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What GE Doesn't Want You to Know

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:39 PM
First A Story:

In my home town of Mt. Vernon, IN ( I dont live there anymore) There is pretty much the worlds largest GE facility. Now this is a town of around 7000 people so you probably have no idea whre this is.

On many occasions you could hear the alarms sounding throughout the GE facility. And we were always prepared to evacuate the city... pretty lame, at least once a month we would be waiting for the city wide sirens to go off telling us to evacuate. This is not to mention how many times we had to cancel school and put duct tape on all the holes in our house because some chemical used to make Lexan, had leaked and is toxic to breath.

This facility is a listed terrorist target. It is said that if this place was to blow, the chemicals and explosion would wipe out most of IN,IL,KY, and large portions of OH,TN, and MO. Thats Scary.

It is rumored but not confirmed that there is nuclear storage beneath this facility. I wouldnt doubt it.

Because of "chemical Leaks from an unknown source" the water is horrible, the fish are mutated, and cysts and cancer runs through this town.

So what do you think? Possible Nuclear Storage?

Here is a link to a satellite view
Satellite View

Take a look at the horrible things GE has been up to over the years
Bad Bad People

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:42 PM
Wow that's ridiculous.

Great thread friend. I use to own stock in GE and sold it off after I learned of some of their fiascos involving chemical and storage facilities.

Now that I think back they would be worth a pretty penny today.

Either way, this company is horrible, however it echoes the larger problem that most all large companies operate this way because they can.


posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:47 PM
Isn't it amazing that the new "Green Religion" is being pushed and supported in legislation by the benefactors of lobbyists from this type of company.

GE stands to be one of the biggest financial winners in the new green movement and has been a major player in pushing this agenda on the world. Meanwhile they will do it by operating in just this manner.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by badgerprints
Isn't it amazing that the new "Green Religion" is being pushed and supported in legislation by the benefactors of lobbyists from this type of company.

GE stands to be one of the biggest financial winners in the new green movement and has been a major player in pushing this agenda on the world. Meanwhile they will do it by operating in just this manner.

You see Tobacco Companies doing the same thing, too. Whenever there is any legislation that is supposedly to stop or reduce smoking, it is the Tobacco Companies drafting and proposing it. Why? Because they are in a position where they profit the more people oppose their product!

However, to prove your point even further, last weekend I went to the store to buy some CFL Lights that use a fraction of the Watts that regular GE Lightbulbs do. Do you know what? I couldn't find any CFL Lights that weren't made by GE! So, I decided to take the plunge and go with LED Lightbulbs rather than give GE my money. Guess what? The only LED Lightbulbs that the stores in my area sold were all made by GE! So, whether I choose to go moderately green with a 13 Watts GE CFL Bulb instead of 60 Watts GE Incandescent Bulb or go eco-terrorist green with a 7 Watt GE LED Bulb instead, GE still gets my money. Of course, the more green you go, the higher the price point (and profit for GE). I totally felt like a GE-Tool when I went to the check-out counter with my thirty GE LED Bulbs!

To the OP, GE is on my short list of the biggest baddies in America. They might not be Monsanto and Dow Chemical bad, but they are most certainly towards the top of that list.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by fraterormus

Originally posted by badgerprints

To the OP, GE is on my short list of the biggest baddies in America. They might not be Monsanto and Dow Chemical bad, but they are most certainly towards the top of that list.

I found your comment abou monsanto quite funny, because in moving away from the GE Deathpot, I now live right by a large Monsanto Laboratory. And get this, they are trying to geneticly modify corn to hold the H1N1 vaccine. So ya I trade 1 baddie for anouther.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by ChameleonCircuit

I found your comment abou monsanto quite funny, because in moving away from the GE Deathpot, I now live right by a large Monsanto Laboratory. And get this, they are trying to geneticly modify corn to hold the H1N1 vaccine. So ya I trade 1 baddie for anouther.

That certainly is jumping out of the proverbial frying pan into the proverbial fire there!

My last boss was a former head of R&D for Monsanto. He was defiantly pro-Monsanto still. In his mind Monsanto could do no wrong. Being that I had worked for a very politically active Natural Foods Cooperative before working for him, he and I butted heads over the issue of Monsanto all the time. He was one of the best bosses I've ever worked for though, even though we never saw eye-to-eye on the Monsanto issue. However, the things I learned from him make the publicly known issues about Monsanto seem pale by comparison. For a company that keeps a low profile, they have their fingers in far more around the world than is attributed to even the Illuminati, NWO, MSM, and MIC combined! That is one rabbit hole that goes far deeper than one might be led to believe.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 07:11 PM
Ya, the things I read on Monsanto... after I applied there.....( dont blame me a jobs a job) there is some scary stuff going on there. And dont even get me started on Bristol-Myers and Lilly..... but everyone knows pharm companies are wicked

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