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Eating Animals is Making us Sick

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posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:07 AM
If meat is so horrible why do they make meat equivalents’ for Vegetarians?

Veggie Sausages
Quorn Chicken Kiev’s
Quorn mince
Veggie Bacon (which always looks like one of the squeaky dog toys, bright pink and unappealing).

Half of the stuff produced doesn’t really taste of what they’re trying to make it taste of and if you’re really that desperate to get the taste of sausage... just eat a sausage.

I’m not being down on veggies, I have vegetarian friends but when that fallout comes and we’re all huddled together thinking about where our next meal is coming from.... I’ll just have to look next to me!

Seriously though, I’m not a religious man but all this talk that meat is murder really doesn’t do Jesus any favours. Think of all the fish he had to kill to hand out to all of those people.

If the Christian saviour of humanity is a murderer then I think the rest of us can breathe easy

(Other deity’s & messiahs are available).

Oh, and I would rather wear fur than go naked (i think PETA will soon be changing their minds on that one in the cold, stark post apocolypitic nights to come).

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by TheVillage
If meat is so horrible why do they make meat equivalents’ for Vegetarians?

Ah come on now, you can do better than that. Them things don't involve murder. Geez. Try harder.

If the Christian saviour of humanity is a murderer then I think the rest of us can breathe easy

Oh gee, not that old Santa Clause dogma now.

Listen, I understand, when the SHTF, yeah, even I will be chowing down on the neighbors if things get that bad and THAT is the only option to survive. Thing is, today, you don't NEED to be so barbaric. That's probably why we are design for either diet .. the nice diet when we can .. and the barbaric diet when we must.

Just think of all the resources that are required to raise other life forms for food. Water, land, feed, land to grow the feed, etc. And the whole CO2 (cow farts) thang too. And now all these diseases. Would we even be talking about swine flu today if the vampires weren't so damn flesh and blood thirsty and none of these animals were imprisoned?

Listen, how would YOU all like it (and all things being fair) if reptilians came to earth and put humons in a cage and raised you all for food? What if they treated you like you treat your cows and pigs? That would be quite a site huh, seeing humons being raised like pigs. You know you couldn't bitch about that without coming off as a complete two-face hypocrite liar liar.

I know, being a vampire seems all a-okay and acceptable today .. like how having and raising slaves was not long ago. But you know, one day you all are going to have to grow up and mature and knock this crap off, just like all the other nasty stuff humons have been doing since coming down out of the trees.

One day your descendants are going to look back and think of the humons of this era as a bunch of barbaric primates.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by Divinorumus]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by Divinorumus

Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows

Do you classify carnivorous animals as murderers?

Do you classify yourself as dumb as the animals that live the woods and no better than them?

No i don't think he does. What a stupid, stupid question.

Killing is murder, PERIOD! If you all feel it's okay to murder and eat other life forms, devouring their flesh and blood, well then I should be able to start killing humans and feeding them to my cats ...

No you complete crettin, there's something called a food chain, evolution, brains, intelligence and history. Go do a little research and stop talking to your cats.

unless carnivorous are, in addition to being murderers in denial, are also a bunch of dumb ass hypocrites in denial. This whole planet is filled with hypocrites. Hypocrite vampires, ha.

You are an absolute insult. You come onto this thread and start attacking people for their dietary requirements. I bet you didn't know that i've been a vegetarian TWICE in my life and it seriously affected my health.

These comparison that "other animals eat meat" ain't painting you vampires in a positive light, all that does is make you all seem as dumb as them animals you are comparing yourselves too.

No actually it makes perfect sense, we are of this earth, we need to consume things that belong to this earth. I don't know what life is like on your planet, but i suggest if you are offended you climb back in your magic rocket ship and go fly back to 'happy vegetable planet' and go absorb a turnip you absolute crettin.

We all makes choices, and I choose not to eat a diet of death.

And if you're an example of how to be a vegetartian, then i say bring out the steaks.

And, there is nothing wrong or unhealthy with a vegan diet, and anyone that says so either hasn't done any research on the topic, or they are just trying to justify their consumption of death, flesh, and blood.

Actually i've been veggie twice and it made me ill, it wasted me away and my body couldn't cope with the vegetarian diet. Tried and tested for four years.

I hope karma is real, I really do.
Failing that, I hope reptilians from space come and EAT ya'll and pickle your babies.


posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by Divinorumus

Originally posted by norman619
You eat fish then you are eating meat.

Rats are meat too. Hey, murderous vampires, why not eat rats instead, it's all meat, and rats would be more suitable for ya'll anyhow, ha. I think I'm gonna find some rat in put it in some vampires burger this week, ha ha ha.

