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Money is the invisible handcuffs that bind us to slavery!

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posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Money has value based on the goods it can attain.

That is potential value, that is not real value. Real value is what people need. People don't need money, they need what money can obtain.

Originally posted by Rockpuck
The Dollar is backed by security and faith

And security and faith are valued at exactly how much these days? Again, no real value.

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Gold is also Volatile based on supply and demand.

I didn't say anything about gold.

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Debt is the negative holding of monies.. meaning you owe more monies then currently in possession.

Debt is negative anything. My point is that money does not equal wealth as wealth implies value. Once again, money has no real value, but what it acquires does. It's simply a standardized medium for trade. A representation of potential value.

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Governments don't impose the need for Money, people do.

If you had read more carefully you may well have noticed that I said that we would need very localized governments. The reason is because a system without currency would not be able to sustain large populations or large governments. See certain nomadic tribes of the world for what I'm talking about.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 02:34 AM
Of course we are slaves.

If you wanted to make a donkey work for you, would you whip it, or dangle a carrot in front of it's face?

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 02:35 AM
I happen to like money, it represents an object's value and gives people options, but like with everything else humanity touches and creates we have been ruining money. Instead of just using it to keep track of and obtain all the great things in the shiny new world we created we've put money ahead of humanity. If money was more equally distributed and resources and humans were more important than profit money would be great.

[edit on 26-3-2009 by rapinbatsisaltherage]

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 09:06 AM
Did the ancient mayans pay taxes? Or the ancient Egyptians?

Money is an illussion to me that is why I can obtain it out of thin are cause it is a as simple as a thought.

It is the people that don't realize it that struggle with a $25.00 dollar an hour job.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by ehomero

A masterful post! All in a nutshell.

Money is silver, green, gold. It is the Symbol of Actual Lifeforce:

GOLD---------Awareness (Knowing)
GREEN--------Force Focus (Dual-Flow Energy)
SILVER-------Consciousness (Power)

Cash (money) is Life, or the Symbol of Lifeforce...It is the Reflected Unreal, reflection of The Real. Symbols are Alive down here in the 3rd. Nobody knows that, except those that have enslaved all others: They recognized this, perceived it, and set about Locking the System via perpetration of Ignorance, Force, and Obedience.

System works nicely, always has. Nobody can awaken those who enjoy their sleep, until it is (always) too late. Awakening at this point leads to Destruction. Conquer the Masters, go back to sleep, and the need to Re-Conquer arises once again. People are lazy (sorry, it's energy), and ignorant, choosing that to Walking the Razor Edge, which is tough, hard, and dangerous.

So, as Robert Anton Wilson once said, there's enough money on earth for everybody to be millionaires....who's got it all? They do (Ruler Elite), and they have set up the Control Perimeters to maintain this, or enslave Lifeforce, so it flows to Them. This is only stopped by Counter Attack (you are being attacked), and resetting the Balance of the Lifeforce flow.

Swear allegiance to the flag
Whatever flag they offer
Never hint at what you really feel
Teach the children quietly
For some day sons and daughters
Will rise up and fight while we stood still

("Silent Running," Mike and the Mechanics)

No other way, period. Die, or Fight (die fighting if need be). Not for others, for yourself, for you are One with All: know that, and don't hoard (greed): it is all powerful and all merciless. Don't lie and say you are doing it for a 'good cause,' for in that, you become the very casue you fight against. Do it for Truth, for your Self, the Awareness of One Self. It is commanded: failure to heed this Original Command, is to reap the consequences, which are currently made perfectly apparent.

"The history of the planet Earth demonstrates one thing to us. It shows that those in power will test those who are not as powerful. They will use intolerable situations to see how much the less powerful will take before they wake up due to the pain it causes. One of the ways this is done in your Society is through creative lawmaking. It is the process to retain and usurp individual responsibility and place it under the dominion of Society. The more that the numbness has crept in through the enactment of elaborate and confusing distinctions, the more difficult it is to recover one's Freedom. They know that they had been successful in turning the human race into an unmanageable mass that knows its prescribed place in the safety of Society. The sooner the human race wakes up, the sooner the slavemasters must withdraw to reset their strategy. The slavemasters have been defeated many times, but it is a many headed beast. As soon as you chop one head off another attacks from your weak side. They have planned it this way ove rthe centuries of a passage of mythology that I have discussed with you and tried to elucidate for you. All myths have their basis in external reality."
("Scales of the Dragon," A.Dragon)

Get Ready.

[edit on 26-3-2009 by SS,Naga]

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 10:38 AM
Ah yes! Money. We are slaves to it, no question about it. And it's all part of the illusion.

The real thing we shoud start with is awareness. The second thing would be, intergration of that awareness (in other words, integration of the knowing).

Humans live according to the past, so it's very hard for a lot of people to let go of money, it's the only tool the elite have to dominate us.
Money is not only debt, it's domination.

So to get rid of domination, you need to remove money.
But how can you do that you ask?

