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When can we expect 9/11 "Truth" action?

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posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by CameronFox
9. Go somewhere!

Like to ATS to try to debunk truthers?

Other than that, 911 "truth" does not exist.

And yet you skeptics spend so much of your time trying to squash a movement you say doesn't exist.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 06:04 PM
well, how many americans have you educated today. I woke up 2 Americans today and 1 South American today...

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
JFK ... 1960 inaguaral me thinks

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by trebor451

What??? Are you serious? How much money has been made on DVDs and hats and sleepwear and hoodies based on 9/11? How much money has been made from trolling the 3,000 dead people through the Troother salons and basements around the world?? How much money has been made from people begging for and pleading for and hawking for donations JUST TO FIND THE TROOTH!!!!!! How much money has been made from people saying "We need a new home office so we can keep ASKING QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!"

If you honestly have never seen anyone trying to dupe anyone about 9/11, you simply aren't looking. The entire movement is one huge scam.

Talk out people thinking just black and white!
I do not believe in the OS fairytale, and I have never tried to make a buck off it either.
I tend to stay away from con artist who profit from 911, however, most people who do not believe in the OS are not out to make money, only a handful of opportunist have cash in on 911. So please, do not compare good people who do not believe in the OS garbage with a handful of bad apples. You debunkers look for every way to smear and tarnish good people by comparing them to bad apples, and make ridiculous erroneous claims that if a few are making money, then they all are doing it, wow talk about people who cant think for themselves, much less use elementary school logic.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 06:45 PM

posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by jthomas

They already took action on the 911 truth. They invaded Afghanistan and Iraq in retaliation of the Middle Eastern 911 Hijackers.

posted by dariousg
Ahah! It comes out from a government supporter finally! The truth! Yup, we invaded Iraq because of 911. Yes, that is what we were told up front in order to get us INTO Iraq but that wasn't the real reason for invading. Because that reason was a LIE told to us people to make us want to support that illegal war.

Yep and as we all know Iraq and Saddam had NOTHING to do with 9-11 did they? Iraq had OIL. Iraq had the ancient city of Babylon which the Zionists lusted after. Iraq had lots and lots of innocent women and children to murder and pillage and rape.

Iraq had no WMDs. Iraq had no missiles aimed at American cities hidden in the chicken coops. It was all lies and 9-11 was designed to give them an excuse for an Illegal War of Naked Aggression against Iraq.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 07:02 PM

Ahah! It comes out from a government supporter finally! The truth! Yup, we invaded Iraq because of 911. Yes, that is what we were told up front in order to get us INTO Iraq but that wasn't the real reason for invading. Because that reason was a LIE told to us people to make us want to support that illegal war.

posted by Swampfox46_1999
Umm, not quite. You might want to go and reread some of the speeches given prior to our invading Iraq. We went into Iraq for several reasons, one of which was a possible connection to Al Qaeda. Which, we have found some connections between Saddam's government and Al Qaeda which have been all but ignored by almost everyone, just no "operational" connections to Al Qaeda.

Come on Swampfox; you know that is a bunch of untruthful nonsense.

There is 100 times the proof that there was a connection between Al Qaeda and Pakistan - Saudi Arabia - Dubai - the United Arab Emirates, as there was proof of a connection with Iraq.

The Fascist Bush Regime did not bomb and murder and plunder and rape Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, or the United Arab Emirates did they? It was only Iraq which the Illegal War of Naked Aggression was planned against prior to 9-11 wasn't it? The Bush Regime did not lust after the oil fields of these proven partners of Al Qaeda did they? Not yet anyway.

[edit on 7/6/09 by SPreston]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by SPreston

Of the countries you have listed, which ONE gave diplomatic credentials to members of Al Qaeda? I will give you a hint, Saddam Hussein used to be its President.

Not to mention, it was Saddam Hussein's other actions that lead us into Iraq.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by Swampfox46_1999]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 10:06 PM
GUYS! The topic of this particular thread is "When can we expect 9/11 "Truth" action?"

Not "why did we invade Iraq."

Remain with the topic.

And remember we have already seen MUCH 911 action already. Perhaps the OP would like to narrow just what exact type of action he/she would like to see...

Like I said before, We have seen mass protests, We have tried to get out our message of the fact we know its an inside job to any and all that would listen...

