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"Catch and Release"?!

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posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 07:38 AM

This is a story about what happened to me on a trip from Ohio to California in Nov. of 2007. Had it not been for the unexpected and completely out of place photo that showed up months later,it would have remained just that-a "story"-that could have been chalked up to a sleep-deprived hallucination.
Unlike "Are You Watching It?...",there are no negatives since I now use a digital camera.
This happened on Nov.11th,(which is significant in itself,because I also am one of those people who have experienced the "11:11" phenomenon,but that is a seperate story in itself!)
It was very late at night when I left Reno,heading to Redding,California along Hwy 44. It started to rain very hard. Driving by myself and in a hurry to reach my destination,I had only slept briefly along the way,propped up uncomfortably in the front seat of my van. So when I suddenly saw the "Grim Reaper",half-running,half-floating in front of me,waving his right arm as if to say,"C'mon! Hurry up! What took you so long?!",my natural response was to say,"You're not real!" In fact,I did say out loud,several times,"You're not real!"
Then things got really crazy! The next thing I knew,it seems I had lost control of my steering,and I had the frightening sensation that the rear-end of my vehicle was fish-tailing wildly back and forth! I slowed down as much as I could,but all that managed to do was cause some angry drivers to get backed up behind me,some even honking their horns. One of them must have alerted the authorities,because soon a ranger,(not a policeman),was beside me,lights flashing,urging me to pull over. There really was no where to "pull over" to,so I stopped while he directed traffic around me.
He then told me to follow him and he would lead me to a safer place to pull over. It was nothing more than just a "turn-out",there to get off the road and let others go around. He said he was about to end his shift,but not to worry,there was no one around for miles! This did little to assure me! I'd seen enough scary movies that it wouldn't have surprised me had his statement been followed by peals of evil laughter! There was no reason for me to think I was even safe with him!
I insisted there had to be a safer place,something closer to "civilization. He said there was,so once again,I followed him,while he flashed his lights and I crept along as slow as I could.
The place he led me to looked like the kind of gas station from "Texas Chainsaw Massacre",but at least there were lights and a pay phone. Then he wished me luck and was gone.
I saw two vehicles parked off in the darkness,so I wasn't alone afterall. After waiting a few minutes,they eventually drove off,and I ventured out to use the phone. My cell-phone was not working.
It took several frantic attempts to reach my daughter and communicate to her that I was having mechanical difficulties and would be delayed.(I say "frantic" because even the pay-phone would cut out and we'd have to start all over.)
Between the two of us,we tried to secure a tow-truck,but were told that the nearest one couldn't be out my way for at least three hours.
Seeing as how I was going to be waiting a while,I figured it would be better to pull up closer to the building where the light was better. No sooner had I done this,I noticed that there were two cars racing each other recklessly on the road right close by. Not a good sign! No telling what kind of people they were,but I felt way too vulnerable! (It would have been different perhaps,if I'd been a big,hulking man,but here I sit,a very petite blonde,weighing no more than 110 lbs.
I told myself the least I could do was put my windows up and lock the doors. That's when I discovered the van wouldn't even start! (Darn electric windows!)
It's at this point,I started to pray,"God,I think I'm gonna need a little help here!..." And I'm not kidding,it was no more than five minutes later,a tow-truck slows down on the road in front of the gas station and a man pops his head out and asks if I need some help!
(This must be God's "mysterious ways",because this man was off-duty and on his way home. He'd never been notified of anyone needing help! Not only that,but as we talked later,he told me that he also was a Christian! That's what I call some divine networking!)
He was the kindest,most patient and helpful person I could have hoped for! Because after all that had happened,I was more than a little distraught and my imagination had been working overtime! He helped me call my daughter again and he even got on the phone and assured her that her mother would be fine!)
Well,when he went to start my van,it fired right up! Though he couldn't tell what,if anything,was wrong with my steering,he hooked up the van and towed me the rest of the way in to Redding.
After a good night's sleep at a motel,I started out the next day,no steering problems whatsoever,with only the memories of the night before replaying vividly in my mind!
I had to tell this episode in detail,but it's not until after my next trip,from California to Louisiana at the end of January,2008,and back again,that the picture showed up.
Againgoing it alone ,this trip however was peaceful and uneventful,no real reason to hurry. Going south,I had no snow to contend with. I took lots of pictures. An especially beautiful scene was when the sun was setting and casting a beautiful pinkisk-purplish hue on the hills of west Texas. I would up deleting a couple,I had taken too many!
These pictures and all the rest I had shown various friends and family members on more than a few occasions. It was about a year ago,when I was looking through them alone,that I cried out to my husband,"Oh my God! I've got a picture of the Grim Reaper!"

Story continues below...

[edit on 8-11-2009 by On the Edge]

[edit on 8-11-2009 by On the Edge]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:17 AM

Photo #1

I had to take pictures of these photos on a TV screen to show the times and dates. It is important to notice,because they do not follow sequence.

This is what my photos from Texas look like. Correct date. Correct time. No problem here!

