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Whoa! Interesting Video About Population Reduction!

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posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 11:15 AM
India and China have way too many people.

Even though China has a "one child" per couple ruling, their population is still outrageously astronomical.

India isn't even beginning to address her population problem and aids is running rampant thoughout both of these countries.

It gets dangerous when one group decides who goes and who stays.

Personally I think anyone that litters, doesn't recycle and can spend $50,000 on a pair of shoes ought to be kicked off the planet.

Humanity thus far has proven to be like a cancer upon this beautiful planet. We reproduce, spread and look at the pictures from space. Anywhere humanity has settled down in large numbers the landscape is stripped bare, concrete and steel block out the sun and we have left piles and piles of our garbage reaching miles high all over.

Maybe just maybe we are not worth saving as a species unless we all get our act together and start treating Mother Earth better

My friend who is an American Indian believes Mother Earth is like a big dog with fleas (us) and one of these days she is going to shake us off of her to get some relief.

[edit on 19-4-2009 by ofhumandescent]

[edit on 19-4-2009 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 11:26 AM
I'd do some research on that female doctor at the beginning of the vid. Well don't take my word for it! pssssst...she's a corporate shill. Codex is real but shills only provide a fraction of useful info. That documentary that that footage is from I believe is called Esoteric Agenda great doc, minus the shill.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 11:43 AM

We have different opinions no matter where you look, for years it's been blamed on everything and everyone, who is telling us the truth?

If you take these video's it starts off with it's a Pagan agenda, why now Pagans? I'm Pagan and I don't wish to see anyone dead for my benefit or any of my Family, not so long ago it was the Vatican, but if we take these video's it cant possible be, because otherwise the Vatican would be condoning birth control of every kind.

Additives to food, not long ago they where for food preservation, taste, and looks, now it's all designed to kill us all, how do they prevent the 500 million from eating them if the same message is going out to everyone?

To be honest, I have seen so many different stories on every day things we consume being designed to kill us, I don't have a clue as to who is telling me the truth.

One thing I do know, is if this is all true, about there being a NWO who want to kill off more than 3/4 of the Human race, then right in front of us are the answers we need to defeat them, we have all heard the stories of miricle free energy machines that have seen the inventor have an accident, and the Machines taken and hidden, among other things which really seem to get these people in a panic, so lets use what they have shown us, and take all the things which seem to threaten any plans they have, and all work towards out witting them, play them at their own game.

Get the efficient energy Machines, but instead of having a small release that it has been achieved, release the information all at once and to everyone at the same time, they cant prevent much then, take every thing else they have gone out of their way to cover up, and blow it wide open, instead of trying to become rich off these inventions, give them to the World, but bypass the usual means of doing this, because they are obviously well in control of those means.

The way to go forward, stop arguing over what's right or wrong, and just do it, stop greed (main cause of suffering in the World) and I mean stop greed at every level, I'm so tired of hearing people screaming about their rights, but at the same time not caring about the rights of others, just their own, stop turning a blind eye to everything that doesn't directly effect us, because it will if we don't that's for sure, and stop complaining about everything, unless your willing to get off your arse (ass) and do something about it, the fighting over opinion is doing more damage than the problems.

Stop expecting everyone else to protest, go and protest as well, and stop blaming everyone else, Black, White, Bright Green with red Polka dots, your colour or race does not matter, we are all part of the Human Race, see the OP, we are all supposedly going to die no matter of your origins.

Who gave these people power over us again? certainly wasn't me, but I will pay just like those who did.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Wideawake08
I heard that the worlds population could fit comfortably in the state of Texas.
Is this true? I know when I have driven from Chicago to Florida there is a lot of empty land out there.

I just did the math - if every person on the planet were put into Texas alone - each would have 1,100 square feet of space.

This is about the same as a typical neighborhood 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 11:45 AM
Interesting, but I am missing some sources for all this information. I researched a little and found this interesting link;

I find this link just a credible as the material posted in this thread.

FICTION: Codex will go into global effect on December 31, 2009.

FACT: The authors of the above statement do not seem to be aware that Codex
already consists of around 300 official food standards, some of which have
been in global effect since as long ago as 1966.

If however the authors of the above statement are referring to the Codex
Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements then they are in fact
confusing these with the European Union's Food Supplements Directive.

The Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements were adopted by the
Codex Alimentarius Commission in July 2005, and provide a framework for the
development of global restrictions upon the manufacture and sale of dietary
supplements containing vitamins and minerals. However, the Guidelines have
not yet established the maximum levels of vitamins and minerals that can be
contained in supplements, and nor has there been any date set for the
adoption of these.

