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Wake up Call: Remastered ATS members must see!

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posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by zysin5

I agree sometimes somebody will make a piece and then post it and another will come along and add some more then a third party with a fresh perspective will notice something out of place rearrange it and to many it will make more sense and so on etc.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Revolution-2012

You know whats really funny some say that this is all hoohaa well I ask you this.

Whose names keep coming up over and over when there are these types of situation and who is always mentioned? Not only that why do they get together every year and nothing is ever leaked or said regarding what it is they are discussing and what decisions are made?

These few with mega wealth play with the markets and influence foreign policy the way they see fit and no bank or Government can stand up to them without suffering major political or economic consequences.

I'm starting to think they did not want Obama as the President and they yanked all the cash out of the system just to prove they could do it and now we are facing their wrath! Either that or he is in on it.

Either way I think this was all planned in the deep dark recces of the halls of the secret elite!!!!

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by skibtz
Where is JohnNada?

Looks like he's banned - is that for promoting his material?

Nothing wrong with that IMO - had a look at his posts and he didnt appear to do anything against the T&Cs!!

I don't know. I never thought of that possibility that he might have been banned.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
thanks I hope you enjoy it.
I'll look into the question you U2Ud me about and I'll respond ASAP but maybe in a couple of days it's valentines tomorrow and I'll be kinda busy till then

Got my weekends mixed up

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:18 PM
Well I just finished watching that video

WOW!! It's a real eye opener.
I am truly awake now so i can honestly say that the world, the TRUE world is a truly, truly frightening place

May the NWO fall to their knees one day

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:28 PM
I simply think that this video was pretty funny, as a student of history you can see the similarities of what they were trying to tell you in the film from history.

Education, is a great way to manipulate the masses, in the dark ages most people could not read, the people were controlled by the church. They were told what to think and what to believe and they were trained in what to believe and to be loyal to the king or to the pope.

It all has been played out before throughout history, if you were to read how the Roman empire declined and fell, a part of the problem was the lack of education, people simply did not know enough to defend themselves. An outside group, outside of the sphere of influence of the Roman emperor and without the indoctrination into the sphere of influence, they eventually rebelled against the status quo.

If you keep your population dumb, you will more easily control the population with people dumb enough to follow your every whim without question.

Like I said before here, New World Orders come and go, some are more successful than others, for every one however, the end comes when the mass population that they sought to completely dominate finally breaks with their social structure and demands freedom once again, then the whole process starts all over again.

This current NWO is nothing more than the efforts and the trials and errors of the previous NWO systems that came before it, reemerging itself.

The propaganda and other crap that this NWO is spewing at you is nothing new either. This has been done time and time again. What don't they tell you about hieroglyphics? Ever wonder what all that writing on all those buildings were in ancient times? Thats right, propaganda, and the people of Egypt were being manipulated just like today. Remember this has been going on sense the dawn of civilization.

Each NWO learns from the last NWO, each small tiny little exclusive group seeking to capture and control this little rock learns it's lessons from the failures of the last NWO that came along before it. Each one has failed people, what happens in the middle of the failure and the dawn of the next NWO? A dark age, an age of unlimited freedom, of unlimited fear, and of unlimited possibilities where mankind can and does start to shape it's own destiny. What is the problem is that there will always be those that seek to control the rest of us, there will always be a bilderberg group, there will always be that elite people that think they are better than everyone else and has the drive and determination to go for what they want.

Can you stop the NWO? Not really, the masses of people won't let you cause they think it's the right thing to do, they think that the NWO will keep them safe they think that the Roman Empire will keep them wealthy and fat. They will think this as long as the status quo lasts, and there is that outside enemy that no one ever sees, they will think this as long as the enemy isn't at their doorstep, that made up enemy that their government, there NWO, has manipulated and massaged into the minds of the masses that there is nothing wrong with the NWO, there is nothing wrong with the Roman Empire. That day ends the day that the disenfranchised slaves rise up against their masters. That day when they realise the NWO can't keep them safe and secure is the day the NWO looses all control and the collapse of the Empire is at hand.

