny if they weren't so deadly violent.

DC needs to be flushed, and go down as a history LESSON in how to turn the best idea ever; the founding united states, into historys biggest epic humanity fail; the odumbabush/cheney regime united states...

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 04:36 AM

E - I don't know quite where to begin because I believe we are saying the same thing on many issues.

Z - We are not too far apart on some things, like Dennis, seat belts, and helmets. SK rights, voting, wanting freedom, and being Patriotic.

E - Personally, I understand if people vote to have speed limits in school areas and in the heart of a city.

Z - I agree with you completely.

E - A SK happiness is overided by his infringment on another life. So he has no right on that issue.

Z - I agree with you completely.

E - I did not say you had the right to oust him from the neighborhood but as you said due to people around him not tolerating him he had to change.

Z - Not in so many words, but you infer that inherently he had the right to act that way, just not in my community. While he has the right to think that way, anywhere in a free country, he does not have the right to act that way anywhere in a free country.

E - When you make mandates for the whole US then how can one have a choice? I'm not sure what you mean about special laws, I used your example and agreed with it and wondered why it couldn't be expanded. Nobody is forcibly segregated but one knows where the specialties can be found.

Z - One doesn't. I agree if it's mandatory, there is no choice for the whole US. By special laws I mean ones crafted to impose unconstitutional mandates by a plurality of complicit component ordinances. The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. Some are forcibly segregated if we revert to the "old" ways. In the realm of reason, the method is only evidential of the crime, not exculpatory of it. The specialties you mention are not plural, liberty is singular. Unfortunately it is special, but it should be the rule, not the exception.

E - Communities can have socialistic, fascist, collectivism, progressivism etc... IF and only if the people of said community voluntarily by way of vote decide it to be so.

Z - Here I disagree. The first two sentences mean legislated segregation by vote. It may be legal in a different country but not this one. Desegregation was a means to an end, not just a policy decision, it was brought about by a self evident imperative to undo, and extinguish an inequity.

E - Just as when you decide to purchase a house in a subdivision which has a covenant (paint your fence purple for example) you have the choice to abide or not buy the house.

Z - We live in a country that has a covenant. It's you, that wants a new covenant after you have agreed to live by it. By your own logic, if a covenant is in place, and you don't like it, don't move there. If you are there, and you don't like the covenant, then leave. Go where the covenant fits your wants if there is one.

E - If you try to extend this ordinance to a bigger area you might not get the same results that why collectivism works and sometimes very well in small or even medium size areas but not the whole United States.

Z - There is nothing to extend. It's working just fine in the whole United States already, and we have the wisdom of hindsight. We already know the result of segregation, and we reject it. It's a failed social experiment. Name one example of happy segregation in a civilized culture.

E - I don't see the need to make people wear seatbelts or helmets even though it is in their best interest to do so because they will only hurt themselves and not others by their self neglect.

Z - I would add that to do so, you must agree to only be treated at your own expense, or that of an insurance company, or charity. To indemnify others from the willful misadventure of the reckless.

E - I certainly am not advocating tryanny and you with this post here are not but when we allow the Federal government to supercede local and state laws we definitely move in that overstepping of civil liberties direction.

Z - Tyranny is transparent, what you profess is not, it's not tyranny. When the law of the land is suplanted by rouge state and local legislation, according to the Constitution it's an abrogation of the 10th amendment.

The above according to me. Not you.

I don't pretend to deny you the right to disagree. If you lived next door to me, your lifestyle, if not criminal, would be inconsequential to me. Your ideology a mystery unless you made it obvious, and you would be welcome by most. The ones that don't like your whatever will tolerate you. We have a low crime rate. We're a little rude, and in a hurry, but for the most part tolerant of others except for the occasional drunk, or soon to be corrected knucklehead that forgets where he is. Overall crime is down, and diversity is up.

I live in a residential area with huge beautiful trees, and lovely homes, we are fortunate. I have Italians and Romanians to the right of me, and Jews, Colombians, and Russians to the left. There are people of every flavor, and I can't tell if there is a plurality of any particular flavor, if I add a few zip codes in any direction, a plurality would emerge. New Yorkers would know the area I describe. There are a few like this scattered throughout the boroughs.

