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Whacky "I Guess I'm a Racist" Anti-Health Reform Commercial. A New Low

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posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:40 AM
When I first saw this commercial, I thought it was a parody, like from Funny or or something. I realized it was being serious and it became creepy. It has people saying "I guess I'm a racist." because they oppose health care reform. Including a woman and a toddler.

Their message, I believe, is lost in the fact that no one calls people racist because they oppose health care reform. Watch as they proudly repeat the phrase over and over. Are they subliminally TRYING to make it a race issue? Are they saying it's okay now to walk around claiming to be racist if you don't agree with policies? Really? This is an absurd marketing ploy, and the producer needs to be handed his hat. I can't remember anyone saying disagreeing with the president is racist, however there are plenty of reasons to call a kettle black so to speak, such as:

A picture of President Obama dressed as a witchdoctor IS racist.


Calling President Obama, a grown man, 'boy' IS racist.

Saying that President Obama is not an American citizen IS racist.

Pictures of the White House with watermelons in front IS racist.


Portraying President Obama, Mrs. Obama or either of the Obama girls as monkeys IS racist.


Showing Air Force One with the "N-number" as N166ER IS racist.


Portraying President Obama as a criminal, a gangster, a thug IS racist.


When Rush Limbaugh refers to him as "halfrican American".

This is from a San Bernadino Republican group distributing Obama Bucks adorned with visual racist stereotypes linking African Americans with watermelon, fried chicken, and Kool-aid.


And this crap is totally racist...


This is an example of what is NOT racist...


You see? It can be perfectly okay to be against a policy, or ideology, or a decision. To resort to stereotyping immediately discredits the message and the messenger, and is nothing but racism.
These tactics to oppose Obama are counter-productive, and will get nowhere except called out. Addressing the policies he makes and taking the high ground will get positive attention to the issue. Do you get it yet?

And here's what Obama thinks of that commercial....


[edit on 9-12-2009 by 12GaugePermissionSlip]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:47 AM
Cheap tactics and while some are amusing in a sad sense, alot are just plain wrong. As for this commercial any links please?

EDIT: Oops now I see it at the top

Wow, while it may force people to think their racist if they oppose the health care it still sounds quite ridiculous and is going to have alot of people scratching their heads in confusion.

[edit on 9-12-2009 by Aoxoa]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:23 AM
i cant remember what radio show i was listening to, but a talkshow host was having a debate with someone in DC about the healthcare reform bill. the host showed and discussed all the ways in which this bill is bad for america and how it will actually make healthcare worse and be rationed out, and the only rebuttle the other person made is "people are opposed to this bill because obama is black and america is racist". the show host never said even one racist remark or derrogatory thing towards the pres, yet this person felt it was racist to disagree with obama. it sickened me. i honestly believe TPTB will do what they can to tax us more and enslave us more, and they will do whatever they can to make it happen, to control every aspect of our lives. and guilting us into it by claiming were racist, is yet another play in their trickbook.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:26 AM
I think the point of that video is that the majority of Obama supporters blindly label anyone who disagrees with his policies and plans a 'racist', simply because he is a black president and not because of his policies, plans and associations themselves. All one needs to do is look at what he has done in the months he has been in office to see why so many disapprove of Obama. It has nothing to do with his race, but his actions and the actions of those he has appointed. In that sense, the video is very effective in highlighting that. If there wasn't so much labeling of 'racism' by Obama sheeporters then there wouldn't be any need for such a video.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by angrysniper

exactly my point in my post above. ive never seen such a cult following of a president before, and it scares me. almost like people are so entranced by this man they would follow him off a cliff.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by angrysniper
I think the point of that video is ..., simply because he is a black president and not because of his policies, plans and associations themselves. All one needs to do is look at what he has done in the months he has been in office to see why so many disapprove of Obama. It has nothing to do with his race, but his actions and the actions of those he has appointed. In that sense, the video is very effective in highlighting that. If there wasn't so much labeling of 'racism' by Obama sheeporters then there wouldn't be any need for such a video.

