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REFRESHER on why FOX is NOT a reputable news source!

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posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 03:52 PM
Funny how some of his favorite news sources are funded mainly from the government!

Newspapers cannot be trusted neither can the Main Stream Media.;

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:13 PM
Democracy is an Illusion.

The news never reports the real news. The real news is suppressed and if there is information "they" don't want you to know, you'll never know.

You're meant to be distracted with little things that really don't matter. Ever notice how they report Billy Bob Thorton acting strange, or some gay guy makes a comment that angers homophobic or church people? The news media is all about the ratings and if you take their poles, you are just giving them ammo so they know what you're thinking. Stories are sensationalized, fear mongered for the sponsorship of commercial ads so they can make the all mighty dollar.

That's what it boils down to is the all mighty dollar.

The real news is controlled and meant to be kept away from your eyes or ears, or they'll lose their sponsors.

The propaganda machine is sitting in your living room and you are told what to think, what to eat, what to dress like, look like, act like, what's right and what's wrong.

The TV has decayed your minds and the majority of people that watch it lost their ability to exercise critical thinking.

They show things that polarize and divide people for profits.

So go ahead and keep watching.

[edit on 16/4/2009 by TheInfamousOne]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by TheInfamousOne

I think you hit the nail on the head!
Its all about money and more of it in this country!(hence the signature)
I just get really tired of the pro oil and coal commercials on constantly!
I swear they are on every friggin' commercial break!
You can sure tell whos in whos pocket from the sponsers!

I know our policy is to beg the saudis to pump more but, geez!
I wouldn't neccesarily be proud of it and spend billions on advertising!
We know about oil! Duh
! Thats why were over a barrel now!
Cuz big oil has killed every innovation that would reduce dependence.
Nothing else matters but MONEY and MORE of it!

Whatever it is were talking about......

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

Omg Your trying to prove a point by pointing to a production that was made by people that HATE Fox News. [*Snip*] You cant prove points people by using the choir to back up your assumptions. OUTFOXED is one of the most dishonest productions every made about Fox News. The best way to know what Fox News is about is to watch them and not get your information from "The Huffington Post" or the "Media Matter" outfit. Like I said before your enemy is always going to lie about the people they hate.

[Mod Edit: Off-colored analogy removed]

Mod Note: Terms & Conditions Of Use – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 4/16/2009 by AshleyD]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
reply to post by mental modulator

NPR is news only in the sense that they report only the facts.


"In ABCDE today, x civilians were killed when a bomb exploded in a downtown marketplace".

How can you argue with that?

It's only when someone starts analyzing it...who was responsible and why...that the arguments begin. There are always at least two sides to every story.


it operates on donations , therefore it does not have any advertisers or parent companies to please.

You can watch what ever it is you want, but FOX makes claims that it is NEWS.
By this Standards the TONIGHT show and COLBERT show are also news.

IF you would watch this fist video, you could refute its points and put a wedge in my stance?

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by alienj
reply to post by mental modulator

Omg Your trying to prove a point by pointing to a production that was made by people that HATE Fox News. [*SNIP*] You cant prove points people by using the choir to back up your assumptions. OUTFOXED is one of the most dishonest productions every made about Fox News. The best way to know what Fox News is about is to watch them and not get your information from "The Huffington Post" or the "Media Matter" outfit. Like I said before your enemy is always going to lie about the people they hate.

I rather enjoyed all of the prominent EX FOX employees describe what I have been noticing for years.

Anyhow I have made up my mind long before I watched that video, on my own terms mind you. What really did it for me is all the wonderful names they call people...

DID you watch the video yourself??? If you didn't maybe you should so you could refute
things you believe are false...

The Huffington Post??? I just posted an article in which "Scott Mcclellen" described the very close relationship between the white house and FOX.

Scott Mcclellen was the communicator for the most powerful office in the world.

[Mod Edit: Removed inappropriate analogy]

Mod Note: Terms & Conditions Of Use – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 4/16/2009 by AshleyD]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

You say sir that the BBC is not corporately sponsored...

The BBC gets some of its funding from the European Union in EXCHANGE for broadcasting "favourable stories".

Meaning that the BBC are as bad at being "fair and balanced" as FOX.

Do some research.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by sadisticwoman
News is supposed to be devoid of any emotion, so as not to sway your own feelings on the situation. Fox "news" people always need to put their opinion into every story.

ITs not even direct OPINION, it is subtle commentary that boarders on manipulation (is manipulation).

Watch me do it...

MM modulator wrote a thread about FOX, some might call him a SLIMY NASTY PINKO
COMMIE TERRORIST because his OP to some IS A GIANT LIE that exposes FOX....

