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Apollo 20 confirmation of Lemurians?

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posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 02:36 PM
So check this out. I found this while perusing youtube, I have no clue as to their authenticity however the ebe has a prominant external third eye. I remember reading that Lemurians had external third eyes. Either way, for an alien allegedly frozen for 11,000 years on the moon I think shes pretty hot. Am I some type of sicko or does anyone else concur?

Here's the craft she was said to be found in:

This is a city that was supposedly found on the dark side of the moon:

I'd like to hear everyone's take on this footage

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 02:37 PM
This has been discussed a million times, a simple search will confirm it.



posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by siahchi
I remember reading that Lemurians had external third eyes.

Maybe, but what are these Lemurians? As far as I know, Lemuria is supposed to have been a continent between Africa and Asia, in an area where there are no signs of any continent ever existed.

Either way, for an alien allegedly frozen for 11,000 years on the moon I think shes pretty hot. Am I some type of sicko or does anyone else concur?
That's probably because you are part of their intended target audience.

I think that all those Apollo 20 videos are fake, the bigger mystery is why and who was behind it.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:02 PM
Of course it has, this being ATS and all. My reason for posting was to gauge opinion on a possible Lemurian connection. And if so, do you think this race interbred with humanity at some point? Like I said, she's pretty hot for an 11,000 year old

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:13 PM
Haha, she sure is a looker. As much as I'd want to believe this to be true, it really looks like bad footage from an 80s sci-fi movie xD

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:17 PM
I thought Lemuria was in the Pacific? The Pacifc abounds in islands. If she is 11,000 years old, that would mean sea levels may very well have been lower at that time, and quite possibly there may have been a large patch of land out there other than Australia inhabited at the time. It's my conjecture that Atlantis is Antartica buried under miles of ice. There are frozen palm trees on Antartica, and no species of large plant can survive 6 months of darkness. I believe Antartica may have had a different latitudinal position before the last pole shift. And while I respect your skepticism, you are a moderater for a forum on a conspiracy website. Can I not have a discussion of wild theories? It's all in fun, boss. Oh, and I've been told and shown i'm quite attractive by the ladies. Not being a fat kid typing in his mothers basement drinking slurpees (ala` the comic book store guy on the simpsons) I doubt i'm the "intended audience". I don't usually drool over sci-fi alien babes. nor am i here. I just think if she were 10,980 years younger I'd ask her out, get to know her a little better, take her out to the cheesecake factory or something

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:18 PM
Well, considering that Lemuria as it was originally invented, was a continent that was supposed to explain the existence of Lemurs in Madagascar at the time, I'm surprised she doesn't have a tail.

As far as the Lemurian myth... Madame Blavatsky came up with them following the initial proposal of the continent was debunked.
If I remember right, they had three eyes, were hermaphrodites, and warred with Atlantians.

No, I don't think this is real, nor do I believe Blavatsky's interpretations.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by RuneSpider

You got a good point Spider. I don't much go for Blavatsky or her work myself, however I don't think she invented the Lemuria story. I could be wrong though. The videos, while of poor quality, do seem to be a little much to hoax though. The question I now ask is if they are a hoax, who made money off them? And if no one made any money off them, why would they hoax them?

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by siahchi
And while I respect your skepticism, you are a moderater for a forum on a conspiracy website. Can I not have a discussion of wild theories? It's all in fun, boss.
Off course you can, did I said something that could be interpreted as an intention to keeping you from discussing whatever topic you want?

Oh, and I've been told and shown i'm quite attractive by the ladies. Not being a fat kid typing in his mothers basement drinking slurpees (ala` the comic book store guy on the simpsons) I doubt i'm the "intended audience".
That's your own interpretation of what the "intended audience" may have been, not mine.

And yes, the real mystery, to me, is why these videos were made, they were more elaborate then the common YouTube hoax, but I could not find any possible hidden motive in my own short investigations about those videos.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:46 PM
Sorry ArMaP, I didn't mean to seem touchy. I've been on those political threads a bit too long even for my liking( I hardly ever get on the politics threads, and with good reason I see). Those are some heated debates! Just a lil worked up. Came to the ufo threads to cool down a bit. You make some good points. By any chance does anyone know where or with whom these tapes originated?

