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I await the arrival of the Anti-christ

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posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Imago Dei
reply to post by Nightchild

This is not true. In actual fact, I have come to conclude that every forum related to conspiracies is a breeding ground and front for the disemination of luciferian lies like this. The biggest conspiriacy lie of all times is being fed to people right now, and it is this - Jesus and satan are the same and or that lucifer game to our rescue us in the garden.

This is the biggest load of balderdash total hogwash, it is totaly satanic luciferian evil lies right ou tof the pit of hell. Jesus Christ is the Lord, he is God, he claimed to be God and this is why he was crucified, although he was crucified by choice to pay for your sins. Read the gospel of John and you will see that everything you say is lies from the father of all lies, Satan.

You sound just like an illuminati pharisee, do you realise that?

Ofcourse He said He was God- He meant that everyone were their own god.
"The Kingdom of God is within You". The people that wanted everyone to remain fearful and obeying, didn't like that at all, and long story short they therefor got rid of him.
Amazing how many lives "God-fearers" have taken throughout the ages. Not to mention during the Inquisition, when individuals of all ages and genders, down to the age of Two, were burnt alive. Yeah, that's the religion of the All loving God, for ya.

I sound like an Illuminati Pharisee?

Well, in that case, so be it, And I can now call myself a proud Illuminati-ganger.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Nightchild

I think Matreiya and Obama have an odd resemblance and if you do some research on the two, you would learn that Obama was in Kenya at the same times that matreiya has appeared.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
reply to post by Nightchild

I think Matreiya and Obama have an odd resemblance and if you do some research on the two, you would learn that Obama was in Kenya at the same times that matreiya has appeared.

Indeed. I will tell you a secret; I was earlier this year, CONVINCED that Obama were Maitreya. However, after an interview with Benjamin Creme some months ago, were an ATS-member asked him if Obama was Maitreya, Creme answered:

No, Mr Obama is absolutely not Maitreya. I doubt that Mr Obama has ever heard of Maitreya. He may well be inspired by the ideas which have emanated from Maitreya over the years. These have been articulated by Share International for many years and are now being repeated by more and more people as the economic crash, predicted by Maitreya long ago, becomes a reality. Maitreya has waited until now to come forward openly because only now has the impending crash come to fruition, thus bringing many people – one of them, hopefully, Mr Obama – to see the reality of the need to change direction.

Who knows. *Shrugs*

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by Nightchild

Yeah but of course Benjamin Cream of all people would say that. They wouldn't want to spoil the ending. Think about it.

posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 01:14 PM
Lol, these crazy Christians....

The concept of God is so contradictory that the only way I'll believe in an all powerful mighty being sitting in the heavens is if he came down to earth and slapped me in the face and proved his miracles to me.

I do however believe that the elites, the ruling families, the ptb, etc. from the ancient times have deceived people into believing in the concept of God. They considered themselves Gods. And some guy somewhere started writing about these Gods in a metaphorical sense. Look at ancient religions from all over the world. They have so many similarities that it can easily be shown and has been shown that all the cultures speak of the same God with different names. All the different regions had their own elites/Gods who ruled them. It probably started with one family and the power spread to few more families as they intermarried. To this day, these few families rule the world and control its wealth.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by silencer
Lol, these crazy Christians....

The concept of God is so contradictory that the only way I'll believe in an all powerful mighty being sitting in the heavens is if he came down to earth and slapped me in the face and proved his miracles to me.

I do however believe that the elites, the ruling families, the ptb, etc. from the ancient times have deceived people into believing in the concept of God. They considered themselves Gods. And some guy somewhere started writing about these Gods in a metaphorical sense. Look at ancient religions from all over the world. They have so many similarities that it can easily be shown and has been shown that all the cultures speak of the same God with different names. All the different regions had their own elites/Gods who ruled them. It probably started with one family and the power spread to few more families as they intermarried. To this day, these few families rule the world and control its wealth.

The thing is when Jesus walked this earth performing astounding miracles left right and center, evidently they still didn't believe in him including some of his deciples who travelled with him everywhere for three years. So I dare say if he came down and slapped you upside the head all you'd be left with was a sore head.

