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Is Population Reduction In The Works?

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posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:11 PM
I was reading the David Wilcock thread about alien disclosure in the near future and thinking what a load of $h!* it was. In the utube video he said TPTB do plan on telling all before Christmas, but that they feel that if they did so "before a massive population reduction it would be catastrophic to the human race". Im thinking, what kind of nonsense is this and why the heck would you need population reduction. That makes no sense!

In another thread I was commenting on the problem with unemployment and how the current numbers are wrong. Its clear that with so many people out of work that theres no way the U.S. could create enough jobs to solve our economic problems. Living in a consumer based society along with the reduced tax income, without new employment, we clearly wouldnt be able to pull our country out of the hole its in without creating millions of new jobs. And just what new industry is going to pop up that would create a reason for all these new jobs. And thats when a thought hit me.

The only other fix is if something happened and suddenly.......... we lost millions of people.........Then you dont need those new jobs! UhOh! You dont think............

edit to add: you are right!

[edit on 8-10-2009 by liveandletlive]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by liveandletlive

I think you are referring to David Wilcock, not David Ike, correct?


posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by liveandletlive
In the utube video he said TPTB do plan on telling all before Christmas, but that they feel that if they did so "before a massive population reduction it would be catastrophic to the human race".

[edit on 8-10-2009 by liveandletlive]

He then said he disagreed with them, said they would probably fail and almost defintely be stopped by the management.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:52 PM
So the question is, is it possible that our government is actually crazy enough to think they would be doing the right thing by saving us with some nuclear false flag scheme designed to reduce the population and repair our economy all with one major event that would reshape America?

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by liveandletlive

You bring up an interesting point.

The country didn't fully recover from the Great Depression until after WWII, and the GI Bill strengthened the middle-class. In comparison, the Global War On Terror has weakened our economy, and the post 9/11 GI Bill is too little too late; the jobs are gone and a degree (if you can afford the 5-6 years it will take to get one) doesn't make finding one easier. We need a real war, something to rattle the Etch-A Sketch. A meltdown in the Middle East involving one or more nuclear powers could do the trick. Look at the current players: Iran, Pakistan, India, Israel, Afghanistan, Iraq. It's ready to cook off. A global pandemic at the same time? Conspiracy or not, things could simply right themselves by chance catastrophe. One nice tidal wave and California's budget problems could look like spilled milk.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:57 PM
I watched Camp Fema last night and alot of things gelled, the US has done it before a few times now and it basically has contingency plans to incarcerate 10's of millions of people from a demographic that threatens the stable Government Structure that currently exist's and has been designed solely to protect the Government....not the people.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:59 PM
Actually population reduction's plan A was H1N1. As we see that plan sucked! As the NWO is usually overconfident, they don't have Plan B at the moment for it. That's the reason why they're so desperate and trying to sell their vaccine with celebrities. So we may take a breath for a short time. But if they're going to try it again, we're going to cross their plans... again. What they don't know, for them these population reduction is a major goal of their lifetime. For us, conspiracies are our hobby. But our hobby can kill their major goals anytime, while we're enjoying what we're doing.

Earth is our planet. It's our home. If they don't like it, feel free and hitchhike another planet where they can fulfill their plans on each other.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by Sharrow]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:34 PM
Thats a good thought provoking question there mate. Now consider this..... NASA is sending a 2 megatonne bomb to the moon. The test of time has shown that every time those idiots try to send something to the moon.. since the late 60's, early 70's.. its blown up. Hmmmm could this mean that the bomb will "accidentally fall" into US soil killing just enough millions of people leave a five mile wide crater, and solve the economic problem, THEN say UFO"s shot it down and use THAT as their disclosure?

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by stanlee

what part of this seems the most plausible to you?

what part seems least plausible?

