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Life :/

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posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:15 AM
Find someone like you, maybe with a match service. Learn to be friends with them. Have some fun. Find new things to do.

Then carry that on through the rest of your life.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by Tryptych

Morbo: that's tuff. Life isn't fair. I'd like to think there would be a reason for everything, and that you will get what you deserve (at some point at least). Just try to hang on.

That's the irony of it all. I'm not even concerned that times are hard. I don't need to "hang on" so much because I don't feel the need to even worry that life sucks right now. Like I said, it's really, very odd. The only thing I worry about at all is my husband who is working hard to keep this failing house together while I'm off in La La land. That's the most unfair part of it all. I'm glad he's such a rock.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Morbo the Annihilator

Mmmmm, yes. What is life about?

My entire life I struggled for everything. I struggled to finish school, I struggled in my relationships, I was constantly looking for a job. I spent so much time struggling with everything. I HAD TO WORK SO HARD FOR EVERYTHING I EVER EARNED IN MY LIFE! Nothing ever came easy.

Ironically, a few years ago, on top of everything else in my life, I got very sick and started struggling with my health. I was diagnosed with lupus, mitral valve prolapse, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. The oddest part about all of it? The fibro has caused me extreme apathy toward everything.

I mean, I adore my husband, love my dogs, get along with my family, but I'm still very sick, can't get a job, hubby and I are very poor. But through some weird twist of fate, nothing bothers me. I used to be so Type A, uptight, overachiever, graduated early from HS, graduated early from college, and now? Now I don't really care if I work again. I'm not driven to prove anything or succeed since I've been sick.

Now tell me what THATS about. Its sort of a blessing - I really wouldn't have the energy to be overachieveing and anxious anymore, but I really should care, shouldn't I? There is no reason my husband should struggle to make ends meet by himself. And yet, I just know that even with my education and experience, I still will find a $10/hr job and then REALLY not care. And make myself sicker for it anyway.

Hmmmm. Bit of a conundrum.....

But that is what life is all about, right?

similar story here, got sick, but i couldn't bear the suffering anymore, i wanted so badly to find a way to heal myself so that i could be normal, but then as each day passed and the suffering continued i asked myself why i should care, why i should allow myself to suffer like this because of what our (mainstream) society views, hell, it was following their thinking that got me into this mess, so i just rejected our way of operating and searched for my own, and once i did that, i began to heal and everything became so wonderful

a bit tired, will write more tomorrow.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by socrates271

Forget the girlfriend, married kids, and stuff like that... I read, obviously, it's not your cup of tea, per se.

Will elaborate if needed. The OP should understand though.

Do this though, Imagine, All of the sudden, you are teleported into a room, the room is dirty as hell, dust everywhere, you recognize that it's a library, and there is no way out...

Books are disordered, and chairs are broken, and there is graffiti everywhere.

Your all alone.

What do you do, you have no idea how long your going to be there, or how short of a time you have in the despicable library.

Do you read one of the books...

Do you fix the place up...

or do you just sit and wait to be taken back out of the doorless room?

That my friend, is life.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 03:08 AM
You can always do what 39% of Americans do.....Pharmacology.

Or better yet, another 20% self medicate.

Or better yet, go to a beach and bury ones head.

Or become one of the sheeple, I believe everyone in America is waking up to the problems of our country and happiness is one of the most sought after commodities of our times.

Life is no longer picket fences with 5 children. Jobs are no longer guaranteed to last longer than it takes the president of the company to pillage all possible money for his stockholders. Cops are just as likely to accost you as protect you. Taxes will go up. Wages will go down. More regulations to control you. More mandated requirements by our government.


posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
reply to post by socrates271

Remove the concept of money from your world. What would you do - what is important for you to do - when money is removed from the equation? Imagine the world without money entirely. See yourself walking through your day with no concept of status or of material wealth. What do you do all day? What would make you smile with each finished task? What would have you bound out of bed every morning, eager to start the day? That's where you start.

You know what? I think that in our overly-hyped capitalistic society that we grow up thinking that we are expected to be uber successful, and if we're not then we're nothing. In fact, that's what the school system, media, society, etc. feeds us. In high school and college, every single one of us thought that success was easy if we just worked hard and that we were all going to take over the world because that was the message that was pumped into us on a daily basis. In reality, only a handful of people in each graduating class go on to do anything extraordinary, and the rest end up leading average lives (AND THAT'S OKAY). I think that's where the disappointment sets in. We wonder why it didn't happen like we thought it should, and we end up thinking that we are a failures which isn't true at all. We have forgotten that there's nothing wrong or disgraceful about being average which in reality is the norm.

Also, upon meeting new people, one of the first things that they ask is what we 'do'. We have become defined and judged by what we 'do' instead of what we 'are'. I think that may be part of the problem. We expend so much energy 'doing' that we neglect taking care of our physical, spiritual, and emotional well-'being'. Oftentimes, this makes us not feel good enough and traps us into thinking that we need to do more, have more, be more etc. Our lives are spent in a blur working so hard to pay bills, going in debt trying to keep up with others, and trying to be 'somebody' that by the time we get a chance to slow down, our children are half (or fully grown), we're older, and we've missed out on things that we wish we had taken the time to stop and do.

Speaking of money...I ponder what it would be like quite often if there was no such thing as money. Were ancient and indigenous people who lived off the land, took care of their families, lived at a slower pace, had an appreciation for nature, etc. happier than we are? Sometimes I find myself longing for a back-to-basics existence when the pace of life was slower and taking care of the family and the home was revered and respected for the important job that it is instead of the shame that it has become. Society starts at home with the family. Not having time to bond with our spouses/significant others/children is taking its toll and is detrimental to society in the long run. The proof is in the high divorce rate that we have and in the high rate of school dropouts, gang activity, unsupervised latchkey children running the streets, overpopulated prison systems, etc. Just look around. It's easy to see that our priorities are out of balance.

