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Obama's Approval Rating Slips On Worries About Jobs, Deficit

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posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 08:08 AM
I guess the people has not forgotten about the promises of jobs, I guess while people still like Obama as a president they are becoming increasingly worry about job creation and the job market overall.

While the percentage is not much of is approval rating, we have to understand that is only been 6 months of his presidency and already he has added 1.8 trillion dollars to the deficit in various programs to fix the economy but the job market keeps in his steady road to decline.

The poll shows that 56 percent of Americans give Obama a thumbs-up on his performance as president, down from 61 percent percent in April. The proportion expressing disapproval rose to 34 percent from 30 percent.

It's not going to take long before his ratings start to go south if the job market keeps declining.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 08:17 AM
Listen,I live in Chicago and every year or three we get a new quarterback for the bears he always is received with optimism but when they ultimately fail to live up to expectations they get turned on quick and mercilessly,I see this happening to barry soon.........................edit; also what has he done to garner approval
[edit on 18-6-2009 by genius/idoit]

[edit on 18-6-2009 by genius/idoit]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by genius/idoit

One of the things that worries me the most is the overall spending fixing the economy or that is what is call but I wonder what part of the economy is so much more important than job creation that is going to help pay for the increasing deficit with tax payer earnings.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 08:30 AM
That's a pretty big slip in support when you factor in the Independents. As a matter of fact, that's a HUGE slip from April. Hence why Obama needs ABC to push his health care agenda. His meddling in the economy is not appreciated. The honey moon is officially over.

Oh yeah, bring back the pretty foot avatar Marg.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by Manwin

I will I am ready for a change

I believe that Obamas rating are going to keep sliding and by the end of the year they will become very obvious.

Specially for those in the population that were not friendly to the Democratic party but saw no solutions to their problems with McCain so hope on Obama may have prompted them to vote for him.

That will change in a hart beat, it did with me.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 08:36 AM
About 3-5 years ago I read an article that wrote about gov. jobs out numbering private sector jobs how is that sustainable?.............edit;I think people voted for him for change but not this kind of change soon they will turn on him with a vengeance

[edit on 18-6-2009 by genius/idoit]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 08:38 AM
Actually the way the Obama administration is increasing government that is exactly the way that is going to be.

But you have to remember that the government jobs included the military personnel as troops they are after all government jobs.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:13 AM
Why the difference in approval ratings? He has been president for only a few months, and was given a collapsing economy. Job losses were expected by most of us, no matter who won presidency.

No offense, but the American people are rather ignorant if they go on to blame their every woe on a man that is doing the best he can with what he was given.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:14 AM
Remember this?
Obama said unemployment would be over 8 % if the stimulus was not passed?

Well, it passed and unemployment is at what, 9.4% as of May?

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by LeeannaHolland

He has done a lot of things that have hurt the economy well past what he inherited. How long do we give him, 1 year? 2, 4?

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:17 AM
OK I hate to say it, but....

Everyone keeps coming down on this man for having put America deeper into debt, for 'nationalizing' healthcare. (Which is a really lame attempt, if it's true he is only forcing employers to cover medical.... This by-passes single unworking parents, college students, and the people that REALLY need such help. So this fails to cover all Americans)

But perhaps he is passing this stuff, because he knows what is coming, for America? Maybe he knows hard times will be here, all independent companies/corporations/private businesses will be gone.... So he wants to make sure there will be government jobs, and medical for an ever increasingly needy America?

Poverty is ahead, and Obama is trying to soften the fall for as many Americans as he can.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by LeeannaHolland
OK I hate to say it, but....

Everyone keeps coming down on this man for having put America deeper into debt, for 'nationalizing' healthcare. (Which is a really lame attempt, if it's true he is only forcing employers to cover medical.... This by-passes single unworking parents, college students, and the people that REALLY need such help. So this fails to cover all Americans)

But perhaps he is passing this stuff, because he knows what is coming, for America? Maybe he knows hard times will be here, all independent companies/corporations/private businesses will be gone.... So he wants to make sure there will be government jobs, and medical for an ever increasingly needy America?

Poverty is ahead, and Obama is trying to soften the fall for as many Americans as he can.

He has put us deeper in debt. That's a fact. And not just by trying to nationalize healthcare.

Poverty is indeed ahead and it will be of his making. And soften the fall? There wouldn't be any need to do that if he would stop his hasty and needless spending of money we don't even have.

It should be obvious to everyone by now that he's like a kid in a candy store. What he wants, he's going to get no matter the consequences.