No the point of the video is to use reverse psychology-

The point of you saying "the majority of Obama supporters blindly label anyone who disagrees with his policies and plans a 'racist'"

is an attempt to disqualify anyone who agrees with him as obsessed with race.
Also a great political implement because it injects race into the issue at large, creating a nice, self generated, self sustained wedge

Funny, racism is attempt to paint a group of people with one broad brush in order to marginalize them.

Using word sheep and using the same stock explanation I read over and over here is very cool!

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by chrisd250
reply to post by angrysniper

exactly my point in my post above. ive never seen such a cult following of a president before, and it scares me. almost like people are so entranced by this man they would follow him off a cliff.

Oh jesus save us -

This is so February

I like that you failed to mention people who supported a Trillion + dollar oil war and the systematic dismantling of the constitution thru FISA, Patriot act and third tier legal systems. Not to mention subverting the constitution by artificially increasing executive privileges...

You must have been in a Coma when we hit that cliff

Ya half the economy disappeared, we lost millions of jobs and we were paying $5.70 for gas, the housing market crashed.

its getting better now, you'll see, sorry to dash you suicidal aspirations.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by Janky Red

Originally posted by chrisd250
reply to post by angrysniper

exactly my point in my post above. ive never seen such a cult following of a president before, and it scares me. almost like people are so entranced by this man they would follow him off a cliff.

Oh jesus save us -

This is so February

I like that you failed to mention people who supported a Trillion + dollar oil war and the systematic dismantling of the constitution thru FISA, Patriot act and third tier legal systems. Not to mention subverting the constitution by artificially increasing executive privileges...

You must have been in a Coma when we hit that cliff

Ya half the economy disappeared, we lost millions of jobs and we were paying $5.70 for gas, the housing market crashed.

its getting better now, you'll see, sorry to dash you suicidal aspirations

Oh yeah, the patriot act that Obama just recently signed a bill allowing the continuation of, the war that Obama is perpetuating by sending more troops to, the increased executive privledges that Obama has done NOTHING to repeal.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by Janky Red

Originally posted by angrysniper
I think the point of that video is ..., simply because he is a black president and not because of his policies, plans and associations themselves. All one needs to do is look at what he has done in the months he has been in office to see why so many disapprove of Obama. It has nothing to do with his race, but his actions and the actions of those he has appointed. In that sense, the video is very effective in highlighting that. If there wasn't so much labeling of 'racism' by Obama sheeporters then there wouldn't be any need for such a video.

No the point of the video is to use reverse psychology-

The point of you saying "the majority of Obama supporters blindly label anyone who disagrees with his policies and plans a 'racist'"

is an attempt to disqualify anyone who agrees with him as obsessed with race.
Also a great political implement because it injects race into the issue at large, creating a nice, self generated, self sustained wedge

Funny, racism is attempt to paint a group of people with one broad brush in order to marginalize them.

Using word sheep and using the same stock explanation I read over and over here is very cool!

I think you need to look up the word 'majority.'

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by Janky Red

all i said is that the cult following of obama sickens me. i DID NOT say i support bush, or ANY of his policies. the patriot act was anything but patriotic and i find it offensive that you would ASSUME im a bush fan just because i oppose obama. i feel restoring america back to its original form, constitution INTACT, is the only way for america to succeed. i do not support socialism(current admin), or warmongering monarchy(last admin) in any way shape or form.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by chrisd250
reply to post by Janky Red

all i said is that the cult following of obama sickens me. i DID NOT say i support bush, or ANY of his policies. the patriot act was anything but patriotic and i find it offensive that you would ASSUME im a bush fan just because i oppose obama. i feel restoring america back to its original form, constitution INTACT, is the only way for america to succeed. i do not support socialism(current admin), or warmongering monarchy(last admin) in any way shape or form.

I have to agree with you here. Im tired of people saying that Im a Bush lover because I disagree with Obama's policies. Is it only ok to question a presidents motives if he is a republican? I never like Bush. In fact, hardly any president in the office have I liked. What makes this man so unquestionable to people in that he can do no wrong? Do people not see that there really isnt a split between left and right on issues when it comes to the prez but instead it just is "the way" so to speak?