For us it's not only not so bad, it's good, for me in particular, it's great. I brought up my children in a place where they have the right to explore and experience more than they would have in a homogeneous community. I plead guilty, I gave my Son a White GI Joe, and a Black GI Joe and told him they were a team, with my daughter I used Black and White Dolls and compared them to treats she liked, like, Chocolate and Vanilla ice cream.
I believe it was a form of medicine, or vaccine. I laid the foundations for open minds so they would know liberty, and have choice.

She married an Irish/Armenian guy and they both support Ron Paul. My Eldest has a half Polish half Hispanic girlfriend, another Son has a Thai/Chinese girlfriend. They both plan to marry the girl friends and have kids.

It might sound terrible to you, but not to me. It's the direction I want. It's the way of the future. There is inequity here, and malcontent, but not in the majority. Very few voice complaints, and thing are generally improving.
It's sustainable and natural. It's not a Police State, when there is crime, we see the police.

The changes you want to make would freak out most New Yorkers. Most don't have a clue about the ideology we are discussing.

I enjoy this discussion, and I have no ill will toward you. I hope the day comes when we are both happy and free.


[edit on 11-1-2010 by ziggystrange]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by Gregarious
[I am somehow a racist for being against a black criminal.

So what crime has he been found guilty of? (apart from being black, of course) Here we see what sort or revolution they actually want, no need for courts to decide someone is a criminal, just lynch them!

Also he is not a muslim nor a Kenyan, but do not let the facts stop your racist rant!

[edit on 1/1/10 by dereks]

MY racist rant? I would thoroughly enjoy a president who looks and speaks like Baraq, if he was actually an American, and was not systematically disassembling the Bill of Rights and Constitution. I was just as adamantly against previous presidents who were doing the same agenda. And if you think he is not Muslim, do just a teeny bit of research. Same with his birthplace; Hawaii NOT. If you tell a lie loud and long enough, eventually people like you will believe it. In spite of the overwhelming EVIDENCE against it. Crime? Do you expect the 'Justice' system to prosecute or convict a fellow liar/attorney? To actually follow the law? I would say his fraud about his citizenship, fraud about his being the president, his MURDER of, well actually his accessories carried them out, of the many people in his 'church', the anti-American anti-Whitey one in Chicago, since his election. Happened when Hillary was president, too. People that knew them well enough to cause problems started turning up dead. Even his lawyer, Vince Foster, who was forced to commit suicide on govt land, without a weapon. I would also say his appointing of unconstitutional, unaccountable, 'czars', his ploy at finding out who has all the weapons, his takeover of much of the economy, his bribes to unions and congressmen, his bowing to foreign despots or leaders, his apologizing for America, his trying war criminals as civilians in US courts. Shall I go on?
I agree that we need courts to handle justice, it is just that the current brood of vipers pretending to be judges need to all be eliminated. Have you EVER been in a court and seen the madness that passes for 'justice' today? If you have, and still maintain their support, then you, sir, deserve the history you will get.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by whatukno
Sir, what you want was formerly expounded by the USSR, and is now championed by China. Equal poverty, only two classes. The superior bureaucrats, and the inferior remainder. But the rulers can have all they desire, like Gory Al. This is a view that makes sense if you believe there is no right/wrong, no 'god', no rules. Just, might makes right. Incidentally, that was diametrically opposed by Americas' founding fathers. The big American 'experiment' in govt. is that we need LESS of government, including all the socialist/communist programs gradually adopted by America that we all so love now. America has the most corrupt, most evil government in the world, with the exception of all the rest.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

If arguing with them gives you a headache, I suggest a book I heard about. It is 'Arguing with Idiots', and I am sure you can find it on the web. My own experience is if they are really as dumb as a rock, just don't argue. You can wrestle with a pig in mud, but the pig will enjoy it. Look for indications that the person is actually reasonably intelligent, and then offer up other facts or angles. That is what debate is for, not arguing with idiots. The latter does no good for them or you. You can also press 'ignore'...

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by mcguyvermanolo
A star for you. Also what needs to be done is the banksters need to be imprisoned for counterfeiting, or 'marginal banking'. They loan out money that did not exist, and once they do it is present forever. THIS has caused all, ALL of our recessions/depressions. IMHO, it is TREASONOUS.

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by Gregarious

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by Gregarious
[I am somehow a racist for being against a black criminal.

