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The source tells me to write

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posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:23 PM
Believe me or not, within the year, early 2009 I would say.. I woke up, is the best way to describe it. No not to what is happening because I had an understanding of the gears and cogs of our corrupt world for quite some time. But I found myself 'awake' to describe it in the best of terms; and when I listen I often find gold.

Every day is full of
opportunity; each moment that passes we have the ability to choose whatever we
wish, given the limitations of your current situation, Of course you cannot go
skydiving immediately while sitting in a van! But you can choose to take that
moment and get on the path to eventually skydiving. Of course every action has
its consequences, every decision you make will leave an impact. Sometimes this
impact is obvious right away, other times we don’t realize what was done until
later, when we see it looking back at a bigger picture. Many people make
decisions and the impacts go unnoticed for the rest of their lives, either
because it was considered minuscule compared to that which you had thought
important, or they never take the time and stop to look at what their decisions
have brought them and others... I cannot imagine the amount of wasted human
potential because they did not reflect upon what has happened thus far, and how
it affected them! -failing to learn from their past experiences. ....

Our society is so caught up in
things, lives built upon the foundation of having and getting, instant
gratification and looking for happiness in material gain! As if things were the
cake of life, and people the frosting. How backwards are we that we forget too
often to love another! Do you not have your own faults? -then therefore; forgive! Grudges cause the
heart to grow sour. Seek forgiveness as well as recognizing you have done
wrong, do not just admit to your mistakes in the privacy of your home but do
not seek to reach out and amend! Yes you see the damage you have caused but you
do nothing for repair? Would you stand idly by if you accidentally lit your
home ablaze? Noticing the damage you have done but taking no action, and let it
burn down atop you? He who dies with the most things, still dies. There is no
escaping this fate. Rich or poor, black or white, we will all one day pass
away. Do you think that you were given this opportunity of living life to try
and horde as much material gain as possible, stepping on others and focusing on
your own happiness, no matter the cost to those around you, only to be struck
down by the same fate of all things in the end? If our fate is universal and
shared by all, and it cannot be stopped from coming, what makes you better than
another? Look you were even born the same as they! Naked and crying! Why do you
waste your life focusing upon the gain of these things? Do you not see that you
may be housed and warm but your brother stands outside in the rain begging for
food? The support of wars that kill daily for the interests of big business and
for the “Good of the country” is loud, yet the silence of the answers to cries
of help is deafening. ....

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by RjKon

Do you
not feel joy when another loves you, unconditionally? Does it not instill
confidence in you when someone passes no judgment on you and is understanding?
They invest their own emotions into what you have to say and truly listen,
friends not when it is convenient for them, but always stand close by in the
face of any adversity, and love you always. Why not try to mirror these
qualities yourself and bring others the joy that that individual brings
you. These people are in your life. You may not
have many but there is one, you may say you have nobody. This is because you
are too wrapped up in yourself and your own problems to see that which they do
for us from their heart. Too often we are caught up in playing society’s roles
that we lose ourselves beneath the masks. We are expected to act a certain way
that may conflict with you, but you conform and lose another part of yourself. We
allow these masks to compromise our beliefs and to fit in with others. Like not
doing something you wanted because you thought people would look at you a
certain way, you wear a mask instead of showing that which you truly desire. ....

Who are you to say you are
informed, that you know truth from fiction and you know the workings of the
world around you? What do you know other than what you have been told? How
often did you seek knowledge for yourself after someone deemed trustworthy gave
us information? Have you sought out understanding? Or are you content simply
thinking what others tell us to, enjoying not having to think for yourself. You
must first seek understanding to be understood. ....

Life is not that which you assume it to be, it is vastly complex and
unimaginable! But that does not mean that it does not run on a basic singularity.

.. ..


Love everybody,
unconditionally and with all of your heart. If somebody hits you, give them a

How are you any better than they if you strike back? And put love not only into
the people in your life but pour love into all that you do, you think your day
is so bad? You have a rough life? You should wake up every morning and
celebrate that you are alive! What a wonderful gift we have been given with our
lives, no matter the circumstances!

Look already you are reading this! You must have connection to the internet, be
grateful you have this opportunity as some do not, and yet you squander your
time away focusing on the negativity in the present moment. You look back and
do not see joy but sorrow, because you have forgotten how to love in life. If
you look back with a different perspective you will see a life filled with joy
and the love of others in places that you missed because you considered them
small and insignificant compared to your problems, when in reality this is all
that matters in life!

Do you not see that someone cares for you? If not even a person than life
itself must love you for giving you the opportunity to be here and to be
presented with unlimited choices! Do not think that you are stuck wherever you
are. Do not be fooled, you are glorious and wonderful and this moment in time
is not where you are, but a launching pad to that wish you wish to be at. Of
course do not expect results right away, it takes time and effort but you can
accomplish anything your heart desires, and you should listen!