[edit on 16-6-2009 by Imago Dei]

[edit on 16-6-2009 by Imago Dei]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by Nightchild

Originally posted by Imago Dei
reply to post by Nightchild

Ofcourse He said He was God- He meant that everyone were their own god.

Umm no he didnt, if he meant that he would have said so. Satan on the other hand did say we are like God.

"The Kingdom of God is within You". Does not mean we are Gods.

PS, trundling out the old "religious wars" arguement - doesnt give you cartblange to misquote and misinterpret what the scripture says and means. Its a meangless read herring and has nothing to do with the point in question. Usually trundle out when one i sroundly thrashed.

[edit on 16-6-2009 by Imago Dei]

[edit on 16-6-2009 by Imago Dei]

[edit on 16-6-2009 by Imago Dei]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Imago Dei

The thing is when Jesus walked this earth performing astounding miracles left right and center, evidently they still didn't believe in him including some of his deciples who travelled with him everywhere for three years. So I dare say if he came down and slapped you upside the head all you'd be left with was a sore head.

See, that's the problem with that theory. There is no proof that Jesus performed these miracles. The Bible talk about these miracles. No other scientist, scholar, philosopher, educated person, etc. mentioned Jesus. If a guy managed to do those miracles even today, he would be considered God and millions and millions of books, TV shows, media would talk about it. Yet, Jesus didn't get all the attention that he deserved. I wonder why.....maybe because he was no more real than the war on terror, or bugs bunny, or the flying spaghetti monster.

In my opinion, Jesus was a fictional character created by the Gods/Elites to deceive people into believing that If all of us became servants of God like Jesus, we would go to heaven. Lol. Christian religion hold as much water as scientology. All blind faiths.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 04:24 PM
You're really not going to like these times then. Because this star is really in the sky. Creme if anything has the "credit" you are so desperately seeking and the proof. I know it's there nightly. Along with Venus. But it's not Venus. I don't much care for it other than it shows the people I'm warning that I'm telling them the truth for their need of proof.

So think about it. If there is an Anti-Christ that means there is a God in Heaven and His Son died for humanity's sins on the cross. So you can't have the opposing in the text of the Bible without the Son of God existing as well.

[edit on 6/16/2009 by watchtheashes]

[edit on 6/16/2009 by watchtheashes]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by silencer
The Anti-Christ, the light bringer in my opinion is the 'good' guy vs Jesus Christ, the 'bad' guy. Satan persuaded Adam to eat from the tree of knowledge and revolt against the all powerful, controlling, vengeful God.

We are always taught from birth how to be 'good'; Don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, resist violence, etc. We also have the 10 commandments to direct our lives.

But wait, stop and think for a second in modern terms.

God - TPTB, The NWO, The elites.

Jesus - Lobbyist

Satan - The one guy who resisted the control of mankind and tried to teach them to think individually and not follow a 'religion'.

Jesus taught good things as mentioned above, but he also taught us to worship God and the concept of hell and heaven, etc. In other words, the good things were a mask to show us that he is a benign buy, while behind the scenes he was teaching us to obey the all powerful elites and keep us in check by lobbying for them.

The elites are the people who control the world, they can make your life or destroy your life. They are God. They want to be worshiped and hate people who go against them. They punish them by making their life hell on earth.

Satan opposed these guys and tried to teach man to think for themselves and lead their life the way they want, a right they have since birth but that is never practiced.

The elites are the guys who cheat, steal, murder and do all the 'bad' things, yet they are the Gods who control the world. We are taught that we will be rewarded for being nice and good people. However, the majority of the people lead their lives just working hard and barely getting by. Doesn't it seem all too familiar?

I think the Anti-Christ will be people who stand up to these corrupt people and demand their rights back. These people will demand free electricty, free water, less dependency on oil and other natural resources, etc. All the things that our governments already know how to do, but they don't due to their greed for money and power.