So what crime has he been found guilty of? (apart from being black, of course) Here we see what sort or revolution they actually want, no need for courts to decide someone is a criminal, just lynch them!

Also he is not a muslim nor a Kenyan, but do not let the facts stop your racist rant!

[edit on 1/1/10 by dereks]

MY racist rant? I would thoroughly enjoy a president who looks and speaks like Baraq, if he was actually an American, and was not systematically disassembling the Bill of Rights and Constitution. I was just as adamantly against previous presidents who were doing the same agenda. And if you think he is not Muslim, do just a teeny bit of research. Same with his birthplace; Hawaii NOT. If you tell a lie loud and long enough, eventually people like you will believe it. In spite of the overwhelming EVIDENCE against it. Crime? Do you expect the 'Justice' system to prosecute or convict a fellow liar/attorney? To actually follow the law? I would say his fraud about his citizenship, fraud about his being the president, his MURDER of, well actually his accessories carried them out, of the many people in his 'church', the anti-American anti-Whitey one in Chicago, since his election. Happened when Hillary was president, too. People that knew them well enough to cause problems started turning up dead. Even his lawyer, Vince Foster, who was forced to commit suicide on govt land, without a weapon. I would also say his appointing of unconstitutional, unaccountable, 'czars', his ploy at finding out who has all the weapons, his takeover of much of the economy, his bribes to unions and congressmen, his bowing to foreign despots or leaders, his apologizing for America, his trying war criminals as civilians in US courts. Shall I go on?
I agree that we need courts to handle justice, it is just that the current brood of vipers pretending to be judges need to all be eliminated. Have you EVER been in a court and seen the madness that passes for 'justice' today? If you have, and still maintain their support, then you, sir, deserve the history you will get.


Thank you for posting, but apparently the OP is of not relevance to you.
Take your racism discussion to a thread on racism.

This thread ask you if you got your revolution - then what?

How about you contribute or take a hike.

Ziggy Strange

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 09:37 PM
Well kiddies,

What say you today?

Was today a first shot in your new movement? Conservative, Republican, Tea Party, Libertarian, Truthers, Birthers, Patriots?

Will you just close your eyes, cover your ears, and remain silent?

Where is the outrage at the actions taken today by the 5 conservative Supreme Court Justices? 100 years of Corporate regulation gone in an instant, like your credibility.

If you are not a hypocrite you should be demanding a reversal right now.

Congratulations, now your worst nightmare came true, and you did it. Not one single liberal, or left justice voted yes.

The tread is in my signature.
I'd love to hear what you all think about this gem.

Seriously are you all going to sit there and say nothing?

If this had been decided by the left I would close my account here and hide in shame.

You may not want to hear it, you may not want to admit it, or acknowledge it but it's true, "YOU" did it to this country.

Now you are going to find out how real Americans do it. You will sit here and do nothing but try to think of a way to blame it on Obama and the left.

Not going to happen.

Like death, this my dear confused friends, is the real thing.

Starts tomorrow, if people sit back, by November you will see the new Corporate face of America. You think we had problems today?

You will now see what happens when a Nation steps on a land mine.

You can thank whatever you believe in that there is a Centrist in office, your freaking future now depends on your favorite scapegoat.

Get off your pompous butts and do something.

You have been here for years warning about doom.


This is it. The problem is your NWO, is the NUCS New United Corporate States, ala Rollerball.

It was not provided by the left. It was the right, and every one of you is complicit. You own it.

Are you going to help reverse it?

Will you now at least wake up and fight the real enemy?

Will you now desist from your bigotry, racism, and intolerance long enough to actually do something for your Country?

Will you spend any energy on the real thing? or is that no fun anymore?

Come out and say something. Shout it out like you bellow about Obama.

Where is all the Founding Father rhetoric now?

Were did freedom go? Is this new Liberty acceptable to you?

I went to the thread about this, some genius was saying this is the kind of thing Obama sent Sotomayor there to do.

I don't see any of the Patriots I know here saying squat.

Shame on you all.


Ziggy Strange

[edit on 21-1-2010 by ziggystrange]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by ziggystrange

I am beginning to get a little bit frustrated with this conversation and your assumptions.
E - I did not say you had the right to oust him from the neighborhood but as you said due to people around him not tolerating him he had to change.

