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Sarah Palin busted. Takes private jet to book events, then rides 'tour bus' from airport to event

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posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by veterator
Really? She takes the jet and the bus still gets there in time to pick her up?? Really? She must be using one of John Madden's old super busses! . . . or a really slow jet . . .

I suspect it works like this.. she signs some books, bus drops her off at 5 star hotel. Bus then has 2-3 drivers working multiple shifts so they leave and drive around the clock to the next destination. If it's going to be a few days Sarah goes shopping or I dunno maybe she goes and shoots some animals for a day or two. Hops the plane to the next destination.

[edit on 27-11-2009 by reasonable]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:34 AM
This issue is such a crock. She is no longer in public office traveling with public funds. She is on a book tour!! Samaritan's Purse may provide the jet (KingAir is a nice choice BTW) but that does not mean that they are fully funding the travel costs either. I would imagine that her publisher is picking up the tab along the way. The book is selling like hotcakes.

This is a private enterprise issue. She is not an climate change hypocrite like Gore. It is logistics folks. On a whirlwind tour like this, a private jet is the only way to keep the schedule. There is no way in hell that the charity is paying for this.

For those who want to attack this particular charity, take a closer look at the giant charities and non profits around the country.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 07:57 AM
I take it that the issue is that either the jet should land extremely close to the book-signing location or the bus should sprout wings and fly instead of the jet.

I'm all for the bus flying to the next destination...does the FAA allow that?

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by reasonable

Perhaps Mr. Graham considers her a charity case. Afterall, she has been used and abused by many people

1) John McCain with his failed gamble to have her as his running mate
2) Glenn Beck when he says she "yaps" and wants his name first on a ticket
3) her grandbabydaddy who speaks ill of her in public
4) anyone who wants to make a buck off her, like this book tour
5) potentially the Tea Party Movement who want her special appeal
6) Sarah Palin as she continues to publically promote the idea that "she is too" qualified to be POTUS

OTOH, it just could be another case of a religious charity plane being used for worldly instaed of non-worldly purposes. Pat Robertson used his Operation Blessing aircraft for his diamond dealings in Africa. Maybe Mr. Graham merely is bartering his plane time for her list of supporters. We with charitable hearts must ask ourselves, or fly?

[edit on 27-11-2009 by desert]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 09:05 AM
This is exactly why we should have voted Klobuchar as president. You'll probably never see her on a book tour, or in a beauty peagent. It's not because she is not a good writer...

Her senior thesis in college, published as the book "Uncovering the Dome," chronicles the 10-year-history behind the building of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome


Sounds like a nail biter!


Klobuchar 2012

[edit on 27-11-2009 by MysterE]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by reasonable

I would disagree with part ot the OP's title. It's not so much Sarah Palin busted as it is the lying thieving Christians surrounding Franklin "I fried my brain for Christ" Graham. Get a load of this statement about financial practices from Samaritan's Pursestrings:
"We have a responsibility to be faithful stewards and to maintain integrity and openness in our financial practices. Therefore, we are committed to fulfilling sound, Biblical standards."
Their aircraft N number should end in BS and not SP.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 09:24 AM
I can't stand Sarah Palin. There, I said it.
Also, this thread is sorta' ridiculous. I highly doubt that charitable funds are being used to finance this adventure. Not even Palin would be dumb enough to let that happen and the Graham foundation certainly wouldn't be. Those planes, not jets, have been owned by the organization long before Palin's book deal. Perhaps people should have taken issue with them at the time of their purchase? Apparently the folks donating the money to the organization don't care that they have a fleet of planes. If they don't, neither do I.

But aside from all of that, do you really think that Palin would rob charitable funds for this? Especially if she has any intention of running for office again. This would amount to political poison. Hemlock, for the Shakespear fan.

Also, what is up with all of the fallacious arguing going on in here? You know, for ONCE, I would love to see people argue points on the merits of what a poster actually says rather than what you perceive they may actually be thinking.
If I disagree with Palin, I am not necessarily an "ultra-lib obamatron." Good f-ing god, man! I am so sick of that crap I can't stand it.
It really brings this place down several notches. At least act like you have a damned brain!

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 09:29 AM
For the love of god, the article that was presented in the OP pretty much wore its bias on its sleeve. "He was a cokehead who screwed everything in a skirt until he realized his father's business was a real money maker?"

What sort of journalism is that?

Political Madness indeed.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by reasonable

Your real name isn't Levi by any chance is it?

Yay, another 6 page Sarah Palin is insignificant or i'm outraged at Sarah Palin thread.

Please keep making them! We are relying on heavy support from our liberal friends to keep her in the public eye and I thank you for your support

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 09:56 AM
So what? Unless she's using public funds for the jet, it's fine with me. Even if she's supposedly riding a tour bus, it's little more than putting on a show. Sarah Palin can ride all the jets she wants. Just keep her out of national politics.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by truthquest

I've always found Sarah Palin to be her own woman. I don't think of her as being fully owned and operated by the political money machines. I'd rather have somewhat of a dill-brain who is self-owned and self-operated than some petty shill smarty pants spoiled Harvard boy like Obama who is owned & operated.

.. and so what do you think her obligations are to the Christian organization that has provided her with the jet? Nothing??