What happened to the skeptics of the government? Is everybody gone now that they have their sides prez in power? Just cause you nominate somebody that sold you on trusting them, you arent going to question their moves anymore? Im starting to believe that the true hypocrites are the people that say they have a distrust in gov but then bow to everything that their sides prez puts forth, on both sides. We all know hypocrites are in DC, they are politicians for heavens sake. Im tired of people wailing against Bush for signing the Patriot Act but yet dont have a problem with Obama using it at all. In fact, the setting up of the Patriot act started in the 90's under Clinton.

Bottom line, TPTB are wanting to do what they want to do. They are calling people racists that dont go along with Obama. If you couldnt see that race card would be played before got elected then you were blind. Its just another tactic that TPTB are using to get their way. Also, this has all been going on for years, its just now that alot of people are starting to wake up to the fact that it is and not just the cooky people in the closet wit the tinfoil hats on lol. People are starting to not trust their government, nor should they.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 09:24 AM
If you look through the threads on ATS discussing healthcare reform -- you will see -- quite clearly -- where people that were opposed to healthcare reform were labeled racists. Sadly, it is a more common conclusion than perhaps you realize.

In fact, so many of threads starting calling people racist for disagreeing with Obama that several more threads were started discussing why Americans are now more racist than ever and such.

As far as the pictured ads and such above, I absolutely disagree with one thing you said:

Saying that President Obama is not an American citizen IS racist.

Questioning the birthplace of a President -- ANY PRESIDENT -- is not racist, but rather a right provided to the American people. I support everyone's right to question our leaders on anything.

Now, if someone said: President Obama is not a citizen of the US BECAUSE he's black -- that would be racist.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by angrysniper
I think the point of that video is that the majority of Obama supporters blindly label anyone who disagrees with his policies and plans a 'racist', simply because he is a black president and not because of his policies, plans and associations themselves. All one needs to do is look at what he has done in the months he has been in office to see why so many disapprove of Obama. It has nothing to do with his race, but his actions and the actions of those he has appointed. In that sense, the video is very effective in highlighting that. If there wasn't so much labeling of 'racism' by Obama sheeporters then there wouldn't be any need for such a video.

Spot-on sir

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by 12GaugePermissionSlip

I think that both sides are taking out the race card and its really silly. You got folks on the left like Jesse Jackson playing the race card just to get his parties bill through.... then you got folks on the rightwing trying to make it about race by complaining about the race card even though that wasnt the real arguments before... but then again conservatives will paint themselves as the victim of the race card anytime they can, and lefties will play themselves as the victim of racism, period.

I mean seriously, this entire thing has to end. Why do you have to bring race into it? Why do you have to make the fight for healthcare reform a race issue?? Why on earth do you have to complain about the race card when it has nothing to do with the issue of our healthcare system? I mean dont bring it up period.

The thing I hate the most is when folks take out the race card themselves by complaining about when one or two other people brought out the race card themselves..... I mean there are going to be some whacked out people who have nothing better to do but to make everything about race, but that doesnt justify you waving around that exact same card all the time. Lets just keep it to healthcare reform for petes sakes.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by angrysniper
I think the point of that video is that the majority of Obama supporters blindly label anyone who disagrees with his policies and plans a 'racist', simply because he is a black president and not because of his policies, plans and associations themselves. All one needs to do is look at what he has done in the months he has been in office to see why so many disapprove of Obama. It has nothing to do with his race, but his actions and the actions of those he has appointed.

How can you think the point of the vid is that the 'majority' etc. when the vid itself stated only 12%? You did the same thing as someone who calls all who oppose health reform racists. 12% isn't the majority of Americans and all who oppose reform aren't racists.

All one needs to do is look at what he has done in the months he has been in office to see why so many disapprove of Obama.

When you watch a football game, do you announce a team has lost the game, when it's still in the first quarter?
Would you like it if your boss gave you a task to do, you go to do that task with all your coworkers undermining your efforts, and your boss comes back minutes later criticizing you for what's not done?

