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Death gets second chance after lethal injection botched

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posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by Kryties

Advocating the torturous slaughter of a criminal in a worse way than he performed his crime. Absolutely disgusting.

That statement proves two things.
You are more ignorant (meaning uninformed) than I thought and you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

There is no form of torture that could compare to the torture of a baby who's been raped and killed by a grown man - NONE!

I suggest you read just one autopsy report of the rape and killing of a toddler by an adult male.
Just read one report, view a handful of stills, and then maybe you'll come to some understanding.





I've been involved in autopsies - first hand post postmortem(s) of a baby who died from the rape and torture of a grown man.

Have you?

Then you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

I helped try to put back together a little 5 month old baby - a INFANT who's every orifice had hemorrhaged, ruptured, was torn and mutilated, a body almost unrecognizable as that of a child!

After. After taking swabs and tissue samples from each orifice to confirm the presence of bodily fluids from the rapist.

I helped put her little lifeless eye back into her head.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

During the course of anal and vaginal rape (from behind) the rapist *palmed* the little infant girls head repeatedly in a forward *bread kneading* motion so hard against a unyielding surface that the babies right eye was expelled from it’s socket -all while the baby was alive.

I repeat: don't have a clue what you're talking about.


I am ashamed to be human sometimes.

You should be and I commend you for admitting it, that takes guts.

What that animal did to that little infant baby girl?

Deserves death - Period.


posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 03:57 AM
thank goodness the UK does not have the death penalty. To hunt for a vein for over an hour is nothing imho but torture.

What is the DP used for a deterrant? if yes it does not work. Retribution? which is just another word for revenge which surely has no place in a civilised soceity.
123 death row inmates have been released after further evidence in the last 30 years , how many innocent have been put to death.

Of course if one of my children had died, I would want to go and seek my revenge and kill the person who did it, that is an emotional feeling, for the state to do is on my behalf, is cold and calculating. Never mind what it does to the executioner.

Aristotle wrote ' The law is reason, free from passion'

He meant "The Law should be reason,free from passion." Because, unfortunately, it is not free. For example, Capital Punishment is legal because of the passion that drives humans for revenge. This is what Aristotle meant by "passion"- he meant emotion. And he was correct. Our laws should not be driven on emotions, passions, and whimsical desire. They should be driven by logic, reason, and accountability

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by silo13

That statement proves two things.
You are more ignorant (meaning uninformed) than I thought and you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

What? I am ignorant of the fact that you specifically stated in your previous posts that you advocate the torture of another human being? That his punishment should be far worse than the crime? Hmm, your wires are crossed methinks.

There is no form of torture that could compare to the torture of a baby who's been raped and killed by a grown man - NONE!

Let's get one thing straight.

It was a 14 year old girl not a toddler.

Now that we have cleared that up (and see - I can use nice big words too) let's examine what you have said. This man raped and stabbed a 14 year old girl. Raped and Stabbed. Remember that. Now lets examine what your response would be:

- to help put in the lethal drip,
- to help bury him,
- to help torture him,
- to help shove the needle up his @ss,
- to have him sit in the middle of a desert and starve to death,
- to rip the veins out of his arm with forceps and ram the needle in,
- to tie him to a stake and burn him alive then revive him and repeat it,
- inject him with rat poison,
- catapult him out to sea if he manages to swim back to shore then jail him,
- deliberately and repeatedly botch the lethal injection to provoke more stress,
- get in a room alone with him for 5 minutes to meter out a death sentence,
- personally put a bullet through his head
- use the guillotine on him
- ram the lethal needle into his neck
- put his genitals through a meat grinder

And you seriously think that all of this is not as bad as raping and killing someone? Are you completely out of your ignorant mind?

I do not need to read an autopsy report of a rape and killing to know how bad it can be. But I also know that sticking a mans genitals in a meat grinder, or ripping the veins out of his arms with forceps or shoving the needle up his rectum ARE EQUAL IN TERMS OF THE DISGUSTING INHUMANITY TO THE (14 YEAR OLD) GIRLS' RAPE AND MURDER.

You are nothing but a hypocrite, and a nasty one at that. Not only are you showing extreme hypocrisy, you are attempting to elicit false emotion by claiming the person he killed was a baby. This is another example of your desperation to appear less like a hypocrite and try to win some points back. Not going to happen, you have shown your true colours.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by Kryties
Excellent! Good to see human-kind has invented another painless way of slaughtering people.