C'mon. She is as owned by them as other politicians are by their money sources. You guys have already been down that road with the previous Republican administrations. I can't understand why anyone with even a modicum of intelligence wouldn't be more than a little worried about repeating that experience.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by dodadoom

When you name your kids what she has,
you must be at least a little lost in your own reality.

No kidding! thats why Amy Klobuchar named her daughter Abigail Klobuchar Bessler. Now that is the name of a child whos parents are in touch with reality! Klobuchar is her middle name because Amy Klobuchar is so progressive that she didn't even take her husbands last name!


posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by reasonable
reply to post by mopusvindictus

wow, that's like 10 pages now to try to explain why a celebrity should be touring the country on a private plane funded by a non profit christian charity. My logic dictates 2 wrongs don't make a right. But hey if it makes you feel better that 'everybody else does it', who am I to argue.

LMAO! Problem you have here is that neither Palin or the Christian Charity did one thing wrong. Palin made use of a plane that was offered to her and the Christian Charity let a felllow Christian use their plane.

Just be honest. You are a "Progressive" and you dislike Palin because you think anybody who isn't an intelectual is beneath you, and you think that nobody should have enough money to buy a plane because if you can't afford one nobody should get one. Looks like arrogance and jealousy to me.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by reasonable

Originally posted by veterator
Really? She takes the jet and the bus still gets there in time to pick her up?? Really? She must be using one of John Madden's old super busses! . . . or a really slow jet . . .

I suspect it works like this.. she signs some books, bus drops her off at 5 star hotel. Bus then has 2-3 drivers working multiple shifts so they leave and drive around the clock to the next destination. If it's going to be a few days Sarah goes shopping or I dunno maybe she goes and shoots some animals for a day or two. Hops the plane to the next destination.

[edit on 27-11-2009 by reasonable]

Ok so say she is doing exactly what you described in the quote above. What would be wrong with that? She is not using taxpayer dolars to do it, so what do you care?

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:40 PM
sarah palin should ride on the short bus for special people thats were she belongs.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 01:17 PM
All those people who chant "one of us" would take a private jet if they had the money.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by reasonable

Actually it's not even 1 page of a single forum page on a website...

Perpetually over the years when confronted by simple and honest truth in a copious volume I have encountered people who would like to simply wash it over with a snippy comment and then go about bashing whomever or whatever they are bashing without actually addressing a single point addressed.

I'm not sure I can understand when I effectively trashed the point, why you would try and was it away with a quip and just go about your business.

This is a Hate thread, it has no point of meaning, it's not valid.

Obviously the only Intent you have is to bash Palin.

Like I said earlier, I am not a fan of Obama policy but I don't come in and simply post threads for the purpose of spewing anger on the man, it really serves no purpose.

So why do this? It Just invalidates any meaningful critique you might ever have of the woman.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by reasonable

If this is not a definitive Troll Thread, I don't know what is. Don't you feel a little dirty like the publisher of a gossip rag?

Tell me you would not fly on a jet rather than riding a bus if you could? Of course you would.

As to Graham and that charity. It is continually the cleanest out there. Did you know Graham only drew a modest salary no matter how much he pulled in? Jesse Jackson sends hundreds of thousands to his Mistress and he gets a pass, Graham draws a modest salary and he gets attacked.

Main thing here though is your source is gossip and hate speech from an obvious Troll. Cutting and pasting the work of a Troll, makes you a Troll does it not?

I want to thank you though. Two Democrats in my office just joined me as Independents because they can't take the smell of the far Left anymore. The polls say Dem's are wising up in droves and joining the intelligent people who don't like crawling around in the slime with the Far Left hate merchants. They can't take the smell any more.

Is this ATS or the Daily Kos. May be time to find a new board if this is where ATS is going.

Are the extremists taking over ATS and dragging it down into the basement, to their level, like they have so many other sites? It sure seems like it.

We get it by the way. You folks hate anyone who is not a radical and you hate Christians. In other words you hate most of us.

Phew, I'm out of here. The stench is sickening. The stench of hate is always sickening. The KKK and the Nazi's have nothing on you folks. In fact they are better since they don't pretend to be anything other than what they are.

ATS, if this is what you want, change your name to the Daily Kos Too.

I hate what this country is turning into. A bunch of radical Bigots. I don't like the look of some of the things floating by on this Sewer thread, so I'm heading up for air. Thank God most people are not like you, but its sad people from other countries see this and think we are like this. I'd like to assure them, most Americans are offended by this hate and intolerance. Those involved in this are a tiny percentage of us. We don't know who they are most times because they only do this behind closed doors or under cover of anonymity.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by reasonable
I suspect it works like this.. she signs some books, bus drops her off at 5 star hotel. Bus then has 2-3 drivers working multiple shifts so they leave and drive around the clock to the next destination. If it's going to be a few days Sarah goes shopping or I dunno maybe she goes and shoots some animals for a day or two. Hops the plane to the next destination.

[edit on 27-11-2009 by reasonable]

Are you saying there's something wrong with this? If I was doing a book tour, that's exactly how I'd want to do it.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:22 AM
The fake Bus tour continues.. Now new videos and evidence supporting use of a gulfstream luxury jet.

"one of us! one of us! one of us!

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