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David Wilcock: negative ETs misled governments

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posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Horza

Originally posted by Historical-Mozart

No I didn't miss the question, so at some point, I'll ask him, but I don't expect an answer any time soon, 'cause he's so busy, but he just might answer, so I'll ask him in one of our normal website-related e-mails.

That seems to me to be a very dismissive answer.

No, it's not intended to be dismissive at all -- I'm just saying that I don't know if I'll get an answer -- he is one BUSY dude with 150 unique e-mails coming in every day, many of them with questions, so he simply does not have the time with which to answer, so I'm just saying "MAYBE" that I'll get an answer.

Are you upset that this has been brought up? Does this put doubt in your mind as to the legitimacy of Dave's other claims?

No, of course not.

When people make big claims and promises like this and then do not deliver then there is no alternative than to be suspicious about all that they have to say ... especially when they are selling something.

Horza -- I understand your point, but he only announced an intention, not a promise, so please cut him some slack here. Like I say, he's one busy dude and I'm sure that he'll eventually release that information. Now that I've seen people bring it up and that you have pointed it out, I will certainly ask him soon and I hope that I'll get a response. His responses -- if they are forthcoming -- are usually short responses of a few sentences or less.

So, yea, I'm with ya, I'd like to see what he has to bring out, but, hey, haven't we all announced intentions, only to then delay the follow-ups on the intentions? So I suggest that you and others cut him some slack and wait for a response, if any. I'm eager to see what info he has, for sure.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by Historical-Mozart]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 12:22 AM
(Deleted by Mozart...double post.)

[edit on 20-10-2009 by Historical-Mozart]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

I wouldn't trust anything that came out of Clifford Stone's mouth, especially the so called number of species who have DNA like life on earth.

Jellyfish have DNA like humans, but it doesn't mean they can mate with them. In order for another species to have some compatibility they would have to have comparable chromosomes. Humans have 46. Our closest "relatives" Chimpanzees have 48. Gorillas have 48. Orangutans have 48. Some Gibbons have 44. Theoretically it may be possible to artificially inseminate one of these and produce a viable hybrid.

In order for an extraterrestrial species to be compatible with humans it would have to be a hominid or in other words Apes.

All of the real research and investigations into UFOs and so called aliens, have pointed to non biological entities that may be psychic in nature. Even anomalous "craft" seem to share this same psychic nature. This indicates they arn't even actual ships or craft but "phantom vehicles". In the same sense the entities during encounters of the Third and Fourth kind are "phantom beings". All of it involves deception and disinformation. The encounters, the channelings, and the cults all involve deception and disinformation.

What it boils down to is that humans are stupid gullible creatures that are easily manipulated.

Even the military and the US government at one time thought these things were "interplanetary phenomena" but that all changed by the 1950s and by the 1970s the anomalous phenomena was investigated as potentially psychic in origin. Some of the research document's outlines use to be available here: I even made a post about them in the past on ATS. The outlines appear to have been removed from public viewing since.

Here is the old ATS thread:
Defense Technical Information Center's STINET documents

edit to add old thread

[edit on 20/10/09 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 12:43 AM
you just keep on flossing and flossing wilcock.
when i see someone that in the bag for someone else i don't trust either of them. if you're not on the payroll, you should be.

he can do no wrong and you have an answer for everythiing. either a follower or a flack, neither of which are credible positions.

whats the over/under on how many of these predictions come true?
i say 14%.
who wants some action?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

I wouldn't trust anything that came out of Clifford Stone's mouth, especially the so called number of species who have DNA like life on earth.

Ok, care to describe why not?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

Why I don't trust Stone? His service record as opposed to his stories, especially in regards to Vietnam. His "info" also contradicts research done by Vallee, Hynek, and other research dealing with psychic/paranormal phenomena that involves close encounters.

Some of my own investgations into the phenomena are also why.
Some of it can be read about here: They Come From Within

I do somewhat agree with Wilcock, there are negative entities deceiving humans. For what though is something I have yet to figure out.

edit to add thread.

