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Learn The Magic Word; That'll Change The World!!!

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posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:24 AM
I am an expert on 'NO':

'NO- you aren't my type'
'NO, I don't love you'
'NO- you can't work here'
'NO, you aren't handsome enough for me'
'NO, God told me you don't need a wife and family'

See? I am expert on NO.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 11:19 AM
Sancho, I gave this some more thought....

No, I will not buy imported crap unless I am specifically in need of imported crap.

No, I will buy American if there is a choice.

No, I am not a protectionist.

No, I will not consciously contribute to my friends and neighbors losing their livelihoods.

No, I will not patronize Lukoil or Citgo stations.

No, I have nothing against the men and women that work there. Most are likely Americans and the rest likely want to be.

No, I don't hold that against them.

No, I have a minority family by your definition.

No, we did not need help from the government to succeed.

No, we have very modest monetary wealth.

No, I worked three jobs while attending college.

No, my wife worked two jobs while attending college.

No, I refuse to hyphenate my nationality. I am American.

No, my children are American.

No, you will not convince me that my efforts will not make a difference.

No, I am free to make up my own mind and change my position based on better information.

No, I will not be held accountable for the sins you have committed.

No, I have worked hard for what I have, you will not take any of it without a fight.

No, I am already charitable of my own choice, the government is not a charitable cause.

No, I will not be labeled, categorized, demeaned or diminished by you.

No, I am not kidding.

"No man is an island."

No, I am not alone.

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manner of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

- John Donne
Meditation 17
Devotions upon Emergent Occasions

[edit on 15-8-2009 by Hemisphere]

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by faulconandsnowjob

Thanks! But I'm a she :-)

Anyway, passive resistance is powerful stuff.

Oh, well absolutely pleased to make your acquaintance. Yes, it is some powerful stuff. I think it scares many people. It's much harder to justify hanging someone for saying no, than it is for someone using a weapon.

reply to post by Wyn Hawks

Wyn Hawk, I could go through, and point by point right back at'ya, but that's not what this is about.

You name off one highly organized anything which isn't governed by the PTB??? It's as simple as the modern day; with lawyer's, lawsuits, and litigation.

reply to post by maninthemaze

You have no idea what the word NO means to us. We have an appropriate perspective which for good reasons we choose not to share. Your ramblings is fine example.

Okay, your negativity is not going to cut, I say No to you for that. Your heritage is of a people who did say No. They stood up for a long time. They(your ancestor's) kicked the Spaniard Conquistadors out, but somewhere down the line YOU ALL changed. Your belief's in the spirits changed. I think your modern tribe has learned the word compliance, or is that a yes? Sitting in Arizona being cut off from part of the tribe, and complying by a little bit of money; to only get spent back into the casinos?

What you do not understand is that you will always be a victim of either your own or someone else's circumstance based on the unstable balance of timing and geography. Its how it works. There's no secret to it.

I can see that being a GREAT excuse for the word COMPLIANCE; which I understand has been forced down your people's throats for a long while now. Timing, and geography??? Really, does the tribe of your ancestor's on the Mexican side not rank as high as those on the US side??? Would you call them dirty, and third worldly? If your tribe would stand up to the PTB, and say NO we will openly not recognize these borders (us/mexico). Between the media, and launching an Internet campaign ya'll wouldn't need a passport to go visit Aunt Sue.

Yet how you fail to understand anything with a useless thread like this is that your little holy crusade of NO will go no further than here. It will remain a prisoner of the internet. Your actions (there's your verb) are will go nowhere and do nothing. That is where you completely lose sight of the word constructive.

No Sir!!! The word No is independent in, and of itself. You are the prisoner in your own mind. Your tribe was strong once, and stood up. Somewhere down the line someone decided to COMPLY!!! You are not bound by compliance; unless you choose it; unless you are making money, and earning power off the backs of your tribes people.

Put down your new age books, toss the Yanni cassettes and expand you vocabulary. I've wasted enough oxygen with you. Get a clue.

No Sir!!! Your the one who has been defeated. What do you do with Your tribes people that still follow the ancients, and whether verbally say no, or by actions say no? Take them for a little unknown adventure to a mine in the desert, I'm thinking. I'm afraid that If I met you in real life, I'd be forced to say, NO, thank you; turn, and walk away.
They are all controlled by this; at the very least.