Actually it was invented to provide emergency vascular access in the even conventional intervenus canulation is not possible. We will try for thirty seconds in an emergency and if we cannot get it then we got the IO route. But if it makes those so opposed to executing this animal sleep better then why not use it.

If we keep this up the entire race will be extinct in a hundred years! Great plan!!

In 2005 there were 2,148 executions, so we are hardly putting a dent in the total world population over 100 years

Hey, at least you aren't offering to do it yourself, or are you?

Im betting I could have found a vein in the first place and I would be happy to put an IO in place on this cretin.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by FredT

Doesn't matter how painless you make a lethal procedure it does not detract from the fact that someone is still being put to death by someone else. Whether that be by state, federal or global law - NOTHING can change the fact that killing another human being, regardless of the crime, is morally reprehensible, hypocritical and just plain wrong.

And no I am not religious in any way.

[edit on 20/9/2009 by Kryties]

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 05:58 AM
I will defend 'Kryties' position

second line rule no longer applies

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 05:59 AM
Lets imagine you all have a child, now imagine he grows up, then one day rapes and murders someone.

You will be disgusted by it, you will scream at and hit your child, you will disown him, tell him you hate him, tell him you never want to see him again. But you will still love him.

Now imagine you have been told your child will be murdered for his crime, the pain and torture that will put you through as a parent waiting for your child to be killed.

Now imagine the first attempt fails, you had prepared yourself for your child to be killed, only to be told it failed...the shock, the joy you feel, to then be told he will be killed another day; you have to prepare yourself all over again.

Now tell me you would condone the death penalty if it was your child up for execution, would you still be the person to do it, would you go and kill your own son? My God I know someone will say yes, and all I can say is, I pity that person...for they are truly no better than the person they kill.

To be able to kill the person that should mean the most to you in your life, is to lose your humanity in a way it can never be regained.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 06:01 AM
Upon rereading some of my posts I realised there is one point I should retract. When I listed the long list of ways people in this thread suggested that this man be executed, I added one that is not so bad: Catapult him out to sea and if he makes it back then jail him.

I can see the funny side in that one as:

1. No catapult known to man (except maybe a nuclear one
) could fling a man so far as he could not swim back in,

2. Impact with the water would be far from fatal unless he was dropped from a great height,

3. It would be hilarious to see.

The only thing that would make it wrong would be if the man was unable to swim, therefore catapulting him into water would be the same as execution.

See? I do have a sense of humour in case anyone was wondering

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by Kryties

You are nothing but a hypocrite, and a nasty one at that.

You revert to name calling, getting personal, and taking cheap shots, at me - but I‘m the hypocrite?

Where went your logic? Your self tooted horn of the non emotional approach to debate?
Why you're nothing more than a school yard scrapper with delusions of grandeur.

Not only are you showing extreme hypocrisy,


I'm not trying to appear to be anything other than I am - A person who steadfastly believes anyone who rapes and kills a child deserves death.

you are attempting to elicit false emotion by claiming the person he killed was a baby.

I never tried anything of the kind.

I brought up FACTS as I know them, to support my belief that child rapists are animals that should be put to death.
In no way did I try to present this criminal rapist killed a toddler.
ATS readers are far too intelligent for such cheap ruse and to suggest anything else would be insulting to them.

This is another example of your desperation to appear less like a hypocrite and try to win some points back. Not going to happen, you have shown your true colours.

No desperation, and definitely no hypocrisy.

you specifically stated in your previous posts that you advocate the torture of another human being?

No, I specifically stated IMO all child rapists/killers should be put to death.
Not a generic *other human being* - Child rapists and killers.

And no, I’m definitely not in the business of trying to *win points*.

How twisted and sick is that to even suggest someone would use the rape and torture of a child to try and get stars here? Whoa!


Anyway, in case you think my naming you *ignorant* is name calling.

You’re ignorant. So are a lot of people posting here. Noting to be affronted by.

For your education, naming someone ignorant, at least where I come from - is not an insult (at least for those who possess a ration of self esteem).

Ignorant is a generic term used for those who are uninformed.

Have you or anyone here who’s against the death of child rapists:

Ever been involved in counseling a child rape victim?

Are you or anyone here for the saving of the life of a baby rapist - an Adult Survivor of Childhood Sexual Assault/Rape?

Do any of you bleeding hearts have any idea the life long repercussions of surviving rape as a child?

Have any of you ever been involved, in any way, with a child of rape?

Do any of you have any working knowledge of the subject other than what you’ve seen on HBO or read in the newspaper/Internet?