[edit on 20/10/09 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by MOTT the HOOPLE

Oddly enough what i have found to be true is that people that advertise and push someone else's opinions and web sites as much as this character has been is highly suspicious. Even the convenient poster with hie "NSA" Brother seems a bit suss. Where is the evidence for all these claims SHOW ME ANYTHING apart from here say and conjecture.
The proof he offers is links to a website.

"yes my pretties go there seek out all your questions there and while your there keep clocking up traffic for my site"

Colour me unconvinced. And its not that the story is outrageous or unbelievable i have no problem suspending disbelief as long as there is valid evidence to suggest it.

Make something out of nothing, PROVE even one of these magnificent statements and the crowd will bow in silence. Until then you will always have people who refuse to bite.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by ThaLoccster

Originally posted by calcoastseeker

Nobody that is barely making it lives on Montana Ave. in Santa Monica, Calif.

Cut the guy some slack, its hard to make porsche payments on a conspiracy theorists salary.

Yes I know, but it is the perfect place to live if you are trying to sell your screenplays and trying to break in to the entertainment business.

He has a college degree in psychology and from what I have read on his web site he has never used it.Or held a real job.He has been bumming off people since he lived around the Louisville Ky. New Albany, In. area.

He had to lose 50 pounds just to get skinny enough to look even similar to

All the other people involved in the Exopolitic/new age movement that also speak at the same conferences he does call him "The Preacher."

He lives off of "donations" to help him get his word out.

Historical Mozart you have even admitted to sending him money haven't you?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

I wouldn't trust anything that came out of Clifford Stone's mouth, especially the so called number of species who have DNA like life on earth.
Theoretically it may be possible to artificially inseminate one of these and produce a viable hybrid.

In order for an extraterrestrial species to be compatible with humans it would have to be a hominid or in other words Apes.

All of the real research and investigations into UFOs and so called aliens, have pointed to non biological entities that may be psychic in nature. Even anomalous "craft" seem to share this same psychic nature. This indicates they arn't even actual ships or craft but "phantom vehicles". In the same sense the entities during encounters of the Third and Fourth kind are "phantom beings". All of it involves deception and disinformation. The encounters, the channelings, and the cults all involve deception and disinformation.

What it boils down to is that humans are stupid gullible creatures that are easily manipulated.

Even the military and the US government at one time thought these things were "interplanetary phenomena" but that all changed by the 1950s and by the 1970s the anomalous phenomena was investigated as potentially psychic in origin.
[edit on 20/10/09 by MikeboydUS]

What does the "DNA" part really matter, unless you intend to try and "shack up" with one of them... 8-)

The main message message from Stone that I felt, whether his experiences are "true" or not, was that he felt compassion for for a non-human "caged up" and assisted (or at least felt he should in such as situation) it in obtaining freedom and that there was no lawful or diplomatic matter of recourse for so-called Aliens being held, interrogated or tortured by the US government.

As far as "psychic" phenomena being the "answer" (the "woo woo" problem from your post), what is the definition of psychic? It's essentially an interaction with things that you can not see, feel or touch (in general).

Current science tells us we can believe in multiple dimensions, matter we can not see, etc. We already know we can not see with our own eyes or "touch" certain energy spectrum (radio waves, light, etc.).

If we as "modern" people can accept those concepts, why can we not accept the concept that there are "real" (entities, phenomena, craft, etc.) that vibrate in an energy spectrum that is higher than ours, thus we can not currently see, touch or interact with them on a normal basis.

In reality, the problem is that most people are fixated on the "3D" aliens, and assume that they are the only ones making a major impact on our lives and that our current world will be this way (3D) for the next million years.

This is not going to happen, and one of the side effects of "disclosure" is that "they" will explain this situation to us. Those who can not accept this are in for a very problematic future...

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:40 AM
*sigh* Another Wilcock post where his high priest Historical-Mozart sings his praises and spews his crazed beliefs as though they are gospel fact. Some very entertaining stuff to be sure, but all of it with absolutely zero proof.