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by siahchi

Both are total CRAP. The first one is quite obviously not in 1/6 gravity. No one is talking, yet the com is beeping throughout. That beep was to mark the end of a voice transmission, they didn't just use it for random noise.

I just love how in the second vid while zooming in, the picture suddenly becomes an incredibly high resolution at :50, then at 1:10 becomes even higher resolution and COLOR!

Please! This is an embarrassment to ATS and makes us all look like the conspiracy nuts that people claim we are.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by AntiNWO

The person who posted the second video said it was a compilation of the grainy video and hi-res photos taken of the same object. Also, if the gov has ufo technology as they are alledged to, whos to say there isn't some form of artificial gravity at work. Good points both though. I would add that if you didn't want to be labeled a conspiracy nut, you should'nt post a reply to an alien video thread on a conspiracy website. I'm not defending the videos authenticity, just playing devils advocate here. I don't really see a motivation to hoax these though, theres some pretty authentic looking equipment and spacesuits on them, and if no one made any money off them why would they spend so much on props? That stuff doesn't look cheap. and thats the compelling thing about these videos to me. Anyone know who's responsible for creating or leaking these vids?

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by siahchi
By any chance does anyone know where or with whom these tapes originated?

Here's one......

Then we have the fact that astronaut “William Rutledge” doesn’t exist, and the man behind it all is French artist Thierry Speth. He was linked with “retiredafb”, the original alias publicizing the videos, through his shopping for Apollo paraphernalia and Carey Lowell nudes on ebay

I have no idea if this guy knows what he taking about or not.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:38 PM
Like its been said... the movie themselves are probably fakes, so the question lies in who made them and why.

As for Lemuria....

If it did exist, it's age could be thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands to millions of years old. This is a mere second in geological and natural history. If it did indeed exist that long ago, there would be no physical evidence left from their civilization on earth. Scientists today believe that if we were to become extinct, the earth would erode all traces of our existance here within thousands of years.

Basically, if the Lemurians did exist that long ago, there would probably be little to no evidence of them here. If they went to the moon however, evidence would remain, because the moon is naturally and geologically dead. Nothing changes on the moon unless a meteor hits it.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Pauligirl

Pauligirl, thank you! I had not even seen the"floating torso" vid. The artist is good! His motivation? Just plain ol French sensuality! good sluething! I would have never googeled "alien with boobies", but I will now! Tthanks!

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by siahchi

Here's the wiki on Lemuria:

It's pretty straightforward. Whether Blavatsky herself came up with it initially or not, she's the first one that wrote about it.
Obviously, she did make some money off of it at the time, and the idea of Lemuria, if not the same as she described it, has become part of people's mythos ever since.

As for money in terms of hoaxes... people pull hoaxes her pretty often for no better reason than they can, and get attention from it.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:51 PM
What i find most intersting about this topic is the FACT this cigar shaped rock(spacecraft) can be found in the official NASA archives. The closeup footage of the rock(spacecraft) makes this subject very VERY intersting.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:57 PM
I had always thought that it was said that the Lemurians went underground during the biblical flood. How would have they gotten to the moon?

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by siahchi

Unless the moon has an atmosphere, I'm calling hoaxed BS on this one. There's an awful lot of noise being picked up there on the moon!

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Monts
Like its been said... the movie themselves are probably fakes, so the question lies in who made them and why.

As for Lemuria....

If it did exist, it's age could be thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands to millions of years old. This is a mere second in geological and natural history. If it did indeed exist that long ago, there would be no physical evidence left from their civilization on earth. Scientists today believe that if we were to become extinct, the earth would erode all traces of our existance here within thousands of years.

Basically, if the Lemurians did exist that long ago, there would probably be little to no evidence of them here. If they went to the moon however, evidence would remain, because the moon is naturally and geologically dead. Nothing changes on the moon unless a meteor hits it.

The Lemurians I am aware of are Lumerians and they left plenty of evidence on this Earth going back 1.2 million years ago and will go down in history as the greatest find and discovery in the history of mankind. ^Y^

[edit on 7-11-2009 by amari]

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