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The Rise of the Religious Left -- Why Christianity Isn't Just for Conservatives

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posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 08:40 AM

The Rise of the Religious Left -- Why Christianity Isn't Just for Conservatives

The enormous political clout wielded by evangelical Christians in the United States is usually seen from the outside as a coup for rightwing zealots against any agenda that might be called "progressive". But we should think again. The recent revelation that Michael Moore's Catholicism emerges in his latest film as a centrepiece of his critique of capitalism is really no surprise. The claim in Capitalism: A Love Story that free markets are inconsistent with Christianity has wrong-footed Moore's rightwing critics, but the right's bid to monopolise religion has been challenged for some time.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 08:40 AM
This isn't news to those of us on the left.

Despite idiotic rhetoric from the right that liberals are Godless as ann coulter claimed in one of her screeds she passes off as political commentary...or those funnymentalists who claimed in 2004 that Jesus would be a right wing conservative voting for bush minor (I know I was actually told that) much of liberal ideology and activism is rooted in their faith.

Don't believe me? Just looking back over the past 160 years causes like abolition of slavery...public education...penal reform...women's suffrage...prohibition...civil rights among others...all considered progressive reform, started in progressive churches.

And the trend continues today...for many people on the left faith informs their politics...

the big difference between them and the religious right is the religious left don't wear their faith on their shirt sleeves or shove it in other people's faces.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by grover

Hate to burst your bubble, Grover, but not all conservatives are christian. While the vocal minority has hi-jacked the left, would it be safe to assume that ALL left wingers, eat granola, ride bikes to work, hug trees, and cry when they use paper products, like toilet paper?

Sure, the christain right has been vocal. The left, if you use Moore as an example, would be like saying all conservatives are like Satan, just because one idiot is vocal, don't paint the whole crowd that way.

Or should I assume that because you are liberal, you are a closet commie, hate the constitution, smoke dope, don't bathe, and wear tie-dye?

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 09:28 AM
Very Provocative title, piqued my interest very fast.

I disagree with you on a very consistent basis.

And it is with much humility that I will concede this to you.

I'm not saying that liberals have the God factor wrapped up, but, the actions of the right (my side of the fence), as of late,(the last decade) certainly cannot claim to have a monopoly on God.

Also, to be fair, consider your source. This is a man who openly mocked this Catholic God he's touting now as a beacon of liberal virtue.

Remember the phrase: "Jesus Land"? With him propagating the notion that the smart, intellectual types move to the coasts because thats where the electoral votes are. I believe this man would sell his flesh and blood to
see his Ideals come to pass, and in that regard, makes him no different than the politicians he profusely claims to hate.

Not to mention his recent film that tries to bastardize capitalism, which without, he could never have made his millions, seriously, could he possibly have not seen the strangest of dichotomy/hypocricy that would be thrown in his face? its just weird, he's a smart man, could he possibly be that stupid?

p.s. I

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by mikerussellus

Ahh mike, I knew Id see ya on this early. Funny how some people actually still work. Kudos

And yes, I am very hard right, I'd say to the right of Reagan.

And I do not Identify with a religion. Not to say I don't believe, but I certainly don't believe in anything that man has come up with yet.

Being a practicing theoretical physicist, I am precluded from believing the notion that something can come from nothing. Therefore all of our scientific models include a "divine push", of some sort.[what forced the big bang?] We just dont know how, and the real question that all religions strive for.......why?

[edit on 10/17/2009 by Remixtup]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by grover

This isn't news to those of us on the left.

Despite idiotic rhetoric from the right that liberals are Godless as ann coulter claimed in one of her screeds she passes off as political commentary...or those funnymentalists who claimed in 2004 that Jesus would be a right wing conservative voting for bush minor (I know I was actually told that) much of liberal ideology and activism is rooted in their faith.

And the trend continues today...for many people on the left faith informs their politics...

the big difference between them and the religious right is the religious left don't wear their faith on their shirt sleeves or shove it in other people's faces.

Of course, it's a big tent party, but it doesn't really matter actually. Money is the new religion, can't help it.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

I am quite aware that not all conservatives are Christian....nor are all liberals...I come from the Mennonite/Brethren tradition of the Shenandoah valley and Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia and I became a Baha'i'.

The article was about the Christian right so that was the topic of the OP but the same could be said of all religions.

Still right wing Jewish conservatives in this country don't make the stink their Christian counterparts do.

In Israel they do but not here.

BTW I generally don't pay much attention to any of the pundits left or right and that includes Michael Moore.

[edit on 17-10-2009 by grover]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:56 PM
My faith informs my usually left-ish political views. I take "do unto others as ye would have them do unto you" very seriously. But that's not true of all who share my positions.

It's true that some communist regimes have and do actively denounce religion and religiously-inspired movements (China, Cambodia, the former Soviet Union, etc.). The communist belief is that politics should be the highest aspiration of mankind. (I disagree). That, I think, is where the popular concept of religion being the sole province of right-wing capitalists comes from.

So, politically, I share some beliefs with hard-core atheists. Politics makes strange bedfellows sometimes. IMO the left is used to dealing with religious and/or secular diversity in our ranks and so there is not that impetus to claim Christianity as our own exclusive province.

[edit on 17-10-2009 by Sestias]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Sestias

I know that my religious/spiritual beliefs both the Christian I was raised with and the Baha'i' I embraced have informed my world view even when I wasn't a practicing anything...and it certainly informs how I view issues and policies from both parties even though I do not endorse either.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 06:04 PM
Grover, your dog looks more and more like it has wolf in it

anyhow, I find this article extremely opinionated

As if every conservative is interdependant like The Borg with every other conservative.

It's time to look at people as individuals!

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

I agree the article is opinionated but the subject is very subjective and personal so it would be hard I argue to be objective about it.

Grover Maxwell Underfoot the Great, prince of dogs is part Chow, Border Collie and Pomeranian. He is 8 1/2 years old.

He has a purple splotched tongue...his face is definitely Border Collie (he is always trying to herd me...someone needs to keep me in line
) and he has the long silky fur (double coated) and tight curly tail of a pom.

He is 50 pounds of fur and love...he has a lot of fur but has more love.

And as the photo shows...he grins.

He is a good boy.

[edit on 17-10-2009 by grover]


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