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Breaking News on Audit the Fed!

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posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 07:58 AM
If an audit was performed, and information was compiled that showed what we already assume was right, there wouldn't be anyone in the government to run anything, they would all be under inditment.

I think there is some genuine concern by some members of congress, but this won't be enough. The PTB are playing all their cards now. We are coming up to the final showdown. It has dawned on most Americans that the stimulus isn't going to work, and most want to stop it now. That won't happen. The Dem controlled government has trillions to spend, and they aren't going to let the will of the people stand in the way. They have bigger fish to fry, like ruining the country.

Watch for a move to counter any audit attempt. The FED will NOT let it happen.. No way

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:02 AM
Ben Nelson needs to be booted from office. Start the phone calls and lets get this freak out of office. Enough is enough..

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 09:21 AM
I am flabbergasted!!

Reading that passage, I am simply amazed at the sheer hypocricy shown by our Senate!

Then again, I suppose this is the norm for them, considering what has been passed before.

Just finished signing both petitions, and e-mailing my senators...

I am so very thankful to have people like Jim DeMint, Ron Paul, and everyone else like you all to support these pieces of legislation. Let's not back off of this one. This will slowly but surely pick up momentum, and we will see reform!

If anything else, at least we can't say we didn't try.


Peace & Blessings to all.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:57 AM
I dont think this fight is any where close to over. I think that youtube video is fantastic. I have emailed it to everyone I know including my Senator. In that email - to everyone I know - I also included links so that people can find out who their senator is (just in case) and email them. I suggest everyone else do the same.

They only have as much power, as we allow them to have.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

Breaking News: Congress Audits Fed; Martial Law Declared

I'm all for auditing the Fed and other drastic changes to reduce government power, but without the drastic repercussions that will follow

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 11:25 AM
This "debate" is a cover, this is how the game is played. They pretend to put up a fight but they always lose don't they? When the Repugs were in power they were the party that pushed through horrible legislation. Now the sides have switched and its the Dims. They play you and play you over and over. The ignorant sheeple of America falls for again and again.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by mrsdudara

They only have as much power, as we allow them to have.

I so wish this was the case I believe our senators and congressmen and even our president are controlled like puppets. We have no power since as a country we are divided by petty differences that our media feeds on to further divide us.
We have a few brave souls that see beyond left and right that continue to fight for the people but it just is not enough, if Americans would put aside their political divisions for 5 minutes we could take back the power but I dont see that happening for a couple of generations since the divide has been ingrained in most of us by our families, socio economic status, media and even our schools. Also many Americans care more about who wins American Idol then what our elected officials are screwing up and I cant really blame them since it is easier to put your head in the sand then deal with the state our country is in, not to mention most feel powerless.
The only saving grace is that Americans, no matter what socio economic status, are getting hit in the pocket book and are suffering from it. that suffer will eventually turn to anger and will hopefully wake many up to the truth but it may be too late. Remember how gas prices got so high that Americans did start to wake up and get angry and then conveniently they started to go back down and everyone went back to sleep, all is well in the world. I expect something of the same degree to happen with the economy about the time tempers start to ignite, I expect a temporary fake patch to lull most back to sleep.
Our senators and congressmen are no longer representing we the people, they represent corporations and vested interests. The sad part is that Americans did not revolt when that was slapped in our faces after the first bailout.
"No taxation without representation"

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

Was that an opinion or a threat?

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by SEEWHATUDO
I would write my Congressman but millions of us did that during the bailout and you see where that got us.

That's a cop out and a quitter's attitude. But if enough people believe what you said above, then there is no hope at all. Giving up just when progress is being made, inch by inch, is a complete failure in attitude.

Hopefully, your attitude isn't shared by more people.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by Hazelnut]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Mr Knowledge
reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

Breaking News: Congress Audits Fed; Martial Law Declared

I'm all for auditing the Fed and other drastic changes to reduce government power, but without the drastic repercussions that will follow

Actually we need to INCREASE government power! No central bank, including the federal reserve, should ever be private. If they are private, and they are, that means "elite" scumbag families with vested special interests in the "free market"(actually fixed market) can manipulate the economy by deflating and inflating the currency as they wish.

Their ultimate goal is to eliminate all competion and the best way to do this is to create recessions and then proceed to buy any troubled assets for less then a dime to a dollar. Why else would they refuse to get audited? The only solution is to allow the treasury department full monetary control and do away with the prime rate!

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 12:14 PM
i am angry that they did not allow this amendment of course the chances of it passing are slim to none. only 22 amendments out of almost 250 have ever passed. Besides, pricewaterhousecooper... the most obnoxious name in accounting is the Fed's auditor. whey dont we order them to release the records. what is the difference

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

Sorry, but I can not buy into that. I think that a lot has happened for a long time because no one saw or heard what was going on. It was the case of the three monkeys.