This is why, the anti-Christ is shown as someone evil and always used in a negative sense. Jesus, the lobbyist, is shown as the most loving man to walk on earth. Both Satan and Jesus never existed, but their stories were made up to make sure the people follow the wrong guy and stay in their place and never revolt against the Gods. To this day, the false biblical stories are used to control people and keep them in check.

TPTB are scared of the Anti-Christ (The people who have awoken and eaten from the tree of knowledge) toppling their regime. We need to educate people and get them off heavenly fruits like drugs, alcohol, etc and give them a poisonous apple, it maybe bitter at first, but when they wake up and realized how they are being scammed then it will be 'true heaven' after that.

In over a year on ATS I have never said a comment like this but I will say it now and I pray I wont be the last because I have read threads like this for far too long on this site.

This is complete and utter blasphemy, nonsense, lies, trash and utter ignorance of what is actually the truth that is written for anyone who wants to see it.

Topsy turvey strikes again. Look in the mirror, I dare you, take a long hard look at yourself because I have and I know what I am.

There is only one judge in the end and I hope you realise this.

Because right now, your making a lie from the truth you were given. You are taking something that you dont fully grasp and perverting it beyond recognition.

TPTB, you dont even know what that actually is do you?

[edit on 16-6-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 07:10 PM
why would satan care about man? im pretty sure as the story goes he was cast out of paradise because god put man before the angels. This is the issue i have with satanists first that the entire 666 and all the other bull# people feel they should get tattooed all came from the bible and other such works and even if satan had followers why would he/she/it care about them except to make em slaves.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 07:15 PM

Iran: "Iman Ali Prophesied a Tall Black man Will Rise to Power in the West Just Before the Return of the Mahdi" .html

Barack Obama the "promised warrior" coming to help the Hidden Imam of Shiite Muslims conquer the world? The question has made the rounds in Iran since last month, when a pro-government Web site published a Hadith (or tradition) from a Shiite text of the 17th century. The tradition comes from Bahar al-Anvar(meaning Oceans of Light) by Mullah Majlisi, a magnum opus in 132 volumes and the basis of modern Shiite Islam. According to the tradition, Imam Ali Ibn Abi-Talib (the prophet's cousin and son-in-law) prophesied that at the End of Times and just before the return of the Mahdi, the Ultimate Saviour, a "tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West."Commanding "the strongest army on earth," the new ruler in the West will carry "a clear sign" from the third imam, whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali. The tradition concludes: "Shiites should have no doubt that he is with us." In a curious coincidence Obama's first and second names--Barack Hussein--mean "the blessing of Hussein" in Arabic and Persian. His family name, Obama, written in the Persian alphabet, reads O Ba Ma, which means "he is with us," the magic formula in Majlisi's tradition. Mystical reasons aside, the Khomeinist establishment sees Obama's rise as another sign of the West's decline and the triumph of Islam.Obama's promise to seek unconditional talks with the Islamic Republic is cited as a sign that the U.S. is ready to admit defeat. Obama's position could mean abandoning three resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council setting conditions that Iran should meet to avoid sanctions.Seeking unconditional talks with the Khomeinists also means an admission of moral equivalence between the U.S. and the Islamic Republic. It would imply an end to the description by the U.S. of the regime as a "systematic violator of human rights."

So he comes before the real threat. He has a mark on his face, that mole, that Maitreya does not have.

[edit on 6/16/2009 by watchtheashes]

[edit on 6/16/2009 by watchtheashes]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by silencer

Originally posted by Imago Dei

The thing is when Jesus walked this earth performing astounding miracles left right and center, evidently they still didn't believe in him including some of his deciples who travelled with him everywhere for three years. So I dare say if he came down and slapped you upside the head all you'd be left with was a sore head.

See, that's the problem with that theory. There is no proof that Jesus performed these miracles. The Bible talk about these miracles. No other scientist, scholar, philosopher, educated person, etc. mentioned Jesus. If a guy managed to do those miracles even today, he would be considered God and millions and millions of books, TV shows, media would talk about it. Yet, Jesus didn't get all the attention that he deserved. I wonder why.....maybe because he was no more real than the war on terror, or bugs bunny, or the flying spaghetti monster.