Sorry for the rambling post. I think too much.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 03:14 AM
Life is tough, you are right about that.

Just to depress you further, I am a lot older than you are, and I cannot figure it out.

I think life is a joke set up by someone or something who is having a laugh.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by socrates271

Looks like there's a pattern developing. When I said that the Universe conspired to remove me from my job, I fell into a very understandable but very deep depression. Meds didn't work so I decided it was best to just jump straight into the abyss of my rotten soul. I saw what I had done to myself and as I reconstructed myself on the way back up, I made decisions about what was of value to me. Now I'm implementing those lessons to create my new, wonderful (I hope!) life. I'm working on turning my hope into faith now. True confession: Learning faith is probably the hardest thing I've ever attempted.

Meditation is a brilliant tool to finding yourself again. It looks like you're well on the way in any case.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by socrates271

It is good to be seeing the beginning of the end of the egoic structure which has been ruining everything, and nice to see the young people waking up. Your mission? Follow your heart and change it all, as the next generation. We are always one generation away from a complete transformation. The last one before you screwed it all up, and they don't know #. It's up to you.

Do not conform. Transform. Even Saint Paul said as much when he was trying to make a change in his time.

Now we know what NOT to do, and how NOT to be. So all the crap is very helpful in that regard, serving as a contrast.

If only we could get the likes of Glenn Beck off the air - that would be a good start..

One whole generation - and it's a whole new ballgame. And we're getting to them, getting all the needed information into their hands.

And so, the reason you need to do well in school and maybe assume an important position and statute in life - it to make the neccessary changes..!

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:35 AM
I'm so glad that there's other folks out there that are feeling/thinking the same way that I am....figured it was just me; - everyone else around me seem so freakin' happy and delighted and comfortable with the way society is/going.

I look at folks and see programmes, basically....does that make sense? They're given boundaries and criteria, and they seem to flourish if they have some money or the latest mobile phone; little girls seem happy to flaunt what they don't even have yet; little boys seem happy to prove that they can taunt and bully anyone not exactly like them; adults are happy to say "that's just kids for you". People seem to NEED the opportunity to enforce whatever little authority they have; 'introverts' are treated as 'suspicious' or 'not quite right'.

When people donate to charity or whatever, they seem to do so so that they can boast about it (more ego than selflessness).

And when you call society on what it's doing, you're opinions are called stupid or wrong or weird. All I see is marketing, materialism, sex, money, gah! it's driving me mad.

Another thing that I can never get my head 'round is the homeless; - forced to sleep the streets and beg for food when there is plenty of game out there (rabbits, birds, deer, plants etc); or whole groups of peoples that are forced to stay in one place and starve due to famine/drought etc when hundreds of years ago, they would have simply moved to a better piece of land but are unable to do so now due to imaginary lines and boundaries set by 'governments'.

I was watching a documentary once about tribes when one of the old men stated that he didn't want his son to have to pay for food when there was plenty of food available from the land to live off of. That got me thinking that food is pretty much one of THE main needs to stay alive...and the earth provides our food (whether animals or plants)...why the hell are we paying thousands and thousands of pounds a year for something that is our basic right and is available from nature?! Can't get my head round that one

Sorry if this seems like a rather lengthy rant and I don't think I expressed myself all that well but I think I had to get that out.

I wonder how successful we'd be if we got together and created some kind of alternative, independent 'country' - but, of course, we've been conditioned to believe that it's impossible.

Forget 1984, we've living in a Brave New World

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by sr_robert1
reply to post by socrates271

Find a girl, get married, have a kid. You'll change your whole attitude. Or vice versa depending on what you are.

Trust me, thats the last thing you want in this world. There are loads of serial killers in position in government and police just waiting for any chance to murder people and there families.

You are better alone, no one what logic society says.

My life was wrecked for years without me doing anything and all people ahve to do is make it up, never would i have any interest in bringing someone into this rotten society, where the murderers who have practically ended my life are walking free cheering.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 10:10 AM
I feel much of the same too. Everything is just fudged up right now.

I've also longed for the "back to basics" lifestyle. I've often thought I was born in the wrong time period. lol

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Republican08
reply to post by socrates271

Forget the girlfriend, married kids, and stuff like that... I read, obviously, it's not your cup of tea, per se.

Will elaborate if needed. The OP should understand though.

Do this though, Imagine, All of the sudden, you are teleported into a room, the room is dirty as hell, dust everywhere, you recognize that it's a library, and there is no way out...

Books are disordered, and chairs are broken, and there is graffiti everywhere.

Your all alone.

What do you do, you have no idea how long your going to be there, or how short of a time you have in the despicable library.

Do you read one of the books...

Do you fix the place up...

or do you just sit and wait to be taken back out of the doorless room?

That my friend, is life.

Thank you, I'll treasure this for a long, long time.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
You can always do what 39% of Americans do.....Pharmacology.

Or better yet, another 20% self medicate.

Or better yet, go to a beach and bury ones head.

Or become one of the sheeple, I believe everyone in America is waking up to the problems of our country and happiness is one of the most sought after commodities of our times.

Life is no longer picket fences with 5 children. Jobs are no longer guaranteed to last longer than it takes the president of the company to pillage all possible money for his stockholders. Cops are just as likely to accost you as protect you. Taxes will go up. Wages will go down. More regulations to control you. More mandated requirements by our government.


Poverty rates are increasing yes, but is it caused by our lack of money or lack of understanding?

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