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Are You a Candidate for Alien Abduction?

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posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 10:36 PM
What is the common denominator of those who have been abducted?

Is it a genetic factor?

Is it some predisposition of acceptance?

Is it simply because you willed it?

Do you think you were "sold" into abduction by some covenant in your ancestral line?

Why do you think you might be a candidate for alien abduction?

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 10:53 PM
your sold into alien abduction option thing sounds like the plot in a good story. i will probably obsess over the thought for a while.

this does raise a good question, is there any connection between the abductees?

if so what is it.

if anyone here who has been abducted or something has an idea of what the link might be, speak up.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by ELECTRICkoolaidZOMBIEtest
your sold into alien abduction option thing sounds like the plot in a good story. i will probably obsess over the thought for a while.

Maybe the story has already been outlined but we don't know the details.

If the gods made "covenants" with not only individuals, but entire groups of people, as per biblical scriptures....could this not obligate their progeny for many generations?

Could it be that people are abducted as part of a bargain struck long ago with their ancestors?

As to the reason...are the aliens experimenting on them? Playing with their genetics? Doing horrible psych games? Seeding them with super intelligence? Turning them into robotic zombies when triggered to carry out an order? What?

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:07 PM
I think it is certain DNA patterns they scan for, at first I thought maybe bipolar people, or schizophrenic, but those people usually aren't abductee victims, I think they scan for DNA traits that are less obvious. there should be a study on this

I heard those who have a some family member involved in the military or government are at higher risk of abduction. so maybe there is some truth to 'selling out'

The abductees I have come across are usually very frail however this could be a result of all the abuse they have endured

[edit on 13-11-2009 by jacksonpollock]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by ELECTRICkoolaidZOMBIEtest

Pretty good question, data mining would be nifty here.

If anything i think it would be genetic and/or psychological traits.

The genome for what they want, and the psychological factor "to make their job easier"

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:30 PM
I am only 4'8....

I have hazle eyes that also spend time being green or blue....

natuarally almost black hair...


according to my adoption papers I am quite an ethnic mix....

Developed very early....grade 3...

Very well develped..(mabey they look for that for breeding???) The smelly ones, (greys? They smell like motor oil and rubber from those rubber thing you throw at the wall and they "crawl" down the wall, that sticky rubber smell)

Strong moral sense....they make it "stronger" and "clearer" (the white haired ones, more about teaching and spirituality, science)

anybody else have these things in common??? Add to the list??

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:36 PM
MY parents had a load of sightings, and shortly after i was born, i was put in isolation, due to "unknown" complications. (they never told my parents what was up, but was isolated with my mom for a week)

I'm never sick, and my IQ is off the charts, should I be afraid?

[edit on 13-11-2009 by K-Raz]

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Alethea

Well, they sure don't want the super-intelligent 'cause I ain't been abducted! I ain't even been approached. I think they prefer those humans who haven't developed a high level of intelligence. Too much of a challenge for them.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by jacksonpollock

well i have had 1 abduction experience which occurred when i was only 10yrs old in cocoa beach,fl. my mom worked at the kennedy space center at the time, and after the experience i no longer had my childhood ills...(asthma, ADD, insomnia)...not sure what else could be useful...other than i used to be sick alot as a kid and now get sick maybe once every other year, life has been normal. one weird note:after the experience i noticed a red dot in the middle of my left hand...could never get it to wash off looked like a pin prick right in the center...i actually had it until around my 18th birthday but is unfortunatly no longer visible...have not had xray done to this hand that i know of so not sure if anything is in there, but i doubt experience could have just been sleep paralisys for all i know, although it seemed very very real.

edit to fix age

[edit on 14-11-2009 by chrisd250]

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by The Shrike
reply to post by Alethea

Well, they sure don't want the super-intelligent 'cause I ain't been abducted! I ain't even been approached. I think they prefer those humans who haven't developed a high level of intelligence. Too much of a challenge for them.

Not true, my IQ is off the charts as well....

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by mellisamouse

Originally posted by The Shrike
reply to post by Alethea

Well, they sure don't want the super-intelligent 'cause I ain't been abducted! I ain't even been approached. I think they prefer those humans who haven't developed a high level of intelligence. Too much of a challenge for them.

Not true, my IQ is off the charts as well....

iv'e never had my iq tested, but i found school easy up until college and was in gifted classes til high school(then i thought being cool was better than being smart...stupid i know) not saying i have a high iq, but i do find most people around me lacking of common sense, good judgement, and even a slight understanding of the things around them and how this world really works...kind of like everyone doesnt want to see the real world...