Hilarious. Allow me to suggest a future career for you in stand up comedy.

Seriously though, Rats contain little nutritional value, carry many diseases and remind me of militant vegetarians.

Nasty, spiteful, stinking attitudes.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by Divinorumus

Listen if eating meat was so bad then why don't you ask yourself some serious questions about your evolutionary state.

Understand why we ate coastal life, the protein developed our brains.
Understand why we hunted and killed animals, the meat kept us alive, the furs kept us warm and the bones helped us to create tools.

No fast forward a few thousand years, and you're suddenly claiming that we are somehow WRONG to be eating meat. Somehow WRONG to have a choice in our diets.

You dish out insults such as murderer, vampire, cannibal and other such cretinous words like you are somehow more advanced than any of us, yet you can barely hold your own in an arguement, you fail to respond accurately to any question presented to you, you attack old women, you insult people who have dietary problems and you place guilt trips on people who wish to eat meat.

I'm sorry but if YOU are the future of human evolution, then we have seriously gone wrong somewhere along the line.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 06:22 AM


posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by Divinorumus
Sounds like someones conscience is bothering them.
Excuses excuses excuses. Do all the justifying you want, it won't change the fact that you're eating flesh and blood, another species, and responsible for another murder upon the planet.

No - to imply my conscience was bothering me, would dictate that i DIDN'T enjoy my pork sausage sandwich this morning. Was very tasty.

Do all the name calling you like, it won't change the fact that you are an annoying, self-righteous hypocrite who can't even recognise the importance of meat in human evolution and would much rather attack those who have dietary problems and old women.

The fact that you don't feel these other innocent species have as much a right to life as you says a lot about the vampires of Earth.
I hope this swine flu TEACHES humanity a lesson (or what's left of it)!
Karma, it's pain in the butt, huh? !!

Vampires drink blood. I don't know why you keep getting confused, maybe a side effect of your diet?

Oh and you're equally as likely to develop swine flu as i am.
The difference being, if i get swine flu i will return the favour on the animal kingdom by getting revenge on the damn swines by eating more bacon.


posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Divinorumus

Originally posted by TheVillage
If meat is so horrible why do they make meat equivalents’ for Vegetarians?

Ah come on now, you can do better than that. Them things don't involve murder. Geez. Try harder.

If the Christian saviour of humanity is a murderer then I think the rest of us can breathe easy

Oh gee, not that old Santa Clause dogma now.

Listen, I understand, when the SHTF, yeah, even I will be chowing down on the neighbors if things get that bad and THAT is the only option to survive. Thing is, today, you don't NEED to be so barbaric. That's probably why we are design for either diet .. the nice diet when we can .. and the barbaric diet when we must.

Just think of all the resources that are required to raise other life forms for food. Water, land, feed, land to grow the feed, etc. And the whole CO2 (cow farts) thang too. And now all these diseases. Would we even be talking about swine flu today if the vampires weren't so damn flesh and blood thirsty and none of these animals were imprisoned?

Listen, how would YOU all like it (and all things being fair) if reptilians came to earth and put humons in a cage and raised you all for food? What if they treated you like you treat your cows and pigs? That would be quite a site huh, seeing humons being raised like pigs. You know you couldn't bitch about that without coming off as a complete two-face hypocrite liar liar.

I know, being a vampire seems all a-okay and acceptable today .. like how having and raising slaves was not long ago. But you know, one day you all are going to have to grow up and mature and knock this crap off, just like all the other nasty stuff humons have been doing since coming down out of the trees.

One day your descendants are going to look back and think of the humons of this era as a bunch of barbaric primates.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by Divinorumus]

A vampire? It's not like us meat eaters don a cape & fangs and go out every night hunting prey. Get a grip.

I was only joking and I couldn't care less if someone eats meat or if someone doesn't it's all down to choice, something which from the look of your post you don't think people should have.

The only issue I have with vegetarians is that they won't shut up about their "cause" and push, push, push their opinion on everybody else.

I eat meat because I like the taste, if you don't like the taste don’t eat it.

If you think killing animals for food is wrong, don't eat it but stop trying to force your views and beliefs on everybody else.

I won't accept it with religion and I won't accept it with veggies.

I don't run around trying to force veggies to eat meat (although perhaps I should, they might look a bit healthier).

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 08:35 AM
Man all this talk about meat,and vegetables are making me hungry.I can't wait for deer season to start.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by greydaze]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 08:53 AM

Just gona post this again because it seems like you all ignored it, check out pdf second link down.