I believe anyone who’s ever been involved in any of the above situations would agree with me. Kill them.

And in my opinion, the *educated* in this situation - those who are informed on a first hand basis, those who’ve been involved in more ways than ATS debate or reading headlines?

Their opinions are the only ones that count.

And you know why?

The fact you can even ask the following question is abhorrent.

And you seriously think that all of this is not as bad as raping and killing someone?

In a word.


Each and every situation listed in your post, as an example, ends in death.

Living as a Survivor of Childhood Sexual Assault/Rape - It’s a life long sentence.

It’s a crime no victim will ever ‘get over; or ‘grow out of‘ (fully).

It’s a crime that has far reaching effects that last a lifetime.

A crime that is lived and relived forever.

It’s a crime that effects not only the victim but each and every person the victim relates to, in one way or another.

It’s a crime of life long magnitude - thus - the annihilation of the criminal is only just.

But in fact, quick death isn’t even just.
The criminal should be made to suffer for the rest of their life.
But not at the expense of taxpayers and not at the risk of the criminal *getting out* and possibly recommitting the crime.


About the 14 year old.

To insinuate she felt less than the toddler victim is nothing less than appalling and ignorant.

In fact - not fiction - the logical conclusion is this child, the 14 year old, suffered even worse.

Theoretically tiny children don't feel pain the way adults do (thus operations being performed without anesthesia on young children etc).

So, using that logic as a base to make an assumption - it could be surmised the experience would be even worse for a 14 year old.

She knows and feels all the pain - Emotionally, physically, psychologically.

Add to that her forewarned terror - Most 14 year olds have heard of rape, and she knows she’s going to die so it’s logical to assume the level of terror she would experience is far greater than that of a toddler.

Thus the emotional and mental torture would be heightened and excruciating where as it’s debatable the toddler would (thank God) be subjected to the same wide range horrors.

I'm sure even you can see where this is leading.
And where is that?

That it’s very possible and probable to assume the 14 year old suffered even more than the toddler.

Surmising, of course, but based on fact.


In conclusion, your name calling, striking out verbally and your lack of ability to remain emotionally detached changes nothing other than to show your, how did you say it - *true colors*?

Too bad for you, now that you’ve resorted to name calling and emotionalism you'll have to find someone else to debate with.

You've totally undermined what little credibility you had, and, I'll not waste my time with your embracing of ignorance any longer.

I've provided enough food for your fodder and the best thing to do now is to walk away as your responses are frankly becoming embarrassing.

So, have at it, take your last shot having no fear I will respond, whatever makes it easy for you to sleep at night.

You see, I'm not here for the stars, to insult, or to stand on the shoulders of rape victims to feel supreme and above others.

Nor am I hear to or to ‘one up’ another ATS posters.

I'm here to state, in my educated opinion, all child rapists and baby murderers deserve to die.

And, in my opinion, horrifically when at all possible.


[edit on 20-9-2009 by silo13]

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by silo13

I'm here to state, in my educated opinion, all child rapists and baby murderers deserve to die.

And, in my opinion, horrifically when at all possible.

But those people are killed in our name.

Our state puts them to death. If they torture-execute them; then they do it in all our names.

In Uzbekistan, the State boils people to death in oil. Those people in that country are not glad that their government does this in their name.

*There are always news stories about some guy on death row finally getting proven innocent.

Should those innocent men have been subjected to tortuous deaths? - I mean, most were tried and convicted of heinous crimes...

Surely a few innocent must be tortured to death so that even more guilty may suffer the same fate

Or perhaps it is better to keep things as painless as possible - for this reason alone; we execute innocent people.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 07:22 AM

Have you or anyone here who’s against the death of child rapists:

Ever been involved in counseling a child rape victim?

Are you or anyone here for the saving of the life of a baby rapist - an Adult Survivor of Childhood Sexual Assault/Rape?

Do any of you bleeding hearts have any idea the life long repercussions of surviving rape as a child?

Have any of you ever been involved, in any way, with a child of rape?

Do any of you have any working knowledge of the subject other than what you’ve seen on HBO or read in the newspaper/Internet?

1.No, but I know someone who was raped.

2. In a way...not assaulted, but...well I'd rather not go into it which I'm sure you can udnerstand.

3. No.

4. As I said I know someone who was raped.

5. Only in so far as my friend, and, my own(though admittedly less) experience.

I do not wish this man murdered. Strangely she doesn't wish her own rapist dead, in fact, she sitll knows him...she partly blames herself. I however DO want the person who affected me dead, and he didn't even commit an act of rape, I know that contradicts everything I have said, and that is the problem.

