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Have You Been Verified?

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posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 11:28 PM
Has anyone received a personal visit from any government investigator, or an unusual, unexpected piece of mail (student loan you thought you had dodged, child support order, etc), or (in some way official) phone order to ascertain your identity or location?

Have you had any recent experience of being "tracked down"?

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 11:40 PM
Why, do you think the doo doo is going to hit the fan, and they are going to round up everyone they think is a threat?

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 11:56 PM
im assuming you gotten contacted in some sort of way?

are you that paranoid?

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by Alethea

alot of times they will call claiming they are some buisness and that you have won some ridiculous prize and all you have to do is verify your contact info...then they have you...its quite easy really...

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 12:09 AM
State Income Tax services asked us to re-send them copies of our w2 forms. They have never done that before. We file clean tax returns and have never lied on our taxes, nor would we.

I found it highly suspicious.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 12:18 AM
I've started getting calls from a mobile phone registered around Gulfport, MS. I finally answered and all the guy would say is " I have important matters to discuss with (me)", and I asked him who he was and informed him that he was on a mobile phone, I had looked it up, and that I was quite aware of his calls and asked again, which he says the same as before (what a tool!). I finally told him "Sorry" and hung up. I'm not telling him if he reached the right person or not. I know how alot of scams work. It's simple social engineering, and although I doubt this is a scam, I'm not talking to the guy unless he calls from a land line and will state the company he's working for, and give me enough time to verify it.

This could be past bill, could be student loan. I dunno. I won't even verify my first name to them, though.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by Alethea

Has anyone received a personal visit from any government investigator, or an unusual, unexpected piece of mail (student loan you thought you had dodged, child support order, etc), or (in some way official) phone order to ascertain your identity or location?

And of course it's Ok to dodge repaying loans or child support.
It might infringe on your "freedom". Crazy oppressive government.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Alethea

Actually I have... And I life in Belgium... Very assertive too, like I was a criminal or something. Shocking!

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by Earthscum
I've started getting calls from a mobile phone registered around Gulfport, MS. I finally answered and all the guy would say is " I have important matters to discuss with (me)", and I asked him who he was and informed him that he was on a mobile phone, I had looked it up, and that I was quite aware of his calls and asked again, which he says the same as before (what a tool!). I finally told him "Sorry" and hung up. I'm not telling him if he reached the right person or not. I know how alot of scams work. It's simple social engineering, and although I doubt this is a scam, I'm not talking to the guy unless he calls from a land line and will state the company he's working for, and give me enough time to verify it.

This could be past bill, could be student loan. I dunno. I won't even verify my first name to them, though.

Is that like an identity theft scam?

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by loneoak

Yar. I think this guy was attempting to collect debt (yes, shame on me... I know. Hard times right now). However, there are scams out there that work much like this. They have just enough info on you to get started, then they ask questions to 'Verify your account" or whatnot. Now they have enough to get you. All they may have is your name and phone number, but they can look up a bunch more info on you. "Can you verify the last 4 digits of your social security number?" Sure, and since you know my birthplace and thusly where my SSN originated from, you are now only missing 2 digits. I can't remember exactly how SSN's work, it's been a long time since I had any interest in social hacking, but if I remember right, you can obtain the middle 2 digits through a couple more 'security' questions without even them saying the numbers. I think it has to do with the birth year in your province that the SSN was issued for. Can't really remember, though.

If people get calls like this, your first response should be "What matter of concern is this in regards to?" If you ask "is this a debt collection attempt?" a scammer could easily roll with that with the info they have. You basically admitted that you were guilty of outstanding debt, and they can use that to keep ya answering questions.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by Earthscum

Thanks for the tip. It's getting harder to keep up with all the new tricks that desperate people come up with to separate honest people from their money. You almost have to have a criminal mind yourself to figure out what they're doing.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 02:43 AM
I get a letter from the Child Support Collection Unit about once a month asking that I verify my residence. Frankly, I'm sick of being treated like a criminal because I had a beautiful little girl with an absolutely manipulative nut job.

I pay my support on time every pay period and have only fallen behind once because of my ex taking my daughter to Florida and never returning (TOTALLY ILLEGAL) and that has long since been resolved.

Not to mention that I make about 5 times the pay her mother does, do not use drugs, have no history of mental problems save for some anxiety problems and am moving into a 3 bedroom townhouse with my fiancee which leaves 2 open bedrooms.

At the same time her mother has a long history of mental illness and they live in her family member's 1 bedroom apartment on an inflatable mattress behind the couch. The family member is taking care of my daughter 9 times out of 10 when I call to say hi to her.

But this is NY, so the mother gets custody, even if the father has proof of her saying repeatedly that she wanted to put the baby in the oven when she was an infant. Talk about a friggin' conspiracy.

Sorry for the rant.

Yeah, I feel like they keep tabs on me.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:21 AM
i get calls all the time...usually from a restricted number or a blocked number, but i never answer the phone if they cant or wont let me know who they are or at least their number....a few times they have gotten smart and the calls have always came from area codes in mississippi or nevada, through a non blocked call...ill pick up and say "hello" in a voice different from my own. they will ask for me by name and ill say "sorry wrong number"....all this and i have no reasons (no overdue loans or payments, no law troubles, not even stolen songs)....sometimes the same area codes will call claiming to be some company about me "winning a prize" and trying to get me to "verify" my info, in which case i promptly hang up on them...still, never stops for more than a few days...ive even went as far as to google search the numbers, and usually comes up with unknown or blocked...wierd for sure

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by Alethea

The government wouldn't have a hard time getting your information if they wanted it. They wouldn't need to go out of their way by sending you another piece of paper.

If you pay your taxes, you have to put your address on the 1040. Your employer has your address as well, that's in the system so that you can get your W-2s. Then, your address would be in the database due to your driver's license—and you're technically supposed to change it whenever you move.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:32 AM
Yep i have, i had the child support agency or what ever you call it, come round and interview me, and i do not lnot like females, whats that all about.

I had to prove who i was, without me ever commiting a crime or anything, these mad people just invaded my life.

Can you imagine these groups, investigate people, and you have no interest in females, so what is the child support agency or what ever they are called, coming here to interview me for.

I found out later that my life was absolutely destroyed by scum i went to school with, and the police have been monitoring me since 1992, because people just made stuff up. Crazy lunatics run society.

Just sit back for a sec. I have no interest in females, and i have never really shown any interest in even talking to females, but the child support agency or what ever they are called, came round here wanting to interview me. WTF was that about, i have an idea, but shows how mental government officials are.

They perve into families homes, thinking everyone is the same person.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by octotom
reply to post by Alethea

The government wouldn't have a hard time getting your information if they wanted it. They wouldn't need to go out of their way by sending you another piece of paper.

If you pay your taxes, you have to put your address on the 1040. Your employer has your address as well, that's in the system so that you can get your W-2s. Then, your address would be in the database due to your driver's license—and you're technically supposed to change it whenever you move.

This is true. You know they already have your info. What I am talking about is something odd like a personal visit to make sure you are where you are supposed to be.

It could be ever so subtle as the postman verifying all mail coming to your household and persons within that household. What might alert you to the oddity is that you have been singled out as no one else on your street, or at work, is being asked these questions.

I only used the above as examples. It may have nothing to do with escaping any bills or debts.

*They* have your door GPS marked....perhaps they are confirming you are actually there or by phone calls they could be pinning down your time schedules.

Is that really so paranoid?

"Two will be in the will be taken. Two will be in the will be taken. "

No resistance and and no one notices when people are abducted singularly, and quietly.

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