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David Wilcock: Full Disclosure and Introduction to ET by years end?

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posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by chunder

All power to you but I'm afraid I don't share this philanthropical utopian view.

How exactly would it cure the uneven distribution of wealth for a start ? Would it immediately remove certain human vices, greed maybe ?

Disclosure for many people has already occurred, a tv event would simply confirm it for a certain section of the population, the same section that blindly follow what they are told anyway.

All the discussion about whether it would be believed or not is naive nonsense - all kind of crap is lapped up currently and the majority population of non-thinkers aren't going to start questioning then.

There are two main reasons (of many, I suppose) as to why the govt. (elite) would want to disclose:

1) Economics: As Cliff High is fond of saying, after a total economic collapse of the US, it may very well be too late. If the disclosure came before total economic downfall, there would be a chance they could use the technology to create a market for the existing Space Ops technology (free energy, etc.) and restart the economy.

2) To beat the ETs from doing it themselves, and thus trying to save face (and probably, some butts).

On the other hand, if there was not something coming down the pike that would impact all of humanity, I doubt the the ETs would be worried about disclosure themselves. It would business as usual BECAUSE we were still the greedy, killing, capitalistic primates we currently seem to be.

Now, IF there is something coming down the pike, then they would want to disclose to the world, because this info. would affect every person on earth. Thus it follows that at some point in the future, if this were the case, they would have a deadline at which they themselves would need to act.

If this "deadline" was still a ways a way, they would not want to force disclosure until the right circumstances. For example, if we still thought that the government, the military, the banking industry, the drug industry, and corporate religion were the great institutions that were going to save us and take care of us, then we, as humans, might not be willing to believe them if they told us the opposite (for the majority of people on earth).

If they came to disclose too soon after total world meltdown, then the world's population would look to them to save humanity, which they can't do, because this is a freewill zone and we "freewilled" ourselves in to this current life on earth.

There would be a sweet-spot, so to speak, of time: after the total meltdown, and after people have seen that no one (not the government, the military, the banking industry, the drug industry, or corporate religion) but themselves can "save" themselves. When people have finally gotten to a point where inwardly they say to themselves, "Almighty God, whomever you are, I have nothing left in me but to say, 'I am in your hands.'"

That would be the time for the "Managers" (as David calls them) to show themselves on Earth, lay out what is ahead for humanity, and give them the options available.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 11:44 PM


hmm this could be interesting. if disclosure does happen, and i hope it does, things would change, for sure. but would it be a positive or negative change?

anyway, i remain doubtful, but hopeful.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 11:48 PM
If they really do disclose everything then it will only mean one thing: they are setting up the false flag E.T. attack.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by seircram

Good post but I don't really agree with the two reasons given for govt disclosure.

No 1. If energy is free where is the economic gain - do you mean a patented device ?

No 2. If you accept the existence of "ET" then obviously disclosure isn't on their short term agenda.

There are possible other reasons - like sooner or later it's going to come out in the mainstream and I don't think there is enough spin on the planet to CYA if that happens.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 12:39 AM
Not to sound negative, but isn't David Wilcock the guy that says he's Edgar Caycee incarnated? If so, then LOL...

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 12:40 AM
Some fella knows someone who knows something?

Yeah, I won't hold my breath. Well, maybe just to laugh.

I love the fact that his 'source' (Jack Daniel's?) doesn't mind him blowing the lid off the whole disclosure event, the two-hour international TV time slot, and the general time frame in which it'll take place — but if he reveals the specific date, then the shadowy 'powers that be' will go mental and get the heavies in.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Youji69


hmm this could be interesting. if disclosure does happen, and i hope it does, things would change, for sure. but would it be a positive or negative change?

anyway, i remain doubtful, but hopeful.

Hah, wouldn't that be interesting. Maybe Goodchild isn't a fake and just got the year wrong. Doh!

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 01:16 AM
I've always loved and respected David Wilcock - I can relate to him on a number of things, including how he handles situations and how he words things. I've always believed that he's an optimist, one who hears a possible positive scenario and runs with it and spreads it around because a) wouldn't that be WONDERFUL? and b) consciousness creates reality. I've always felt for myself that being positive and optimistic has helped the people around me, no matter the outcome.

For anyone and everyone who's saying they wonder what David will have to say in order to backtrack if disclosure DOESN'T happen before the end of the year, please keep in mind that he's only passing on a message/theory he heard from Dr. Pete Peterson, a whistleblower he and (Kerry and Bill of.) Project Camelot interviewed back in the summertime. So if this doesn't happen (televised on the twenty-seventh of November, as Pete said.), then it's PETE who should be backtracking and not David. Remember that David has said that he's HEARD about this from sources and not that he's positive this is going to happen. (But if he HAS said it in this manner, then please quote it and tell me where 'cause I've never gotten that impression from him. Seems too arrogant a thing for even David to say.
) Granted, yes, he's spreading this "prediction" of Pete's, but like I said above, if he IS the kind of person I've always believed him to be (optimistic, believer of positive things over negative, and very hopeful.), then perhaps kudos in a sense should go out to him, considering that he's trying to bring more Light into the world.

