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'Here's the problem... people really hate you,' US bankers told

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posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 06:53 PM

'Here's the problem... people really hate you,' US bankers told


Announcing the hearings last week, Barney Frank, the chairman of the Financial Services Committee, said that public patience with Wall Street bailouts had worn thin. "As I've said to a couple of the bankers, 'Here's this problem: People really hate you, and they're starting to hate us because we're hanging out with you,'" Mr Frank said.

Yesterday, he urged them to be "cooperative, not grudgingly, not doing the minimum" as the US government seeks to impose a new culture of responsibility on an industry that has become known for its enormous pay packets, corporate jets and lavish junkets. "Understating that there is substantial public anger and alleviating that public anger not with mumbo jumbo but with reality is essential if we're going to have the support in the country to take the right steps," Mr Frank said.

(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 12-2-2009 by DimensionalDetective]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 06:53 PM
What a joke.

"Hate" has nothing to do with it---These people are threatening our very existences and livelihoods with their continual raping and robberies of the tax-payers to keep themselves in the lap of luxury, when in a JUST world, they should be put behind bars for what they've done!

More hot air from Frank, as the NEXT giant bail-out is going through, and the next wave of multimillionaires look to add to their amassed wealth off of the backs of us all.

Every last one of these people involved in this should be locked up for life. They are all criminals of the worst sort.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 07:01 PM
Does anyone actually like Barney Frank? Isnt he the guy that doomed Freddie and Fanny that started this nightmare?

Come on Barn, its not just the bankers we are upset with, the guys (you) who continue to find new ways to give your friends our money, are just as hated.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 07:04 PM
To me it Sounds like he's saying "Quick public, hate these guys so you forget to hate me!"

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 07:41 PM
This is a good sign. When the rats start jumping ship, and the ship here is the SS Elitist Tool, it means they have gauged public opinion and have realised they are a step removed from a french style revolution. Not only that but they're focusing the anger of the people perhaps on the people who actually deserve it most, which is the banking sector parasite. This could be a good sign for change. Not Obamaesque change but "let's turn this around before someone kills us" type of change.

Still, it's not as good as people realising the only permanent solution is to love they neighbour. And not live anywhere near bankers.

Cheers for another good thread DD.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 07:50 PM
I think this is a feeble attempt on the part of the establishment to color the public's self-image as "emotional" and :strained" when in reality the focus should be on the people who, by their own greed, have brought one of the finest nations on Earth to the brink of destruction.

He WISHES it were hatred; at least he could say 'calm down', but it's NOT hatred at all. It's disgust.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 07:54 PM
I agree "hate" is probably too soft a word. Tell the families going without food or shelter living in tent cities about how much love they have, or the millions of people now joining the ranks of the unemployed.

The world may see starvation on massive levels in the coming years as a result of this financial breakdown, the food shortage alone already caused massive drops in third world countries access to food.

I personally feel that this is an act of war, a form of financial warfare against the commoners by the elite. We do need to rise up and challenge our freedom again... before we all starve to death and watch our communities, families end in ruin.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 07:55 PM
I can't stand Barney Frank, the man has absolutely no credibility.

As one poster said previously, he is trying to drawn America's hatred of the US Government and place it on the people that are receiving the bailouts.

What an idiot the truth is people hate people like frank that keep squandering off our tax dollars. If it wasn't for the freaking government the bankers would have no access to our tax dollars.

I have a novel idea instead of a trying to nationalize and change the way the banking business is run and trying to impose salary caps that will inevitably lead to salary caps on every business, how about they just make a law that says they can't charge anymore than 1% APR.

Hell that will stimulate the economy beyond anybody's wildest dreams not only that but people will be able to afford the luxuries in life and the banks will still be making out like fat cats.

Before anybody says the banks won't make any money, that's bull. Somebody I know just re-fi'ed their home at 5.1% apr on 80 grand and the bank was making like 90 grand by the time the loan term was up which was 30 years.

Freaking politicians.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 08:09 PM
Frank is just as corrupt as these bankers, he is also not without blame in this crisis.

They can all sit safe and secure while they watch the United States of America self destruct, perhaps they can all issue a collective sigh and say "Oops"

They can play the blame game all they want, it will accomplish about as much as the current plan will in resolving this crisis.

They say Justice prevails in this country.... Apparently that does not apply to banks and financial institutions, oil speculators, elected leaders and government officials and the elite.

For it is and always will be the common American people who will pay for their crimes.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

As one poster said previously, he is trying to drawn America's hatred of the US Government and place it on the people that are receiving the bailouts. What an idiot the truth is people hate people like frank that keep squandering off our tax dollars. If it wasn't for the freaking government the bankers would have no access to our tax dollars.

You are dead on my friend. Barney Frank is a slobbering spitting piece of crap. He needs to be taken out of office. How anyone can take any of the words Blabbering Barney spits out of his mouth as sincere is beyond me.

The government is trying to push this on the banks so they look all rosy and righteous.

I'm glad that there are people out there such as you that realize this.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 08:59 PM
Why do people keep voting Barney Frank in office?

I've never understood why these corrupt politicians keep getting voted in...

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 09:07 PM
Hate is an understatement... and Mr. Frank is most especially included in the sentiment.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 07:13 AM

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 07:42 AM
I think they should rephrase that statement to " The problem is the American people really hate the bankers,the corporate execs,Wall Street,and the Poloticians that enabled this never ending circus." This whole thing is like watching a monkey F**k a football!

