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Islam's Colonisation of the World

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posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 04:52 AM
If we apply predicted demographic trends and birthrates, the outcome is incredibly bleak for the preservation of the ethnic Briton population:

The only statistics I can find on how many of Britain's youth are Muslim is here.

“If you look at our minority communities in Britain they are now about ten percent of the population of this country and within that minority population young people actually form about sixty to seventy percent of that grouping.

- So if we take it that there are 2.4 million Muslims in Britain and 65% of them are 'young', that makes 1.56 million 'young' Muslims.

- According to this, there were 15 million total citizens under the age of 19.

- So approximately 10% of all UK 'youth' are Muslim.

So if Muslims are outbreeding Britons by 3:1 (Britons 1.3, Muslims 4 - and this may be conservative), that means 4 million newborn Muslims in the first generation, 8 in the second, 16 in the third. Concurrently, the 13.5 million British youth will have dropped to 3.7 million in the same 3 generations.

So in 3 generations (or, say 60 years as Muslims procreate quite young) we're looking at Muslim youth outnumbering British/other youth by at least 4:1. Or in only one generation, Muslims will make up 50% of Britain's youth!

Essentially, in just one generation, the future of Britain will be set up for Britons as a an inevitable minority. Goodbye Britannia!

*My calculations may be slightly off, and I'm using some outdated and unsubstantiated statistics.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by babloyi
Your Pakistan brings up an interesting point. India/Pakistan is historically a "melting pot" of cultures (Dravidian, Aryan, Arab, European, etc). Europe is also.

Or has Europe become a "melting pot" over a very short, unnatural period of time - spurred on by political correctness and cultural apathy?

Originally posted by babloyi
How far does the 'nationalism' go? Are the muslims of India equally a part of Indian "culture"? Another example is the US. Are blacks, whites, Latinos, etc. all an equal part of the culture?
If you say yes, then it is obvious that culture is not hereditary. So then what about the UK? Are 2nd generation muslims part of British culture, if they retain their faith? 3rd generation? 4th generation? What about muslims who intermixed with the local population? Are their children part of British culture if they hold on to their faith?

My primary argument - the one that governs most of my responses on this subject - is that each and every ethnicity deserves a homeland. Now, I'm not concerned with the ethnic makeup of America because it is niether the 'homeland' of whites nor blacks. Whites have no claim to that piece of land for they already have their ancestral homeland in Europe. It is up to the Indians, not me, to decide whether the Muslims there are part of Indian culture.

That each ethnic group has the right to a homeland doesn't mean that blacks should be confined to Africa, whites to Europe, Asians to Asia etc. It just means that Europe should remain predominantly European - genetically, Africa primarily African... and so on. Anything else is complete NWO Globalisation and the loss of all the world's rich traditions.

Originally posted by babloyi
Or are you saying that Muslims by definition cannot be part of British culture?

I think they could and can be, if they fully adopt British values, do not seek to undermine them and acknowledge that Britain is the homeland of the indigenous people and should remain so. This would be my attitude if I were to move to Afghanistan (and interestingly, if I did so, would the Afghans consider me one of them?)

Originally posted by babloyi
trying to hold every culture in an airtight bag, trying best to keep them all separate is restricting the natural order of things.

It is not the natural order of things. Whilst I agree that ideas and beliefs can change, move and be influenced, the outright colonisation of a people's homeland within 50 years is wholly unnatural - particularly when it is facilitated by the insidious notion of political correctness.

Originally posted by babloyi
Historically, I think there is no culture that didn't mix about and morph over time.

Yes, over much time. But multicultural societies, historically, always fall apart.

Originally posted by babloyi
Culture continuously redefines itself. Again taking Pakistan as an example. Less than 100 years ago, there was no such thing as Pakistani culture. Even today, if you ask me, it is a mix of Indian and Arabic, with perhaps a dash of Persian. However, there is no doubt that today, there has come into being such a thing as "Pakistani Culture".

Yes, largely because of Muslim conversion and colonisation. Is religious conversion and colonisation a good thing? Do you support it? But again, it's not up to me to speak for the people of other countries.

Originally posted by babloyi
Just as a side note, and perhaps an interesting deviation from topic, according to your video, this will not happen in your lifetime. Does it still matter to you? If (allowing that your hypothesis is true) the future UK is a UK of majority muslims, does it matter to you that these majority muslims may change the face of British culture?

