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Does anyone get it yet?

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posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by cellardoor1976

My motive is to thwart others from coming on here and scaring people. My motive is to let people know that people like you have been preaching the ^&$@ hitting the fan for a long, long time. I know some who are new to such sites like this get easily bombarded adn confused. It seems like a lot of people know this, so something must be coming.

As I said, everything you have read is nothing compared to what happened last year. You know the "feeling" you said you have about something bad happening? There were people saying this all last year. They would claim beyond a shadow of a doubt something bad is happening because of this feeling they have. It has been said over and over and over and over again. Such people have been proven wrong time and time again. My feeling is that you are new to these sites and it just hit you. It is easy to look at things in the world and use these negative events as a precursor to something terrible.

When you post about all of this on October 26, explaining the whole ordeal, how sure you were, how everything seemed to point to bad thing occurring, I want you to remind everyone of how confident you were. Some people take the confidence of such doom an gloomers to heart. As was previously mentioned, people moved from their homes and in some cases abandoned their families. It is the same thing. They came across some websites. They looked at the world and used these examples to substantiate their views. There are always negative things occurring in the world. Some were using Kosovo as the trigger to the end. People have said this for centuries, cellar. I want the post to remain on ATS so when someone gets scared from reading such doom, they can see how erroneous this information is. They can see that sadly these people who buy into this are cast as gullible. I try not to judge, but let us be honest. If you have been going around talking about this in real life, can you even begin to fathom how people will look at you? How can one every trust your word, your feeling, or your hunch ever again.People on here will be read your post about how sure you were something was going to happen in six weeks that never materialized. This way they do not get stuck wasting time thinking about such negativity that never occurs. I am telling you, cellar, I think you are in for a major self-reflection come October 26. Of course, you can pull the old "it happened on a different timeline." There are people who buy that.

I want you to prevent others from wasting even a valuable second of their lives with this. I feel bad that this has consumed you. Let me just ask you again, did you get this feeling because you read all these sites that seemed consistent with another. Check out the archives of that urban site of yours. Look at what they were saying years ago. They have been WRONG everytime-at least in this timeline! *L*

I am looking forward to you making this a positive thing come October 26. It will help people realize how old this whole thing is and there is nothing special, in a bad way about the time in which they are living. Every generation thinks it is the last, cellar. This is nothing new, and once again I am surprised because the rhetoric has been so much worse in the past. It is curious how you are "buying this" at this time. Well, I look forward to the October 26 post. In the meantime, please try to enjoy your life. Try to be happy. You will no doubt have a lot of hostility for people like yourself who go out and make others believe this garbage. You may want feel the need to send an angry e-mail to urbansurvival for making you look and feel stupid.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 01:09 PM
I appreciate your concern for subscribers. I want you to know I have never been a "conspiracy theorist". Only in the past year+ have I been driven to warn. EVERYTHING I have reluctantly shared with others, has come to pass. I'm not trying to pass it off as fact, yet it is better to say " I'm glad I did", than "I wish I would have". I have done these things of which I speak...(prepare). This world is in a dark place now. We all must "hope for the best, yet prepare for the worst".

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