Well, Earth is probably the only place in the universe that uses currency.
Consciousness is the key to our evolution, full consciousness. All humans will, at one point or another, become conscious, not just all at the same time. We humans, need to start from within. All the answers are there.
We need to change the hard disk (memory of the human race) in order to remove the need for money. In other words, we need to change the way we think, the way we interact, we need to rediscover "Respect" and most of all, we need to rediscover "Love".

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 11:19 AM
Why if we all know whats going on, none do a # about it, not even you or me, there are 3 sides to play at.

1-Those who DONT KNOW whats going on, they are happy with the bread and the circus, and dont want to change that reality.

2-Those who KNOW or SUSPECT that somethings really wrong,that everyone is slave of the unknown master, and that we are going to die without knowing the freedom... but do nothing about it, just complain, and whine about it but still not moving.

3-Those who KNOW or SUSPECT that something is really wrong, and they DO something about it, not just thinking about the problem.

Wich kind of persons are we? Nobody will come to tell us what to do, none will lead us against our masters, the real LEADER, the real enemy of our slavers, is you and me, and each one of all our brothers and sisters. What are we waiting for?

Everything has a beginning, you have to make the first step , and never look back until you have reached your freedom.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 10:29 PM
No, money is the reward for personal responsibility and a good moral compass. The only people who demonize money are the ones who don't have it and wish to shame those who do into "sharing the wealth" rather than EARNING it.


posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 09:11 AM
Terrific OP and subsequent posts....hmmm, money...

Money IS an illusion in so far as people worship it. It is intended to distract us from inner knowing, (as are most things "they" tell "us" are "worthy" of our "worship").

First, to Rockpuck: You say you "work to enjoy luxury..." , and that is part of the illusion. All you ever need to experience joy has very little to do with money. You even refer to luxuries as something you "personally need." By definition, a luxury is something that one does not need. I agree with you that the tangible aspects of money are not an illusion, of course we must provide for ourselves, (housing, food, clothing...) but a desire for THINGS is cyclic and self-defeating, for you will never have what you want and want what you have if you are seeking gratification from something like money.

TravelerintheDark, you say that "The control of money by forces outside the interests of the mass population is the problem." I see what you are saying, and I partially agree...its just that we are the ones that are doing the worshiping, so some of the responsibility for how out of hand it has gotten has to be on us...if we are to escape the illusion. (Of course, they made it this way.

SS,Naga: Brilliant, love the corelation of the color of money, I made a note...terrific! I am getting ready...

ehomero: you wonder "Why if we all know whats going on, none of us do a # about it, not even you or me..." We are doing are doing living outside of the illusion, (which is really the power we give things over us), you will be happier and more fulfilled. Others will see that, and maybe you can share your insight with them. Change is and inevitably slow beast, but it has a spring in its step when beckoned. Call it, it will come, it is already on its way.

When we give our energy to something, it has control over us, it becomes our chosen master. Money is not the only vice that causes us to not see the forest for the trees. Almost anything we overindulge in has some sway with us when we make choices...our goal must be to see beyond worldly.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Torsion girl
TravelerintheDark, you say that "The control of money by forces outside the interests of the mass population is the problem." I see what you are saying, and I partially agree...its just that we are the ones that are doing the worshiping, so some of the responsibility for how out of hand it has gotten has to be on us...if we are to escape the illusion. (Of course, they made it this way.)

Certainly I agree. People are responsible for their own actions, their own wants and desires and how they pursue them. Though I wouldn't agree that "they" made it this way, not wholly. Human beings can be manipulated to a certain extent, their weaknesses exploited with psychological hooks that stretch back to antiquity. But ultimately we as individuals are responsible for this too. Just because we're offered something doesn't mean we need to take it.

The truth as I see it that most people aren't sheepishly dumb, but they are possibly intellectually lazy. A small amount of reason and rationale easily exposes the lie of "necessary luxury". But most people have no interest in thinking that much. Why this is, I think goes a bit deeper.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 01:39 PM
Money is not bad in general its the type of system that we have that is bad. We have a debt based monetary system. This means that all money in circulation is lent into circulation with debt (interest) attached. What allows us to do this scheme is the backing of the peons tax dollars and their ability to pay the debt (interest) on the money in circulation which grows perpetually for the debt can never be repaid. Your money is essentially debt that is the way our system is set up now.

Now with that being said there are other ways to create money. An example would be to spend it into existence via some project like building a bridge or roads or to mine certain items or really any project that is labor intensive. This gives money intrinsic value because it is backed by the labor and the items the money was spent into existence on. There is no never ending debt to be paid for there is no interest attached to this form of monetary system. This doesnt restrict you to a gold standard and having to worry about the gold cabals controlling the money in the world. No one would control the money. There would be no need for taxes because alls the government would have to do is just spend more money into existence on some project. The only taxes we would have would be inflation but that too would be held at bay because of the value of the currency.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

i can always count on you to add some intelligence to a thread!

the only problem i see with your system is that it leans so heavily on production for wealth that the capitalist system would fall apart. this leaves essentially down to the gov as primary employer, and to ensure wealth is created odd ball projects would never cease. they would have us building a 30 story wall across the northern border, with pebbles, by hand in no time .. to create 'wealth'. the system would be just as corruptable. all in all gold has been the best way to regulate currency, which of course has it's own problems.

imo, the best ssolution is a gold backed currency, and making government debt illegal -- 100% no defficit spending, this would cap inflation, an indirect tax, but it would also slow economic expansion. then again the economy should not see violent volatility as we see with our current system.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by TravelerintheDark
... Just because we're offered something doesn't mean we need to take it.