Lastly, I'm sick of hearing about what he inherited. He wanted the job, said he could fix everything and now he's learned it's not that easy. It's time to stop passing the buck and own up to the fact that he's making things worse. He has his finger in the pie now so he should be man enough to accept the blame. No more finger pointing, no more Bush bashing and no more excuses.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:20 AM
To fix the economy is not about bailing out corporate America and the financial system while forgetting about the tax payer that will be indebted because of the money been spend.

The financial and corporate America is still shedding jobs, retail is still shedding jobs and so everybody else feeling the pinch of the recession.

But increasing government like never before including the Bush administration and already deep into 1.8 trillion dollars since the year started is actually very irresponsible for any administration.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by marg6043

no solutions to their problems with McCain so hope on Obama may have prompted them to vote for him.

I never understood why people would take such a risk on someone like Obama with his lack of a track record, or any record for that matter.

at least people knew where they stood with McCain.

They thought Obama could best handle the economy?!

Based on what????!!

His million dollar gazebo in the ghetto,

WOW! that should have tipped them off right there.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Anjin
reply to post by LeeannaHolland

He has done a lot of things that have hurt the economy well past what he inherited. How long do we give him, 1 year? 2, 4?

He cannot use the word inherit, he made the promise he cannot keep.

We will not rebuild our economy on the old model of bubbles and busts. We'll only climb out of the current crisis by creating a new, sustainable foundation for our economy's future -- and make the tough choices to put our economy back on the road to long-term prosperity.

The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises

[edit on 103030p://bThursday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

He shouldn't use the word inherit anymore but he does. Loudly and often. I said in a post on another thread the other day that the dems are incapable of accepting personal responsibility on any level. Obama is a shining example of that statement.

I'm surprised that he still has a 56% approval. There you have the people that still have stars in their eyes and no matter what he does, they will still stand and clap. I guess they don't mind him throwing us under the bus every time he opens his mouth in a foreign country or spending us into oblivion or shoving his voluntary work program down our throats or, or, or. The list is too long.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by soldiermom

He shouldn't use the word inherit anymore but he does.

And I am sure he will continue to use it for the next four,(god spare us), to eight years.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by LeeannaHolland
Why the difference in approval ratings? He has been president for only a few months, and was given a collapsing economy. Job losses were expected by most of us, no matter who won presidency.

No offense, but the American people are rather ignorant if they go on to blame their every woe on a man that is doing the best he can with what he was given.

OK, let's take this reasoning in the other direction. Since he has only been president for a few months (plenty of time to dig a hole so deep we may never climb out) why give him any approval at all? Why is it OK to give him approval before he ever proves himself but not OK to disapprove when he is proving himself a liar and a spendthrift over and over and over....

This man got elected because sadly half the country bought into the rock star hype and nobody questioned the obvious. Like what makes him fit to be President, what has he done in his very short tenure as a Senator, and what does this 'change' mean anyway?

[edit on 18-6-2009 by glad_to_be_His]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by LeeannaHolland
OK I hate to say it, but....

Everyone keeps coming down on this man for having put America deeper into debt, for 'nationalizing' healthcare. (Which is a really lame attempt, if it's true he is only forcing employers to cover medical.... This by-passes single unworking parents, college students, and the people that REALLY need such help. So this fails to cover all Americans)

But perhaps he is passing this stuff, because he knows what is coming, for America? Maybe he knows hard times will be here, all independent companies/corporations/private businesses will be gone.... So he wants to make sure there will be government jobs, and medical for an ever increasingly needy America?

Poverty is ahead, and Obama is trying to soften the fall for as many Americans as he can.

If poverty is ahead for America,why spend all this money we don't have? If he is trying to "soften" the fall for Americans,why is he digging the debt pitfall deeper?
Spending your way out of debt is like putting out a fire with gasoline!!!

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
at least people knew where they stood with McCain.

They thought Obama could best handle the economy?!

Based on what????!!

His million dollar gazebo in the ghetto,

WOW! that should have tipped them off right there.

No, the tip off should have been that BOTH McCain and Obama were FOR the bailouts. If McCain would have been elected, we would still be in bad shape. We would just have Republican stimulus spending. Don't forget, it was a republican who was in office for the bank bailouts.

The bailouts should have been the wake up call to exclude any candidate who supported them from office. Problem is, many are just too dense to get past partisan politics. And now we pay. Even those of us who saw it coming. To all the McCain or Obama supporters, thanks guys.

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