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At Least 7 Dead, 12 Wounded in Shooting at Ft. Hood in Texas

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posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:13 PM
I am afraid this is a false flag to be used to crack down on muslims all over the U.S. It is already being reported on some websites that this is a case of Islamic Jihad in the U.S. This guy was Psych doctor, so there is a possibility he could have been subjected to some kind ofpsychotropic drug or substance and have been manipulated into doing this horrible thing......Or he could have been planning this the whole time.........Scary times ahead for sure!!!!

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:14 PM
The media is trying to blame this on PTSD which it isnt the guy was a radical and had post on extremest sites about suicide bombings and other horrific means of killing people who where not Muslim. Of course MSM will never say that EVER bc oh that is baits and make Muslims look bad..... This MAN MADE THEM LOOK BAD. Something people should take away from this is it wasn't just some Joe on the street he was a Major a educated man who has power to wield. Subversion is happening everywhere Fort Dicks women workers being assaulted when they leave the base by Muslim men. It is getting out of control.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by hungrydirt

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Serious question for everyone if a Muslim converted to Christianity and within a short period of being a Christian attacked a Islamic Nation's military base?

Would that be Christianity causing him to do that?

I fear many people are playing into the hands here of manipulation.

Think about it.

To answer the question that you posit; no. As I do not think Islam is the core reason that a portion of it's followers terrorize through brutal displays of perverse violence. I merely think the "you're with us or against us" attitude that resides in all three of the holy books of Abrahamic lineage invokes the worst in some people.

You are dead wrong. You are assuming that all people who claim to be Christian actually are. A born again Christian isn't supposed to hate non Christians or even those who would kill them. But we are in the flesh so sometimes emotions win out over spiritual.

It also has to do with how long one has been a Christian in order to grow and mature in the true faith. When one finally has grown in the True Christian faith, that is the example Jesus was talking about. I'm still not quite there, but I have learned it's not a battle against another person, rather a battle against the fallen one and his followers who have blinded many people into thinking they are serving the one true God.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:16 PM
How many died in Afghanistan last month?

No one seems to care about the numbers in Iraq and why in the hell are you guys crying about this?


And yes....I want our soldiers HOME. Enough blood has been shed and families broken.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:17 PM
"I fear many people are playing into the hands here of manipulation. "

Yes this is raising big red flags for me. Another LONE GUNMAN. A graduate. A psych doctor. And now the place is locked down. Yep, what are they hiding now!

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:20 PM
Conjecture warning: it's late and I'm only just reading this for the first time... 28 pages guys so I'm not sure if this has been brought up...

Is it at all possible that this is a retaliation for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard killed a couple of weeks back? It seems very odd that suddenly an army MAJOR up's arms and shoot's at his own. I've run a few searches but I can't find the nationality of Malik Nadil Hasan just yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if at least his parents, if not him are of Iranian descent.

Such a tragedy for the families of those involved, this kind of thing does not need to happen in any age or any society. I read atop here that there were issues with multi-culture classes in the Army but come one... we here and you guys over the pond have been immersed in diverse cultures for decades. Any hint towards a racial motive is nonsensical. To think that this guy was a Psychiatrist, I'm not saying people don't lose it for no reason, but as a PhD and Army officer I can't see this being anything other than calculated.

This is just the kind of excuse the US administration needs to go on internal lock down, issue martial law and have these troops parading your streets. Be careful, fascism awaits and its stunts like this that move them closer to reality.

So my first instincts, be it US, Al Quaeda (same thing I suppose) or Iranian backed, someone other than the gunmen was behind this.. It'll all come out I suppose.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by out west
"I fear many people are playing into the hands here of manipulation. "

Yes this is raising big red flags for me. Another LONE GUNMAN. A graduate. A psych doctor. And now the place is locked down. Yep, what are they hiding now!

Actually, the lock down has been lifted, and it was in place to try to keep the ass-hat that was doing the shooting from escaping.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:22 PM
The shooter is alive so it will be interesting if/what he has to say for himself

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:27 PM
I would also like to say I feel for the folks who died and were wounded and their families. I wish this kind of s#@! would stop in America.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:27 PM
He's alive! So much for we'll never know and false flag excuse...

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:27 PM
Live press conference just ended.

Lt. General briefed the press saying there was only one gunman (Maj. Hasan) and he is still alive, condition stable at a local hospital.