Emotional attatchent.

[edit on 20-9-2009 by StevenDye]

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by silo13
You revert to name calling, getting personal, and taking cheap shots, at me - but I‘m the hypocrite?



* Main Entry: hyp·o·crite
* Pronunciation: \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\
* Function: noun
* Etymology: Middle English ypocrite, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin hypocrita, from Greek hypokritēs actor, hypocrite, from hypokrinesthai
* Date: 13th century

1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

I am merely stating fact. You have indicated that a murder is wrong, then you advocate murdering the murderer. That's hypocrisy, the dictionary definition of it.

Why you're nothing more than a school yard scrapper with delusions of grandeur.

Now who is name calling? Show me your proof of this.

I'm not trying to appear to be anything other than I am - A person who steadfastly believes anyone who rapes and kills a child deserves death.

Then please tell me how the rape and murder of a baby has anything to do with this man or his crime?

Please tell me how, regardless of the crime, you can justify murdering anyone as punishment?

I never tried anything of the kind.

I brought up FACTS as I know them, to support my belief that child rapists are animals that should be put to death.
In no way did I try to present this criminal rapist killed a toddler.
ATS readers are far too intelligent for such cheap ruse and to suggest anything else would be insulting to them.

Yes, you did. Here I'll show you.....

There is no form of torture that could compare to the torture of a baby who's been raped and killed by a grown man - NONE!

This was said BEFORE you introduced your story about a baby being raped and killed. On first glance, and to anyone who is merely skimming posts, it certainly looks like you are attempting to connect the two together to make this man's crime appear even worse than it was.

No, I specifically stated IMO all child rapists/killers should be put to death.
Not a generic *other human being* - Child rapists and killers.

And I most certainly did not imply that you meant "generic" human beings. I certainly do not think you would just be plucking people randomly off the street to stick their genitals in a meat grinder. You bloody well know what I meant by that - here I'll show you again........

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by Kryties

Let me see, so far we have:
- people volunteering to help put in the lethal drip,
- to help bury him,
- to help torture him,
- to help shove the needle up his *bleep*
- to have him sit in the middle of a desert and starve to death,
- to rip the veins out of his arm with forceps and ram the needle in,
- to tie him to a stake and burn him alive then revive him and repeat it,
- inject him with rat poison,
- catapult him out to sea if he manages to swim back to shore then jail him,
- deliberately and repeatedly botch the lethal injection to provoke more stress,
- get in a room alone with him for 5 minutes to meter out a death sentence,
- personally put a bullet through his head
- use the guillotine on him
- ram the lethal needle into his neck
- put his genitals through a meat grinder

That's a good start! Only far too tame in my opinion.

Note your comment in bold down the bottom? The one where you are advocating torturous and painful ways to execute a human being?

My, my how quickly you forget what you have written.......

Anyway, in case you think my naming you *ignorant* is name calling.

You’re ignorant. So are a lot of people posting here. Noting to be affronted by.

Never crossed my mind, I am well aware of what the word "ignorant" means, having used it to describe yourself several times.

I am ignorant am I? Of what exactly? I have named you ignorant and given my reasons and yet I have yet to hear a satisfactory one from you.

For your education, naming someone ignorant, at least where I come from - is not an insult (at least for those who possess a ration of self esteem).

Ignorant is a generic term used for those who are uninformed.

Umm, I'm really not sure where you got the idea that I would question your use of the term "ignorant" from. It's almost like you are trying to explain it to yourself without looking like you are.......

Have you or anyone here who’s against the death of child rapists:

Ever been involved in counseling a child rape victim?

My 13 (at the time) year old sister.

Are you or anyone here for the saving of the life of a baby rapist - an Adult Survivor of Childhood Sexual Assault/Rape?

I stood in court watching the man who raped my little sister get life in prison. That was enough punishment for me., and also for my sister.

Do any of you bleeding hearts have any idea the life long repercussions of surviving rape as a child?

Oh, I dunno, maybe watching my 13 year old sister deal with it?

Have any of you ever been involved, in any way, with a child of rape?

That would be my 13 year old sister I keep mentioning.....

Do any of you have any working knowledge of the subject other than what you’ve seen on HBO or read in the newspaper/Internet?

Again, my 13 year old sister....

I believe anyone who’s ever been involved in any of the above situations would agree with, me. Kill them.

