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New Hampshire passes gay marriage

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posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 06:48 AM
People can do what they like sexually, in the privacy of their own abodes- for some reason, whatever, and I'm not some sort of bible thumper, I just don't think marriage should be for anything other than a male and female and would vote (if I had such a vote) accordingly.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by deadline527
Because this is not about the divorce rates.

This is about homosexuals wanted to be MARRIED. Marriage implies a church, and a priest/pastor/minister to wed the couple. How can you support something that is explicitly deemed an abomination in the Bible to be forced upon a church of God?

They should not be allowed to wed in a church, nor have any priest, pastor, or minister wed them. If they want to be married, they must remove any religious symbolism of a religion that strictly forbids homosexuality.

[edit on 6/3/2009 by deadline527]

No one is making any church of any religion marry a gay couple. The law is simply allowing them the same civil liberties as the rest of the people in this country which, whether some people like it or not, they are entitled to!

As far as marriage impling that a church and preist/pastor/minister must be present in order for a couple to be married is BS IMO. Atheists who have weddings, (been to 2) usually have a JOP officiate, which means in the eyes of the law, they are ...

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 07:15 AM
I love stuff like this, kudos to new hampshire and all who have civil ceremonies or what ever you're calling them.

I love it even more, as it annoys the bejeebus out of hard line christians, and that's never a bad thing

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by Acidtastic
I love stuff like this, kudos to new hampshire and all who have civil ceremonies or what ever you're calling them.

I love it even more, as it annoys the bejeebus out of hard line christians, and that's never a bad thing

Well then you can understand people, secularists, christians, muslims, jews etc being very happy that people like you are annoyed in California!!


posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 11:23 AM
Wow and this thread is still rolling along I see.

I spent alot of last night talking to my 'straight' friends about this very subject. When I asked them....

"When did you decide to be straight?" I got silence first, then.. "I never decided, I just was"

"WHAT???? Nooooo appearently you have a choice to make you seemed to have skipped over". I got laughter. 'Tika (my name) I have as much of a choice in being straight as you do in being gay... NONE".

I had these convos with my christian friends not my wiccan or peagan friends. So someone in this is very confused. In the other thread (awesome penguins) there are arguments in science. Very well thought out. So maybe we can all agree to disagree.


posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by deadline527

Homosexuality was a common thing and accepted in Old Greece[Athens Sparta etc.] and in the Roman Empire, way before our Jewish friend came to life in Bethlehem..People don't choose to be gay, they're born with that and all people no matter what properties/qualities they're born with should be treated equal...yes equality for all mankind...
If your bible doesn't subscribe that you should leave that book for what it is..I have that more often with books i've red and lost interest with after a while..

[edit on 4-6-2009 by Foppezao]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Foppezao
reply to post by deadline527

Homosexuality was a common thing and accepted in Old Greece[Athens Sparta etc.] and in the Roman Empire, way before our Jewish friend came to life in Bethlehem..People don't choose to be gay, they're born with that and all people no matter what properties/qualities they're born with should be treated equal...yes equality for all mankind...
If your bible doesn't subscribe that you should leave that book for what it is..I have that more often with books i've red and lost interest with after a while..

[edit on 4-6-2009 by Foppezao]

Actually I dont really follow the Bible much, if at all. I tend to incorporate EVERY religion into my life. There is good parts to be pulled from Christianity, as well as Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and so on. I leave out the bad parts and form my own basis based the ideas set forth ages ago. I just look at Marriage as a religious ceremony for the most part - yes there are people who chose to do it only by means of a court - but the majority of people it means something to them as a union before God. That is what is being tainted by this.

Anyway, I have gay friends, and I tell them openly I think them trying to change tradition just for the sake of being able to use the term Married, is wrong. They have more then enough avenues to be recognized as partners in the eyes of the state.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Foppezao
reply to post by deadline527

People don't choose to be gay, they're born with that and all people no matter what properties/qualities they're born with should be treated equal...

