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Obama and Brown are plainning the creation of the New World Order.. Literally

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posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 04:42 AM
This is lengthy but it is full of very important info.. if you are interested in knowing what Obama and Brown are planning I suggest reading this.

British Liaison Committee Meeting - 02/12/2009
Prime Minister Gordon Brown testified before the British House of Commons Liaison Committee, which is made up of the 30 chairmen of the House of Commons select committees. Topics included banking, the British economy, the global financial crisis, and foreign affairs including Gaza, Iran, Russia, Afghanistan, relations with the Obama administration, Guantanamo Bay, and the upcoming G20 summit.
(To watch it click the red flash button in the right column.)

At about two hours and six minutes into the meeting Gordon Brown starts to talk about his conversations with Obama.. Please read the the portion of the meeting here.. I had to relisten to it a few times to actually catch everything.. then I typed out what was said to help better understand it all.

"How many conversations have you had with the president since he has assumed office?"

"Ive talked to the president but I do not want announce in advance of public announcements but my conversations with him will continue."

"So you have been having conversations with the president?"

"Its always been the case that British leaders and American leaders work together”

“Are you going to replicate the Blair/Bush chemistry with Mr. Obama?"

(Everyone laughs)
"I feel that the relationship between America and Britain can be stronger because of the shared policies and the shared values by which we approach the international problems. Look... there are four major problems in the world at the moment that really have got to be dealt with. The first is the rebuilding ooorr...and actually the building of a global financial system. That hasn't happened because national regulators rather than international supervision and actions happened.. so we've got to work on that together. Climate change and energy... we got to work on that together and we are looking forward to Copenhagen. And it is fortunate for Britain that president Obama shares our views about the need to tackle climate change. Then there are huge security issues Afghanistan Pakistan. Looking at them both together. Which is going to be a feature of future models. And obviously we have both made statements about we're trying to do in Iraq for the future. The terrorist threat generally and the problems of of of of the middle east. Then you have these huge issues of inequality and poverty. I know President Obama is concerned about that if globalization, which is where we are, is going to work, it not only has to be open and flexible way and uh and uh and uh fre fre free trade has to be inclusive and sustainable. And these are the challenges we face together and challenges that we can work on with a great deal of success for the next period of time. I think it is also fortunate that the European leaders and American leadership can work together as well."

"Indeed Prime Minister. What do you feel are the main implications for British foreign policy of the Obama emphasis on humanitarian aid, peace keeping, and the greater engagement with the United Nations, all very significant departures from the previous administration?"

"I think its even bigger that I think it is multilateralism that foreshadows the creation of a global society in out lifetime. And whats happening in our world is we have had global markets and global contact between different people through the ease of travel and the ease of instantaneous communication. But what we are actually doing is in addition to our national institutions and national identities and loyalties, we are also building a global society at the moment. President Obama's determination to work multilaterally, his determination to deal with the issues of human rights like torture and his determination to bring a solution to problems like Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the middle east, two of the major problems that we face. I think makes us see that if we can rebuild the global institutions so they can actually do a job that solves some of these global challenges, and then in our generation we can build what people would describe as a global society."

I watch a lot of news.. read a lot news.. but I hadn't really heard much about Obama wanting to push globalization. So I did some searching around and found a few interesting things:

"In his August 28 speech accepting the Democratic nomination, Obama referred to globalization only once, saying he would propose incentives for U.S. companies to create jobs in the United States rather than overseas."

"He said that globalization isn’t all bad, because it means “the world is smaller than it used to be” and “that’s something we should welcome.” The problem is that American employees aren’t on a level playing field with those in other countries, he said, and protections for workers aren’t enforced as vigorously as those for multi-national corporations."

"Many are under the illusion that somehow Obama and the Democrats are going to save the American people and even the world. It is becoming increasingly clear that just like Bush, Obama has no intentions of protecting American sovereignty. Globalization has meant sacrificing self-sufficiency, sovereignty and independence for foreign dependency which can only lead to economic enslavement. Obama, like many past presidents, is nothing more then a puppet, a front man controlled by special interest groups, foreign banks and corporate powers who are pushing globalization and world government."

"At a time when globalization is the drumbeat being heard all around the world, Rich Lowry's article about Obama's trip couldn't have been more accurate.

Obama's globalization and socialization ideas are dangerous and will lead this country down a path never before seen in American history.

With the pressures of illegal immigration and the global economy, electing Obama as president would push us over the edge."

