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Is Atlantis America?

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posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:39 AM
Imagine a 2012 style disaster in the near future. Man cannot escape because of the Van Allen belts and we do not have the time or resources to save the human species - where is the only safe place for humans to escape to? Answer: use a time machine and escape to the past. It would certainly explain all the ancient seers.

If this is the case, then it follows that Atlantis etc are not necessarily ancient civilizations, but ones whose memory has been passed down from those who escaped into the past.

Look at it coldly and Atlantis bears a striking similarity to America of today.

Is Atlantis America?

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:41 AM
You mean like the movie millennium?

I actually considered this once after watching that movie. I can't seriously;y believe in backward travel through time though.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:41 AM
You mean like the future and the past are the same, and time is really a cycle?
reminds me of a hindu story about a man who rises from a frog to a man to the point of being a god, then says "What a good boy am I" and suddenly he's like a frog again. IE America/Atlantis realizes her greatness only to be destroyed...
I'm rambling, sorry.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:56 AM
A functioning time machine does actually exist in first prototype form at the University of Connecticut. So far they have send light back one millionth of a second.

The concept is simple. Imagine a line of coal trucks. Yo pour coal onto them from above. What happens? To conserve momentum, they must slow up without further pull fro mthe railway engine.

You bend light into a spiral with powerful magnets to form a ring laser. Now bombard it with particles called glueons that attach themselves to the photons. The photons must logically slow down, but they cannot as they must travel at the speed of light. Result? To balance the reduction of speed of photons, time itself must be warped.

By the 1990's,they had the speed of light along the ring laser down to 66 miles per HOUR

By 20022, they had light at dead stop.

Now the photons also drag down the time-space that is near them and as they are in a ring, the entire core becomes a time tunnel.

So, by increasing weight, the ring laser becomes a time tunnel into the future. However, there are also exotic particles with complex and negative mass. Attach these to glueons and the weight of the photon is DECREASED...result? It beomces a time tunnel into the past.

Build it big enough and a man could be sent down it.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:59 AM

It is claimed that the pyramids of ancient Egypt could not have been designed and built by human and so must have been done by aliens.

This is UNTRUE. The pyramids could have been designed by anyone with a Mac G5 running an advanced Cad-Cam programme, the stones cut by laser-guided cutting equipment and placed in position by a fleet of military grade helicopters.

Now this sounds ridiculous to suggest this - that the Ancient Egyptians had access to this sort of technology, but is it any more ridiculoos to suggest that aliens came to the planet on some sort of "off-world" Government-sponsored jobs-creation programme for little green alien youths to build these edifices and then abandon them to mystify us?

Or was it built by the people of THIS GENERATION?

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:02 AM
THink of mud. If you want to walk up a path a cople of feet deep in mud after heavy rain, what do you do? You follow the tracks of an SUV, ATV, car or anyone else who has gone before you. Because of the way that mud solidifies, for your tracks to remain in the other car's etc, you must have made you tracks within a a few hours, a day at the most of the car or other person's tracks who went first. OK?

Now consider this... In Texas they have a piece of fossilised deep mud with what are clearly the tracks of a T-Rex in them. The only thing is this... following in its steps, logically made no later than a few hours maximum, are the footsteps of a HUMAN.

This leads to only one conclusion: humans and dinosaurs co-existed at least 65million years ago.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:03 AM

One weird piece of evidence of ancient advanced technology is Libyan desert glass. Over 100 years ago, they found an area of Libyan desert covered with twisted bits of shattered glass. It made no sense. Efforts to put it together came up with nothing.

In 1944 that all changed. After the detonation of the world's first nuclear bomb, they found the desert at ground zero had turned into an identical situation with the same type of shattered glass everywhere from the heat.

Since even a meteor cannot produce this, only a nuclear bomb, it would suggest that a nuclear bomb was detonated in Libyan over 10,000 years ago.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by aristocrat2

If you're talking about a way to view the past, yes I might agree. But the jump of it being able to send a man backward in time I'm not following.

Most of the mathematics we use in modern day have been around for millenia, just because they didn't have access to modern electronics or schematics does not mean they couldn't produce the same results.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by aristocrat2

THink of mud. If you want to walk up a path a cople of feet deep in mud after heavy rain, what do you do? You follow the tracks of an SUV, ATV, car or anyone else who has gone before you. Because of the way that mud solidifies, for your tracks to remain in the other car's etc, you must have made you tracks within a a few hours, a day at the most of the car or other person's tracks who went first. OK?

Now consider this... In Texas they have a piece of fossilised deep mud with what are clearly the tracks of a T-Rex in them. The only thing is this... following in its steps, logically made no later than a few hours maximum, are the footsteps of a HUMAN.

This leads to only one conclusion: humans and dinosaurs co-existed at least 65million years ago.

Silly disproven Forbidden Archeology Creationist nonsense. Hve you ever seen pictures of the so-called human footprint.

People also have seen the image of Jesus Christ in stale pieces of bread, stains on bathroom floors, etc.