In my opinion, Jesus was a fictional character created by the Gods/Elites to deceive people into believing that If all of us became servants of God like Jesus, we would go to heaven. Lol. Christian religion hold as much water as scientology. All blind faiths.

It is written that if every word Jesus was to have spoken was recorded there would not be enough room on the planet to hold all the books that would be written about Him. Jesus is known and embraced as the saviour by millions throughout history, he asked for no more credit than this. It was the gods/elites of this world that put Him to death, which achieved the exact opposite of what they wanted to achieve. His deciples, in a very short space of time, near turned the world upside down. They were well on the way to converting the whole world until the movement was somehow quashed by Constantine in about 300 AD. Near 100 hundred million have been martyred throughout history for a crime none other than not recanting that Jesus Christ is saviour and Lord, and still the beautiful truth has not been silenced.

I will never attempt to silence your truth other than to state that your truth is a lie. The absolute truth IE THE TRUTH, will never be silenced. Would you be prepared to die for your truth? If not then you are not alive yet.

[edit on 16-6-2009 by Imago Dei]

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Imago Dei
It is written that if every word Jesus was to have spoken was recorded there would not be enough room on the planet to hold all the books that would be written about Him. Jesus is known and embraced as the saviour by millions throughout history, he asked for no more credit than this. It was the gods/elites of this world that put Him to death, which achieved the exact opposite of what they wanted to achieve. His deciples, in a very short space of time, near turned the world upside down. They were well on the way to converting the whole world until the movement was somehow quashed by Constantine in about 300 AD. Near 100 hundred million have been martyred throughout history for a crime none other than not recanting that Jesus Christ is saviour and Lord, and still the beautiful truth has not been silenced.

Please provide some sources for what you claim. And also provide sources that are independent of the bible. Please provide me with one source, that actually talk about all this and talks about Jesus which is not referenced from the bible.

In reality, all the talk about Jesus and God comes from citing and sourcing the bible. There is no proof that the words in the bible are true. I would suggest you do more research on your religion before you blindly follow it. Read some unbiased independent material about your religion and open your eyes. I could write a book and claim I was God, and if someone asked me for proof, I would ask you to refer to my book for proof. What would you do? Laugh in my face.

I will never attempt to silence your truth....

Statement from you.

other than to state that your truth is a lie.

Contradictory statement from you right after that.

Classic sign of a Christian. Always contradicting yourselves just like your God does. He's all loving but if you don't follow his rules he will throw you in a fire for all eternity. If a human did that, we would give him the death sentence, yet God is worshiped. Go figure?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by XXXN3O

In over a year on ATS I have never said a comment like this but I will say it now and I pray I wont be the last because I have read threads like this for far too long on this site.

This is complete and utter blasphemy, nonsense, lies, trash and utter ignorance of what is actually the truth that is written for anyone who wants to see it.

Where is this truth written? This absolute truth that you believe so much in? So much that any other theory is blasphemy, nonsense, lies and utter ignorance??? Please tell me it's not the Bible you are talking about, because if you are then seriously how brainwashed are you.

There is no proof that bible speaks the truth, nothing to backup its claims, not a single ounce of proof.

Because right now, your making a lie from the truth you were given. You are taking something that you dont fully grasp and perverting it beyond recognition.

TPTB, you dont even know what that actually is do you?

I am making a lie from the 'truth'. ROFL

I see how brainwashed you are. The Gods/Elites have succeeded. The lobbyist Jesus has managed to convince the foolish humans that God actually cares about them.

Satan tried to awaken people by 'bringing light' to the darkness in front of their eyes. He tried to feed people from the tree of knowledge. He tried to convince people that you are no one's slave. you are independent, you have free will, you are an individual, you are capable of thinking on your own and deciding your fate. But Jesus and God managed to convince people that Satan is bad and now the Gods rule the world, because the blind sheep will never revolt against them.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by silencer

The best proof comes from the Bible itself and taking it literally not allegorically in every single instance. Jesus did what he did for us so that we may also have eternal life and redemption from sins, but no man has not sinned except Him. The Anti-Christ is on his way, so that means the real Jesus Christ must also be coming soon. This time it's not an error but this really is time for repentance. The first link is an example of the best anti-codes matrix versus a tight chapter matrix from Isaiah about Jesus. So the best skeptic's example vs the best proponent's example. But remember above all the Word of God is what is the point of doing all this research was for.