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 01:36 AM
I have been mulling over the idea that often abductions "victims" are predetermined by genetic markers. I suspect that DNA bloodlines are often targeted specifically by different "people" for different reasons.

Perhaps certain bloodlines have increased potential for telepathic abilities, clairvoyance or the like. If this is the case, it is possible that some entities target individuals in order to suppress certain potential abilities, while other entities target individuals in order to spur them on.

I have had a large number of experiences since I was a child, many of which I've only begun to remember recently, I suspect that one or both of my parents and my sister may have similar experiences that they don't recognize. On both sides of my family, I can trace my ancestry back a very long time, on one side in particular my family tree can be traced directly back a little over 2000 years.


posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 02:18 AM
One would wounder why experiments are carried out of different faimly lines over many generations.What kind of experiments would theses be.Though each generation the genetic code is changed.For instance it might take 10 generations of experiments within one faimly line to acheive someone being born with very good telepathic abilities or Telekinises.In my case i have some telepathic ability but if i had a daughter and the experiments continued.Then my daughter or her daughter may well become a very powerful telepath.Better than me.Each generation gets better and stronger.This is only two examples as to what kind of abilities the aliens are trying to inhance.There could be many other abilities they are trying to inhance.Our aging process.Our body size.Molecula transformation.Increasing our immune systerm so we can live on other planets.The list gos on and on.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 03:54 AM
Many abductions began at a very young age, so I guess the genetic factor may have a role in it.
We can't know for sure as we don't agree if they even exist!

[edit on 14-11-2009 by TheOracle]

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 04:32 AM
Hey there! Ive often thought about this. Only for the reason that you may be able to increase your own chances of alien abduction. Sounds a bit nuts but, how else are we going to find out if there 'really' outthere.. Anyway, everyone hears about the stereotype 'farmer' getting abducted or even his wife, let alone their cows. But the point i want to bring up with this is that the aliens always seem curious to our Farming methods. Look at Gary Wilcox's incounter. The aliens asked how his tractor worked, and where curious about muckspreading. Yeah, sounds a little daft, but there are a few similar storys, that then make me sort of jump to a conclushion of if these 'aliens' have no knowledge of crop growing or even how our tractors work, then maybe we can eliminate the idea that on their planet they have farms. I suppose you can tie in the theory/idea that 'greys' live of our emotions, but i still dont think thats really good because i dont see how emotions can be sustinance. Aliens arnt emotional vampiers. But still, no one really knows. Maybe its just a case of wright place at the wright time. Theres also a huge number of cases where encounters have taken place near remote lakes/ponds.

But its all just speculation of course.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 06:12 AM
You give them permission before you incarnate.

It's to help them, and sometimes they do something for you in return.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 06:48 AM
it probly is something to do woth genetics.... The huge scrapes taken out of my back, that my chiropractor pointed out last week, are already gone, and completely healed.

I didn't even feel what where HUGE gouges taken out. If the chiropractor didn't ask me what it was, or what happened, I wouldn't have even known they were there.

The few friends I have that have been abducted, and myself, all have one thing in common....not aging at matter how much I sleep deprive myself, drink like a fish, eat like crap, or smoke, most of the total health nuts look a good 10-29 years older than me, at my age or younger.

It is actually a total pain in the butt, being 4'8 on top of it, since little kids are allways trying to be my friend, and their parents talk to me as if I was their childs age (kind of humiliating when they ask how old I am) about feeling guilty for lighting up a cigarette, I will only do it hiding in my own back yard, or in a bar....

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by mellisamouse

Originally posted by The Shrike
reply to post by Alethea

Well, they sure don't want the super-intelligent 'cause I ain't been abducted! I ain't even been approached. I think they prefer those humans who haven't developed a high level of intelligence. Too much of a challenge for them.

Not true, my IQ is off the charts as well....

Yet, you cannot properly construct simple sentences, and spell simple words. Also, saying your IQ is off the charts is like saying you are a sexy super model. HEYYY LOOK AT ME I AM SO SPECIAL.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by Alethea

Is it a genetic factor?

Majoritively Speaking, it's a "Soul Factor"

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 07:58 AM
My Family has had ubduction experiences that started with my father. My grandmother was a lakota skinwalker and my father is very gifted paranormally I have never had memories of ubductions but I do remember Weird dreams(Feeling pain in a dream but unable to wake up) and have had dreams come true.

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