Z - Not in so many words, but you infer that inherently he had the right to act that way, just not in my community. While he has the right to think that way, anywhere in a free country, he does not have the right to act that way anywhere in a free country.

Ziggy, he does have a right to act that way anywhere in a free country and if he infringes on another's civil liberties then they whether one person or class action are free to pursue legal avenues that will punish and/or make him pay for his trampling on another's right.

Z - One doesn't. I agree if it's mandatory, there is no choice for the whole US. By special laws I mean ones crafted to impose unconstitutional mandates by a plurality of complicit component ordinances. The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. Some are forcibly segregated if we revert to the "old" ways. In the realm of reason, the method is only evidential of the crime, not exculpatory of it. The specialties you mention are not plural, liberty is singular. Unfortunately it is special, but it should be the rule, not the exception.

E - I have already stated that I am against unconstitutional mandates. 'The powers not delegated to the US by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.' Subdivision covenants are much the same are organizations, will you rid the US of all organizations? NAACP, NOW, PETA, MADD, LA RAZA, WNBA, Boy Scouts, country clubs....the list goes on. If it is to be as you say all and any groups would be outlawed because they would in some way exclude someone, they would inevitably be 'hurting' their poor feelings, last time I checked we are still free to do that in this country without jail time.

Z - Tyranny is transparent, what you profess is not, it's not tyranny. When the law of the land is suplanted by rouge state and local legislation, according to the Constitution it's an abrogation of the 10th amendment.

E- In my above response I stated the 10th Amendment. There is not one word that I have said that tramples on that Amendment. Our founder's wanted State's to have sovereignty you apparently do not want that. Will I agree with what every state agrees upon, probably not but unless I am part of that particular states voting population I have no say unless it infringes upon another state's right to rule as the people of that state see fit.

Z-She married an Irish/Armenian guy and they both support Ron Paul. My Eldest has a half Polish half Hispanic girlfriend, another Son has a Thai/Chinese girlfriend. They both plan to marry the girl friends and have kids.

It might sound terrible to you, but not to me. It's the direction I want. It's the way of the future. There is inequity here, and malcontent, but not in the majority. Very few voice complaints, and thing are generally improving.
It's sustainable and natural. It's not a Police State, when there is crime, we see the police.

The changes you want to make would freak out most New Yorkers. Most don't have a clue about the ideology we are discussing.

See right there, why do you say these things? I have already stated that I am a carnivorous agnostic libertarian so why would you think I would be upset about Ron Paul? Why would you think I would want to implement any changes other than limit the central government? Why do you continue to paint people who do not have the same belief as you as bigots, racist and simple minded people. Please Ziggy open your mind.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by equistar
reply to post by ziggystrange

E - I am beginning to get a little bit frustrated with this conversation and your assumptions.

Z - But you keep coming back, which is great, but then you say things that make no sense at all, like your next statement. Which I will discuss with you below.

E - I did not say you had the right to oust him from the neighborhood but as you said due to people around him not tolerating him he had to change.

Z - Not in so many words, but you infer that inherently he had the right to act that way, just not in my community. While he has the right to think that way, anywhere in a free country, he does not have the right to act that way anywhere in a free country.

E - Ziggy, he does have a right to act that way anywhere in a free country and if he infringes on another's civil liberties then they whether one person or class action are free to pursue legal avenues that will punish and/or make him pay for his trampling on another's right.

Z - The non enforcement of laws, does not give license to libertines. Common sense dictates, when there is no law enforcement, you may make a Citizens arrest. I have done it several times. Never had a problem afterward.

Z - One doesn't. I agree if it's mandatory, there is no choice for the whole US. By special laws I mean ones crafted to impose unconstitutional mandates by a plurality of complicit component ordinances. The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. Some are forcibly segregated if we revert to the "old" ways. In the realm of reason, the method is only evidential of the crime, not exculpatory of it. The specialties you mention are not plural, liberty is singular. Unfortunately it is special, but it should be the rule, not the exception.

E - I have already stated that I am against unconstitutional mandates. 'The powers not delegated to the US by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.' Subdivision covenants are much the same are organizations, will you rid the US of all organizations? NAACP, NOW, PETA, MADD, LA RAZA, WNBA, Boy Scouts, country clubs....the list goes on. If it is to be as you say all and any groups would be outlawed because they would in some way exclude someone, they would inevitably be 'hurting' their poor feelings, last time I checked we are still free to do that in this country without jail time.

