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odd sights

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posted on Apr, 22 2004 @ 07:34 PM
I've been meditating for almost five years now and nothing OVERLY odd has happened to me. But a few weeks ago I was squeezing in some time to meditate on an unexpected break, and I saw some very very odd things.

I began meditating out doors, under an old oak tree (i only tell the type because I have the beleif that nature holds alot of power in things like meditation.) But anyway, I had my eyes closed at the time, but opened them when I heard my friend call to me. When I opened my eyes I was in an odd, new place; I had awakened in a large flaming feild, there were small huts scattered throughout it. I felt fear imediatly, but than I began to calm my self and began to wander; the only feture that stood out was a man(?) in a yellow cloak/hood outfit that was pointing to a burning hut.

after I began to aproach him my friend had jostled me enough to wake me up. I've been a little scared to meditate sence. Sorry to ramble can any one help me?

P.S. I did try to kill my friend for waking me.

posted on Apr, 22 2004 @ 07:38 PM
Maybe you had a type of preminition? all symbolizing something to come?

Or maybe you reached the plain of enlightenment where we can all talk to eachother no matter the distance?

posted on Apr, 22 2004 @ 07:42 PM
two little flaws:
1) If it was a premanition, when is there ever an option for me to be in an open feild with huts, and for a fire to happen.

2) on the enlightenment, if you had a conversation with me you'd know, I am very far from that

sorry to rip your theories to shreds, its what I do

posted on Apr, 22 2004 @ 07:47 PM
Maybe you fell asleep while you were meditating, and it was a nightmare.

it's not uncommon to fall asleep during meditation, especially after a very stressful time, because your body just relaxes itself so much that you fall asleep.

even someone who has meditated for years can fall asleep doing it.

posted on Apr, 22 2004 @ 07:48 PM
personally I think you were on the astral plane. I too have seen a man in orange robes but he was more like a buddhist monk (no hood), and he was ahead of me and pointing towards a really tall mountain. I would highly recommend practicing your meditation using the same techniques you did that day and also under the tree again...I do think the outdoors has something to do with our ability to access the astral faster perhaps.

[Edited on 4-22-2004 by worldwatcher]

posted on Apr, 22 2004 @ 08:45 PM
by Oak, Ash and Rowan tree...or so the druids believed were all places of spiritual enlightenment.

Enjoy, let the vision open to you. Youll understand it in time.

posted on Apr, 22 2004 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by radstar
by Oak, Ash and Rowan tree...or so the druids believed were all places of spiritual enlightenment.

Enjoy, let the vision open to you. Youll understand it in time.

THANK YOU I now owe you my immortal soul! I have been pouring over all my old books (I have piles) to find the spiritual trees.

posted on Apr, 22 2004 @ 08:56 PM
I think you found yourself a guide. Or he found you...Nature definitly can influence your meditation experience. I think you were rooted very well, in a few ways. A tree is a symbol of strength and longevity.

I symbolize a tree during meditation, because it is good to "root", yourself to the earth from which you can draw strenth and energy for your meditation. I dont know if it works simply because of the metaphore value of a tree being "rooted"

Your awareness at the crucial moment of sleep may have brought you to projection. That is how you see this man approaching. I have no idea about the burning huts.
The astral plane is made up by you, and others there with you. This may be "his" astral place, hmm?


posted on Apr, 22 2004 @ 09:27 PM

1) If it was a premanition, when is there ever an option for me to be in an open feild with huts, and for a fire to happen.

I'm not saying I agree it was a premonition, but honestly you can't say that the future won't take you somewhere like this.

Can you give a more detailed descripition of the man inthe yellow cloak hood thing?


posted on Apr, 23 2004 @ 01:16 AM
I wish I could meditate and NOTHING odd and bizarre would happen to me. No one wants that kind of of stuff to follow you around.

posted on Apr, 23 2004 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by jrod
I wish I could meditate and NOTHING odd and bizarre would happen to me. No one wants that kind of of stuff to follow you around.

how do you mean

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 06:39 PM
I think it was an astral type experience given to you by your spiritual guardian.

You had sought peace outside but you were shown a burning field and a man pointing to a burning hut. I think he was trying to tell you that you couldn't fully escape your work responsibilities by going outside and should go back to your work and not get too distracted by spiritual things. In other words he was probably telling you that there are difficulties wherever you are, either inside or out, and that you should think about heading back inside to work ?

It's an interesting case and has me a little perplexed, so i could be entirely wrong in my interpretation.

I'm sure it was just something done by your guardian however.

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