The European Union's Food Supplements Directive, on the other hand, will go
into full effect in Europe on December 31, 2009, but it is a piece of
European legislation and as such will primarily affect consumers living in
Europe. Moreover, the Directive has not yet set the maximum levels of
vitamins and minerals that can be contained in supplements sold in the
European Union, and nor has there been any date set for the adoption of
legislation to implement such levels.

Read the whole article -- it will give some perspective after watching that video.

Remember, its too easy just to create a conspiracy -- you need the facts.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 12:17 PM
It's sad how people swallow every info they throw as real and undisputable. How do you know if there are so many people in the world right now?(NOTE: "so many" as in "too much")
How do you know that it is IMPOSSIBLE, no matter how equally we distribute Earth's resources, to live with our current population level?

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 12:27 PM
Hi Baseball101,

Please clear up an apparent contradiction. This applies to the US.

Elitist, leftists, Markists politicians, led by Prince Charming of Chappaquidick, and his leftist Republican buddies, along with the Soetoro administration, are again demanding unconditional amnesty and citizenship for all 39 million illegals PLUS their families domociled in Mexico. Extending amnesty and citizenship to families domociled in Mexico means hundreds of millions more US citizens as fast as they can cross the border.

Corrupt leftist Republicans (beholden to the Illuminati), along with their leftist Democrat buddies are again demanding unlimited H-1B replacement workers be brought here from India.

The present H1B (replacement worker) population in the US is about a million. At least 90,000 new replacemnt workers arrive per year and those whose visa's run out are never prosecuted. If the visa cap goes to unlimited, Tata corporation has the capacity to send 10 million more replacement workers as fast as the airlift and sealift can send them here.

This enormous US population increase, coupled with Soetoro's own Acorn organization's $4Billion stimulus money will guarantee he stays President no matter what.

Obviously there is a contradiction, the elitists are demanding extreme US population increases. Why should the elitists even give a damn? They'll be guaranteed power from now on (thanks to Soetoro's Acorn organization).

All this, thus far, articulates the far left's desire to increase the US population; obviously Mexico and India will experence some decreases in theirs.

Now, Baseball101, when Soetoro switches us over to the New World Order (One World Governance), then what you posted would seem relevant. Ultimately, it appears that the income redistribution (wage equalization) demanded by Soetoro, would benefit Mexico and India, to our detriment. Under such a situation, low income US citizens would go even lower as global wage equalization will lower everyone to the level of the Dalits (untouchables) of India. By looking at global numbers of people in poverty; US middle class and below will be "leveled down" to, or close to, the standard of living of the untouchables (polluted laborers) of India.

Well, it's not my place to doubt what you posted, it's tough to understand why the Illuminati would even give a damn about anything but their own power.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by JustTheFacts

Originally posted by Wideawake08
I heard that the worlds population could fit comfortably in the state of Texas.
Is this true? I know when I have driven from Chicago to Florida there is a lot of empty land out there.

I just did the math - if every person on the planet were put into Texas alone - each would have 1,100 square feet of space.

This is about the same as a typical neighborhood 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home.

I am not buying the overpopulation argument either. There is plenty of land in the world. If you've ever been on a road trip in the US, then you know what I am talking about, you can go hundreds of miles without seeing buildings, or anyone, just open land. The argument for freshwater running out is also bull#. It's not that it isn't happening, but let's remember that our planet is 75% water and though, that water is ocean water, it can be put through desalination and converted to fresh water. Don't think this is possible? Well Saudia Arabia is known for it's desalination plants and due to a shared water treaty, the the US desalinates the colorado river so that Mexico can have a less salty water supply for their agriculture. The water won't run out if we have the right technology to convert ocean water.

I don't know why they want us to think there is too many people on this planet. Some of you have been saying that its not the people to blame, but the companies who grab natural resources and mass produce non-biodegradable materials that are to blame, and I concur with that notion. These companies need to stop making plastic, and destroying wildlife and the livelihood of countries rich in these sought after resources. We are not the problem, they are!

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 01:52 PM
esoteric agenda is an interesting doc, i prefer the big picture though.

it can be found here:

It was not until recently, after reading this that i realized how evil things today really are.

I have always held my suspicions.

Any input from you is greatly appreciated.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Adonsa
Well, it's not my place to doubt what you posted, it's tough to understand why the Illuminati would even give a damn about anything but their own power.

Well, the Illuminati, or "Moriah Against The Wind" as they prefer to be called, kill for their Satanic mass human sacrifice rituals.

And this "population reduction" is meant to kill not just half of the population, but 2/3rds by 2012.

Also, this isn't the only way they cause their human sacrifices:
-they cause them by "curing diseases"(while the vaccine is more poison)
-religious holy wars
-every war in the past 8000 years
-alien abduction (the work with the Greys and Reptillians)
-9/11 (yes it was them NOTAfganistan)
-poisoning food (even health food is somewhat poisonous)

Hope that helps.


posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by leira7

Originally posted by JustTheFacts

Originally posted by Wideawake08
I heard that the worlds population could fit comfortably in the state of Texas.
Is this true? I know when I have driven from Chicago to Florida there is a lot of empty land out there.