The Great fire of Rome was the 9/11 of that day. Christians, were blamed for the fire thus creating an outside enemy that everyone could rally around. Do you see the similarities?

History repeats itself, this NWO is just like the last NWO with different names to the players and atomic weapons.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:30 PM
Great compilation of clips..i for one am interested in getting a few hard copies...could you possibly u2u me on how to get some?

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Redpillblues

Sent enjoy.
Also I hear we will have another one coming soon to a ATS thread near you

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:06 PM
I love how the video talks about how the media is controlled and owned by the elite and that is why the word is not getting out about the groups that they are trying to break the world down into of 6 or 7 large camps. Take a look at this map of the world and then click on the link and see who is sponsoring it.

NWO controlled media

[edit on 7-2-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by alyosha1981
Cool video, I've seen it before. It looks like they were wrong about us carrying the real ID in 2008 though.

Not as far off as one might hope:

Biometric ID cards have been issued since the beginning of November 2008 to foreign residents living in the UK. UK Gov "Forgot" To Buy Readers For Its Biometric ID Cards 07/02/09

This chilling summary of the current state of affairs by technology web site is worth reading in full:

A report published by a group of lawmakers from the House of Lords has revealed the extent of the "surveillance society" that the United Kingdom is sleep-walking into as our country comes first in CCTV and DNA Profiling.

The report entitled "Surveillance: Citizens and the State" and written by the Lord' constitution committee found out that Britain has more than 4 million cameras - one for every 15 Britons in the land - and a national DNA database that accounts for one in every 14 citizens in the country.

The committee chairman, Lord Goodlad warned that "There can be no justification for this gradual but incessant creep towards every detail about us being recorded and pored over by the state", adding that the levels of surveillance in the United Kingdom could well threaten the current democratic ecosystem.

The Lords evaluated existing government data collection ventures such as the National DNA Database (NDNAD), the NHS Data Spine for electronic health care records, the children's database, and the National ID card project, most of which have attracted scorn from a wide range of vocal critics.

Fears that the society could turn into a carbon copy of George Orwell's 1984 "Big Brother" surveillance state are further exacerbated by the fact that the report, which provides with 44 recommendations, is not a binding document.

The document comes as individual privacy and liberties in the UK have been subjected to unprecedented pressure with a number of projects initiated by the current government promising to make things even more critical.

Coincidentally, the report has been published on the same day that the first UK Government ID cards are released, without a reader.

The government has already plans to spend £12 billion on a central database that will track all emails, phone calls and browsing sessions. The National ID card project is already in its last stages and the national DNS database has already had its first issues; The European Court of Human Rights decision has already asked the government to remove DNA details, from its criminal database, of people who haven't been convicted of any crime.

House Of Lords Report Warns Of "Big Brother" Britain 06/02/09

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 05:59 PM
Still watching, but I did want to chime in here...

You know...I actually like David Icke, and some of the stuff he says when he's not talking about a Reptilian dynasty coming from Sirius on an intercept course with Nibiru.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 05:59 PM
Hi all, hi slayer!

I wanna thank you for posting the thread and the video which I truly loved watching, really inspiring towards the end and so insightful and entertaining to watch. I also read down every post till mine as I was grateful to have stumbled across such a great site where I can meet like minded individuals as well as the other sider’s. I love listening to other people’s opinions (as these are the people who make the world go round) and yeah so I (z) can make my mind up about all the information I take in and try to stumble upon the truths that have BEEN hard to find.

So here is my version of what I am thinking, (where to start?)