YOU see I did a FOX news TWICE there - cheers

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by dampnickers
reply to post by mental modulator

You say sir that the BBC is not corporately sponsored...

The BBC gets some of its funding from the European Union in EXCHANGE for broadcasting "favourable stories".

Meaning that the BBC are as bad at being "fair and balanced" as FOX.

Do some research.

I DID NOT SAY BBC is not corporately sponsored -

I said NPR - PBS and CSPAN

I said BBC because it is not tied to the DEMS or GOP and it is not as apt to twist things
for one party or Corporate entity.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Ciphor
Last time I checked Fox News was a business just like any other and required success to keep a float.

Fox news ratings were getting rocked hard after 06'

Glenn Beck is currently #2 in ratings I believe?
Some of you are just straight up PARANOID! Yes fox news is in general not to be trusted, and I am skeptical about Glenn just like most of his fans are, because most of his fans know how corrupt fox news is!

HOWEVER, Glenn Beck whether you trust him or not is surely one thing...consistent.

The Glenn Beck watchers are not saying they trust fox news. We are saying We like the type of news Glenn Beck talks about. Fox news is doing what all companies are doing right now. Covering there a**es and keeping as much money as they can in there pockets

News Ratings:

Overall Ratings:

As you can see, Glenn is doing something for Fox News. He is helping make them the dominate news source, and I have a feeling if things continue his ratings will soon be #1.

Quit brainwashing yourself and LOOKING for something that is clearly and logically not there.

[X] Deep Recession
[X] Ratings = Money
[X] Glenn Beck = Ratings
[X] Media dominance
[X] Money = Good thing for a business

Your acting like everything Fox News does is to manipulate the people only makes you look closed minded.

I don't trust Fox News. I Trust Glenn Beck with a big level of skepticism.

EDIT: Sorry If I am assuming wrong that this topic is basically another Glenn Beck vs. Fox News Corruption thing. Though I'm pretty sure it is.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Ciphor]

BECK is consistent - ly manipulative

The other day had had the show happy fascism...
HIS LIPS kept saying "I am not comparing Obama to Hilter"... - MEAN while they are flashing graphics of OBAMA and HITLER edited together - same angles, surroundings...

I'm not calling you fat... ( while I puff my cheeks out and try to double my chin)

BECK should just say Obama is Hitler if thats what he believes.
He PRETENDS to be NON partisan, yet he is extremely partisan...

He is entitled to his opinion - but he does not only give straight opinion, he slips it on the listener in a very manipulative way, twists his motives and guides the viewer to
a specific thought - and then he reenforces that thought .I have known a few - BECK is pro manipulator.

Watch the first video - do it - challenge yourself if you are such a believer sir...
Then maybe you will see there is fine distinction between CLOSE MINDED and further informed.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by mental modulator]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

ONE of my original points that is being lost ( my fault to some extent )

is if YOU are serious about changing the current state of our political system

Challenge YOURSELF and YOUR OWN ideas just as much as you challenge others.


FOX is attempting to HIGHJACK the TEA ( don't know what to call it ) in order to reestablish a GOP - same old two party system game. WHICH is what many are trying to
fight against, the two party system..

SO BECK pretends that he is for a new way of AMERICAN thinking, while he KNOWS that his actions only MOBILIZE and solidify the GOP BASE. NOT the RP concepts...

Its a manipulation and this OP is trying to point that out.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:49 PM
I like Fox- however I do not take everything that is said as absolute. I watch sometimes, I read other places, I go all over the web looking and reading many things and sometimes a diffrent spin on the same story. I take everything with a grain of salt. Especially on here- I read and research things to death and then some.

I more interested in how people arrived at the conclusion than maybe the actually story. I find it interesting to study people. It was blatently obivious yesterday that the CNN reporter would not listen in Chicago. Their minds already made up-but I see the same things on MSNBC and Fox from time to time. And when I was a kid watching Peter Jennings and Walter Cronkite...same thing. The only thing that has changed is there is a huge amount of places to get one's news from.

A Fool only reads from one source. And I have known to foolish from time to time.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:52 PM
8-11 PM ET

FOXNEWS 3,390,000
MSNBC 1,210,000
CNN 1,070,000

From drudge

Edit to say, how long will it be before the rest go conservative, if it is all about ratings,

hee hee

[edit on 053030p://bThursday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by mental modulator

Originally posted by dampnickers
reply to post by mental modulator

You say sir that the BBC is not corporately sponsored...

The BBC gets some of its funding from the European Union in EXCHANGE for broadcasting "favourable stories".

Meaning that the BBC are as bad at being "fair and balanced" as FOX.

Do some research.