"No won't do anything"... Hey, I like you often, and that's your opinion. You could chime in with exact thoughts, or game plan, but for right now your not. Why? Sounds bitter.

What does the word NO, do? If spread across the country/globe, then it'll remind people they have a say at the basic level.

People have not only forgotten how to say NO to whatever it is, but they are constantly being *****fired upon by NLP, and other programming****** telling them to comply, comply, comply, comply, comply, and comply a little more until your taking the ole' dirt nap you worthless eater.

That's what is going on. There are reason's for most everything; ever notice TV is programming???

Yes, I'll stick with NO. I follow it throughout my life. I don't comply, and I don't mind the risk; accompanying that.

********thanks for everyone elses positive comments. We really can move mountains with NO**********************

[edit on 15-8-2009 by sanchoearlyjones]

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 02:45 PM
Obviously, those of you that have posted these ridiculous remarks

Guys this is extremely dangerous to your own lives.......It is dangerous to start filling your hearts with the word NO, it'll eventually close your hearts and you'll become a cold individual. and this

Saying "no" is an act of rebellion and while it may seam empowering to say "no" it's actually a statement that is most often rooted in fear (especially in the context most are using it in this thread).

don't have a clue. Saying NO is not rebellion, dangerous or indicative of fear. One has to be intelligent enough to know WHEN to say No. Nobody is advocating saying to to everything that comes down the pike. One needs to say NO to those things that, as an individual, they believe is wrong. To say yes to something that, in your heart, you know is wrong is just foolish.

my mom asked me to obey her at least once and i said "NO"....!!! Ps: ENJAY IS CURRENTLY GROUNDED

LOL! I can relate to that! This type of NO is one that is NOT wise to use when one is talking to their parents.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

Fantastic! The word NO is great, specially if you use it on the "people" trying to brainwash your brain and do things against your onw interests... well, but that requires OPENING-YOUR-MIND, another magic thing.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 06:10 PM

and NO!

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by inthesticks

You know, I was a totally awestruck at the people treating the word No, as somekind of loaded weapon. It really blows me away.

reply to post by daniel815

Yes, opening your mind is correct. Open your mind by the need to close it to the outside deliberate PROGRAMMING.

The only way this will happen is through saying No!!! not gonna take it any longer.

Alright, If there are still people looking in this thread, then I want pictures showing action!!!

I want to see No more everywhere. Not asking you to deface, but just like all the people putting up flyers; post NO, with your list of them.

This will work.

There are enough people interested in this, and the message is so EASY TO UNDERSTAND.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 07:14 PM
How do you guys like these?
Suggestions are more then welcome!



posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:27 PM
No, this won't work. Why? Because talking about something whether in the negative or the positive, is not going to make anything happen. Unless of course you let the words guide you to make the action.
So, until anyone decides to act upon their words, rather than just spout them, then they are just words...
When you get the million (or a billion) man march to walk onto some of these restricted areas and demand the truth, spouting, "No! I want answers now!, No! I will not walk away!, No! All your secrets will be revealed!" Then maybe you might get some answers and possibly some respect. Until then, however, your all just saying words.
Safety in Numbers.
The Few still outnumber the Many.
The worst case scenario; your labeled an enemy, a traitor, punishable by fines and imprisonment, possibly to be tortured and executed.
The cost is high... is the reward high enough? Ask yourself.
This is your one and only chance at this life for all we know. How will you live it? How will you end it?
I apologize, I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer (I also apologize to anyone who actually has that name) but I'm all for things set right in the world but I also have the enough intellect, as I'm sure almost all of you do to realize that words are meaningless unless they have some kind of action to support them. It's one thing to say it but it's another thing to drive it home.
I live in the land of people talking but doing nothing so maybe I'm more used to this than most...
Side note:
Saying Yes or No to something is also just a matter of perception to whomever says it or receives.
Sorry for all the edits! I'm still thinking about it as I type it and re-read it
S&F!! Mainly because the OP's heart is in the right place!

[edit on 15-8-2009 by Numb2itall]

[edit on 15-8-2009 by Numb2itall]

[edit on 15-8-2009 by Numb2itall]

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

I like them, now ya' just need to get other people to do it.

reply to post by Numb2itall

No, this won't work. Why? Because talking about something whether in the negative or the positive, is not going to make anything happen. Unless of course you let the words guide you to make the action.