Z - Tyranny is transparent, what you profess is not, it's not tyranny. When the law of the land is suplanted by rouge state and local legislation, according to the Constitution it's an abrogation of the 10th amendment.

E- In my above response I stated the 10th Amendment. There is not one word that I have said that tramples on that Amendment. Our founder's wanted State's to have sovereignty you apparently do not want that. Will I agree with what every state agrees upon, probably not but unless I am part of that particular states voting population I have no say unless it infringes upon another state's right to rule as the people of that state see fit.

Z-She married an Irish/Armenian guy and they both support Ron Paul. My Eldest has a half Polish half Hispanic girlfriend, another Son has a Thai/Chinese girlfriend. They both plan to marry the girl friends and have kids.

It might sound terrible to you, but not to me. It's the direction I want. It's the way of the future. There is inequity here, and malcontent, but not in the majority. Very few voice complaints, and thing are generally improving.
It's sustainable and natural. It's not a Police State, when there is crime, we see the police.

The changes you want to make would freak out most New Yorkers. Most don't have a clue about the ideology we are discussing.

E See right there, why do you say these things? I have already stated that I am a carnivorous agnostic libertarian so why would you think I would be upset about Ron Paul?

Z - That's a huge assumption, but I think it's just a wise crack on your part.
You know what context Ron Paul was referenced in. If you really took it as me thinking you would have a problem with Ron Paul, then you need to do some thinking about your well...., your wellness.

E - Why would you think I would want to implement any changes other than limit the central government?

Z - Because throughout our conversation, your intentions have been made crystal clear by you. Not me.

E - Why do you continue to paint people who do not have the same belief as you as bigots, racist and simple minded people. Please Ziggy open your mind.

Z - I don't. I don't interfere when people paint themselves any way they want, you chose to come off like you did. A segregationist, and a bigot.

How did I paint you as a racist? Perhaps if you had answered my questions instead of skirting them you would not give the impression of being bigoted.

I don't think you're simple minded at all. I think you feel the way you feel from conviction. I just disagree with your ideology. But where we really clash is in the way you choose to defend it. You do it by being slippery, and witty, while you twist the facts to fit your story.

That is not cool. But you have the right to do it.

I have the right to call you on it.

Ziggy Strange

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 12:10 AM
I have been stating for a while now that if we had a revolution that we would be faced with serious issues dealing with the failed system that collapsed under the weight of corruption and greed. Without removing the corruption, corporate bribes, back room deals and billion dollar scams and false science from politics we would in a short time be right back to fighting a revolution all over again.

Not until we have a review and agreement of laws that must be in place to ensure a return to decency and morality will anything ever change for the better. Perhaps we need a Constitutional convention, but if we do we better have some leadership that isn't bought and paid for by some corporation or foreign country.

We must return to be a nation united instead of a nation divided and I know that's not going to happen with any corrupt system of government. We must be Americans first and foremost with a desire to return to Constitutional law and real justice that seeks out criminals and brings the criminals to justice for their actions. We don't see much of anyone being brought to justice except the drug dealers and that's because the CIA doesn't like competition.

Who knows, but a revolution could force the actions necessary to truly force the needed change America needs so badly.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by GovtFlu

Thank you Govt Flu, that is what the Founder's wanted. That is why the Amish can live in peace without government intervention. Other people in this land want the same respect.

The loons on both sides (left wing control freaks and tea party religious nuts) would be clearly visible and the average American will voluntarily separate themselves from them. If they crossed the lines on civil liberties not voted upon by their communities or tried to impose their local laws on others (all schools must be Baptist, no one can eat meat, for example), the Judicial branch of government on all levels (which would also include citizen's arrest) would be enforced.

With that in place (Constitutional law, which obviously is not in place now) then you could move about in the fifty states, would some be more tolerant of people than other yes. You can't call the Amish tolerant because they have very specific rules in their community but everyone allows them to live in peace, they are separatists, they are the perfect example of not voluntary separatism, you may join them if you wish but must abide by the local laws even if they are different from the laws of CA, everybody understands this and sgrees with this so let other do the same. If a group was such an extremist do you really think they would get business from nonextremists, do you really think they would get jobs from nonextremists?