I just did the math - if every person on the planet were put into Texas alone - each would have 1,100 square feet of space.

This is about the same as a typical neighborhood 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home.

I am not buying the overpopulation argument either. There is plenty of land in the world. If you've ever been on a road trip in the US, then you know what I am talking about, you can go hundreds of miles without seeing buildings, or anyone, just open land. The argument for freshwater running out is also bull#. It's not that it isn't happening, but let's remember that our planet is 75% water and though, that water is ocean water, it can be put through desalination and converted to fresh water. Don't think this is possible? Well Saudia Arabia is known for it's desalination plants and due to a shared water treaty, the the US desalinates the colorado river so that Mexico can have a less salty water supply for their agriculture. The water won't run out if we have the right technology to convert ocean water.

I don't know why they want us to think there is too many people on this planet. Some of you have been saying that its not the people to blame, but the companies who grab natural resources and mass produce non-biodegradable materials that are to blame, and I concur with that notion. These companies need to stop making plastic, and destroying wildlife and the livelihood of countries rich in these sought after resources. We are not the problem, they are!

BRAVO! Common sense doesn't register with some people.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by NathanNewZealand
reply to post by baseball101

Is there anyone out there who is stupid enough to think that a population reduction would be a bad thing? Anyone stupid enough to think it's a good idea to have MORE humans? Lets just keep populating until theres seven hundred trillion of us a?

The human population on this planet is far too great, it doesn't take an idiot to work that out. If we balanced our birth to death ratio so the population stayed at the level it's at right now we would be doomed, the planet can not sustain this many humans. We use too much resources, too much land for food production, we grow too much concrete and steel everywhere, the list goes on.

Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to DRASTICALLY reduce the population obviously understands that if we continue the way we are, or even stop growing now and remain the same, then NO ONE will survive. Here's something for the stupid people out there, if the planet can't sustain us, we ALL die. So isn't it better to reduce the population now to ensure the survival of our species in the future? It doesn't have to be a mass culling, even birth control laws could work, but we must reduce the population to a sustainable level.

I personally think that iff all humans lived in the same country then we could survive as a species with a population less than 2 thousand. We're clever enough to keep ourselves around without having to rely on big numbers.
2 Thousand humans, in total, worldwide, that would be better than the 6.6 billion fuc!en idiots that we have here now.

Actually, in America we are not even at a replacement level, the only reason america's population is increasing is due to immigration.


posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 02:24 PM
I also want to ask a question to all those that write a post on every topic under ATS they don't believe in a God or Christ and what idiots people are to believe in religion.
Why do the Illuminati and freemason's worship Lucifer?
Mind you these are the same people behind all our money, all our politicians, all our institutions, behind all those that control the media...This is not some little cult in someones basement in Ohio..these are the most powerful people in the world and they control every aspect of your life.. You people never say a word about them yet they control your whole life...
BUT say there is a God, or that Christ died as a ransom to free your soul and you laugh, ridicule and are blasphemous against the creator of all?
But world leaders go to Bohemian Grove to do mock (wink wink) sacrifices of children to Moloch (a owl) and not a word from you as you attack people who believe in the creator of all??? I find this very very strange.
You believe in the supernatural, demons, ghosts, aliens, paganism, astrology and everything else under the sun but you don't believe in a creator of the universe? The bible and other apocryphal books are filled with the most supernatural events ever recorded..spirits...demons..miracles..giants..the supernatural...yet you been led to equate religion to church ladies, crosses, Jesus pins and satanic pedophiles dressed up as priests because that's what the NWO wants. And you are falling for it.
You would rather believe world leaders that tell you through their (social engineering) institutions, media that there in no God as they sacrifice children to Lucifer..COME ON.. Those that write there is no religion your not very bright. All this NWO crap has already been written in prophecy..and we that have read the prophecy know how the story ends..Read Revelation!

Ephesians 6:12 states:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

[edit on 19-4-2009 by Wideawake08]

[edit on 19-4-2009 by Wideawake08]

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 03:18 PM
I remember seeing something similar to this, i don't know if anyone has mentioned The Esoteric Agenda videos, they can be found on youtube, i believe there is 13 parts to them, when i get a chance i'll post up the links.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Wideawake08
I heard that the worlds population could fit comfortably in the state of Texas.
Is this true? I know when I have driven from Chicago to Florida there is a lot of empty land out there. I personally think that this is BS propaganda from the NWO.