A lot of reports are just untrue. From Creationist pseudo-archeoligists they're always untrue.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by aristocrat2

omg now i have heard it all .
atlantis sank so how can it be america .read up on plato,s discription of atlantis . the most likely place would be round the med .
are you one of those people that think if it,s not american it does not exist

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:13 AM
there are 3 distinct ATLANTIS'

the Atlantis that Plato told of

the Atlantis that Cayce told of (edgar cayce for your search engine)

the Atlantis of modern (post Depression era) pop-culture,
up to the current TV series Stargate: Atlantis

i don't see how #1 or #2 could be explained by time travelers

but the fable of an Atlantis, located some far distance somewhere beyond the Pillars of Hercules, could have been a North America,
which suffered a catastrophe, or was conquered by an early empire,
Or was broken up by a volcano & 'sank beneath the waves' =
(which may well equate with the poetic fate of being lost from memory)

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:29 AM
...And, what if 2012 is so know back in time becuase of this time travel.
What if we re-enter that time tunnel in 2012 hence the ancient knowledge of the 4 ages, Gold (which we are at the end off) Iron,Bronze and Silver.

Zap, and we are in a desert building pyramids again !!

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by tom.farnhill
reply to post by aristocrat2

omg now i have heard it all .
atlantis sank so how can it be america .read up on plato,s discription of atlantis .

Because it could be talking of what WILL happen to America which IS sinking due to the rising sea level from global warming.

Originally posted by tom.farnhill
the most likely place would be round the med .

Nothing to back this. Incidentally Mediterranean literally means "Middle Earth Sea" On current maps, the Atlantic is now in the middle.

Originally posted by tom.farnhill
are you one of those people that think if it,s not american it does not exist

As a "Brit" who now lives in Quebec, this seems exceptionally unlikely.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:31 AM
Another ancient civilization mentioned is a fabulously wealth nation called Hyperborea. Could this be an an ancient memory of Canada?

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:47 AM
Ok there is alot of things that blow the human mind including stoneheng (sp?) and the pyramids. This to me would be very difficult to do in thier time period. However. Time travel i dont think we will ever figure out. My reason is because if we did. How come there isn't anyone from the future here in our modern time? Unless they are merely here to only observe and being caught would warp our reality? Who knows maybe we become aliens in the "transition" in 2012 and the aliens we see now are actually our race in the future? This to me is more plausable as it would explain time travel since we could go back in time. This could explain why we see aliens maybe they are just time travelers from the future and maybe they also went back in time and helped make these impossible looking structures... Or maybe i should be put in a padded room. lol Anyways S&F

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by aristocrat2
The pyramids could have been designed by anyone with a Mac G5 running an advanced Cad-Cam programme, the stones cut by laser-guided cutting equipment and placed in position by a fleet of military grade helicopters.

Now this sounds ridiculous to suggest this - that the Ancient Egyptians had access to this sort of technology, but is it any more ridiculoos to suggest that aliens came to the planet on some sort of "off-world" Government-sponsored jobs-creation programme for little green alien youths to build these edifices and then abandon them to mystify us?

No more ridiculous than the idea that they did all this and then left quarrying tools, saws and chisels laying all over the place to fool us so that we wouldn't suspect that they had high technology.

Oh yeah. They also never used it again.

No more ridiculous than that.


posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by aristocrat2

Originally posted by tom.farnhill
reply to post by aristocrat2

omg now i have heard it all .
atlantis sank so how can it be america .read up on plato,s discription of atlantis .

Because it could be talking of what WILL happen to America which IS sinking due to the rising sea level from global warming.

America is not sinking.

Also, he COULD have been talking about the souffle I made this weekend, which sank due to the fact that I angered the souffle gods through my use of crystal technology (my wristwatch.)


posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by tom.farnhill
reply to post by aristocrat2

omg now i have heard it all .
atlantis sank so how can it be america .read up on plato,s discription of atlantis.

Hello Tom,

Here is one possible explanation for South America being Plato's Atlantis though still sitting above the sea:

Atlantis: The Continent That Solon Sank

Keep in mind that in Plato's account Solon introduced not one, but TWO VERY LARGE CONTINENTS beyond the Pillars of Hercules with islands forming a path between. The two continents were the island continent of Atlantis and a larger continent lying at the opposite end of a path of islands. Today we know that there ARE two large and distinct continents beyond the Pillars which represent the limits of the Mediterranean Sea. They are North and South America, and they are accompanied by a set of islands, the Caribbean Islands, laying a very distinct pathway between them.


posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 12:07 PM
I don't think it was America. I think it was South America. I'm sure the Southern parts of North America were the Northern Limits of Atlantis. . . but most of North America was covered with glaciers back then.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by aristocrat2

This is UNTRUE. The pyramids could have been designed by anyone with a Mac G5 running an advanced Cad-Cam programme, the stones cut by laser-guided cutting equipment and placed in position by a fleet of military grade helicopters.

That's not entirely true. There are blocks of stone within those structures (and others around the world) that are beyond any of our current (available) technologies to move. Most believe they must have been carved in the location they already are, and the others built up around them.

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