I believe they cannot help it as well. I posted three very long posts regarding the psychology of a Homosexuals attractions and it is something they are born with. Although, there is no difference between being born attracted to the same sex and someone being born attracted to children. They are both attractions that the person has no control over which are contrary to what nature intended. Does this make it a dysfunction in my eyes? Yes. Does it make it wrong? Not usually. As long as laws are followed you are free to be attracted to whatever pleases you.

[edit on 6/4/2009 by deadline527]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by deadline527
reply to post by Avenginggecko

And why can't they instead just get a domestic partnership? Do they HAVE to be MARRIED? No, they dont. They just want to be like the rest of minorities and force the world to change everything to cater to the 1% that complains.

Look what is happening to the UK with their muslim population. This political correctness needs to stop. We have the proper legal channels for EVERYBODY to become a couple in the eyes of the state. Why do they have to go the extra steps to destroy Marriage and everything its stood for?

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Christian Voice

Sorry skippy, you can choose your sexuality. You choose to have sex with another man or woman. You don't choose to be black or white. There's no comparison.

The problem here is that you obviously don't understand what being gay or straight means.

Just having sex with a person of the same gender does not make you gay (but it is a homosexual act) - unless you like it. Sexual attraction is what defines your sexuality.

Theoretically, you could choose to go out right now and have sex with someone of the same gender. However, you probably wouldn't like it, and I doubt you'd ever do it again - because you're not gay!

Gay men are sexually attracted to other men. That's why they don't get an erection when they see a naked woman.

I guess you could argue that a straight person could choose to participate in a homosexual act, or vice versa. However, who you're attracted to cannot be chosen, which is really what defines your sexuality.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 03:18 PM
This thread had descended into stupidity and despite what most of the Christians think there's one key things about this. Simply that America was founded on a separation between church and state. So regardless of what your little book, or your little traditions, or your little hate mongering piece of garbage leaders say in the eyes of the United States all men and women are equal and are entitled to the same rights and privileges as one another. Therefore, a gay man is equal to a straight man and both are entitled the to the same protection and rights under the law.

Therefore grow up. It's still up to the individual churches whether they want to marry gays. And I'm sure the more hardcore ones will still have hypocritical hate on Sundays and not the dreaded nightmare you all seem to have of two people sharing their love for each other.

History is going to look back on you the way we look back on the Jim Crow laws and southern discrimination now and wonder what kind of messed up evil people you were to discriminate against a innocent group of people who just wanted equality.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by deadline527
reply to post by Avenginggecko

And why can't they instead just get a domestic partnership? Do they HAVE to be MARRIED? No, they dont. They just want to be like the rest of minorities and force the world to change everything to cater to the 1% that complains.

Look what is happening to the UK with their muslim population. This political correctness needs to stop. We have the proper legal channels for EVERYBODY to become a couple in the eyes of the state. Why do they have to go the extra steps to destroy Marriage and everything its stood for?

Yes they have to be married. The definition of marriage has changed throughout the years. Polygamy was okay in the bible..that isn't cool anymore. The Constitution protects the minority from the "bully majority". And Civil Unions are not the same marriage under the law.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Roufas
I think they are more worried about the civil rights marriage grants you.

Like sharing property and that , don't think they are into church , just as the church is not that much into them.

At least in my country you can marry outside a church. You just have to fill some papers and there , congratulations married!

People can get married outside the church in the U.S. as well. They go down to the local county courthouse and have the judge perform a secular ceremony. That's how I got married.

The difference is, in the U.S. marriages performed by religious or secular agencies are as valid as each other in the eyes of the law, so there's alot more flexibility for different beliefs.

Anyway, as far as gay marriage goes, good. It's about damn time homosexuals were subjected to the misery and torture that heterosexuals were. Soon we will no longer call them gay, because once they get married, they will be as miserable as the rest of us.