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 01:26 PM
In my opinion anyone who initiates use of the term "racist" is a racist by default because they have distinguished the difference of a person's skin color and accused that person of being "different" on that basis.

I have become very disgusted with the entire philosophy of "racism".

Racism by any other name is still oppression. It works against whites just like any other race. If you accuse whites of being racist, then you are in effect, being oppressive against whites. And "you" are the racist.

It's all about perception, and each person's perception is narcissistic by nature.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 02:08 PM
Hell, you think that is creepy?

What about the Obama Chant Video? Are you telling me you weren't a little mortified and perhaps a tad chilled to see celebrities and children all chanting "OooBaaaMaaa" like glazed-eyed Tibetan monks?

Scared the crap out of me, and I'm not even a Republican.

And how about Oprah Winfrey's "Be The Change" video, in which dozens of liberal celebrities "pledge allegiance" to Barack Obama, offering themselves as servants to the new president?

Yeah, I'm having Jim Jones flashbacks already. No koolaid for me, thanks, I think half the nation is overdosing already.... Good luck with your cult! I mean administration!

— Doc Velocity

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by angrysniper

Originally posted by Janky Red

Originally posted by chrisd250
reply to post by angrysniper

exactly my point in my post above. ive never seen such a cult following of a president before, and it scares me. almost like people are so entranced by this man they would follow him off a cliff.

Oh jesus save us -

This is so February

I like that you failed to mention people who supported a Trillion + dollar oil war and the systematic dismantling of the constitution thru FISA, Patriot act and third tier legal systems. Not to mention subverting the constitution by artificially increasing executive privileges...

You must have been in a Coma when we hit that cliff

Ya half the economy disappeared, we lost millions of jobs and we were paying $5.70 for gas, the housing market crashed.

its getting better now, you'll see, sorry to dash you suicidal aspirations

Oh yeah, the patriot act that Obama just recently signed a bill allowing the continuation of, the war that Obama is perpetuating by sending more troops to, the increased executive privileges that Obama has done NOTHING to repeal.

Point is you guys act as if some NEW and exponentially evil agenda is being perpetrated by Obama, that is the point. The point is, all of you decided tp wake up after the pillage has taken place. Be a good Samaritan after the building is already burnt down to the ground

The alarm, outrage and urgency is comedical frankly, all of you should have pulled your bloody heads out years ago. Did you not notice people protesting all the things I mentioned??? Cause I notice a whole lot of folks towing the Bush line, many of our newly reformed fans of the constitution on ATS insuring Bush's public support.

I guess an accent can sure make a whole lot of people comfortable...

I marched against the wars in march, bring home our sons and daughters, did you?

I really wish you guess would take a look inward, you love your country act like it, be consistent. Obama sold a whole lot of people on change and HAS continued these destructive policies. I HAVE not faltered in my views or convictions, I was against it then and I am now. But at the same time I cannot stand for people swaying with the wind chanting disapproval for things they helped fuel public support for. This intellectual dishonesty is the first thing to address if we are ever going to get our country right again. I take a good hard look every chance I get, get past my disappointment and I stick to my guns.

I am fairly certain many of you would support this status quo as you did in the past.
What has changed? Do you even recognize the series of events this country has been thru? Unfortunately there are very few members who seem to see the big picture,



[edit on 9-12-2009 by Janky Red]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 11:31 PM
How is saying Obama is not an american citizen, racist? I don't get it...

[edit on 10-12-2009 by Chad_Thomas89]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

How about "Mmmm MMm MMM! Barack Hussein Obama!" "Mmm MMm MMM!"

I was absolutely speechless when I saw that one.

And before anyone slings Republican at me like some sort of weapon, I am about as centrist Libertarian as they come.

Any time words are used as weapons, it's wrong.

The bad thing about the race card is like Ashley said, it loses it's usefulness when it is really needed. It has been played to death since the election, and the *majority* of it comes from the left.

Now, it means nothing, except using words as weapons as a last defense.

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