To see a report on how the cluster compares to the skeptics' example purporting to show that codes can be found in any book and more:

Then here is this language miracle of Gematria:

Words and phrases in different languages add up to certain numbers or dates and relate to each other more than statistical coincidence would allow. In this example it's English:




















Is there a God? 666








ZENU LIES = 666 (Too bad for Scientology)





America Sins = 666

US of America = 666

New York = 666

25 of December =666



Adolf Hitler=660

Osama Bin Laden=660


saddam hussien =660

hung by neck =660

saddam hung =666

adolf hitler =660

heil hitler=660

the gas chamber =660

prisons =660

pope liars =666

illuminati =666

follow man=666



Martial Law = 660

False Market=666




Book of the Dead=666

Jesus is Lord = 906

Jesus Christ = 906

Jesus Power = 906

Son of the Lord = 906

Lord’s Prayer = 906

Holy Spirit = 906

Lord of Hosts = 906

Through Love = 906

Jesus Glory = 906

Jesus Is Alive = 906

Redeemer From God = 906

Jesus Sacrificed = 906

Shed Blood For Man = 906

Prophetic King = 906

Unconditional = 906

Healing Promise = 906

Love is the Law = 906

The Bible Code = 540

Holy Bible = 540

The Jews = 540

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes

And you bring bible as your 'proof'. You try to prove the words of the bible by using the words of the bible as proof.

Your theory about Jesus and God is as good as my theory which I mentioned in detail many times before in this thread. We both do not have proof's, but we have theories. So acting like your theory is the absolute truth is not gonna get you anywhere. At least I base my theory from what I have observed and researched on and not blind faith.

There is numerous material with compelling evidence on the following topics:

Jesus never existed
God originated from worship of the sun
All religions have a common ancestry; hence the similarities in religion
Origin of man
Loopholes in the bible
Contradictions in the bible
Origin of the bible
True history of man
Vatican's lies
Pope's secrets

I could go on and on, the list is almost impossible to put on here. I would suggest you do some reading and some research. Look at ancient artifacts, books, papers, etc. and try to connect the dots.

I didn't just sit around and come with a theory off the top of my head. After a lot of research, I figured I would present my theory in a nutshell in very simple terms.

Elites are Gods, who created the fictional guy Jesus to promote their agenda, Satan is shown as evil because he opposed the Gods and their hunger for power and suppression of mankind. Satan is not one man, but anyone who is against the elites is labelled satanic, anti-christ, evil, bad, lucifer.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 07:11 PM
The Elites worship Satan meaning there must be the other side of the spectrum to or God and His Son Yeshua/Jesus. Why do you still ignore it despite the facts that you wanted? I know for a FACT the Bible is encoded as shown by this research, and since all it ever mentions is what the book mentions anyway and events in human history, I'd say you know who the Author of The Bible might be right?

You think the Bible is contradicting yet it makes no contradictions. It's a beautiful work of Divine Art and should really be taken more seriously in the 21st century. It's God's Word to humanity. If God sees wiping the Earth of all its life because they choose to ignore and acknowledge Him as purification and renewal with the promise of Resurrection then that sounds fair to me. I'm not an unbeliever, but I'm here to warn believers and unbelievers alike. Of course NASA wouldn't tell the general public most of the things they know about the things that "could" happen.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes

*Banging head against brick wall*

I will follow Alice in wonderland and you follow the bible. Same thing.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 10:10 PM
You cannot silence the truth of Jesus Christ with your belief in mankind's ability to govern fairly and properly. Only Jesus Christ and God could be fair and they offer the FREE OF CHARGE gift of ETERNAL LIFE. You can reject it but your need for proof is why Maitreya will win you. Maitreya is the wrong guy. This is a warning.

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