There is nothing "sacred" or "pure" or "holy" about marriage, that's all a bunch of religious fluff. In most societies, the wedding isn't even performed by religious bodies or clergy, and has nothing to do with love, but money and status.

In our society, marriage is a choice based on love and mutual goals, so to exclude gays makes no sense, really.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 11:56 PM
Ok... This reply is not intended for those of you who seem not to be ignorant. But a great many of you are really pi**ing me off! Are you that stupid?! THIS is why we have war. THIS is why there is hunger. Stupid idiots having stupid conniption fits over what someone does with there lives that will have ABSOLUTELY no effect on mankind whatsoever. There has been gay people since the start of time, same with gay animals, and for all i know gay microbes. What, do you think, if a few gay people get married the whole country will turn gay? Get a grip. So you don't like it, so what? It doesn't give you the right to make descisions on what others should do. Concentrate on yourselves. By advancing ourselves we make the world better. Think if there were not stupid prejudices like this. What a utopia it would be. Wake up people.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by Foppezao
Homosexuality was a common thing and accepted in Old Greece[Athens Sparta etc.] and in the Roman Empire,

they also accepted slavery and live human death matches

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by GeeGee
The problem here is that you obviously don't understand what being gay or straight means.

Just having sex with a person of the same gender does not make you gay (but it is a homosexual act) - unless you like it. Sexual attraction is what defines your sexuality.

that sounds like Orwellian GAY Newspeak

Theoretically, you could choose to go out right now and have sex with someone of the same gender. However, you probably wouldn't like it, and I doubt you'd ever do it again - because you're not gay!

Gay men are sexually attracted to other men. That's why they don't get an erection when they see a naked woman.

I guess you could argue that a straight person could choose to participate in a homosexual act, or vice versa. However, who you're attracted to cannot be chosen, which is really what defines your sexuality.

so you disbelieve those people who say they used to be gay but now fancy women?

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 07:27 AM
I read a few threads on here - about god and gays - well you know what, what was the greatest gift jesus gave to us - the gift of free will. im gay and i believe in jesus, i am not a christian - i see no need in some church to show how much i love jesus. what are we currently (physical) , and what happens when we go to heaven our spirit is taken so you going to tell me spirit has a sex. Lust is wrong - loving someone of the same sex is right - the church is wrong full stop - all churches all mosques everything. god didnt make you and build a church in the garden of eden he created you and nature so you could worship him everywhere. i love jesus with all my heart - i long to see him. oh another thing i wish christians would stop flaming evolutionist posts - well duh if god created everything he created evolution. oh and another thing you preaching is going against your god as well, Judge and be Judged - you look at someone in the street and judge them then say you will burn in hell if you dont repent blah blah blah - HELL is the grave for one and you will be the one who gets judged for judging. everyone has their own beliefs - whether its christian, pagan, muslim etc etc the physical world puts a face on the god, lord or whatever, there should only be one thing you look for in everything and thats LOVE!

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 08:03 AM
fair point neil about the difference between lust/love

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by blueorder

that sounds like Orwellian GAY Newspeak

I have no idea what that means. But I guess when someone's argument is defeated, it's expected that they will say nonsense in defense.

so you disbelieve those people who say they used to be gay but now fancy women?

In a good number of cases, absolutely. I'd say most of these people are in denial due to either religious or social pressures/criticisms.

Did you see Bill Maher's religious? He interviewed a man who claimed that he used to be gay (He refused to use this word by the way, since he himself does not believe that people are gay. They're just sinners from his perspective), but then "figured out" that it was an abomination, and then turned to Jesus and became a man of "God". Is there really a mystery here as to why he stopped pursuing men? I'll give you a hint: it has nothing to do with him re-discovering his identity.

[edit on 5-6-2009 by GeeGee]

[edit on 5-6-2009 by GeeGee]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 04:33 PM
I dont want to make too long a post - but when we consider marriage

same sex or different - we have actually a more fundamental question to pose

Was Jesus married?

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