I believe yes people are starting to wake up, people are starting to see, we have all started noticing this, and we are all thinking and talking about it. We are watching ourselves a bit more closely and watching others more closely than ever! Have you noticed this?
Jesus, King of Leon were singing about it, people are waking up they are watching and talking. Symbolism!!!!!!! "As we've been told! it's all under out noses. Staring us black, white, colour, horizontal, circular whatever. It's just people are waking more, to notice it, we've known of it but haven’t been able to talk about it, grab it, touch it, debate it properly till Now! People are starting to wake from their matrix dream!!!!! But why is it now? Why are people waking? Why are people talking? Is it truth we are searching for? A greater being? Why is it now that we are saying to ourselves that we are glad to be living in this period and seeing the truth as the truth is unfolding and the people who are seeing are seeing more, are we unconsciously enjoying it or cherishing it, that we have more insight, the tables are turning, and the shoe is on the other foot???!!! Are we scared to embrace?? You were always right before the doubts start kicking in, brainwashed we have been, and what I am thinking is that it can not get any worse than what it has been, all this history filled with lying cheating (matrix) of a place that we have been living in. And as a society taking new baby steps Are Scary right now but it's NEW TO US, WE DONT LIKE CHANGE AND CHANGES ARE HAPPENING, but it's going perfectly, it's taking it time, ironing the creases. So why are people so scared and negative towards the truth? Because it’s right in our faces!!!???? Because for once it's actually there for us to see, hold and have in every way we thought impossible!!!!! Only we as individuals can take the steps in finding our own security and truths and so on.

Going back over the basics, that are robbed, simple…………………………..


posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 06:08 PM
I can't wait, what your trying to scare me about sounds good to me.
don't be scared of the unknown, we won't conquer space that way.
who says we won't have rights, everytime things get bad they eventually get better. try to compare the middle ages to now,come on that system failed for the same reasons our current system is failing. change is meesy but everything works out or we would still be in that sytem. your guilty of scare mongering yourself, half truths, misconceptions of actual events.
the only wise thing you said was get involved in your gov, start local, then look around and see the real reason for keeping the masses a little in the dark. because the dumb bastards won't let you get anything done. if hasen't been done before and it fails, you won't get keep your job, anytime someone starts to make headway people try to come after you knock you aside for whatever reason like taking the spotlite off them. it sucks to be human sometimes, if I were an alien I woulden't come near this place.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by DocEmrick
You know...I actually like David Icke, and some of the stuff he says when he's not talking about a Reptilian dynasty coming from Sirius on an intercept course with Nibiru.

Yeah I know my eyes glaze over when ever Nibiru comes up.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by bambam1

First off
Welcome to ATS it is always good to know that a thread I posted has attracted new members.

With regards to the second part of your post.
I agree it’s like being a child where the world is all roses then as we age slowly and for some quickly the world starts to show its harsh ugly side.
We grow up, work, pay taxes, get married, and raise a family and DIE!

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by EvilAxis

Not as far off as one might hope:

Biometric ID cards have been issued since the beginning of November 2008 to foreign residents living in the UK. UK Gov "Forgot" To Buy Readers For Its Biometric ID Cards 07/02/09

This chilling summary of the current state of affairs by technology web site is worth reading in full:

Good point simply because it has not happened yet does not mean it cant or wont I don’t pay much attention to exact dates it's more important to be aware of the situation and the possibilities of what may someday be.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 11:20 PM

Economy Collapse 2009 New World Order Media Lies

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 11:56 PM
I believe it will not be to long when all humans will be chipped at birth, and no doubt the US will be the first to enforce it if the goverments of the world agree.

If not the US will do it anyway and the UK will follow their lead as always.

It makes me shudder to see anything concerning the Bush's and that goes for most Aussie's as well, they must be the most hated representatives of the USA.

The way the the worlds economy is tied up to the US is frightening to say the least and no doubt I speak for other countries concerning this.

Sorry to knock the US but its not the people its their goverments.

I hope Obama is not just another Trojan Horse, most of us outside the US have a likeing for him as he does not have a military background and thats refreshing also he seems truely concernd for the people but we will have to wait and see?

[edit on 8-2-2009 by Bob Down Under]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Bob Down Under

Thanks for your reply.
I hope you're right about Obama only time will tell. On a side note I think your new avatar is a riot

[edit on 8-2-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by Bob Down Under

Thanks for your reply.
I hope you're right about Obama only time will tell. On a side note I think your new avatar is a riot

[edit on 8-2-2009 by SLAYER69]

Pretty cool dont yah think LOL.

Bobs sence of humour

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