Interesting. Yes, it does matter to me. My spiritual beliefs - without going into too much detail - acknowledge the importance of ancestry and bloodline. It's hugely important to me that I leave behind a homeland for my children where they can continue to preserve and enjoy an ancient heritage. Ask the entire world this question and you'll find that it's an important concept to the vast majority.

Originally posted by babloyi
To clarify, I don't think you are a horrible person. Just that you hold opinions that I wouldn't myself hold, and in that sense, I wish to explore the extent of those opinions.

I've debated this subject many times. I used to be a self-proclaimed left-wing liberal. Funny how beliefs and values change eh. Anyway, the liberals I discuss this with often tend to use subliminal language which suggests moral and intellectual superiority, even if they won't overtly admit as much. Though we disagree, I won't treat you as inferior and - forgive me if I was wrong - but you appeared to be heading in this direction. I retract that accusation.

Originally posted by babloyi
Out of curiosity, while it may not necessarily be a major factor TODAY, would you consider Christian heritage to be part of British culture?

I feel that it became part of British culture, with its major festivals and traditions being pre-Christian in origin. Middle-eastern Christianity was quite different from British Christianity. This is fortunate, but still, I'd prefer Britain was never Christianized at all. All meaningful British values, traditions and festivals are pre-Christian in origin. Christianity's impact is overrated.

Originally posted by poet1b
If these types of solutions are not put into place soon, Europe will be controlled by Islam in a few decades. Why do you think India has such high birth rates. They are in competition with Islam.

Good points poet1b. As my previous post demonstrates, we're looking at a single generation until Muslim youth are equal in number to indigenous British youth. It may already be too late.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by babloyi

Just that you hold opinions that I wouldn't myself hold

i think most people who believe they have a heritage, would be uncomfortable with the idea of it being removed by force of numbers. if the shoe were on the other foot, i think we'd be hearing some protest from the other side

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 08:15 AM
Islam's colonisation of the world??/

are you kidding me??.....

what about the christians...aren't they colonizing/conolized the world...

-- all religions are bad---

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Next_Heap_With

That may be so, but look at what's happening now! Christianity's numbers are declining (their demographic hayday is over) whilst Islam's are ascending exponentially. All religions may be bad, but the one that poses the biggest threat to the traditional western way of life as we speak is Islam.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 08:42 AM
I smell a little xenophobia in here...

anyways..what is the traditional western ? X-mas, jesus,santa claus etc, etc?..

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Next_Heap_With
I smell a little xenophobia in here...

On the contrary. A profound love of foreign cultures and the wonderful uniqueness of each and every one is precisely the reason why I oppose this kind of global colonisation.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 09:24 AM
I'll ask again..

what is western culture for you?..

for me its x-mas, santa, jesus, easter bunny, etc...

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Next_Heap_With
I'll ask again..

what is western culture for you?..

There's no such thing as a singular "western culture". But so that you can cease this (commonly used by pro-globalists by the way) offensive accusation that Britain doesn't have its own original culture, these are some of the things which define British culture to me. They may not be the same for others, as everyone has different things which they value about their heritage:

Folklore, monogamy, philosophy and intellectual freedom, education, sexual equality, Celtic/Germanic art and music, samhain, yule, public houses, literature, musical creativity, poetry, freedom of expression, animal welfare, democracy, the home as the castle, rural communities, historic deeds, the English/Welsh/Gaelic/Cornish/Manx languages, Morris Dancing, other localised festivals, the right to privacy... need I go on?

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 12:27 PM
baseball, apple pie and mom

star wars, church on the corner
country music, rock n' roll, jazz.
phil keaggy


[edit on 28-4-2009 by undo]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 04:13 PM
Islam is carrying out a war on all fronts with its ridiculously high birth rate, and the people of the world need to start recognizing this for exactly what it is, and start fighting back by finding methods to cut Islamic birth rates.

Start treating Islam like the mafia, because that is what the religion really is. Arrest not only the killer in honor killings, but the father and the rest of the sons as well, and the clergy who advise this man. This should also be done when they find child brides.

Get the women their rights, and the ability to control their own bodies, and Islamic birth rates will drop.

If you look at world population trends, high birthrates are the last thing we need. Population stabilization is what we need, but when a group of people decide that they will use high birthrates as a method of conquest, that is completely screwed up.

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