What do you call comfortable? One person per acre of land? That wouldn't be enough land to sustain a person. Not by American standards at least. There are about 6.7 BILLION people and 172,044,800 acres in Texas. Whip out your calculator and do the rest of the math. Let's see... about 39 people/acre is what I get. I'm trying to imagine 39 people trying to live off the land in my yard right now.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Wideawake08
I heard that the worlds population could fit comfortably in the state of Texas.
Is this true?

Fit comfortably maybe but live comfortably I think not. We would be swimming in each-others feces.

There would be a host of other problems with this also like the spread of disease among other things. In my opinion there is more than enough room on this earth for all of us as long as we use our resources to the fullest, which at this point is not the case.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 08:32 PM
Folks it is simple enough, the human population has reached a crisis point. There are honestly too many of us occupying the planet. That statement is horrifying and harsh, I know, but it none the less true. All of our many and varied environmental maladies, including global warming, are the result of the staggering number of people that now occupy the planet. We are rapidly reaching the the point where the earth will no longer be able to support our exponentially expanding numbers, and if you think that the guys in charge aren't aware of this fact then you are kidding yourself in a bigtime way. I am convinced that there will be a major killing event orchestrated in the very near future. It may take the form of a biological purge or perhaps a major nuclear exchange of catastrophic proportions. Whatever the means of delivery, the results will be the same. A huge amount of people are going to be exterminated in a very short period of time.

The events will be perpetrated in such a way as to give our governments plausible deniability where complicity is concerned, but you can be assured that it was they who brought about the holocaust because they had not the gumption to advocate for population control 40 years ago when concerned scientists warned us that this was going to happen if we continued to produce offspring at the rates that we were. Why stop the money train, right? More people equals more profits for the big businesses in the short term. In the long term the big businesses understand that there has to be a drastic reduction in revenues if the population is to be sucessfully culled. Is that why our national treasury is being looted right before our eyes by Bush and now Obama? Are the wealthy grabbing every last penny that they can before the big reduction takes place and their revenue base gets slashed?Is the deprivation of the national coffers just another way to ensure that the most people possible are made to expire, since there won't be enough funds to adequately supply all of the necessary clinics, medicines, etc?

A few years ago it was estimated that we were bringing a million new people onto the planet every 5 days! Since that time the number has increased! It cannot and will not continue indefinitely. Rest assured.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 08:55 PM
I don't think there are too many of us on the planet - for ...what?
It is easy to think there are when you live in the city, or in an expanding area.

But we do not use land or water to anywhere near the fullest extent. We waste most of it and we are making it.

I suspect that we reach a certain population and start hating each other - killing each other and such to reduce our own numbers.

Heck, most people do not even TRY to grow any food on their land. I think the earth can do it, but I think we have a built in 'that's enough of people' point that comes into play.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by DwaynetheSpecious
Interesting, but I am missing some sources for all this information. I researched a little and found this interesting link;

I find this link just a credible as the material posted in this thread.

FICTION: Codex will go into global effect on December 31, 2009.

FACT: The authors of the above statement do not seem to be aware that Codex
already consists of around 300 official food standards, some of which have
been in global effect since as long ago as 1966.

If however the authors of the above statement are referring to the Codex
Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements then they are in fact
confusing these with the European Union's Food Supplements Directive.

Remember, its too easy just to create a conspiracy -- you need the facts.

Reguardless of what said the Codex has been around for about 100 years + =, it was not in effect for some time but was reintroduced by the Germans, after WWII.
This has become part of the World Trade Agreement, and the Centtral American Trade Agreement, This is fact, and very for real, check your Pringles can the Comdex is mentioned.
This is going to be force vonlintary compliance, fines will be imposed on Countries that are not in compliance. The last I heard the U.K. was in violation for their refusal to accecpt some beef products. The U.K. has had enought problems with the Mad Cow thing.
Here in the U.S.A. we fought the 2005 Codex mandate on Vitamins, some people think we won, all we did was push back date to 2009.
You will find when the ingredients label is nolonger on the food stuff, you will be unaware as to what you are about to consume.
These are just further steps by Governments to have complete control of the people, what they eat and what they drink.
The Germans had the right ideal , when they relized who ever controls the food controls the people. This infomation has been past on to those who seek to controls us now.
They take things away from you little by little, then when it's all gone it's to late.
Big Brother is coming fast, it will be upon us very soon. Its nolonger about a Police State it's about the Pokice World. We need to return to Common Law Governance, and get rid of the Machine of Big Gov.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Wideawake08
Ephesians 6:12 states:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

[edit on 19-4-2009 by Wideawake08]

[edit on 19-4-2009 by Wideawake08]

I don't douht the Creator or the fact The Christ stood before Creator and all as the pure Truth walking in Human form on Earth.

I just douht the Religions the people try to push on others, but they themselves are no closer to truth, than a dog in heat.

Just like people tell me I need to go to Church, I say dang thougth I was in Church.

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