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One Slightly Used US Citizenship for Sale!

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posted on May, 20 2004 @ 05:28 PM
One Slightly used United States citizenship is ready to be sold. Highest bidder takes it.

After all of the crap that's been going on, (with the US at the root of a good deal of it), I've decided to advertise my citizenship. Rather to disgrace myself by being in this country, I'd just as soon denounce my US Citizenship.

No, I'm not serious, but this is to make a point. I'm going to advertise this on ebay soon.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 05:32 PM
Good riddance. I hope you have fun in whatever socialist paradise you choose to sell your soul to... good luck in six years, when their economy implodes.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 05:39 PM
In any case, it's better than our economy is now most likely.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by US.SecretService
In any case, it's better than our economy is now most likely.

How old are you?

Your ignorant statements would want to put your age at 7 but then I would have to give you credit for typing so well.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 05:43 PM
I'll give you 7 prunes and a pickle for it.....


posted on May, 20 2004 @ 05:44 PM
Zero....done, pleasure doing business with you.

And I'm 16 fyi.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 09:52 PM
There ya go. Really at 16 you just don't have enough built up life experience. Don't worry, Lord willing, you will learn like all the rest of us. The good thing you have going is your actively seeking knowledge at a very young age. By thirty you will be a conservative.


posted on May, 21 2004 @ 12:19 AM
You'd have to pay ME big money to take that off your hands... imagine the embarassment when i try to travel with a US passport, i'd have to tell everyone its a fake.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 12:38 AM
Well, its your choice, if you don't want to be in the US, you can move wherever you want.

Specialasian, you say you are partially Muslim, I am sure you can go to a Muslim country, but you will have to become a true Muslim and follow it to the letter or you will find yourself like Berg or shot in public execution for being a bad Muslim. You can also go to other a bit more moderate Islamic countries, France seems to be accepting some laws of Sharia and radical Islam. Oh but wait, France has helped dictatorships and radical Islamists kill hundreds of thousands of non-Muslim people...

Humm, maybe Germany, oh no, wait...Germany has also its hands on genocide in the 90s...humm

Russia had given millions to Saddam in 2002 and also have been helping, and still are, terrorist groups against the US.... this is getting tough...not to mention the wars they are having there..

Humm, China is against the "independance" of taiwan from the "socialist/communist" Chinese government and they are saying they will stop this at any cost, so not too far in the future there will probably be a war there too...of course, unless you agree with socialism/communism..

Well, there are other countries in Europe that are a bit less guilty, probably you can buy your way in if you have enough money.

[Edited on 21-5-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 12:50 AM

As i've said before i can go back to my mums country (malaysia) which isnt a radical islamic country at all (but it is islamic), in fact they love westerners there. They dont use sharia law, but they do expect muslims to act like muslims. But yes, you are right i would have to at least be discreet while drinking and having sex before marriage and eating pig products, but even then i could go and just claim i'm not islamic and they'd be fine with that.

But i'm happy where i am, Australia, and even though our prime minister sniffs GW's ass like a lost puppy, at least hes not the evil, just a minion

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 12:58 AM
You want to see the face of evil?

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the alleged Sept. 11 mastermind, is seen shortly after his capture.

There are many more, many different races, some hispanics, some white, many islamic extremists or some other sort of extremists, like Timothy Mcveigh, that would attack innocent people.

The war on terror is not a war on a race or just one culture, there have been some people that are/were hispanics or Americans and decided, for their own sadistical views, to become terrorists and help out Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.

[Edited on 22-5-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 01:12 AM
I know its not a war on Islam, but the actions of you pres and the words he uses sure makes it out that it is. Both sides of this conflict are evil, and i hope to hell they blow the crap out of each other untill they both wake up to themselves.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 05:47 AM
What about being an American are you affraid of? That we are a world leader? That we are the greatest nation on the planet and people are jealous/fearfull of us for that?

Mabey all the multi-cultural liberal crap they teach in school these days has you confused into thinking that we are the bad guy, were not.

the multi cultural, include everything adgenda, is like political tries to simplify things and make everything SEEM ok. its ok to distinguish betwen things, people, ideologies and choose which side your on....these days its becomming more acceptable.