Basically, we have done all in our power short of doing illegal things the get a new investigation and some justice for the lives lost on 911... and while I have no faith that we will ever see a new investigation I have no doubt that we will see justice for the victims one day , one way or another..

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 10:33 PM
"When can we expect 9/11 "Truth" action?"

Oh looky looky, GL's want a cookie!

The obvious answer to that question is when people get motivated enough by all this to take part in CIT's "Operation Accountability".

Strategy >> Operation Accountability

CIT has worked hard to provide the evidence. Now we need you to help us force accountability.

There is no sense in pushing for the federal government to investigate if their own official 9/11 explanation is false when we already have proof that this is the case, and especially when they have already refused to do this anyway. We feel the best strategy is for informed and concerned citizens to join together to put pressure on local, state, and even some federal authorities to seek indictments of those who are already directly implicated, and who are a direct link to the planners higher up the chain of command. This will undoubtedly be a challenging battle given the current political climate, so we must also simultaneously put pressure on the media to cover this information, thereby raising public awareness and helping us reach the "critical mass" of public pressure needed to compel the necessary action on the part of the authorities.

We must never forget that the evidence proves this was a successful psychological operation, and it has had an iron grip on the mainstream consciousness of America and the rest of the world since 9/11. Nevertheless, more and more people are questioning the event every day, and there are bound to be intellectually honest individuals who are both able to understand the clear implications of this evidence and also able to use their position in the media or government to do something about it. However, they aren’t going to know it exists unless we make sure it gets in their hands.

This is where you come in. Anyone can follow the steps below from the comfort of their own home. Although it is much better to use your real name and we strongly encourage this it is not completely necessary if you are not comfortable doing so . The number one thing to remember is to document as much as possible. Take dated notes with time logs and try to record any conversations while saving all written or email correspondences.

Here is an outline of a suggested strategy. Sample letters will be live soon, and will be in Rich Text Format (RTF). Copies of National Security Alert can be obtained here.

Preparation: Compile a list of media figures, authority figures, and elected representatives (politicians), both local and national. Obviously the list could be endless, so prioritize and maintain a manageable workload. Perhaps set a goal to send out letters to a certain number of individuals every week. Also, make sure to always address specific individuals by name. This is critical if we expect to ever force accountability.

Stage 1: Send each individual on your list a copy of the National Security Alert DVD, along with a personalized letter requesting that they view the evidence and respond appropriately depending on their position. Request that media people report on it. Request that elected representatives and other appropriate authorities seek indictments. If you can afford to send all or some of them registered mail that would be ideal for documentation purposes.

Stage 2: Send them a personally addressed follow up letter two weeks later asking if they received the first letter and have viewed the evidence.

Stage 3: If you have still not received a response by the time two more weeks elapse, send a third letter suggesting that their failure to respond and act on the evidence is being documented and will be published if they continue to fail to take action. Request a response by a certain deadline as to what they plan to do about the information. Be firm, but polite.

Stage 4: If you still haven’t received a response by your declared deadline, send them a final letter telling them that you are deeply disappointed that they have failed to respond appropriately and informing them that their failure to respond has been documented and will be published. The same can apply even if you have received a response and they simply refuse to act on the information. Such a failure to act on the part of politicians and authority figures is particularly problematic for them since their inaction to the information is tantamount to the crimes of obstruction of justice, misprision of treason, and misprision of a felony. Since this is the final letter, remind them of this with one final request for a response.

Stage 5: Report back to this website with your results after you feel you have exhausted all efforts with any particular individual. We will maintain a published list of individuals who have failed to respond or take action, and we will build a case for the aforementioned crimes when appropriate. The more evidence of your correspondence you can make available the stronger case we will have.

However much pressure you decide to put on any specific individual is up to you, but the more aggressive you get within legal boundaries the better. For instance, you may want to show up and confront some of the most critical individuals on your list in person if they insist on being complicit in the on-going cover-up. Get them to tell you to your face (or your video camera) exactly why they refuse to do anything about the evidence, if that is the case. This type of action is not the least bit out of line or uncalled for given that the implications of the information you are providing them with are literally a matter of life and death.

This is strictly a non-violent campaign, and again, it is an organized effort with the main goal of seeking out honest people who are able to understand the implications of this evidence and who are in a position to do something about it in the public and/or legal arenas, while putting legal pressure on those who insist on keeping this important information suppressed.