Continued below

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 04:43 AM
It looks like we ARE in the era of the “new world order” starting with the creation of a world central bank.. and it looks like Obama is all about it.

“In the view of many outside the U.S. (and some within), the only way to limit such excesses is through a bigger, more powerful IMF that can act as a central bank to the world--and knock heads when needed.” (That article is titled “New World Order for the Economy” and was published Feb 5 2009 by

So what goes along with a one central world bank? One world currency? One world government? Or since the banks run everything now anyways.. having a one world bank will be enough to put the choke hold on everyone?

Anyways... I just kinda feel like I am being lied to knowing that Obama is talking with Gordon Brown about pushing Globalization... a Global Financial System/Global Society.. to be specific... and he doesn't talk about it at all. He keeps saying that this stimulus plan will fix everything. He obviously must know that it's not going to do fix it.. and that the creation of a world bank is the only way to fix the problem. Why can't he just be honest though? He already is planning to publicly announce it, Gordon specifically said he can't really talk about it before Obama publicly announces it. If he thinks the real solution is the creation of this “global financial system” then why did we need to give them our money to fix the problem? Maybe the plan is to wait until the stimulus doesn't work and/or the economy completely collapses. So then he can be the savior with the great plan that he just came up with. The thing is though... all of us know that this “Global Finacial System/Global Society” (new world order) is basically the death of our true freedom. I want to fight this.. I want to stop this.. but the thing that really sucks.. it seems the only solution to this mess is complete integration like they are perusing or complete isolation. If you have done any research on Globalization you may have learned that one of the horrible things about it is that it allows businesses to use cheap foreign labor much easier. We all know that is one of the main reasons the US is falling apart right now... Joblossness due to shipping the jobs/manufacturing overseas to India, China... etc. This new order is just going to make it worse... unless of course “American employees [get] on a level playing field with those in other countries”. (quoting Obama from above) So, the question is how do we do that? Work for $3.56 an hour? Sure.. but how are we going to pay for food and housing? The other alternative would be isolation would be dramatically different than it is now but if we weren't importing all of our goods form China we would be forced to make them here. Which would in turn create millions of jobs for the unemployed and keep our money in our economy instead of being sent to China etc... it would be fine if China in turn bought an equal amount of goods from us, in turn giving our unemployed things to make, but they don't.

I am very upset with Obama... he is basically a lying sneaky politician.. just like the rest of them... not “change we can believe in”...

I just saw on the news that they are talking about Nationalizing banks now... “The nationalization of even a handful of U.S. banks, which some analysts see as increasingly likely, would pose political problems for President Obama.
Obama has worked hard to portray himself as a centrist since his election, and federal ownership of troubled banks would play into arguments that he is a left-of-center politician.
It would also play into the hands of GOP critics . Last October, Alaska Gov. and then Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin claimed Obama wanted to "experiment with socialism.""

Ok.. so they are admitting they are are nationalizing banks.. I wonder when they are going to tell everyone they are going to build a global banking system? And what the heck do they mean a “global society” specifically?
I just read this also:
“LONDON (Reuters) - The international financial crisis has given world leaders a unique opportunity to create a truly global society, Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown will say in a keynote foreign policy speech on Monday.
In his annual speech at the Lord Mayor's Banquet, Brown -- who has spearheaded calls for the reform of international financial institutions -- will say Britain, the United States and Europe are key to forging a new world order.”
Well.. there you have it.. the new world order straight form the the horses mouth.. wow. I really hoped all this NWO conspiracy theory was all that.. theory.

Sooo... now you have to look at who is actually responsible for this global economic problem that is bringing out the creation of the new world order.
I did a lot of research and this is what I have found.

The largest insurance company in the world, AIG, was about to go bankrupt and needed money so that they did not bring down the world economy with them.

“without the government's actions, the collapse of AIG could have caused every major bank in the world to fail.”

They received $123,000,000,000 initially... but soon after it was upped to $150,000,000,000

The reason AIG was going bankrupt and needed the money was because their credit score was lowered which forced them to carry billions of more dollars in their account than they had before. They didn’t have the money so they asked the government for it otherwise they would gone bankrupt

Now how did their credit score get lowered and why?
The three main rating agencies... Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch, decided “AIG failed to convince them of its financial wellbeing.”

Well, who exactly are these rating agencies?
Lets start with the biggest of the three… Standard and Poor’s
Standard & Poor's (S&P) is a division of McGraw-Hill.
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., (NYSE: MHP) is a publicly traded corporation headquartered in Rockefeller Center in New York City.