Let local and State governments by way of vote work out social issues, if it works on that scale people will notice and either move there growing the economy or try to implement it in their area, if it doesn't the economy will collapse and people will try different solutions or move.

Gov't Flu said:
The united states land should be broken up and go through an 'american Balkanization'.. let people live where whatever their nutty values are most appreciated by the local govt.

So cal would turn into a sunny pacifist amsterdam where adults personal freedoms would rise to the level of chavez' venezuela (drugs / prostitution legal regulated).. bible thumpers who don't like it, leave. Go live with your tribe.. or feel free to stay and crusade for the flocks cause, if enough people dig on your message.. you could actually effect real change.. not obama change.

Same with those who want to support isreal.. go live where the masses have agreed to be happily heavily taxed taxed for that purpose... more better, donate your own damn cash so those of us who could care less if isreal withers on the vine can keep our money for drugs & hookers.

So Cal doesn't need you, we could live a peaceful stoney economic mecca where tan people driving electric cars get overly laid & provide for ourselves without any of you.. we don't need a meddling incompetent money bleeding fed govt, we dont care much about the bible belts opinion about anything or how the senator from thumpperville thinks we should live.... wars?, other peoples bummer.

This nation is just too big, too big for one "leader" so called, too big to be ruled by two political opinions... too big & powerful for it's own good. If we had a real choice here in so cal.. there would be nothing resembling the GOP or DNC representing us, no wars of just because.. none of that dumb waste of time.

We'd be much better off under the laws and rules of local citizen statesmen representatives... DC has become a human toilet that is overflowing with bs people who make bs rules and are always full of bs... it would be funny if they weren't so deadly violent.

DC needs to be flushed, and go down as a history LESSON in how to turn the best idea ever; the founding united states, into historys biggest epic humanity fail; the odumbabush/cheney regime united states...

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 08:14 AM
Socialism is Corportism is Statism is Facism and is the Progressive way of thought. Any one of these thoughts allows politicians and businesses to 'help' each other to the detriment of the individual. Big corporations WANT regulations, expensive permits and licenses and subsidies for hiring the 'little man' because it the easiest way for them to cut competition before it even has a chance to become competition, to stunt the new growing business.

When we allow these burdens on individuals and small and medium businesses we further the gap between the haves and have nots. Much like when in medieval times the 'elite' would give the serfs just enough to silence dissent, a festival, a small plot of land, etc... but always in place was a glass ceiling.

If we would insist that government stay out of economics and no business could be helped chances are the big companies that we have today would have never reached their gargantuan size. When companies are applying poor management and unethical standards the government would not be there to make sure they will not fail and like the dead oak that finally collapses all the new growth underneath the tree now has the sun shining on them. The people who lost their jobs do not lose their intelligence or creativity and as a result learn from the mistakes of the former failed business making new businesses more efficient, innovative and competitive. Banning government economic intervention on a federal level is best for all....

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by minigunner

Great post Concise and to the point! Love your sig too!

What you don't understand is the more govt. has control, the less you are in control. For the people, by the people. What don't you understand about that. No where does it say for the govt by the govt.

Survive to Live, Don't Live to Survive.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by ziggystrange

The second link is an article about the SC decision.

My husband has written about this elsewhere and stated it well so I will quote him:

'I have seen several posts alluding to this decision unfairly allowing Corporate free reign in election campaigns. After studying the actual case, I believe the Supreme Court ruled correctly. This article explains the case and the ruling. You either favor the First Amendment rights for all citizens and groups of citizens, or you favor selective ... See Moregovernment suppression of free speech expression in political campaigns. The case involved not a corporate giant, but a small conservative film crew who were banned from airing a documentary about Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Presidential campaign in a lawsuit brought by the Federal Election Commmision. The government cannot assume that people are not intelligent enough to hear endorsements to candidates by corporations and unions, and make there own mind up....The ruling had nothing to do with voting. Corporations are groups of people, are they not? And do groups of people, as well as individuals, not have the right to free speech? As Justice Stevens correctly pointed out, the court has long held that corporations do indeed enjoy the same first amendment rights as individuals. This case involved not "100... See More years of established law", but the 2002 McCain-Feingold decision that put restrictions an political advertising by corporations and unions within 30 days of an election.'