How much of his 15 minutes has Wilcock used up now? I guess no matter how nonsensical his 'inside knowledge' becomes his flock will stick by him. Then like Greer and Lear and Goodchild and all the rest he will fade into obscurity when the last few faithful shake their heads and say "what?!"

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by calcoastseeker
He has a college degree in psychology and from what I have read on his web site he has never used it.Or held a real job.He has been bumming off people since he lived around the Louisville Ky. New Albany, In. area.

Historical Mozart you have even admitted to sending him money haven't you?

I call BS to your absurd suggestion that Wilcock has never held a "real job" -- he lists his various jobs that he's had over the years, but, if you mean years and years at one job, no, he did not, but that was not for lack of trying. He's held a number of real jobs with real responsibilities for caring for people.

And he no longer lives in Santa Monica.

And he does NOT bum off people -- bumming off people is defined by asking for money without putting anything of value out. What about his website? What about his free books that he could have charged big bucks for? What about his information that he could charge for by setting up a subscriber list for? What about his blogs that are packed with fantastic information?

Come on, man, given the way the world works today, people have to pull in money, somehow and, for what you get for what you buy from the guy, there's great value in those things -- if you value expansions in your consciousness.

No I did not "admit" that I donated money to Wilcock on my own volition; I simply stated that I have sent him money whenever he needed it -- the number of times that I have sent him money were very helpful and he was able to avoid doing things that he did not want to do, on account of lack of money, then, suddenly, there was my bit of money coming in at times when he really needed the money just to survive.

He still wears the same old clothes that he had last year; he still drives a used vehicle; he does not splurge money on anything extravagant and he does not even want to, as he is aware of the traps of ego, as he's seen far too many leaders, cult leaders and people in positions of power totally trip up over their own inflated egos and he will not allow himself to fall for the traps of inflated egos -- of that I'm certain. He's way too aware of that.

I can't blame you -- "you" in general -- for the high levels of skepticism and doubt of someone in the position of where Wilcock is right now. There have been far too many leaders and strong personalities who have totally flamed out and crashed, leading many people to doubt the next strong personality to come along. I can't blame y'all.

Wilcock is not about Wilcock; he is about the message, the truth, the essence of what we need to know about ourselves and that is this:

"There is only One of us here."

That's the core of his message. If you cannot see/feel that, then you have a ways to go in your paths though illusion until you become dis-illusioned to the point which you'll see that, indeed, We Are One.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by seircram

I don't plan on shacking up with them, but others seem to have that idea.

As for psychic, it comes from the Greek psychikos, meaning "Of the Soul".
At some point a new meaning was given to it, becoming "Of the Mind".
Psychokinetic phenomena can be seen and felt. So its not all invisible and undetectable. It can produce radar signatures, cause thermal changes, electromagnetic interference, and many other anomalies.

I agree that the universe is very mysterious place with hyperspace, dark matter, potential parallel universes, various quantum phenomena, and our inability to sense any of it.

I'm not saying "they" or "It" isn't real. Its very real. In what way is the real question. I'm just saying these arn't extraterrestrial biological entities, but something much weirder. Some think they are manifestations of the collective unconscious. Some think they are extradimensional. Some think they are both.

What they are not are interstellar species and civilizations living in Orion's Arm. I'm not saying our arm of the galaxy is devoid of life or civilizations. What I will say is what Dr. Hynek and Dr. Vallee said long ago and why IPU was shut down, which is basically that these phenomena don't originate from biological beings from another planet.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

You say he isnt about ego but then in the same post you say his message is about "there is only one of you".

I had to laugh at the irony, dont you realize that it is the Ego that defines your unique individuality. As a student of Psychology he should know this fact inside and out. So which is it? Is he about Ego or isnt he? Where do you draw the line? Do you know? Does he know? I highly doubt it.

