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Alien Artifacts On The Moon? Images from Russian Luna Probes!

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+111 more 
posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:57 AM
Here are some images from the Russian Luna space probes. Have a look at the geometrically shaped objects. They don’t seem natural stone formations especially the ‘wheels’ fixed to what seems an axle! They couldn’t be part of the space probes as the artifacts look very old and weathered.

What do you think they could be? As for me, I haven’t the faintest clue and so won’t hazard a guess!
However, this stuff is pretty interesting. The first of the pics was discovered by olegkvasha.

There may be more where they came from. Check it out here…

Soviet Moon Images


posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 03:13 AM
Hi Mike, haven’t seen you on the site for a while. Very nice find. So flag and star.
The only thing that comes to mind is leftover bits from past missions; it would help if we knew if this area was a landing spot or if anything from the missions where in that area. All the best.

[edit on 2/4/09 by iammonkey]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 03:36 AM
Interesting photos. The first two or three pictures remind me of the shield generators on Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back.

When and where were these taken?

+6 more 
posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by iammonkey
Hi Mike, haven’t seen you on the site for a while. Very nice find. So flag and star.
The only thing that comes to mind is leftover bits from past missions; it would help if we knew if this area was a landing spot or if anything from the missions where in that area. All the best.

Hi iammonkey
Let's say that we can easily rule it out that it comes from past missions: Luna 13 (Луна-13) landed in Oceanus Procellarum on December 24, 1966, at 18°52' north latitude and 62°3' west longitude.
The only previous mission that made a soft landing (of course according to what they say) Landed on Moon on February 3, 1966 at Latitude 7.08 N, Longitude 295.63 E . The distance between the two is huge. We tried to identify unuccessfully what the heck the object is, but one thing i ca say for sure is that it's artificial.

Mike, this deserves its own thread, hopefully this time we will find some explanation to this mystery.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by iammonkey
The only thing that comes to mind is leftover bits from past missions; it would help if we knew if this area was a landing spot or if anything from the missions where in that area. All the best.

Here's what our walking encyclopedia Internos dug out....

Luna 2 USSR 12 Sep 59 Sep 14 59 29.10N 0.0
Ranger 4 USA 23 Apr 62 Apr 26 62 15.5S 130.7W
Ranger 6 USA 30 Jan 64 Feb 2 64 M Tranquilit.
Ranger 7 USA 28 Jul 64 Jul 31 64 10.35S 21.58W
Ranger 8 USA 17 Feb 65 Feb 20 65 2.67N 24.65E
Ranger 9 USA 21 Mar 65 Mar 24 65 12.83S 2.37W
Luna 5 USSR 9 May 65 May 65 31S 8E
Luna 7 USSR 4 Oct 65 Oct 65 9N 40W
Luna 8 USSR 3 Dec 65 Dec 65 9:08N 63:18W
Luna 9 USSR 31 Jan 66 Feb 3 66 7:08N 64:33W
Surveyor 1 USA 30 May 66 Jun 2 66 2:27S 43:13W
Lunar O. 1 USA 10 Aug 66 Oct 29 66 7N 161E
Surveyor 2 USA 20 Sep 66 Sep 22 66 S Copernicus
Lunar O. 2 USA 6 Nov 66 Oct 11 67 3N 119.1E
Luna 13 USSR 21 Dec 66 Dec 24 66 18:52N 62:03W
Lunar O. 3 USA 5 Feb 67 Oct 10 67 14.32N 92.7W
Surveyor 3 USA 17 Apr 67 Apr 20 67 2:56S 23:20W
Lunar O. 4 USA 4 May 67 Oct 31 67 ? 22-30W
Surveyor 4 USA 14 Jul 67 Jul 17 67 0:26N 1:20W
Lunar O. 5 USA 1 Aug 67 Jan 31 68 2.79S 83W
Surveyor 5 USA 8 Sep 67 Sep 11 67 1:25N 22:15E
Surveyor 6 USA 6 Nov 67 Nov 10 67 0:25N 1:20W
Surveyor 7 USA 7 Jan 68 Jan 10 68 40:53S 11:26W
Luna 15 USSR 13 Jul 69 Jul 21 69 17N 60E
Apollo 11 USA 16 Jul 69 Jul 20 69 0:41N 23:26E
Apollo 12 USA 14 Nov 69 Nov 19 69 3:11S 23:23W
Luna 16 USSR 12 Sep 70 Sep 20 70 0:41S 56:18E
Luna 17 USSR 10 Nov 70 Nov 17 70 38:18N 35W (Mare Imbrium)

Unless we'd assume that debris lost somewhere in orbit would fall exactly in that area of the Moon's surface. The odds are astronomical!


posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 04:15 AM
Well, IF they are what they appears to be, it is ancient, and it must be the anunnaki, I think Sitchin is talking about this...

They used the moon and mars as stations..
So Sitchin says....

[edit on 2-4-2009 by ChemBreather]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 04:19 AM
Fantastic find.

I guess that wheels look like we think they are.
But I wonder if the square thing is a box or a brick?

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Flighty
Fantastic find.

I guess that wheels look like we think they are.
But I wonder if the square thing is a box or a brick?

It's neither, actually.

It's totally the 'Monoliths' from 2010.