As he said Corporations do not vote, neither do Organizatios like ACLU, Green Peace, PETA, The Sierra Club, all have the right to free speech and only individuals have the right to vote and only once unless you were registered to vote by ACORN.

The second link show where the media, citizens and lawyers should be focused when it comes to campaign finances:

'...The Obama campaign received a substantial amount of money from countries that have an interest in seeing a weak American President: $366,708.22 from China; $25,259.00 from the United Arab Emirates; $7,062.60 from Russia; and $6,716.28 from Saudi Arabia. Obama also took in $6,350.00 from Indonesia; $5,000.00 from Kenya; and $1,750.00 from Egypt.

The FEC alleges that Obama also illegally took donations from Tamil Tiger leaders. The Tamil Tigers are, according to the FBI, the most successful terrorist group in the world. While the Hillary Clinton returned contributions from the Tamil Tigers, Obama kept them.

There are many other questions and mysteries regarding Obama’s campaign finances. The Puma P.A.C. blog notes: “Obama spent a record $744 million on his campaign but has disclosed donors for only $485 million of his windfall...'

The rest is in the article above. Gregarious, you are on to something about
questioning Mr. Obama's criminal activities.

How much did he weigh when he was born? Can I find a paper he wrote while he was the Harvard Pres of Law Review or was he a token black so Harvard wouldn't look racist, how do I have any proof he can write anything himself without the help of others? His intelligence needs to be verified by his college records showing his grades and papers written in order to pass certain classes, people blindly accept anything this man says and then wonder why there is dissent?

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by equistar
reply to post by ziggystrange

The second link is an article about the SC decision.

My husband has written about this elsewhere and stated it well so I will quote him:

'I have seen several posts alluding to this decision unfairly allowing Corporate free reign in election campaigns. After studying the actual case, I believe the Supreme Court ruled correctly. This article explains the case and the ruling. You either favor the First Amendment rights for all citizens and groups of citizens, or you favor selective ... See Moregovernment suppression of free speech expression in political campaigns. The case involved not a corporate giant, but a small conservative film crew who were banned from airing a documentary about Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Presidential campaign in a lawsuit brought by the Federal Election Commmision. The government cannot assume that people are not intelligent enough to hear endorsements to candidates by corporations and unions, and make there own mind up....The ruling had nothing to do with voting. Corporations are groups of people, are they not? And do groups of people, as well as individuals, not have the right to free speech? As Justice Stevens correctly pointed out, the court has long held that corporations do indeed enjoy the same first amendment rights as individuals. This case involved not "100... See More years of established law", but the 2002 McCain-Feingold decision that put restrictions an political advertising by corporations and unions within 30 days of an election.'

As he said Corporations do not vote, neither do Organizatios like ACLU, Green Peace, PETA, The Sierra Club, all have the right to free speech and only individuals have the right to vote and only once unless you were registered to vote by ACORN.

The second link show where the media, citizens and lawyers should be focused when it comes to campaign finances:

'...The Obama campaign received a substantial amount of money from countries that have an interest in seeing a weak American President: $366,708.22 from China; $25,259.00 from the United Arab Emirates; $7,062.60 from Russia; and $6,716.28 from Saudi Arabia. Obama also took in $6,350.00 from Indonesia; $5,000.00 from Kenya; and $1,750.00 from Egypt.

The FEC alleges that Obama also illegally took donations from Tamil Tiger leaders. The Tamil Tigers are, according to the FBI, the most successful terrorist group in the world. While the Hillary Clinton returned contributions from the Tamil Tigers, Obama kept them.

There are many other questions and mysteries regarding Obama’s campaign finances. The Puma P.A.C. blog notes: “Obama spent a record $744 million on his campaign but has disclosed donors for only $485 million of his windfall...'

The rest is in the article above. Gregarious, you are on to something about
questioning Mr. Obama's criminal activities.


Article? - or you? - How much did he weigh when he was born? Can I find a paper he wrote while he was the Harvard Pres of Law Review or was he a token black so Harvard wouldn't look racist, how do I have any proof he can write anything himself without the help of others? His intelligence needs to be verified by his college records showing his grades and papers written in order to pass certain classes, people blindly accept anything this man says and then wonder why there is dissent?

Ziggy - And you say I paint you as a bigot?
Your post speaks for itself. Token black?

You confirm my suspicion.

Ziggy Strange

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