That being said, I hope this DOES happen, but at the same time, one has to wonder: At what cost? Surely, the Prez wouldn't release ALL the information and, as Stephen Bassett has said before, if this info DOES come out, there are going to be a LOT of questions that the government doesn't wanna answer! The REAL disclosure isn't happening within the mainstream media - it's happening within those of us who are experiencing E.T. contact through the forms of channelings and meditations, visitations and sightings, and prophetic dreams and visions. Just 'cause Barack gets behind a podium and tells everyone, "They're HEEEEEE-errrrrrrrre," doesn't discount the fact that he and everyone around him (in the government and beyond.) have lied to us since day one, so what reason would we all have to believe, anyway? After all, their telling us would probably be because they have a personal agenda behind it!

The REAL disclosure is coming from us. Waiting for disclosure from someone else is like giving away our power and, as the Pleaidean who came to me during the recent Fire the Grid mass meditation said, "YOU ARE THE POWER." We mustn't ever forget that!

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 01:49 AM
November 27th is the day before my 30th birthday...

THAT would be the best birthday present I could ever dream of.

But I'm still not holding my breath.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 01:58 AM
Isnt Wilcock supposed to be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? Does anyone know if he made any predictions about aliens?

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by Holly Lindin

The REAL disclosure is coming from us. Waiting for disclosure from someone else is like giving away our power and, as the Pleaidean who came to me during the recent Fire the Grid mass meditation said, "YOU ARE THE POWER." We mustn't ever forget that!

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

I happen to know for a fact that he signs autographs. That is an act born purely out of ego in and of itself. He seems to be very proud of the notion that he is the re-incarnated Edgar Cayce and carries an aire of pomposity everytime I've heard him speak. If he is un-aware of this, and you are truely his 'friend' then you may want to clue him in on the way he is being percieved.

That being said..... mark my words here and now. I have done this with EVERY prediction to date and have a 100% accuracy so far.
Drum roll please.................................................................



Now, let's see who is right.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 02:43 AM
Apparently some aliens look like humans such as Val Valiant Thor. I'm not impressed with them if they look so much like us. I want to meet a raunchy stinking 6-foot tall alien grey. And then I want to try to provoke it into a fist fight. I'll probably let it beat me to death too because of how funny that would be. Probably a lot like fighting a retard. Sounds fun.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 02:44 AM
yawn yawn....

another day passes and David still hasnt put anything about this news anywhere on his own website.

OK, so i will mention it on C2C, but not even put a spec of info on my own website for my loyal followers!!!

what a joke.

the latest news on his website is just the really important fact that his website has had a makeover!!!

This is your official announcement of what you've already seen here... our stylin' new website makeover!

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 04:17 AM
So the elves and pixies are making another comeback tour, how sweet.

I have heard this kind ov song before, an ancient tune that opened the skies to chaos.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by Holly Lindin

just because a guys an optimist doesn't mean he should be going around spreading 2nd, 3rd, 4th...whatever, hand knowledge. ESPECIALLY when the probability of said knowledge is so remote. The reason I and others liked David was due to his diligence in research Before running his mouth. This is the complete opposite of what the "factual" Wilcock calims to be. It was his NOT doing this sort of thing that set him apart from the other charlatans making absurd claims. So, regardless of how much I, you, or anyone else has liked the guy, he's gone down that road. This wasn't some simple "if" claim to be ignored.

[edit on 10-10-2009 by xEphon]

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by Viper73
ATS ( this very site) is swarming with feds, government cointelpro, CIA and other paid operatives.

It doesnt matter one bit. The information still gets out.

They want you to disregard information by trying to ridicule the source so all you need to do is to have an open mind to everything and dont take someone elses opinion as your own.

And dont get stuck in a debate with someone you sense will never change their views. Its wasting time.

[edit on 10-10-2009 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Diplomat
If they really do disclose everything then it will only mean one thing: they are setting up the false flag E.T. attack.

I was waiting for someone to mention this.

At this point I think we have enough well-known figures in the UFO community that would be very adamant on spreading the truth if this ever happened. I wouldn't even worry about that, to be honest.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
it would be the biggest revelation in the history of earth.

Bigger than the revelation that the Earth is round? Bigger than the revelation of the truth of the stars and the sun? Nah.

[edit on 10-10-2009 by president]

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by president

Are you nuts? ET would be bigger than anything in human history, that we are not alone...

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