Jupiter will be turned into a star soon, if that book/movie was right way back then

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 05:49 AM
Fantastic find Mike

-Now if somebody tells me this is a rock formation I will laugh so hard I might get some body injuries (so please don't for the sake of my health).

-Now its not a camera glitch also , I'm 100% sure.

-Its not a part of a previous mission (if i read the previous post right) as there was no previous missions i that part.

I have to say I have no clue as of what this is(but for some weird reasons I strongly feel I have seen those items in pic 1 and 2 before somewhere ) but it is definitely artificial.

[edit on 2-4-2009 by Thill]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by mikesingh



posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by internos

Originally posted by iammonkey
Hi Mike, haven’t seen you on the site for a while. Very nice find. So flag and star.
The only thing that comes to mind is leftover bits from past missions; it would help if we knew if this area was a landing spot or if anything from the missions where in that area. All the best.

Hi iammonkey
Let's say that we can easily rule it out that it comes from past missions: Luna 13 (Луна-13) landed in Oceanus Procellarum on December 24, 1966, at 18°52' north latitude and 62°3' west longitude.
The only previous mission that made a soft landing (of course according to what they say) Landed on Moon on February 3, 1966 at Latitude 7.08 N, Longitude 295.63 E . The distance between the two is huge. We tried to identify unuccessfully what the heck the object is, but one thing i ca say for sure is that it's artificial.

Mike, this deserves its own thread, hopefully this time we will find some explanation to this mystery.

Yes take a look at this map for a few landing site locations:

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 06:03 AM
I normally look at these pictures with a sense of scepticism, but stemming from a belief that we are not alone in our Universe and possibly have been visited and/or watched by otherworldly races - and wishing to be as accurate about this as possible.

Most of the pictures I see being flaunted as 'artifacts' or 'glass domes' or whatnot I can easily classify as being simple rocks, flaws in the imaging or other natural explanations.

Having said this I have to say that the object in pictures 1 and 2 intrigues me. I can honestly say that I have tried to view them from a 'naturally-occurring' point of view but I simply cannot see it as being anything other than an out-of-place artificial object - the origins of which I can only speculate on.

The rest of the images, while one or two of them look mighty peculiar, can be explained away in my mind as being naturally occurring formations. But I cannot seem to get my head around that first image.

I am not to the point yet of declaring it to be of extraterrestrial origin, but I am certainly leaning that way as no other explanation seems to fit with it's presence there. It does not look to be any known part or module of an earth-based lander craft, nor does it look, to me, anything like a possible deorbited piece of debris. I can honestly say that I am perplexed!

Star and Flag mate, well done!

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 06:04 AM
Interesting Photos.
I was having a brief conversation about the Moon with someone, I don't really remember who, and he casually mentioned that there were rumors during the Apollo Program about how the Astronauts observed what appeared to be roadways all over certain areas of the Moon.

He went on to say that unmanned missions before Apollo that photographed the surface of the Moon clearly showed "objects" that were not of native orgin.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by jephers0n

Here ! Here ! Great find.

I think there is a video on the site of sun activity that said something about Jupiter catching on fire or flaring .

While were talking about the moon, do all moons hold stationary orbit ? Why does it not spin ?

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

cool photos Mike but i think the "wheels with the axles" is just part of the Luna 13 spacecraft.

the strange things in this photo

might be these cover looking things from the spacecraft ?

the other anomalies are interesting and did anyone notice you can see stars in some of these photos ? funny you can't see any in NASA pictures

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by easynow

I personally do not think that object in the first picture looks anything like the piece of the Luna 13 spacecraft that you circled. The object in the picture has 3 distinct 'sections' or 'discs' whereas the piece of the Luna 13 spacecraft you circled does not show this same characteristic.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Kryties

it's just a suggestion for an explanation.

to me it looks very similar. what do i know

[edit on 2-4-2009 by easynow]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by Kryties
reply to post by easynow

I personally do not think that object in the first picture looks anything like the piece of the Luna 13 spacecraft that you circled. The object in the picture has 3 distinct 'sections' or 'discs' whereas the piece of the Luna 13 spacecraft you circled does not show this same characteristic.

However, to be fair I do believe those sections on Luna 13 have something covering the middle portions so who knows unless we can get an image of the parts as they were being place on the craft. Fat chance at that I'm afraid.

That is what I would go with first on them. That they are indeed a part of the 13 craft. Still, there are many more unexplained things on our moon.

I also like the point where these photos seem to display stars yet NONE of ours do. Higher res?

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by easynow

Hi easynow! Good find!
But as kryties mentioned above, these don't resemble the 'wheel' on the probe. Take a look...

Firstly, check out the 'antiquity' of the wheel. It looks hundreds of years old. Pretty weathered!

Secondly, the part on the probe does not have any discs.

Thirdly, the Moon artifact has a single spindle/axle.

But most important is the condition of that 'wheel' artifact that looks pretty old and corroded and partly covered with a layer of Moon dust.


posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 07:37 AM
Hey Mike great pictures amigo!

The first one is very interesting, if it were of ET origin what do you think it would be used for???

There is definitely something on the moon that the US Gov doesn't want the world to know. This disclosure crap is soooo frustrating! We need a revolution so we can find out the truth. Far more transparency is needed. Peace

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