This will work, No absolutely guides actions. It absolutely sets personal boundaries. With No you can say to someone; No, that bother's me. No, stay away. It is close the Universal Command Prompt for this is MY SPACE.

So, until anyone decides to act upon their words, rather than just spout them, then they are just words...

I act on the word daily in my life. I've learned to set my personal boundaries. I've learned to have 'pause, presence, and stature' before my fellow person; I've learned to absolutely demand respect from many people in positions of power. No absolutely brings presence to a person. "I am here, I matter, I decide who, and what I am. No puts the POWER back into I, ME, MINE. It empowers the individual.

When you get the million (or a billion) man march to walk onto some of these restricted areas and demand the truth, spouting, "No! I want answers now!, No! I will not walk away!, No! All your secrets will be revealed!" Then maybe you might get some answers and possibly some respect. Until then, however, your all just saying words.

Once individuals start learning to define themselves with this magical word, then the numbers, and marches will begin! Everything has a start, and if you see good/positive numbers to begin with, then you can engineer/nurture from there

Safety in Numbers.
The Few still outnumber the Many.
The worst case scenario; your labeled an enemy, a traitor, punishable by fines and imprisonment, possibly to be tortured and executed.
The cost is high... is the reward high enough? Ask yourself.
This is your one and only chance at this life for all we know. How will you live it? How will you end it?

The numbers will grow, as will the safety, but as you pointed out the bad above, I'll remind you the direction we are going now is bad. Where we are going now should we not stand up, will result in the ultimate fact; WE ALL DIE

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 11:07 PM
you can say it in a nice way, like the hall and oats song, I can't go for that, no can do.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 11:22 PM
Then what? So we set up these personal boundries and become defiant in others eyes.
Then what? People begin to gather, SPEAK of revolution... maybe some decide to act upon it and possibly cause violence and death. Maybe it will come from the other side first because let's face it... they are human too and are probably just as fearful of the times we are in. Think about it. People in Government are us. They took jobs just like we all do... to make a living, to feed their families, to have their piece of the pie too.
But so... then what?
Then what? We become all denial. No to this and No to that.
Soon we will be saying No, there is no life on other planets.
No, those other folks on that country don't exist so therefore we need not care as to their suffering or extinction.
No, I don't consider you human, so you don't count.
No, your female therefore you have no rights.
No, this reality doesn't work for me so I will live in a world unto myself.
Ok sorry maybe I'm taking it too far but you see the path?
So what then? Let's say you went through your setup of boundries (sounds like a prison)
and so then it can go one of two ways:
Big Bad Gov sits down and wants to at least give you the courtesy to speak your feelings and greatly desires to hear your list of demands and desperately wants to meet those required conditions for some lasting peaceful progression or:
Same as above except your are almost immediately labelled a homegrown terrorist, and are swept away by the merc police. I'm sure it won't make a difference if you think you are innocent because I'm sure they could find something to pin on you.
So then what?
Lawyers, Judge, Prosecutors, Defense, Overruled... blah blah blah. Maybe you have a nice cell, three square a day. now and then your ass is passed along to some new owner.
So then what? Will you be saying, "No, this all just a bad dream!"... and you know what? You'd probably be right.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 12:40 AM
Check out what Gandhi was able to achieve but just saying "no" to the salt tax:

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by Numb2itall

I'm sorry to say this but your "range of possibilities" seem to be pretty short.
I don't know if I'm just tripping but I feel some sort of frustration coming from you, you seem like you are tired of something. We are all tired of something. And that is why the no arose.

I'm curious to know if you even have the faintest idea of what a non-violent revolution entails and how it is done. It happens in steps, its growing from the inside out. If you are so eager to know what happens after we proclaim the know (no) maybe you should join us and that way make it happen faster.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by Geladinhu
reply to post by Numb2itall

I'm sorry to say this but your "range of possibilities" seem to be pretty short.
I don't know if I'm just tripping but I feel some sort of frustration coming from you, you seem like you are tired of something. We are all tired of something. And that is why the no arose.

I'm curious to know if you even have the faintest idea of what a non-violent revolution entails and how it is done. It happens in steps, its growing from the inside out. If you are so eager to know what happens after we proclaim the know (no) maybe you should join us and that way make it happen faster.