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by The Parallelogram

well the frightening part is this: all of it.
although I stated it jokingly, I CAN see this happening. the so called PTB have, as stated above, tried many times to control the population through AIDS< NIHI, Bird Flu, Mad Cow disease, and several other strange outbreaks to sicknesses we have overcome without the aid of medicines. They know they are retarded in their schemes to over take man kind through disease. WHat better way to do away with the problem and avoid being called racists? Blow up an area where nothing but wankers live. Take Wyoming, or Montana, or Utah, or the Dakotas for example. No majour cities there. No one to really give two shi**s about. Grant it.. You and I know they are human beings, and all, but... we aren't the PTB.
You warn all the 'important' offices a little while in advance, unless they are problem causing doo gooders, then "OOps.. I must be all thumbs today" and the bomb hits and no one "important" is lost.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by stanlee]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 11:47 PM
well, if it was me trying to reduce the population, I'd use something a little deadlier than influenza; it just doesn't kill fast enough or in great enough numbers.

i'd use something home-brewed, something more like the Superflu presented in Stephen King's seminal apocalypse story "The Stand". Maybe I'd resurrect and make some improvements to Smallpox, or find a way to make HIV transmissible by casual contact, or a sneeze in close quarters. TPTB would have no problem slapping something like that together, with the sort of advances in biochemistry we've made in recent years.

failing that, they have nuclear weapons, and are accountable to nobody for their actions, as long as they never need to win another election.

make no mistake: if they wanted us dead, we'd die. but then, there would be nobody left to work in their factories, or buy their cheap crap. they want us alive, broken of will, and devoid of creative or rational thought. they need slaves and markets: they have us.

this is not to say that a radical paradigm shift couldn't make it ideologically acceptable in their eyes to eradicate most of us and rule over the cinders. but it hasn't happened yet. when it does, we'll know.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by The Parallelogram
well, if it was me trying to reduce the population, I'd use something a little deadlier than influenza; it just doesn't kill fast enough or in great enough numbers.

failing that, they have nuclear weapons, and are accountable to nobody for their actions, as long as they never need to win another election.

have you not been watching the news mate? the bloody americans have launched a huge kinetic bomb to the moon. it will be hitting in about 6.5 hrs.. they say they are looking for water but how do you explain this?:

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 12:06 AM
you shouldn't be at all concerned about that. the moon, having no atmosphere, is regularly bombarded by much larger kinetic bombs-- meteors.

the crater left by the LCROSS impact will be tiny compared to many others which have existed on the moon for thousands of years.

the kind of energy required to actually damage the moon or affect its orbit significantly could only come from an impact by a body far larger than anything we could launch into space.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 12:17 AM
I don't think its a 'bomb' in the sense of an explosive warhead, just a very fast projectile that will create the equivalent sized amount of destruction.

Could be wrong..but I think thats how i understand on Earth there is too much atmosphere, if it were to fall back to earth it would be slowed too much to do much more than some localized damage.

Anyways, its too late for that to happen, the satellite is already well positioned around the moon for its 'bombing run' in a few hours no? Cool

I'll have to get up early and hopefully it won't be too cloudy to see the moon; there is a live link off that website that was linked to.

edit..heres the link I think: Nasa Moon Bombing

[edit on 10/9/2009 by toepick]

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 12:23 AM
Population reduction has been in the works for some time now. While everybody is keeping their eyes on bombs, the food, water and air supply have been poisoned substantially. Sterilization of the human population through pharmaceuticals and chemically processed foods is what has been happening for quite a while now.

Check out the wonderful stuff in your drinking water

And probably, this is the most telling and damning part of the article

"While the US government regulates the levels of pathogens in US drinking water, there are no rules for pharmaceuticals and other compounds"

So there you have it. A big boom is not needed for population reduction because The Feds and Big Pharma have everything under control.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by The Parallelogram

thats really beside the point I am trying to make. the subject is population control. My earlier comment was on a weapon of mass distruction against the people in the US.