I DID NOT SAY BBC is not corporately sponsored -

I said NPR - PBS and CSPAN

I said BBC because it is not tied to the DEMS or GOP and it is not as apt to twist things
for one party or Corporate entity.

Have you ever looked at the "news" that the BBC reports?

They have been in trouble on numerous occasions for reporting tripe! Not apt to twist things for one party or corporate entity? Yuo really are on planet Zog if you believe that the BBC do not have an agenda.

Their agenda is to promote everything that spouts out of the Labour Party as though it is gospel, they also report lots of good things about the European Union, as though it is an "all loving" organisation.

Please tell me how it is not out to "twist things for one party or entity"?

I'm looking forward to your response.

Again... Do some research.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by mental modulator

Information is power... The bearer of the light is not the light itself.

Information is power. Those who only listen to information from sources who agree with them have NO power. They are brainwashed into being Party Hacks who say what they are told to say. Don't be fooled.

Foxnews is a Conservative source. The only one on television in fact. All the others are in the DNC's hip pocket. Same thing exactly, except the DNC has control of way more stations.

In light of that fact, what do you propose; that we don't watch any news at all?

I watch them all which is clearly the wise decision. I don't limit myself to being a one party hack who runs around sounding like a Congressman spouting today's talking points straight from the Party Headquarters. I like to think I'm smarter than that.

Are you a Partisan who aligns entirely with one Party? Is this thread because you are a die hard Obama supporter who does not want the world to know what he is doing? Nothing wrong with that but you should disclose it. This is not the Daily Koss.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
8-11 PM ET

FOXNEWS 3,390,000
MSNBC 1,210,000
CNN 1,070,000

From drudge

Edit to say, how long will it be before the rest go conservative, if it is all about ratings,

hee hee

[edit on 053030p://bThursday2009 by Stormdancer777]

They are doing a good job in their business. Ratings don't lie.

Why people want to control free speech eludes me? People claim to believe in free speech, then they tell you what to watch. Thanks for posting the info.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:58 PM
Further to my last comment, the BBC reports articles about Obama as though he is a saint, or an angel.

They make no mention of the FACTS that Obama has lied to the American public. Lied by making promises that he had no intention of keeping once in office... Just look for the plethora of promises he made in campaign speeches on youtube, etc. Then look at the news articles that have come out related to those promises since, and you'll see that the liese are there.

The BBC has failed to report any of this. Most news networks have failed to report this.

The Beeb (as they are not so affectionately known) are liars, and to include them on your list of "reputable" news sources is just preposterous.

It tells me that your research isn't as complete as you thought it migh have been.

I sound harsh, but that's because I'm furious at how people have been duped into still thinking that the Beeb are a trustworthy organisation.

They are liars, crooks and scum. Full stop!

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

I don't get it. How is limiting ones information going to help? It won't.

The Tea Party here had people from all Parties in attendance and I'm reading that was true nationwide. You sound like a DNC Obamaphile who wants the other points of view hidden?

Are you opposed to Free Speech for everyone?

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by DrZERO
reply to post by mental modulator

Almost done with the first video OUTFOXED-

I started this thread because of all the Tea thingies

So you posted this video, and commented on it in your OP and you hadn't even seen the entire thing until after the fact?

Why are you downplaying this anti-tax movement by calling the Tea Parties "Tea thingies?"

Why are you singling out Fox News among the slew of slimy corporate sponsored News Shill? You should focus your "research" on all the mainstream media in place to divide the will of the people.

Why are you promoting this left/right illusion? I find an argument for Fox vs CNN etc is just an Obama vs. Bush argument in disguise.

Don't you realize that once they have tricked you into picking a side that they have already won?

And most importantly, why do you insist on quoting someones entire post when responding?

[edit on 16-4-2009 by DrZERO]

YOU are right - I did place a video and not comcompleteplete it before the OP came on the boards


my bad...

The division is not a illusion - it is a simple reflection of natural human sociology.

FOR time and memorial society divides in a similar way. My point is for those who believe there is something beyond such a reality. If you are trying to be objective
why would you receive your information from a PARTISAN CORPORATE entity that
has, in the past received its daily GAME PLAN from the WH, the very same branch FOX claims to be monitoring/reporting open? MCCLELLEN - he has a good resume mind you -

OR did the WH hire a lier? (yes per FOX - just like EVERY whistle blower who attempted to uncover WH corruption)

and I am doing FULL quotes because YOUR context IS important - I owe that much to YOU - Lack of context is what I am fighting to some extent.

BTW why are you pounding me with technicalities?

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

I've given you a star because you have asked some very pertinent questions, and ones that I would like to see answered.

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