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:20 AM

Photo #2

The date is correct. The time is NOT !

This was obviously not taken at "2:53 A.M." !

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:22 AM

Hurry up! cant wait to read the rest.


posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:25 AM

Photo #3

This is the photo that turned up "out of nowhere"!

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:09 AM
That's a great story and funky picture but what makes you think it is the grim reaper?

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:13 AM

Photo #4

This is close to the TIME to Grim Reaper appeared to me on my trip to Redding,but the DATE should have been in November. (I didn't even attempt to take a photo of my "hallucination" !)

To continue the story,this alone was unsettling enough. It was the very next day that the cartoon you saw at the top of this thread fell out of a pile of folders I was carrying. This would have been meaningless,if not for the timing,and the fact that these folders contained none of the cartoons I'd collected. There was more to that certain series,but they weren't anywhere near. Frankly,my files were very much in order,so this was way too odd of a coincidence.
The next "coincidence" that sums it up for me came a couple of weeks later,when my husband and I visited a friend's church. We went because the topic was "The End Times",something we had begun studying quite earnestly. The scripture on the front of the study sheet that followed the sermon read:

"Do not say 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest.' Lift up your eyes and look at the fields,for they are already WHITE for harvest."(John 4:35)

Does this bear significance as to the whiteness in the Grim Reaper's background? To me it does,though some may say I'm just grasping at straws.
At some other place in time,this may not have meant so much to me,or it may not have happened at all. What is also significant is that for the last two years I have been diligently praying for God to use me as a "conduit". I found there were instances God had used me in peoples lives at just the exact moment they needed something I could give them.
I have also been relying on the guidance of His holy spirit to show me what He wants me to see and to give me wisdom. Honestly,I have been awakened and re-educated to a number of things concerning the times we're in,or so I believe. So much that I have been a real pain in the butt to my friends and loved ones as I've admonished them they need to know Jesus as their Savior,because there are tough times ahead,and of course,I fear for them in the after-life,if they aren't going to heaven.
In Matthew 13:39,it says:"The harvest is the end of the age,and the harvesters are angels." (Reaping/Harvesting?)
Are we in the End-Times? Personally,I believe we are. There are many who scoff at that idea,and the idea that God exists at all. I'm not telling anyone what they should think-I can't harass you like I can those closest to me! I just thought it was something I should pass along. This being the perfect site for me to do so!
For those of you who followed along this far,I hope you at least found it entertaining,if not perhaps more than a little bit thought-provoking!
My next thread will be about times we're in as they relate to The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer,something I "stumbled onto" which is nothing to do with any photos(yet,anyway!?).

Now,I've left myself wide open here to all kinds of rebuttal,so have at it!
I will expect the worst and hope for the best! Again,I have nothing to gain from this at all. As a matter of fact,I run the risk of just being labeled some religious nut and never to be taken seriously about anything!
For the record,I am not "religious" in any sense of the word,other than that I believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. My husband and I are not affiliated with any churches,because we fear the word of God and His message are seriously compromised and being diluted,becoming a blend that will be the One-World Religion the bible warns about in the End.
I think I'll call it a night!(For me,being a night-owl,means I'm going to bed after the sun comes up!) I'm past that now,as it took us way longer than we thought it would to get the pictures to fit.
P.S. To anyone still interested in "Are You Watching It...Or Is It Watching You?!",I did post a couple more pictures !
Bye for now!

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by On the Edge

Photo #3

This is the photo that turned up "out of nowhere"!

That's a great picture. Maybe we can get someone who knows something about photoshop to enhance it.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:40 AM

I couldn't finish without adding this one more photo,and my interpretation of it. Again,this is my camera showing up pictures I have no understanding of. I can't even identify the background!

A day or so after this appeared,looking through my bible,I came across a passage in Leviticus (a book I've practically never read before),when this scripture leapt out at me!

Leviticus 26:45,"But for their sake I will remember the covenant with their anscestors,whom I brought out of Egypt in the sight of the nations to be their God. I am the Lord."

Doesn't this image kind of look like some Jewish person from long ago? (It looks like someone wearing a dark hat,with dark eyes and a prominent nose?)

Anyhow,I have some Jewish ancestry,and found this to be more confirmation that there's lots more going on than meets the eye!

And as for the "11:11" mystery? It was solved for me when I read this,from 1 Peter 10:11 (See the 11:11 there? I sure did!) When I read it,after years of having that number haunting me,I honestly trembled and even cried,because it suddenly made sense,to me,tying in with all these other things. It says:"Concerning this salvation,the prophet,who spoke of the grace that was to come to you,searched intently and with the greatest care,trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves,but you,when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from Heaven. Even angels long to look into these things."
After that,I no longer see the "11:11" like I used to,and I kinda miss it!
It probably means different things to different people,but even the "Lightworkers" theory espoused by New-Agers resembles this kind of a Higher Calling.
These are fascinating times,no matter whose side you're on. Either way,we should make up our minds soon. The End could be very soon!


posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by On the Edge
For the record,I am not "religious" in any sense of the word,other than that I believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. My husband and I are not affiliated with any churches,because we fear the word of God and His message are seriously compromised and being diluted,becoming a blend that will be the One-World Religion the bible warns about in the End.