The truth as I see it that most people aren't sheepishly dumb, but they are possibly intellectually lazy. A small amount of reason and rationale easily exposes the lie of "necessary luxury". But most people have no interest in thinking that much. Why this is, I think goes a bit deeper.

I really wish I agreed with this...people are sheepishly dumb and intellectually lazy...because they are living within the confines of the prision of illusion. It is not as though they are aware that they are lazy/dumb, they are having the wool pulled over their eyes, and the mass of humanity is finding comfort in that illusion. The illusion (not just money, but the entire illusion) is so deeply ingrained to set it aside is nearly impossible for most. They want to see the world in the defined context created for them...anything else is too much to process, and begins the trip down the rabbit hole, (where we live).

This is evidenced on this very thread...rather than discuss the main idea here, some would shift the conversation to our actual economic state of affairs, or economic theory, or ideas about what the government should do...this is not related to the illusion other than it represents the deeply ingrained part of servitude. They are not ignoring the point, they can't even see it.

When we toss around words like "enlightenment", "consciousness," or "interconnectedness" there is a shut down for many...they KNOW the truth deep inside, but are denying it because they have been trained to, it is all they know, and to break free is to accept the illusion AND ones participatory role.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Torsion girl

rather than discuss the main idea here, some would shift the conversation to our actual economic state of affairs, or economic theory,

Indeed, for one who preaches about intellectuality like you, I would assume that someone such as your self and other eh.... enlightened truth seekers... would be looking for an intellectual debate on the topic? Now, I was sorely mistaken, as is apparent. You cannot say something and not back it up. "Money is slavery" -- I refute it, with economic theory as you say, and thee um .. enlightened .. group has no rebuttal what so ever, just sticking to the same old crap from 1000's of youtube videos and Alex Jones crap. MBU is the only one that offers reason to the conversation. You cannot argue something based on principles without arguing the principles.

You and I ... we obviously have a different interpretation of the word Intellectual. Very different indeed.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Torsion girl

Well said. I can't believe that so many believe that we need some sort of money system in order to maintain control. But that is the point exactly. Why would we want to maintain the control over us? Money is the reason why we are at war. Money is the reason why the husband murders his wife for the insurance claim. Money colapsing will be the reasaon why billions will dissappear over night. Becsause people believe we need it to survive.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by mybigunit

Money is the reason why few people can have an abundance of something and others can have none.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by mybigunit

the only problem i see with your system is that it leans so heavily on production for wealth that the capitalist system would fall apart. this leaves essentially down to the gov as primary employer, and to ensure wealth is created odd ball projects would never cease. they would have us building a 30 story wall across the northern border, with pebbles, by hand in no time .. to create 'wealth'. the system would be just as corruptable. all in all gold has been the best way to regulate currency, which of course has it's own problems.

imo, the best ssolution is a gold backed currency, and making government debt illegal -- 100% no defficit spending, this would cap inflation, an indirect tax, but it would also slow economic expansion. then again the economy should not see violent volatility as we see with our current system.

So, please explain WHAT this has to do with the proposed illusion of $$$? The fact is, (and since you are so intellectual, I know you will see this),that this has NOTHING to do with the illusion, except to attest to the fact that you are part of it.

It is true that you and I have very different ideas, and I agree that there must be reform and blah blah blah...the bottom line is that your ideas change nothing. They do not change the current state of the ecomomy, nor do they change your current reliance on the illusion. You only see the illusion, and that is too bad. FYI: I read...a lot. Not just online, but this really old and obsolete invention called books. I don't visit utube to gain insight into the way the world works...and I'm sorry to tell you that the reason for your projected hostility regarding these ideas is most likely fear...fear that your comfortable illusion will fall apart...and it WILL.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 03:14 AM
The use of money restrains us from living up to our potential. We would be way more productive with out it.

I own a roofing business. But my business is slow because of the economy. Tons of people still need roofs but the cant afford them. Because they have no money. I cant do there roof. Since i cant do their roof I cant hire people. since I cant hire people unemployment is increasing. since unemployment is increasing the economy is going to hell. since the economy is bad people cant afford roofs but need them.

It's a vicious cycle over what that money actually has some sort of value. It is an illusion. It is a piece of paper that says one dollar that is worth about 40 cents.??????

People have to work seven days a week because others don't have to work at all. the whole system is screwed up!

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by The Real Antichrist

In the time of these end days, just go with Jesus Christ YAY!!!

He will save you, and it has nothing to do with funny coupons that we call money.

Jesus is our Saviour - please join me in His name.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
reply to post by The Real Antichrist

In the time of these end days, just go with Jesus Christ YAY!!!

He will save you, and it has nothing to do with funny coupons that we call money.

Jesus is our Saviour - please join me in His name.

Thanks for the offer but no thanks. Je$u$ can't save me. In god we trust!

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