And I want to state my position on this, because it has been a bit of a sore spot with certain ATS management who have expressed to me that they do not agree with this method, calling it "excessive harassment." I respect ATS management, I really do. But that doesn't mean I cannot respectfully disagree with them occasionally. And this is one place I have to admit I do. And the reason is pretty simple. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I think what CIT calls for here is warranted at this point. No, it wouldn't have been my first choice back 6 or 7 years ago. But just look at what all has happened here!

1) The huge massive lawsuit filed against high level US officials and foreign countries has been summarily shut down and dismissed.

2) April Gallop's lawsuit against similar high level officials has gone nowhere in years now of attempts to bring someone to accountability for failure to act, at least.

3) Obama's administration is doing the exact same, seeking to protect former Bush officials, and not hear any evidence on the matter.

4) By all accounts, both administrations have failed to provide enough evidence to convince 9/11 skeptics that the official story is anything more than just that: a story. We need hard evidence by God that conclusively identifies those planes as what they were claimed to be. The lack of serial numbers on the black boxes is something that still really bothers me.

5) In the meantime, more evidence just keeps right on surfacing almost daily that counters or calls into serious question the OS.

6) The general lack of the government to address all the various 9/11 truth groups, who have taken to marching in the streets across the country, and hence "failure to address a list of grievances" applies here to the point that the additional, harder core tactics of CIT's strategy imo are warranted in full- given all of the above, and more.

7) Just look at how the first responders have been treated!

In conclusion, I cannot, at this point, fault CIT whatsoever for calling this plan of action. I don't feel it is "excessive." It is warranted imo. And it is important to note that this is STILL a non-violent call to action.

[edit on Mon Jul 6th 2009 by TrueAmerican]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by impressme
reply to post by Taxi-Driver

Do you have anything to contribute to this thread besides your venomous dribble?
Your opinions of people who do not support the OS are questionable, to say the lease.

How so?

The truth is going to all come out eventually and if you can’t deal with it that’s your problem.

I am sure it will, probabaly the same day that Nigerian Prince releases that 2.5 million dollars and wires it to my bank account.. the one he already has the number to. WAKE-UP.

The fact is the OS is a lie regardless of what you think and you can’t change that. However, to call people who do not believe in the OS holocaust deniers is sick in it self.

Ahem...just WHERE do you think these "theories" you preach came from?

Have you ever wondered that?

Have you ever wondered EXACTLY WHO began promoting these theories, and why?

Have you even done the most basic research in finding the original sources for the information you hold dear?

Ever heard of Willis Carto?
Chris Bollyn?
Carol Valentine?
Eric Hufschmid?
Thierry Meyssan?

They created and promoted almost all of the 9/11 theories echoed today. They did this back in 2001-2003

Want to take a guess at what else they have in common? They are all antisemetic Holocaust deniers.

I have never seen anyone who has questions and is looking for the truth of 911 trying to dupe anyone.

You don't even know the players much less the game.

What I find sad is you have been a member on ATS for two years and mostly post in the 911 forums, and with all the evidences that has been proven and sciences that proves most of the events of 911 was a lie, despite all the evidences you still support the OS lie. One then has to wonder what your motives are eh.

Take your list of rock solid proofs and provide for all: A detailed timeline with referenced evidence showing exactly what transpired from the planning stage right through to the end objective.

Be sure not to include any glaring inaccuracies, use of rhetoric, fallacy, or cherry picked information taken out of context.

Once you have compiled this very simple rock solid timeline of truth, we shall compare it with the huge complilation of information that real-life investigators used to form their account of what happened.

If your explaination of events (backed up with solid fact) is more compelling that the old hat story. I will become a truther OR leave this site forever (whichever you prefer)

Sound good?

You're on the mic.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by Taxi-Driver]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by trebor451

words of the perfect sheep you more likely be leave in god to sad

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 02:54 AM
Unprofessional is bad, mkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay?

Nuff said, and I do respect the guys' work otherwise. And BTW, its still action that gets results. IMHO the video of Major General Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III should be remixed into the (latest CIT) video citing the flight path of flight 77.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by Taxi-Driver

Ahem...just WHERE do you think these "theories" you preach came from?

Have you ever wondered that?

Want to take a guess at what else they have in common? They are all antisemetic Holocaust deniers.

So, is it true then, “you believe” all the people in the world who do not believe in the OS fairytale are “Holocaust deniers?”