My earlier comment was that every time NASA has sent something to the moon, since the late 60's early 70's, it has blown up in mid flight. We have all heard the story about the statement made by an astronaught "we were told never to return to the moon". and since the apollo missions, everything, INCLUDING a manned space shuttle has been blown to bits on the way to the moon.

NASA knows this. thats why this one was launched from space... in the hopes (IMO) that they can sneak one in on what ever is blowing thier sh** up. As I said before.. this one too wil probably blow up and when things blow up, what happens? all that sh** that goes out and about from the explosion become projectiles. Where do you think the projectiles that are large enough to make it through our atmosphere will go?? to mercury? no... they will come back here as our gravitational pull is greater than the moons. when THOSE particles hit they too will make massive impacts all over the bloody planet possibly eliminating a great number of people. secondly. Think about this. What does the moon govern here on earth? weather, gravity, waves, and to some degree our own electromagnetic field, ergo, balance. When we set this two megatonne kinnetic bomb on the moon. do you not think that 10 Km of missing planetary matter is going to have an impact here on earth>? the age of the existing larger craters coinside with huge meteorological phenomenon here on earth in our past. this one will some how be different? and the third point. WHy the FU** is nasa looking for water when India already found it?! WHILE BEING PARTNERED WITH NASA
The bottom line is this: This huge bullet hitting the moon at 9000MpH is just bad science. This is someone just wanting to see the level of destruction they can cause, and get away with it. My final question is this: what if RC Hoagland is right? what if there really IS someone on the moon.. sh** the AMericans launched an all out war over 9-11.. if they really are there, what do you think THEY will do? lol
[edit on 9-10-2009 by stanlee]

[edit on 9-10-2009 by stanlee]

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 12:49 AM
bet you ten bucks that we're all fine twenty-four hours from now.

the instrument is already in orbit around the moon.

and you seem to forget that large, heavy chunks of rock or metal enter our atmosphere all the time. most burn up during their descent. those that don't cause small, localized damage, or perhaps catastrophic events if they are huge. the LCROSS satellite isn't huge.

nothing bad is going to happen. give it until tomorrow evening. you'll see.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 12:56 AM
If TPTB wanted population control they can do what Japan does. Last I heard about them was that their biggest problem right now is their aging population. Probably because unemployed folks are ostracized there so the employed are just too tired to make the magic happen.

In the US, there's a staggering amount of unemployed. These unemployed will multiply like rabbits. The third world countries' bottom feeders are the ones with the most kids. Most if not all third world countries don't have welfare to begin with so there isn't much burden for their governments. As for the US with its welfares... It will definitely hurt the taxpayer big time.

An option for the government will probably be to pull the plug on welfare (ala third world countries) to save the middle class and above. Another option will be to continue welfare so a taxpayer will have to break his back to pay for the bums. With this the middle-class' standard of living will go down. Just speculation.

It's a lot like business. If you're not earning as much as you're spending then it's high time to close shop because sooner or later it will chew at your sides til you're marked by the creditors.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by The Parallelogram

Im thinking more long term

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by stanlee
NASA is sending a 2 megatonne bomb to the moon. [snip]
Hmmmm could this mean that the bomb will "accidentally fall" into US soil killing just enough millions of people leave a five mile wide crater, and solve the economic problem, THEN say UFO"s shot it down and use THAT as their disclosure?

This is not a "2 megatonne bomb". It is a 2-tonne projectile. It isn't going to explode. It's going to hit the Moon and bury itself about 5 or 10 meters into the surface, give or take. If it were to hit a heavily populated area on Earth, it wouldn't take out more than a dozen people or so.

The projectile is already in orbit around the Moon. It's not going to mysteriously fly away and come back to Earth. In fact, it no longer has the fuel to do anything besides slamming into the Moon.

If there's going to be any depopulation of the Earth, it's probably going to be a result of our mindlessly breeding ourselves into near-extinction. Unless we deliberately take steps to reduce our population, we are going to face Nature's method of handling excessive population growth. That would be famine and disease.

[edit on 10/9/2009 by chiron613]

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