No comment on background of or any details of Hasan.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by racerzeke

Also the civilain LEO that they said was killed is not and she was the one who took Hasan down. Also apparently Hasan's cousin spoke to FNC (assuming it was really him) and said that he was mostly worried about deployment and was taking legal action against the military for possible harassment about his muslim heritage. Story keeps getting weirder.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:28 PM
Scary situation indeed. My girlfriend's brother was stationed there when it happened. He was not in the area of the shooting, however... but he definitely knew it was going on!
Crazy stuff.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by ARNOMANNN
I am afraid this is a false flag to be used to crack down on muslims all over the U.S. It is already being reported on some websites that this is a case of Islamic Jihad in the U.S. This guy was Psych doctor, so there is a possibility he could have been subjected to some kind ofpsychotropic drug or substance and have been manipulated into doing this horrible thing......Or he could have been planning this the whole time.........Scary times ahead for sure!!!!

God FFS Will there EVER be a bloody shooting or a disaster that IS NO a friggen false flag?


I mean, jesus, EVERY DAMN TIME.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:29 PM
After this scenario, it's no wonder why our militarizes are losing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Pretty pathetic that 12 people die on a military base. I wonder why it was a shooting rampage? Well placed explosives would've gotten rid of many more soldiers.

Also, there was just a senator from Texas on Fox News talking about how the Patriot Act is coming up for renewal in two months and how this event directly ties into our needing to beef up the patriot act. #ing crackerjack thinking there.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by mattifikation
Breaking News: Something bad has hap...


Get real, folks.

What the hell man?

Bullets still flying and people are still posting this BS.....geez

BS? It's the truth. That's how some people on this site act. I was posting that in response to other posters, in fact. Every tragedy that happens, before the dust even settles they're pointing fingers at the government and screaming false flag. Don't thumbs down me just because I'm the one that pointed this out.

Some people need a serious reality check. Sometimes bad things just happen, and it's not some grand government plot to scare everybody. It doesn't do the deceased any honors to use their deaths to spread unsubstantiated conspiracy theories on the Internet. Do you disagree with that statement?

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:33 PM

rather a battle against the fallen one and his followers who have blinded many people into thinking they are serving the one true God.

It's talk like this that get's us into these types of mess in the first place. There's 6.600 religions in the world and let's hope you're praying to the 'one true God' eh? otherwise, you may as well give up right now.

Islamic, Christian, Buddhist, Sikh - it's not a game, people die for their beliefs and that's the first thing that needs to change - including Christianity. I'm sick and tired of people using the 'my God is the right God' type of lines in ATS threads, so you believe in a great being who sits in the clouds and polishes your turds... well I'm sorry but these poor folk sent to work for the government deserve more than being shot over a great beardy twonk who looks down and points a great finger at Hood Military Base and say's "you're next", and you know what I'll be heading to church this weekend to derail the preacher and debunk God for the crack of it.

God didn't do this, and he didn't stop it. If there was a God he better get down on his knees and apologize to those poor guys who lost their lives over him - he's gonna need a big boot licking tongue for all the sh*t he's caused.

Delete if OT. ty.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:35 PM
Oh, so now the story deepens. According to Lt. General Cone, the shooter (Major Hassan) is still alive, but in critical condition at the Hospital. The DOD LEO who exchanged gunfire with him just successfully came out of surgery!!! Thank God for the LEO, I am truly grateful for that bit of good news out of this entire tragedy.

Also, they are now reporting that Major Hassan had a semi-automatic firearm (ie, an Assault Rifle type), and that would completely explain how he managed to injure and kill so many (30 Rounds per AR/AK Magazine, and possibly 15 Rounds per Handgun). Even if he had one Sidearm, and One Rifle, he would still have the ability to injure/kill the numbers he did without reloading.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by CX

There was no secound shooter. It was the military head shrinker a Major. Probably couldn't handle listening to all the horror stories and he finaly snapped. And decided to kill the troops so they wouldn't have to face the horrors. Then he was killed. So we won't ever know what really happened.
Only speculation.
My view point is that the head shrinker got a conscious finaly and was going to spill the beans on what was really going on so he had to be eliminated. He's just one more pasty. And the real mission program continues.
TPTB are making yet another "example" to anyone else thinking of talking.
FEAR...its the old game.

From this will lose more of our rights, the few we have left. The alphebet groups will get more funding. The game will continue.


posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:38 PM
Why is anyone surprised that a muslim killed a bunch of American military men? On the day when Khomeni asked muslims to do so.
If he converted to Christianity he's an apostate or practicing taqiyya. Islam isn't that easy to quit.

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