NOW on the other hand, we live in a world where not only does every person in this country have access to a television they have access to a computer as well. If not in their homes then where they work or their local library.

More and more people are being made aware of the goings on in Washington. Its not just crazy conspiricy theories anymore. They can watch or listen to the truth themselves just like this case with the youtube video.

They will find, soon if not already, that the heat is on. If they know they are being observed by all and they can not be sneeky anymore they will not be allowed to do all the things they have been getting away with for so long. They NEED to know that WE are watching them.

We might be divided in a lot of things, but the foundation, the rules and laws that were set in place are something we all agree on.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 01:53 PM
Does this mean that, thats the end of the audit the fed legistation? Does it still go in for a vote?

Excuse me im not American..

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by Mr Knowledge
reply to [url=

Actually we need to INCREASE government power!

Large government power only enables the elite class to gain more control. Notice how it is the big government guys like Barney Frank who want to block any audit of the Fed.

Besides anytime there is a powerful central government, there is always a higher potential for tyranny. This can be seen in China, old Russia, Imperial Britain, hell even all the way back to the Roman Empire. In all those instances, there was an elite class who wielded total control of the public through the government.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 02:22 PM
Well atleast theres something good in the news these days. I'm starting to feel that america WILL tear apart. Even if it isnt at the borders. Atleast on the floor there is starting to be a distinguished them vs us or the people going on. Not that i'm saying there hasn't always been good people out there in the government. But especially with the stark contrast of say Ron Paul in washington and abroad. The american people seem to have few friends left in the government. Atleast people are starting to see the way it really is...

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 02:28 PM
Just sent an email to Ben Nelson demanding an explanation. I doubt he will reply. If this administration is truly about transparency in government, this should be a no-brainer. Instead, I think it's more evidence of "Dear Leader's" kool-aid being consumed.
just my $.02

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

Our Senate and House are controlled by the elites, the powers that be. Thats the only way they can keep passing all this stuff. Unfortunately, we don't have enough representatives in both houses of Congress to do what's right. The scale has tipped in favor of these scum bag elitists who know they have the votes to pass anything they want, and are giddy with power. It won't stop folks, it's sad to say we can take a stand, but it will be all for naught, zero, nada, zip, --you get the point.

We will feel the wrath of their poor decisions, and so will our children, and our grandchildren. We can only hope we get a chance to vote against these kool-aid drinking lemmings one day. Right now, break out the oars, and paddle your lifeboat away from the ship--it's going down.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 03:23 PM
I'd be shocked if a true audit came about. The Fed families will do anything to prevent it from happening and only they know what they would do to stop it (initiate WWIII, complete economic collapse, who knows). I just can't see the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans, Harrimans, Warburgs, etc. allowing it. If it does come to pass it will be some b.s. public relations audit stunt where a fraction of the finances are "audited" and the outcome of the report will find "no wrongdoing". Guess we'll find out soon.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Mr Knowledge

I'm adamantly opposed to a violent revolution, but what choice would America have, or as John F Kennedy said it:

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

If we overwhelmingly support this bill, and the majority of congress supports this bill, then what steps do we take next if one man rejects it for reasons they've passed bills he's favored? There's only so much give in anything..

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Floating thru Reality
This "debate" is a cover, this is how the game is played. They pretend to put up a fight but they always lose don't they? When the Repugs were in power they were the party that pushed through horrible legislation. Now the sides have switched and its the Dims. They play you and play you over and over. The ignorant sheeple of America falls for again and again.

So true. I used to get caught up into the 'team' mentality. Once I was a Republican, later I switched to Democrat... now I see with my eyes open and my emotions in check. It is a charade while this section of the famous Banker Manifesto (1892) rings in my ears:

When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.

History repeats itself in regular cycles. This truth is well known among our principal men who are engaged in forming an imperialism of the world. While they are doing this, the people must be kept in a state of political antagonism. The question of tariff reform must be urged through the organization known as the Democratic Party, and the question of protection with the reciprocity must be forced to view through the Republican Party. By thus dividing voters, we can get them to expand their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us, except as teachers to the common herd. Thus, by discrete action, we can secure all that has been so generously planned and successfully accomplished."

Can it be any clearer? Part of me always reminds me it is just conspiracy theory etc in that last bit of hope that this is all just a bad dream but it is becoming apparent to us all that there is a very deep and discrete thread of manipulation happening at all levels and it just feels unnatural. I'd love legislation to pass and a peaceful reform to happen but I am afraid that too many trillions of dollars are at stake and certain entities will not go down without a fight. Scary.

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