You don't even know the players much less the game.

I know the players and I know your game.

Take your list of rock solid proofs and provide for all: A detailed timeline with referenced evidence showing exactly what transpired from the planning stage right through to the end objective.

You have been a member here for two years, you have seen all the “rock solid proofs”, but you choose to ignore it. It would be easier for me to a have a conversation with a brick wall and I still would get the same responds, “nothing.”

Once you have compiled this very simple rock solid timeline of truth, we shall compare it with the huge complilation of information that real-life investigators used to form their account of what happened.

As far as your version of this “huge complilation of information that real-life investigators used to form their account of what happened” there is none that proves the OS true. You do not need to waste your time with me on the OS fairytales I have seen them all. I have watched many good debaters rip them to shreds with well-researched facts, and I have seen their creditable sources. I have seen and read the real science that proves the OS is a lie. The only sciences you have are the NIST, and that my friend, has already been proven a lie many times over by other creditable scientists, architects and engineer’s and other highly educated professionals that you call “Holocaust deniers”.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by bad2bone
reply to post by trebor451

words of the perfect sheep you more likely be leave in god to sad

What? Was this from some random sentence generator? Do you speak and understand the english language?

Note to mods: I am serious about this. The post I am quoting makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. If you want ATS to be any sort of an intellectual internet domain, do something about incomprehensible posts.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by trebor451]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by trebor451

Instead of wasting space and bandwidth on the forum complaining about a post, you should have used the ALERT button in that person's post. That's why it's there.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 07:50 AM
I have already informed Gools about it.

Trebor451, If you click the first blue link in my sig , the one that mentions flagging, it will take you to a page in the ATS handbook or you can just click the FAQ up at the top of the page next to the chat button and read the whole thing.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by titorite]

[edit on 7-7-2009 by titorite]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Taxi-Driver
Have you even done the most basic research in finding the original sources for the information you hold dear?

You obviously haven't done the most basic research into 9/11 to know what you're even talking about. The problem with you is you don't understand that we don't give a flying monkey who "started" the theories. The evidence fuels the theories and keeps them alive. Not any single person(s). Get that through your skull.

In fact, you didn't even mention the very first people that were talking about controlled demolition of the WTC on 9/11. Like Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, and this news anchor from CNBC:

So in reality, the news anchors were the one's that "started" the 9/11 "conspiracy theories" if you really want to get technical.

Look at the evidence in my post below. Read and understand the entire post. You can't refute it, you can't debunk it. The evidence is clear and you are in clear denial.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Wow. An honest Mainstream News Media TV reporter/news anchor.

What an extreme rarity and on 9-11-2001 of all days. Wow.

Another honest MSM TV reporter/news anchor on 9-11?

Another honest MSM TV reporter on 9-11 maybe speaking without approval?

And yet another honest MSM reporter/news anchor describing the deliberate imploding of WTC7?

My oh my. Such honesty on 9-11. What is this old world coming to?

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by SPreston

But, the Media is "in on it" until they say things you want to hear. While I mostly ignore your asinine posts, occasionally you post stuff that is hilarious.

Keep up the good work. You are a "poster boy" for the TM.

ETA: Now awaiting the obligatory personal attack in 5...4...3...2....

[edit on 7-7-2009 by Reheat]

[edit on 7-7-2009 by Reheat]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Reheat
reply to post by SPreston

But, the Media is "in on it" until they say things you want to hear. While I mostly ignore your asinine posts, occasionally you post stuff that is hilarious.

Keep up the good work. You are a "poster boy" for the TM.

ETA: Now awaiting the obligatory personal attack in 5...4...3...2....

[edit on 7-7-2009 by Reheat]

[edit on 7-7-2009 by Reheat]

The only person that has made a personal attack here is you reheat. You have quoted Spreston, Mocked him, and then, after setting up the bait, invited a retaliation attack with out addressing the OP topic " When can we expect 911 truth action?"

Address the topic not the person.

And stop trolling for flame.

The issue of this thread is 911 action not each other.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

There is evidence in this post as to what has happened to the many attempts to bring this evidence forward before the courts. It gets delayed, shot down without due process, or simply ignored. THAT is why nothing has happened. Period. Yet, contrary to the OPs belief, the number of people waking up to this evidence of an inside job or inside corraboration is growing and growing. Not diminishing like you 'skeptics' of this topic want to believe.

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