Also here's a link to some info about Dr. Hiromi Shinya, Chief of Surgical Endoscopy at Beth Israel Medical center and Clinical professor of Surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He is a pioneer of the Colonscopy and considered the leading Gastro-Enterologist in the world.

He see's what meat does to a persons insides first hand and it is not pretty, meat is fiberless and causes a whole host of problems.

meats from animals that have a higher body temperature than that of humans should not be consumed because the fat solidifies on our body and causes a host of health problems

Human body Temp – 98.6 F
Cow body temp. – 102-104 F
Bird body temp – 105-108 F

The biggest reason eating meat damages our intestines is because meat contains no dietary fiber but does contain a large amount of fat and cholesterol. In addition, meat causes the walls of the colon to gradually become thicker and firmer. This happens because the lack of dietary fiber in meat results in a significant decrease of stool in the colon, making the colon work harder than usual to excrete the small amount of stool through peristalsis. In other words, excessive peristaltic motion causes intestinal wall muscles to become thicker and bigger, making the colon firmer and shorter

[edit on 4-11-2009 by Rawhemp]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd

It seems that you're so damn sure you're right that you ignore any evidence to the contrary. Rawhemp, that's called willful ignorance. And it's not good for you or anyone reading your posts.

Maybe its the fact that all the evidence you show claims nothing contrary to what i say? The inuits managed to not get scurvy on a high protien diet? cool? Doesn't prove anything about fruits or vegetables.

Now about your sports nutrition tangent, humans aren't sedentary creatures. Our bodies are designed for endurance.

Your so called study you posted is absolutely retarded, what did the runners eat? did they have a stressful home life? Did they strain there bodies with excessive unneeded training? there are literally a thousand different things that could skew that study.

It seems to me all you can post is group studies (which are absolutely fail when it comes to anything in reality) or opinions that are heavily based on assumptions. You think running your body in ketosis is favorable, which is absolutely laughable.

Why is that almost every nutritionist, doctor, athlete tells of that we should strive for a high carb diet? Why is it that Americans are so obese and sick on this so-called high protein diet you envy? I'm sure its all the fruit and vegetables making giving them heart disease and cancer...

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by norman619

Congratulations on finding one of the many propaganda sites against vegans!!

They made an absolutely fail meal plan for a day and thinks this some how proves something? Why don't you enter in everything you eat for a day into and see how deficient your diet is, i can assure you if you eat like that so-called vegetarian did you would be just as deficient in vitamins.

I can assure you I've done a lot more research then you on this subject, i have entered my daily meal plans, i have researched every option. I strive for the best when it comes to my body and health.

Just so people know I'm just as against soy, grains, legumes. salt and packaged foods as I'm against meat. All in the same category in my mind, meaning there completely unhealthy and unneeded from the human diet.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by Rawhemp]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
Factory farms are inhumane, so you say, and yet there are organizations that regulate, nit-picking at times, to the bone. Would you rather the animals be hunted? Ok, have seen a deer that has been shot with a bow or a rifle?

Inhumane, you say? Have you seen how a lioness kills its prey? Many times, the poor animal being hunted suffers for hours, while the preditor feeds upon it......still alive.

The traumatic death is NOTHING compared to living a captive and controlled life in a factory farm.

It is literally hell.

Again, their is nothing inherently wrong with eating another animal, but a factory farm is extremely unnatural and horrifying.

Also, claiming you eat meat for the health issues is really denial...

Humans do not need to eat meat to be healthy, I'm not saying they can't eat meat AND be healthy but you certainly do not need meat to be healthy.

I admit, I like eating meat as much as the next guy but if you eat less you WILL feel healthier...and if you need motivation to eat less meat, check out factory farming.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by norman619
You simply need to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. The BS people are passing around in here as good nutritional information is hilarious.

A balanced diet and exercise truly dosen't work. The evidence does not support this hypothesis. In fact, it's reccomendations like this, and similar ones from the USDA, ADA, et al, that are killing us.

It may work for you, but anecdotes as such are not conclusive evidence.


posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 02:47 PM
The topic of this thread is: Eating Animals is Making us Sick.

Let's leave off with the Veggie/Carnivore rhetorical flourishes and discuss, like civil adults, the topic.


posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Rawhemp

Maybe its the fact that all the evidence you show claims nothing contrary to what i say? The inuits managed to not get scurvy on a high protien diet? cool? Doesn't prove anything about fruits or vegetables.

Firstly, you took that out of context. I was answering another question, not proving anything about vegetables. Secondly, it says something about the OBSERVATION that lack of Vitamin C causes scurvy. It says that further investigation is warranted. And it says jumping to conclusions and dismissing the inuit as genetically "different" are not scientific processes.