If there is one thing i know FOR A FACT and you can quote me on this. Its that in the years i have been looking into all sorts of paranormal phenomena from UFO's to Cryptozoology to Spirit entities. Everybody is just walking around in the dark trying to get a grasp of whats really going on. Everybody thinks they know whats going on but nobody knows squat. The gullible follow the creative, The persuasive fool the ignorant and somewhere in all this mess lies the truth if there even is such a thing as the truth.

Seems to me like everything is subjective to the observer. This puts me in a bit of a predicament as i cant decide which lie to believe.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

Then you know how government and military officials already feel about it. People want real disclosure. The real disclosure is that we really have no idea whats going on, but we have a bunch of hypotheses and theories.

The Interplanetary hypothesis was thrown out the window 60 years ago.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by Historical-Mozart

So, yea, I'm with ya, I'd like to see what he has to bring out, but, hey, haven't we all announced intentions, only to then delay the follow-ups on the intentions? So I suggest that you and others cut him some slack and wait for a response, if any. I'm eager to see what info he has, for sure.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by Historical-Mozart]

Cool ... I am with you on this on then.

If you will take the time to ask him then thanks to you in advance! That would be excellent if you could do that.

And if you do get an answer then it will deserve it's own thread ... if not it's own forum ...

I will watch this space

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Im more inclined to believe what your saying in regards to UFO phenomena. its not a simple matter of EBE's coming here to check us out experiment on us or exploit our resources.

I believe there is some link between US and THEM. The truth sometimes feels like a shadow, you can see it from where you are but the closer you get the further it moves.

What keeps me puzzled is the almighty why. What does it all mean?

Can i ask you a question Mike? Whats your belief in regards to the continuation of the human or any conscientiousness after death?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:36 AM
I just read his stuff on ascension, but golly, that does not seem so good as he portrays it if it is true. Cities will crumble, most people will be taken off the planet and relocated, and alien hybrids will take our place.

That's not ascencion, that's colonization! O yes, what a happy moment that will be.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post by seircram
Dr. Hynek and Dr. Vallee said long ago and why IPU was shut down, which is basically that these phenomena don't originate from biological beings from another planet.
Neither of them knows. Hynek made a one-off remark one time re the strangeness of the phenomenon, but I'm sure the scientist in him would have prevailed when it comes to arranging the likelihood of certain hypotheses. I consider Vallee a certified crackpot, try reading some Richard Hall or Jerry Clark for balance to see where Vallee went off the edge.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by lel1111

Originally posted by mr-lizard
reply to post by Digital_Reality

And these so-called aliens managed not just to breathe our oxygen but figured out how exactly to get in touch with certain agencies within the US government and THEN figured out how to communicate with us.


*sniff sniff*

Well, could it be possible that these "aliens" aren't all as "alien" to us as we might think? "Aliens" aren't necessarily eight-legged green globs. They could be related to us. (not the green globs)

i wasn't implying they were some far fetched looking biological entity, far different from us. I just said it was possible, hes the one whom said not i =]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by jclmavg

The phenomena tends to have that effect on people, making them somewhat crazy. I don't think people can handle all of it. There are abduction researchers that pick and choose parts of a report, since the paranormal or high strangeness portions are too hard to believe. The phenomona doesn't fit into nice little boxes though.

Military and intelligence related programs into "psychic" phenomena have yielded comparable insanity inducing results. The stuff erodes sanity over time driving people to drugs, alcohol, suicide, delusion, and paranoia. Reality begins to break down. People can't handle it and go crazy.

We have coping mechanisms. Myths are probably the best ones. So we generate a whole mythos of alien races on a galactic mission to save some backwater planet from itself in the arm of Orion. It helps people make sense of the events. Its no different than calling them fairies or gods.

I for one won't be joining the new age ufo cult mythos. I like to keep my point of view as objective as possible and that includes all of the dark and mind warping aspects of the phenomena from animal mutilations (including humans), torture, rape, post traumatic stress disorder, posessions, poltergeists, and tons of other things that don't jive with the whole happy mythos of ascension and benevolence.

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