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by RjKon

How do you feel when people put you down? Now why do you wish that same feeling
upon someone you dislike just because life gave them a different situation than
you. Have you ever taken 5, even 10 seconds to stop and look where they are
coming from and what they feel? I just don't understand if you wish others to
understand where you are coming from yourself, why would you not take the time
and do the same? It is not their fault as to how they are in life! Did you ask
for how you live now? Did you wish for everything that has happened to you and
shaped who you are at this moment? Do not judge for you have no right. ......

This is rather old, beginning of the yearI would say. I didnt know what I was writing just the fact that I needed to do it. I have much more bu I thought I'd bring this up to you for debate

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:31 PM
This is all very noble, but if someone hits me i will NOT give them a hug.

..........And they better run.

I do like the rest of what your source said, though.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:40 PM
More love and light b.s. This is just more of the duality of the Universe. When you choose light or dark, you are choosing polarity.

Perhaps some people incarnate here simply to experience what it is like to be cold and hungry? Perhaps your good intention is keeping them from their mission?

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by RjKon
reply to post by RjKon

Do not judge for you have no right.

...all that preachin' and it comes down to you tellin' others they have no right to judge... what gives you the right to make that judgement?... answer: nothing...

Love everybody, unconditionally and with all of your heart. If somebody hits you, give them a hug.

...get back to me when you've actually mastered that (ie: forgive, hug and love unconditioanlly the people/person that tortured and, then, murdered one of your loved ones...

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

..all that preachin' and it comes down to you tellin' others they have no right to judge... what gives you the right to make that judgement?... answer: nothing...

He is not judging he is saying.

...get back to me when you've actually mastered that (ie: forgive, hug and love unconditioanlly the people/person that tortured and, then, murdered one of your loved ones...

Granted it would be hard but it would be better for love.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by VelmaLu
More love and light b.s. This is just more of the duality of the Universe. When you choose light or dark, you are choosing polarity.

Perhaps some people incarnate here simply to experience what it is like to be cold and hungry? Perhaps your good intention is keeping them from their mission?

Ironically I'm doing nothing but speaking my own truth, keeping none from their own. I'm not imposing my will more simply just creative expression and it just so happens that my method of choice to do so is influenced by whatever compels me to write so. The way I personally see the world is from a point of attempted neutrality towards all. Does this mean my personal truth has any less illumination? No.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by RjKon

What you have tapped into is true understanding. It does not take much to attain this understanding, but living it is the true test. You will find a lot of criticism and hate toward you on that path. Along the way you will also grow and draw people to you who see you for what you are. If you can walk the path you have spoken then enlightenment is waiting. God speed on your journey.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by Conclusion
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

..all that preachin' and it comes down to you tellin' others they have no right to judge... what gives you the right to make that judgement?... answer: nothing...

He is not judging he is saying.

...get back to me when you've actually mastered that (ie: forgive, hug and love unconditionally the people/person that tortured and, then, murdered one of your loved ones...

Granted it would be hard but it would be better for love.

First and foremost thank you for understanding that my writing does not come from a point of judgment,

Secondly, actually Mastering it isn't my intentions, but rather to use it to grow and learn. Its much easier I believe when you're open to help and seek it. While we are understandingly each on our own journey, it does not mean that we cannot seek or find help; from others or the source that we all come from.

Whatever your bag of chips is

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by RjKon

Yes that is true. But if that is the path you will walk then you have no choice but to master it. It will happen naturally. Because that is the path you have chosen so the belief is in that path. If you show me a man who is not passionate about that which he believes, I will show you a man who believes in nothing.

Oh yeah. Your Welcome

[edit on 22-10-2009 by Conclusion]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by RjKon

I have a question for you.

What is man's greatest fear?

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by Conclusion
reply to post by RjKon

You will find a lot of criticism and hate toward you on that path. Along the way you will also grow and draw people to you who see you for what you are. If you can walk the path you have spoken then enlightenment is waiting.

Yes, the hate and criticism will flow hard and fast. Don't let it offend you as you keep equanimity, being in the world but not of it.

To bring clearer understandings into the world filled already with Beliefs and the edifices of Belief, is one of the hardest paths. Delve into your inner strength for you will need it.

Be well.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 04:11 AM
Great speech;
but this isn't coming from source;
but i guess the principles are the same;

source never tells you what to do;
You just get information and then you could make your own intelligent decisions based upon what you have learned

[edit on 22-10-2009 by DjSharperimage]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Conclusion
reply to post by RjKon

I have a question for you.

What is man's greatest fear?

I would say each person has their own personal fears they battle with but by and large I would say mans greatest fear is himself

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by VelmaLu
More love and light b.s. This is just more of the duality of the Universe. When you choose light or dark, you are choosing polarity.

Perhaps some people incarnate here simply to experience what it is like to be cold and hungry? Perhaps your good intention is keeping them from their mission?

Hmm, interestingly enough, you have a valid point there. I am convinced myself that many beings incarnate here just to experience negative polarity. It just has to be so. However, just as the negative has to be, the positive has to be as well. Love and light is certainly no b.s. it's just a different choice.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:27 AM
What caused you to have these realizations? Very interesting.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by thereaintnospoon

Because as long as we are focused on love and light, or darkness and hate, we are buying into the duality or polarity of the universe. What we need to seek is balance.

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