Wrong. I don't believe my sisters rapist should be put to death, and neither does my sister (in fact I don't think the thought ever crossed her mind). Not that he would anyway as we live in a country that woke up and abolished the death penalty many years ago.

And in my opinion, the *educated* in this situation - those who are informed on a first hand basis, those who’ve been involved in more ways than ATS debate or reading headlines?

Their opinions are the only ones that count.

So that means I am qualified to make an opinion then, as I have first hand experience with my sister being raped? Gee, thanks for your permission.

Now that you have your foot firmly implanted in your mouth, and I have been forced to bring up a painful memory, I shall say this once more. You are a hypocrite - because you claim to be against murder and rape and yet advocate those same things be done to the perpetrator in an "eye for an eye" fashion. Please don't try and deny this again it just looks foolish of you, particularly when I can simply quote the posts where you do.

I wont bother answering the rest of your hypocritical, ignorant post as I believe I have already answered it above.

[edit on 20/9/2009 by Kryties]

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 07:33 AM
How come the link doesn't work?

I am interested in knowing whether this man admitted to the crime......because if he didn't confess and let's say, years from now they find him not guilty....... then what? A big 'whoops'???

I just don't get it: We kill people, as a lesson, after they kill people? How come soldiers don't get the same treatment when they kill......especially innocent 'enemies'?
It's all so insane and barbaric that we all deserve to reincarnate back here as a mosquitoes until WE.....get it!!!

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by Kryties

I could care less if I make you sick or cry or ashamed or anything else. I at least admit my human emotions and am willing to stand by my original statement (yeah I was the meat grinder torture guy). I will deal with my own emotions and feelings when I meet my maker, it is He who I think about how I am making them feel not you or a child rapist and murderer.

I could care less about the comfort of some beast that rapes and kills a child. I am sure he treated her oh so well as he was raping and stabbing the girl. In fact I am sure she led him on and brought it on herself.

Call me selfish and a hypocrite? Cannot debate this without calling names and you want to go above emotion and deny it? It seems you are the hypocrite; you are now denying your original statement and going against what you demand we do. Get over yourself your acting all self righteous and pretending to be above what makes us human but you are nothing more than what you deny being.

As for this “gentleman” as you would like him to be known, again I could care less if he is comfortable or if it hurts his feelings that he almost died. My plan would be to give him that feeling daily. Let him relive the fear he put the young girl through.

People now tend to forget the victim and worry about how the criminal is feeling. Cry me a river for the criminal they acted on their desire and get what they deserve. What exactly did the girl do again to deserve what she got? Oh that’s right she did not do anything.

I am not worried about a murderer in general they can spend life in prison. My problem is with those who harm a child. “But she was 14” yeah she was, but she was also not an adult. Those who harm children deserve no sympathy from us; they are a waste of resources that could go to more meaningful humans. Maybe we could get some people off the streets with the money spent on people like this.

Tell me again how we should deny emotion. Oh and do it while getting all emotional. Ironic is it not? Humans are funny that way.


posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by EmperorZeno

Some evidence is looking like they might actually be born this way. There is actual research that is looking into it.

Why would they be born this way? Because it is sexual orientation, nothing different than being gay or heterosexual in that case. Look it up, you would be surprised with the evidence that says they might be born that way. I will agree that some may be nurtured that way but it might be that many are born that way.

But as with other sexual orientation there is also opposing evidence that says the opposite.


posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by Raist
reply to post by Kryties

Call me selfish and a hypocrite?

Yes I am. Your own posts are proof of this fact.

Cannot debate this without calling names and you want to go above emotion and deny it?

I am merely stating fact. A hypocrite is someone who acts contrary to what he/she states as their beliefs. You have stated your belief that rape and murder is wrong and yet you wish for the perpetrators torture and murder. This is called hypocrisy.

It seems you are the hypocrite; you are now denying your original statement and going against what you demand we do. Get over yourself your acting all self righteous and pretending to be above what makes us human but you are nothing more than what you deny being.

I never said I don't have emotions. The whole point of the motto is aimed at knee-jerk reactions and the type of emotion that floods in immediately after learning of an event that has a tendency to cloud judgment. Any intelligent person can see this, I most certainly never alluded to anything different.

As for this “gentleman” as you would like him to be known,

Please quote the post where I apparently called this man a "gentleman". If you cannot, please retract your statement as false.

again I could care less if he is comfortable or if it hurts his feelings that he almost died. My plan would be to give him that feeling daily. Let him relive the fear he put the young girl through.