Not "religious"??? How is believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ, "not religious"? That's Christianity.....right? Christianity is a "religion"

And how is quoting scripture...."not religious"?

I think you have an agenda. Tell us what it is!

Sounds like to me that you are fans of the "Left Behind" series.

I now find it hard to believe anything you say, if you don't even have a concept of what being "religious" is.

But as a parttime flyfishing guide and outfitter. "Catch and Release" is a good thing. Protect our natural resources.

[edit on 8-11-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by whaaa

Not "religious"??? How is believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ, "not religious"?

And how is quoting scripture...."not religious"?

I think you have an agenda. Tell us what it is!

I now find it hard to believe anything you say, if you don't even have a concept of what being "religious" is.

Obviously she is talking about not be associated with a church. Come on, don't start the bashing, she has stated up front in her post that she wishes to spread her truth. If you had read her posts you would have understood this. If it's not what you want to hear then just simply don't read it... but if you don't read it, then don't comment on it either. Everybody has their own thing... realize this.... and accept it, your blood pressure will thank you for it.

[edit on 8/11/2009 by Iamonlyhuman]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:07 AM
Cool story, bro!

I guess I just don't understand what you are trying to say.

You think you met Death on the side of the road because your camera malfunctioned?

[edit on 8-11-2009 by HankMcCoy]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman

Originally posted by whaaa

Not "religious"??? How is believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ, "not religious"?

And how is quoting scripture...."not religious"?

I think you have an agenda. Tell us what it is!

I now find it hard to believe anything you say, if you don't even have a concept of what being "religious" is.

Obviously she is talking about not be associated with a church.

No, it wasn't obvious. Church membership is being a member of a denomination. Believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ is being a "Christian"
Christianity is a religion.

And I do realize everyone has their "own thing" and some people have an agenda and will perpetrate a hoax to shore up their beliefs in trying to influence others into their cosmology.

And I did read her thread and that is why I believe she has an ulterior motive for telling us this story.

[edit on 8-11-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by whaaa

Nope. I believe the rapture is a hoax.

I don't need a church to teach me about what the Holy Spirit has made known to me,through faith. I don't follow people. I trust in God. And I can read and study on my own just fine,with His guidance in ALL things!

I can't help it if that makes no sense to you. I trust you are fine with what you believe,as I am with what I believe! I'm just sharing what I have to share. You don't have to approve!

Galatians 1:10,"Am I now trying to win the approval of men,or of God? If I were still trying to please man,I would not be a servant of God."

"I tell you.whoever acknowledges me before men,the Son of God will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God." Luke 12:8

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by whaaa
No, it wasn't obvious. Church membership is being a member of a denomination. Believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ is being a "Christian"
Christianity is a religion.

And I do realize everyone has their "own thing" and some people have an agenda and will perpetrate a hoax to shore up their beliefs in trying to influence others into their cosmology.

And I did read her thread and that is why I believe she has an ulterior motive for telling us this story.

[edit on 8-11-2009 by whaaa]

Also, the symbolism she is using for her incarnation of Death is straight out of Middle Ages Christian Europe Mythology. Everything about her post screams religion and superstition, yet she isn't religious.

Pre-Middle Ages, Death was supposedly an Angel, it wasn't until the stories of the Plague Bringers that Death became a hooded skeleton with a scythe.

The picture is a left over Halloween decoration. I mean, after all, this was November..

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by whaaa

What kind of "Ulterior Motive"? Am I out to swindle someone? Threaten or Coerce someone?

I'm just telling you something that happened and my interpretation of it.

No ulterior motive.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by HankMcCoy

I also believe God speaks to us in ways we can understand,in a unique and personal way.

All your "intelligence" you claim does not detract one bit from my faith. I know what I need to know to believe that Jesus died for my sins,and through His grace,by faith,we will live with Him. And for now,we have the Holy Spirit in His place.

For all your knowledge of the Bible,you must surely have heard the Gospel?

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by On the Edge
reply to post by HankMcCoy

I also believe God speaks to us in ways we can understand,in a unique and personal way.

All your "intelligence" you claim does not detract one bit from my faith. I know what I need to know to believe that Jesus died for my sins,and through His grace,by faith,we will live with Him. And for now,we have the Holy Spirit in His place.

For all your knowledge of the Bible,you must surely have heard the Gospel?

I am not trying to detract you from your Faith. I have given up trying to educate the flock long ago. My message is for the smart people in this thread.

Yes, I have heard the Gospel. Such a book doesn't hold up well under scrutiny.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by HankMcCoy

You can call me "Bro" if you want,but in case you didn't figure it out from my story,I'm a female!

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by HankMcCoy

Then if your message is to the "smart people",mine is to the "people of faith"!

I didn't think you were trying to detract from my faith. Just make fun of it.

I can handle that.

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