Continued bellow

[edit on 21-2-2009 by danman23]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 04:44 AM
The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP) announced today that it has sold its 45% interest in Rock-McGraw, Inc., which owns the Corporation's headquarters building at 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York City, to SL Green Realty Corp. (NYSE: SLG) in a transaction valued at $450 million for its 45% interest.
The Rockefeller Group maintains its 55% ownership of Rock-McGraw, Inc., and will continue to manage the building. "We look forward to continuing our excellent relationship with the Rockefeller Group and its new partner, SL Green, which is also an experienced owner of prime commercial real estate in New York City," Mr. McGraw said.

Here we learn that McGraw-Hill is very much affiliated with the Rockefeller group. I think we all know about the Rockefeller's by now.. right? If not here is a little quote:

"Some even believe we (Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
David Rockefeller, “Memoirs”, 2002

Here is another excerpt that ties McGraw-Hill to Rockefeller just to be thorough:
Business Week, it should be
mentioned, is published by McGraw-Hill, one of the hundreds of
major companies under Rockefeller control. McGraw-Hill is a
particularly useful voice for the Rockefellers, since it
publishes a series of special industry magazines which
established high prestige long ago and are therefore very
influential now.

So what we just learned is that the American People's tax money was given to a corporation because another corporation, owned by the people that are “ working against the best interests of the United States”, said so.

The reason it is important to figure out who started the economic collapse is because if you figure out what those people want you can figure out what the overall intentions of the result of their actions are.. (the new world order in this case) … If the collapse was started by some people that actually initiated the collapse to truly create a better global society that would help the world and the US... that would be crazy and very uncool.. but understandable at least. But after doing all the above research it is looking very much like the Rockefellers in general initiated the collapse which in turn is bringing out the creation of the new world order.. and we all know that the Rockefellers are “working against the best interests of the United States” so it seems that the new world order that they are helping to create is going to be working against the best interests of the United States (and probably the world).

Anyways... I just thought I should share all this info with other people. Maybe.... just maybe.. we can stop this before it actually happens. Or worst case scenario.. have some time to prepare... how do you prepare for this though? What are the ramifications? Also.. If you people out there that are more intelligent than me could answer the questions I had through out this post I would be very grateful.


[edit on 21-2-2009 by danman23]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 05:20 AM
they may be plotting & schemeing something...

but world domination is not the cards... the Russians & Chinese
are forming blocs with the Middle East & Gulf states to form trade
& barter arrangements with India, & the EU...

the Anglo-American empire is kaput, the World bank & IMF
are relics of a bygone era.

in 2010 a new basket of reserve currency will replace the petrodollar/USD

Khaleeji, design opportunity
(a link imbed in article..."")


Appreciate your work, to present a case, for the continued hegemony of the UK-US empire...

But, as i see it, unless the UK+US engage the 'Sampson Option', and take the rest of the world down with them...
the UK+US are soon to be 3rd world nations with WMDs and despised by the world community....

...The World Economic Forum took place in Davos Switzerland recently. The global picture enabled a nice snapshot of sentiment, fault for the crisis, blame doled out, the vacuum of leadership, the perks for blunderers in a country club setting (instead of prison), and warnings on a potential situation that could spiral out of control. [..]

Let's be clear! The Davos Forum was a funeral wake, and Putin rode in on a white horse to announce there is a new sheriff in town!! Davos afforded a unique opportunity for Russian self-styled leader Vladimir Putin to storm the forum stage and to steal the show. Putin presented a basic Blueprint for what should be called ...'The Post-US World' as the United States and United Kingdom have lost the mantle of leadership and control.

They lost it from failed economic policy, wrecked banking systems, fraud-ridden bond markets, corrupted debt ratings agencies, abuse of IMF & World Bank, and the severe backfire of economies [...]

((the emphasis is mine))

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by St Udio

Well.. obviously they are planning it.. Will they be able to do it.. no idea. Actually.. the collapse of the US is a reason to implement the Global Banking System/New World Order. Im not saying that Obama and Brown are the only ones doin it.. The rest of the world would have to agree to it also.. right?
So those links are talking about starting a new world currency... "Khaleeji" that is going to be backed by gold.. Like the USD was before 71? (going to bed for a bit.. be back in a lil bit)

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 07:05 AM
Yes. It's a military coup by the Zionist foreign banksters. The financial collapse is deliberate, the heist of our treasury criminal. Gun control, gun confiscation has started. Our military whose constitutional purpose is to defend our borders is being used to send out on the streets for house to house gun confiscation. This of course will lead to a civil war, or rather a war of the people of the U.S. against the criminals who have hijacked the government.