LOL I merely got involved with something else and as to my "range of possibilites" I didn't think I needed to go further as to show either it will work or it won't.
LOL hmmm maybe we are all trippin! But NO, I'm not frustrated in the least. I'm actually in the happiest period in my life right now but thank you for the concern.

See how easily someone can be misunderstood. How can one infer frustration from text? I guess we can perceive things anyway we want. Funny perception. I'm all for non-violence but as you know there are some crazies afoot! See it everyday.
As for tired, well YES, tired of people talking like we are all victims.
For me, it will always be Self-Reliance. Learn to take care of yourself and there is no need to rely upon another. It's that simple...
Yes I'm aware and there is certainly something growing. but I'm not eager for your secret knowledge LOL I merely wanted to have some interesting dialogue with some other thinkers. As for joining you...
I must simply say, NO.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by Numb2itall

Well, I think you lack understanding. And this is no secret knowledge. Its pure common sense. There isn't two future possibilities, there is only one present certainty. And that certainty is that it is working NOW. It will work or it will not work has no significance, expectations bring deceptions. There are no expectations from my side and still there is a lot of intent.

Can you tell me what exactly is "self-reliance"? For you to make me understand I think you would have to define for me "yourself". What is "yourself" that we have to take care of? Can you do that for me so that I understand your point better and stop being a fool?

Who is talking like we are victims? That is exactly what we are trying to fight against here. We are not victims although everybody acts like they are. And the idea behind the NO is to show that we are only victims because we allow this label/concept that was imposed culturally to influence us.

[edit on 16-8-2009 by Geladinhu]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:21 AM
In all of the list of NOs( I hope you didn`t mean Nitrous Oxide
) the No number 1-
I will not let me waste my own life!

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by Geladinhu

So now I am a fool? Friend, there's no need to hurl insults just because someone disagrees with you. Or was my decline to become part of your group offensive in some way?
I do however, now understand what you mean about sensing frustration through text
So quickly to anger...

Why would anyone want to have dialogue with someone who will always say No. They would already know the outcome and obviously avoid the conversation all together.
They would just cease all dialogue and let the other party sweat it out...

[edit on 16-8-2009 by Numb2itall]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by Numb2itall

Again I must tell you that you lack understanding, I'm guessing that you just have to practice a bit more your ability of interpretation. I didn't call you a fool. I called myself a fool and I asked your help to make me stop being a fool because you appear to know a lot by your attitude of inferiorizing our action taking. I'm just trying to make your own words clearer because as I said, I'm a fool and I have a hard time understanding other people and their points of view.

It almost seems like you are just distorting everything that you read from me because you really don't know what to say anymore. You want to prove by any means that I am "incorrect" or "in the wrong path" for what? What do you have to gain by coming here and trying to make us stop believing in our own potential?

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 03:22 AM
Although we've used it throughout our lives the NO has always had a stigma, n 'est pas? As though we've had to attain a special stature, maturity or position before it was an acceptable response. I for one am coming to realize that was part of societal programming. You must comply or there is something wrong with you. And many around us; family, friends, co-workers have complied and that makes us in their eyes disgruntled, difficult and contrary. But it never made us wrong. We all want love and acceptance but you did not succumb. **** NO! It's funny how you are loved and accepted seemingly despite your NO. It's not despite, it's because of your NO.

I will give you an example that I'm assuming will be common to most. How many of you can discuss openly and at length the various topics covered here on ATS with all of your family, friends and co-workers? How many would think you daft? Sure your spouse accepts you, they are likely a NO too. You couldn't put up living with a rock hard YES. You could deal with a MAYBE with potential but not a YES.

I'm talking UFOs, aliens, government conspiracy, world conspiracy, mind control, the supernatural and the list goes on. I'm not saying you believe or promote everything on ATS. I'm saying you are open to concepts that are not part of societal compliance. If you are here you are a NO whether you admit it or not. This is not brainless Facebook or Twitter (and don't tell me those forums take a lot of thought) this is NO. You are here and here is NO. You might be here for a few precious minutes and then go back to making your way in the YES world but you are a NO and you come here for NO. And maybe at some point you will not find this place NO enough and then you will take your NO and go.

Does that make sense?


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