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 08:03 AM
What a joke! I think the article forgot the next part of the conversation, the part where Frank asks; "So do we make this $350,000,000,000.00 check out to cash or what?"

This pseudo angst against the banking industry by the government is just ridiculous. I hope no one buys this crap. This is one of those time when the old phrase 'You can put lipstick on a pig...' comes into play.

The carefully staged public spanking these guys got from Congress is just that, a stage act. These guys should not get the next part of the bailout, they should be forced to repay all of the last $350 billion and if they loose their companies for it, then the FCC should investigate the wrongdoings that obviously perpetuated the problem.

It was obvious that the bailout did absolutely NOTHING to fix the problem, throwing more money at it won't solve it either. Now what does our government want to do? It wants to take those bad mortgages off the hands of the banks whose responsibility they are. Its appalling it's bull [snip] and the obvious solution to the problem stares them in their faces but they refuse to acknowledge the idea.

What happens when you have a product that is overpriced, and overstocked? You lower the prices. You make it less pricey and thus increase demand. But nooo, that would cut into their bottom line, a bottom line that apparently they cut themselves by screwing dumb people over to begin with.

Massachusetts WAKE UP. Your Representative Barney Frank is in bed with the bankers. Stop voting for this idiot and get someone in office that actually gives a flying
about you, and the American people.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 09:29 AM
Mr Barney Frank knows that we hate the bankers yet he votes for bailout after bailout.

His words say one thing but his actions just prove that he is another corrupt piece in the crappy system that is robbing the people blind.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 10:04 AM
This all smoke and mirrors.......
I live in the D.C. area and a couple of days ago after the hearings I rolled by a watering hole where a buddy bartends at of K street in D.C. they have hella good martini's anyway so I was just hanging out yakking with my boy and all these jokers rolled in after the hearings yammering it up with one another and doing back slapping and drink buying. I ask my boy who the stiffs were and he told me that a lot of lobbist and senators and congress men come in and do there plotting in the back room in the cigar club which you have to purchase a membership for $5000.00 a year to get into a private back area of the bar for "special" smokers. And all the stiffs were the sentaors and banks having a few laughs after they put on a "good" show in front of the cameras....

Guys you really have to be aware of the people we are putting into office...These people are all the same Republican,Democrat, they all get there checks from the government.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 10:18 AM
It's not the bankers I hate. It's the politicians. Look, the banks and the bankers can run their business however they want. However they want! It's their business. They can require all their employees to do the hokey poky every morning and turn themselves around if they want. All the businesses can form UAW unions or whatever they want. I don't care how the banks run their business, who they loan to, OR EVEN what they do with the tax payers money! But if, and I say BUT IF.......IT doesn't work out for them in the end THEN THEY SHOULD GO BROKE!!! THEY SHOULD FAIL!

But now they have the tax payers money and I don't care. The Government gave it to them so it's the Government I'm mad at. If they don't like what they do with the tax payers money, then DON'T GIVE THEM TAX PAYER MONEY!

I send the same message to the Government as well. Run it however you want. HOWEVER YOU WANT! I won't do a thing to stop it. BUT IF it doesn't work out for you don't come crying to me about it. If you take all the tax payers money and give it to the bankers then don't cry when more houses get foreclosed on or how bad the Christmas retail season is that year. If you raise taxes or gas goes up to $7.00 because you have no energy policy and people stop driving and you lose all that you get from speeding tickets and gas taxes then don't come crying to me about it. Go ahead pass restrictive alcohol and tobacco laws, but when even more people stop buying them and stop going to the bars and they shut their doors then don't cry to me about the lost tax revenue.

Raise property tax and all taxes sky high if you want, but then when everyone starts renting or buying smaller houses or walking off from even more of their McMansions then don't come crying to me about it. Bail out the unions, but when everybody stops buying American cars that cost $50,000 and break down at 50,000 miles then don't cry to me about it. Fine, don't block products from China, but then when buying American costs 10 times more and we're all unemployed because all the jobs are in CHINA then don't come crying to me about it. Let me ask Government? Who do you get more tax revenue from? Me or the Chinese worker that replaces me?

Fine, let illegal immigrants come here and take my job and work for half what I do. Fine, maybe I'm too expensive or lazy. Fine with me, but when they only end up sending you half the income tax that I would have then don't cry about your stupid budget deficit.

You want to go Iraq and blow up half the country and then pay to fix everything you just blew up? Fine, go right ahead, but again don't complain to me about your stupid budget deficits. Don't complain to me when your party gets voted out of office and don't complain to me if you end up at a war crimes trial.

Do whatever you want Government, but when you get voted out of office or if God forbid people finally get fed up with you that they come with the pitch forks then I don't want to hear you crying about it.

This, this right here. This is a politician crying about it and I don't want to hear it.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

What a joke.

"Hate" has nothing to do with it---These people are threatening our very existences and livelihoods with their continual raping and robberies of the tax-payers to keep themselves in the lap of luxury, when in a JUST world, they should be put behind bars for what they've done!

Well said DD. Hate doen't even begin to describe my feelings. I don't appreciate how he seperates himself from the bankers. He, and the rest of the criminals that allow and encourage the financial raping of our country are all guilty. They can all burn.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Good post and all but, if they aren't corrupt when they get into office, they are when they leave office. Then they get those cushy lobbing jobs. It's all greed, and what's in it for them. They are all slime. They don't care about you or me, just themselves.

My wife calls me the most negative person she's ever met. I didn't used to be that way, it's just I don't trust anyone anymore.

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