[edit on 21-2-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 07:08 AM
The NWO is not going to work.

The powers of be are showing major signs of panick, worry and irritatability. You can't plan like this.

I love how karma works. I bet the richest people in the world, ignored me for long enough now I do get the last and final word.

I predicted this all last year. I know more, but I will let it happen

Rome will fall.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 09:21 AM

We look forward to continuing our excellent relationship with the Rockefeller Group and its new partner, SL Green

Soylent Green?

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by danman23

"Some even believe we (Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
David Rockefeller, “Memoirs”, 2002

But after doing all the above research it is looking very much like the Rockefellers in general initiated the collapse which in turn is bringing out the creation of the new world order.. and we all know that the Rockefellers are “working against the best interests of the United States” so it seems that the new world order that they are helping to create is going to be working against the best interests of the United States (and probably the world).

Anyways... I just thought I should share all this info with other people. Maybe.... just maybe.. we can stop this before it actually happens. Or worst case scenario.. have some time to prepare... how do you prepare for this though? What are the ramifications? Also.. If you people out there that are more intelligent than me could answer the questions I had through out this post I would be very grateful.

Check out this link. The Rockefellers are part of it, but even bigger than they are the Rothschilds." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

[edit on 21-2-2009 by danman23]

[edit on 21-2-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 10:36 AM
NWO will take effect. Its been pre planned since the dawn, if not before, the invention of the automobile. Under NWO plans, is for the total globiliation of banks and countrys, total economic collapse, ane xcuse to send the military, and possibly foregn troops onto our own soil to control everything...sound like anything familair to this day n age?

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by ziggy1706
NWO will take effect. Its been pre planned since the dawn, if not before, the invention of the automobile. Under NWO plans, is for the total globiliation of banks and countrys, total economic collapse, ane xcuse to send the military, and possibly foregn troops onto our own soil to control everything...sound like anything familair to this day n age?

The Bible says world government and terrible tribulation is coming, famine, pestilence, war. But it doesn't have to happen this week or this year or in the next 50 or 100 years if we will stand up and say no.

People are in a stupor, not responding, just watching the train wreck in slow motion without doing anything to stop it.

The Bible promises, if my people called by my name will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from Heaven and heal their land.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Salt of the Earth
Yes. It's a military coup by the Zionist foreign banksters. The financial collapse is deliberate, the heist of our treasury criminal. Gun control, gun confiscation has started. Our military whose constitutional purpose is to defend our borders is being used to send out on the streets for house to house gun confiscation. This of course will lead to a civil war, or rather a war of the people of the U.S. against the criminals who have hijacked the government.

[edit on 21-2-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

Not even just foreign bankers... The rockefellers are US guys. All that is you listed is possible... and looks like where we are headed.. but I hope to God it doesnt happen.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by universe attracts wisdom

What else do you know? Please share.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Salt of the Earth

Check out this link. The Rockefellers are part of it, but even bigger than they are the Rothschilds." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

Oh I know... but there really isnt much connecting them anymore on paper.. Back in the day the Rothchilds gave the first Rockefeller money to act as an extention of the the Rothchilds here in the US back in the early 1900s I believe. If a connection to them could be found that would be important.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by ziggy1706

Are you reffering to Nazi Germany by any chance? Because it sounds like it.. buttttt.... I dont think they are that stupid.. They need us to want it this time. So they wait until the economy is in the toilet and have "our saviour" Obama.. present it to the US and the world and we agree with what he says because everyone is brainwashed by the guy. (well not everyone will agree... that is where the civil war/revolutionary war will come into play)

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Salt of the Earth

The Bible says world government and terrible tribulation is coming, famine, pestilence, war. But it doesn't have to happen this week or this year or in the next 50 or 100 years if we will stand up and say no.

People are in a stupor, not responding, just watching the train wreck in slow motion without doing anything to stop it.

The Bible promises, if my people called by my name will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from Heaven and heal their land.

Im not being sarcastic here at all.. but what do you seggest we do then? How do you turn from your wicked ways and call His name? I am a good person.. I have asked for "God" (or whomever is "up" there) to help us "down" here... no response really... Do we need to get like the entire world to pray or something?

[edit on 21-2-2009 by danman23]

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