Thank you for proving my point once again. You claim to be morally against murder and torture and rape and yet advocate it's use on the perpetrator. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

People now tend to forget the victim and worry about how the criminal is feeling. Cry me a river for the criminal they acted on their desire and get what they deserve. What exactly did the girl do again to deserve what she got? Oh that’s right she did not do anything.

Please quote the posts where I say I don't care about the victim? If you cannot then please retract your statement as false.

Never at any point did I say that the victim should not be worried about or cared for. This thread is about UNJUST PUNISHMENT, to which I have focused my attention.

Tell me again how we should deny emotion. Oh and do it while getting all emotional. Ironic is it not? Humans are funny that way.

How's this: Instead of allowing emotion the chance to dictate how a person should be punished, allow for logic to be heard.

In the march toward Truth, anger, selfishness, hatred, naturally give way, for otherwise Truth would be impossible to attain. A man who is swayed by negative emotions may have good enough intentions, may be truthful in word, but he will never find the Truth.

- Mohandas Ghandi

[edit on 20/9/2009 by Kryties]

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Raist
reply to post by EmperorZeno

Some evidence is looking like they might actually be born this way. There is actual research that is looking into it.

Why would they be born this way? Because it is sexual orientation, nothing different than being gay or heterosexual in that case. Look it up, you would be surprised with the evidence that says they might be born that way. I will agree that some may be nurtured that way but it might be that many are born that way.

But as with other sexual orientation there is also opposing evidence that says the opposite.

So now you are saying that a man who has psychological issues should be tortured and murdered because he acted out those psychological issues?

Wow, you get more hypocritical by the second.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by Kryties

So you never called him a “gentleman” it is more of how I take you calling him not that you did. I also get the same feeling about you and the victim as far as your feelings go toward her. You make no mention of her but you focus and concern is for the criminal.

Now as far as me being a hypocrite. Again, I never said murderers/rapists should be killed or tortured. Please show where I did if not admit it is false.

I said that those who hurt children should be hurt in the most harmful of ways. See I am talking only about those who hurt children. If you have ever lost a child or been one of those children to have had your life touched by a person such as this you might understand why they are more precious than someone who hurts them.

You never touched on the fact you are nothing more than a hypocrite though for asking that we deny emotion when you are rubbing all over emotion. You never touched on your acting in a self righteous way and being above feeling emotion and knee jerk reaction.

Again, I say this guy feels some pain and emotional stress (yeah there is that word again), but what did his victim feel before he killed her? Not once did I call for his death if I did please show me where. You want to talk about unjust punishment what about his victim? Was her punishment not unjust?

So where exactly did I ask that rapists/murderers be killed tortured? Other thanthose who hurt children?


posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Kryties

He has another use to society?

If you can point to one please do so. You think he should roam free feeling he need to rape and kill kids?


posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by jd140

. . I don't want my tax dollars going to a piece of crap like him. The reason I don't feel any sympathy for him is because I imagine that poor little girl crying her eyes out calling for daddy to save her as he rapes her and the sheer terror she might have felt when she realised that she was going to die. Think about that and tell me you are ok with him staying alive . .

In my experience advocacy of the death penalty is one more symptom of a dangerous syndrome of an affliction shared by many people, perhaps half the ADULT American population. They hate taxes, they deplore government and they will go to war on the flimsiest excuse! Well, they will send others to war. Say Hello Dick Cheney. They are dangerous to your health! And to the nation’s health!

Children until age 5 or 6
are sharing, kind, gentle, love animals, are curious and generally nice to be around. By the time they have finished elementary school they have been transformed into Demons, Junior Grade. About age 11 for most of them. By the time they are 13, you want to exile them to Al Capp's Lower Slobovia. I once thought that to have a better world, no one over the age of NINE (9) should be allowed to vote. Hey! 54 million voted in 2008 to make Sarah Palin Vice President of the United States. If that is not prima facie evidence of non-qualification to vote I don’t know what it would take.

Ironically, it was in two Georgia cases that first suspended and then restored the death penalty. In Furman v. Georgia (1972) the Supreme Court held the states were executing too many black people for the criminal population. It looked too much like a race based punishment system. Then another Georgia case restored the death penalty, in Gregg v. Georgia, (1976).

The Supreme Court had shown its lack of chutzpah in 1972 when it ducked out and merely suspended the death penalty until states “corrected” the numerically demonstrated race bias. The Supreme Court also affirmed the BIFURCATED trial format that most states have since adopted. An opportunity missed!

[edit on 9/20/2009 by donwhite]

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