Now about your sports nutrition tangent, humans aren't sedentary creatures. Our bodies are designed for endurance.

They're not sedentary, but why do you think we're designed for endurance? Isn't that a bit of speculation?

Your so called study you posted is absolutely retarded, what did the runners eat? did they have a stressful home life? Did they strain there bodies with excessive unneeded training? there are literally a thousand different things that could skew that study.

It's not a so called is a study by reputable researchers. One thing I did forget to mention, however, is that the study provided was purely epidemiological. Which means, that, as you've stated, it's inconclusive and does not prove causation. And if you reread my post you'll notice that not once did I claim that long distance running causes heart disease. More research is needed.

It seems to me all you can post is group studies (which are absolutely fail when it comes to anything in reality) or opinions that are heavily based on assumptions.

The link you've provided, concerning primates and their diet, is NOT a study and is PURELY ASSUMPTIVE. The point of the PDF was to present a conglomeration of observations and suggest that it's enough to warrant further studies. Do you even read your own links? Who's posting opinions now?

You think running your body in ketosis is favorable, which is absolutely laughable.

Please explain why it's laughable? I'm sure you have no idea what ketosis is without googling it. In any case, I'd like an explanation form yourself as to why ketosis is "laughable."

Why is that almost every nutritionist, doctor, athlete tells of that we should strive for a high carb diet?

To answer that, I'll quote you......"group studies (which are absolutely fail when it comes to anything in reality) or opinions that are heavily based on assumptions."

Researching the history of nutritional recommendations and nutrition science would do you some good.

Doctors learn medicine, not nutrition. Nutritionists learn what's in food, not the biochemical processes that occur and athletes know how to work out. And none of them are taught the history of nutrition research.

They originally told us to eat a high-carb diet because........ready? Fat is atherogenic. If you reduce fat, you have to increase carbs. Wanna know the other reason? Because fat is calorically denser than, if you don't want to gain weight, eat less calories...and restricting fat is an easy way to restrict calories. There are other reasons as well. But you'll understand too, if you look back, that exercise.....didn't exist until about 50 years ago. People didn't exercise, in general.

It wasn't until the positive/negative energy balance hypothesis came into being that exercise was suggested to stay in a negative energy balance and, therefore, lose weight.

Why is it that Americans are so obese and sick on this so-called high protein diet you envy?

Perhaps eating protein is a side-effect of being obese.....What about the other foods they eat with that protein? See, now YOU'RE making assumptions based on opinion.

Your anecdotes and observations don't hold water to the 100+ years of biochemical research done in the lab. If you think ketosis is bad, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

If animals are making us sick, please provide me with the physiological processes that meat achieves this by. Anecdotes, observations and opinions don't count. Give me something of substance. Please.


[edit on 4-11-2009 by DevolutionEvolvd]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 03:36 PM
Yes, eating meat is making people unhealthy and sick, but who is to blame?

Ha ha ha, I hope this is all certainly true:
Warning: Eating Meat May Cause Sickness, Paralysis and Death

I'm all for this. In fact, I'm gonna get involved with helping to push this idea along!!!

M ake meat-eaters pay: Ethicist proposes radical tax, says they're killing themselves and the planet

Well it's about time, dang it! Meat eaters are making us all sick. I do blame them for swine flu too. All those that have died from swine flu have the meat eaters to blame, and that's a fact!
Meat-Eaters To FINALLY Be Treated Like Smokers!

There are alternatives:
Premium Vegan Meats Premiering in New York City

So, who is willing to make the sacrifice and is ready to mature and save the Earth from all that bad karma/sickness that this barbaric dietary practice results in?

Odd isn't it? All those that proclaim the consumption of flesh and blood is necessary for a healthy humon, yet the facts prove otherwise. I mean, would we even be talking about swine flu if the murder of any species was a crime? What's the point of talking about meat making people sick if you can't talk about the solution?

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Divinorumus

Well it's about time, dang it! Meat eaters are making us all sick. I do blame them for swine flu too. All those that have died from swine flu have the meat eaters to blame, and that's a fact!

A 'fact' eh?

One of those made up ones?

And here's me thinking swine flu was man made.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 03:57 PM
Uhm, H1N1 has NOTHING to do with the consumption of animals.
Sounds like someone is just havin' a blast, placing all the blame on those filthy, filthy meat eaters!
C'mon, people. Get your facts straight before making such claims.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:40 PM
actaully they traced teh origins of the swine flu back to a factory farm in california.
so technicly, meat eating is responsible for swine flu.
lol knuckle dragging mouth breathers, when will you learn?

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