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House Passes $3.4T Obama Budget

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posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 02:53 PM
Doesn't matter anymore. This is the result of the previous congressional elections. This is what the people of America wanted when they cast their votes for a Democrat-majority Congress. The people voted these guys in and they are doing exactly as expected - they're taking America to the cleaners because they can.

Democrat president? You need a Republican majority at least in the House or Senate to provide some sort of reasonable checks and balances. Republican president? You need the same, except a Democrat majority.

This just goes to prove my theory that America voted in a majority Democratic congress in based on hate for the Bush administration. Great going, America! Hope this kind of "change" is what you wanted!

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:16 PM
I have to admit, it's hard not to expect that this was another crisis being "used" by the establishment to further pursue an agenda to which we can only be subjects of and not participants in.

It has been stated by the ideologues of the political machinery in place that no crisis should be wasted, I paraphrase of course, but I don't think it matters which person, or party, espoused that 'political' 'virtue,' but we have for the most part all witness this 'use of crisis' philosophy in the past.

If we collectively 'know' that the ideology of the political careerists, is particularly warped enough to view such events as 'opportunities', why don't we just change them?

How is it that these 'political careerists' are considered a valuable component of our self-governance? As far as we have seen, once they are within reach of such 'opportunities' they invariably seize profit, or power. Conspiracy theorists are constantly seeking to prove that some of these political careerists have even participated, directly, or indirectly, in everything from allowing these 'crisis' to develop to actually causing them.

Is their ideology THAT important to us...., and our children?

We have lost the struggle to control the financial position this nation is in, that is now externally controlled. Taking it back will require more than most are willing to endure.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Maxmars]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

And America has no one but America to blame for that kind of negligence. Is it lethargy or fear? As a nation, we see something that needs to be fixed but we realize the personal committment of time/emotion/money or fear the consequences (or both) and we let it deter us from actually doing anything to fix those problems. We always resolve the matter in our minds as "someone else will deal with it" and then we pretend to be outraged when those people we elect to deal with it do the exact opposite. We send people out to deal with a situation we would not deal with ourselves.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by sos37

Dude, honestly that's kinda unfair
I mean I hear what you are saying but it's half the story

You are here on ATS, you read stories everyday many of which doesn't come from msm
so you are talking as if the entire country knows as much as you do
98% if not more of America does not understand what FIAT is or why it's bad

People have full time jobs, trying to take care of kids listening to violent music and maybe hanging out with other kids who smoke and drink. They don't have time to be as informed as you and I.

And even if they were informed they wouldn't be educated enough politically or economically to understand what it is that we are complaining about.

Apples and Oranges man!

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:53 PM
Star and flag.

This is getting both ridiculous and out of control. When is the administration actually going to act like their IS a deficit. Just like i told my boy, Obama or McCain it didn't matter who you voted for, they are both part of the old political legacies, and they both have the same agenda.

Has anyone in congress even bothered to actually read the damn thing or did they just stamp it and let it fly cuz Obama said we need it?

Grrr, this pisses me off to no end. They have no problem with passing this, bailing out wall street or even stomping on state rights, but they will not raise minimum wage (and after earning it, it should be called poor wage) or come out with disclosure.

If anyone asks me why i'm so antigovernment, i tell'em to look at what they do. Uncle Sam is setup now to keep those elitist in power and everyone else poor and dependent on them.

Can you say Anarchy anyone? Where is William Wallace when you need him...

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:57 PM
yeah yeah yeah call your elected officials vote blah blah blah.

I've voted in every election since turning 21 (used to be 21).many letters to officials, vast majority in past few months. doesn't matter who is elected. certainly doesn't matter what you tell elected officials. choosing between dem and repub is like paper or plastic--a pretend choice. it's still a sack.

my BRILLIANT idea. now that the democrats have 60 guaranteed votes (not that all those will be needed when obama chooses reconciliation which is the most crazy name for strong-arming i've ever heard) we don't really need congress any more. It's a given that whatever obama wants will be voted in, so we can just stipulate that and LAY OFF congress! They can collect unemployment like everybody else. They can get Cobra health care benefits. We'd save a fortune in salary, offices, special jet flights for members. In fact the REDUCTION IN HOT AIR ALONE might reverse global waming. I believe in England they call laying off being made "redundant". If ever there was a redundant group it's congress. They have now completely outlived any semblance of usefulness.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:44 PM
[edit on 29-4-2009 by Maxmars]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by sos37
reply to post by Maxmars

And America has no one but America to blame for that kind of negligence. Is it lethargy or fear?

Perhaps, but it is equally correct to point ot that mankind has no one but mankind to blame for that kind of negligence.

What is happening in America is reflected over most of the globe; although national pride and/or ideological conviction may cause many to disagree.

We ALL have no other alternative but to 'trust' others with 'affairs of state' because it is unreasonable to think any country can endure the cacophony of all of it's members talking at once. We developed this model of government to accommodate that trust. It has been abused.

Further, it is systematically becoming more entrenched as a 'necessary evil' which pointlessly reduces the population to a human 'resource' for the government, instead of the reverse.

It may be that this is what the people want. But I can safely state it is not what ALL the people want.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Maxmars]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:44 PM
double post

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Maxmars]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:15 AM

any Idea what the value of a dollar is going to be in a few years, with all this fake printed money?

I truly hope y'all own land and can farm it. And I hope Your house is paid for as well.

So now what do we do, if we have a nest egg in the bank? Should we spend it before the value of the dollar is crushed and it cant buy anything?

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by cognoscente

While I would like to agree with you, the only think that is truly immoral is how WE DO NOTHING!

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:02 AM
You all know our current 2009 Federal Budget that Bush signed last year was $3.1 Trillion right? And the National Debt grew from $5 Trillion to $11.8 Trillion under Bush? And the amount of bank debt purchased and backstopped by the Treasury and Federal Reserve last year was $12.8 Trillion?

So if you're all so outraged at the Democrats increasing the budget by 10%, where the hell where you all when THIS was happening?

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