Its ok to know your history good and bad..... its ok to take pride in our nation overcomming many obstacles, even tho we are not perfect......

Its ok to say united we stand, to wave our flag with pride, even when others would spit on it and you...

Too many people have sacrificed too much for you to squander your citizenship....rights and responsibillities...
Dont be a sellout,

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 05:51 AM
Outstanding! Disgrace is right, but you've got it backwards.

Hey, how about taking as many of your moronic like-minded friends as you can!

Hey, I hear the Congo is nice this ime of the year.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 06:02 AM
The guy said he was 16 people...and it was just a joke.

He even gave props to Bush for freeing the Iraqis in another thread.

Yikes. Let's draw the line at hooding him and taking pictures with him on a leash shall we?

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 06:05 AM
Hey dude if you actually advertise it on ebay Im pretty sure you will get caught and catch a felony case aswell...even if you were joking....

besides there is millions of illegals walkin around your city..just sell it to one of sure you could get 5,000$ for it easy...but remember to get your social security card and your birth certificate or nobody would need it..

[Edited on 21-5-2004 by McGotti]

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by McGotti
besides there is millions of illegals walkin around your city..just sell it to one of sure you could get 5,000$ for it easy...but remember to get your social security card and your birth certificate or nobody would need it..
McGotti inadvertently brings up an interesting point... Why do so many "illegals" want to come to the US?
What is it about the US that is so attractive to virtually millions of people if the US is so oppressive to it's citizenry or the economy is so incredibly bad compared to the rest of the world as US.SecretService seems to think.

The fact is that the US economy is robust and growing in spite of gas prices at an all time high, and as a citizen there are very few if any noticeable rights that you personally have given up since 911.

I was in a furniture store the other day and a newly immigrated Russian couple was shopping there - they simply could not believe that they could actually by furniture on credit - especially a "zero down, no payments for a year" deal - they walked out of the store after making a purchase and the lady was saying "this country... it's just unbelieveable!"...

DOesn't sound like an economy in shambles and it doesn't sound like everyone is shunning this country...

Must be something attractive about it...

[Edited on 21-5-2004 by intelgurl]

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by intelgurl
I was in a furniture store the other day and a newly immigrated Russian couple was shopping there - they simply could not believe that they could actually by furniture on credit - especially a "zero down, no payments for a year" deal - they walked out of the store after making a purchase and the lady was saying "this country... it's just unbelieveable!"...

Not to discredit the patriotism of ROOMS TO GO, but the Russian lady was right. "It's unbelievable!"

Meaning the siren song of that seductive lady called CREDIT...America's downfall IMO. Would love to revisit that fresh faced Russian couple in five years when they carry the average $8,000 in debt for every $50,000 in income made.

Isn't it UNBELIEVABLE we can sit on the banks furniture, in the the banks house and drive to a job in the banks car on gas bought with your Shell card and work for money you'll use to pay off a beer you bought in 1987 that'll cost you around $30 with financing?

They should hand out credit cards on Ellis Island. After all, you're not a real American until someone else owns your future.

Great story and example.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 06:51 AM
The Germans also had it pretty good, prior to WWII. The Romans enjoyed a welfare state and enforced peace all through its Empire. The British colonial economy thoroughly chugged along as it handed out suffrage to more and more of its population.

My point is this: all successful empires are a pleasure to live in, with thriving economies and governments that are only occasionally brutal. If you try to rule with an iron fist and a handful of rubles, you're not going to get very far. The Russian Empire has a rather poor track record on that. The old saying I think serves this point well: An orderly populace is the supreme law.

A smart imperial government would let the university students riot and campaign all they want. However, they are not so desperate because of circumstances that they will actively rebel. Your best rebel fighters are poor farm kids who've been trampled on one too many times.

So, in closing, let me just say that there are many different kinds of oppressive - the kind with guns and bayonets, and the kind with laws and spin doctors. As long as you stay in control, that's just fine.

posted on May, 21 2004 @ 07:03 AM
I will gladly buy your citizenship from you.

I will also glady throw your a$$ outta here once it is mine and give it to some worthy immigrant who has never tasted freedom.

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