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Read here if you want the TRUTH about aliens and alien technology

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posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:42 PM
I am thoroughly entertained by this regardless of the lack of evidence besides "my friend."It did bring alot of related conspiracies to mind also though! just a couple to start with would be the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia experiment! If even one thing is factual (concerning the technologies) in your post then kudos dude! If not then......Kudos anyway! I'm still pretty entertained.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:49 PM
I really believe that this might happen and it could possibly happen. The fact is the Government is trying to hid something and the more we know the better we are to get ready for it tot happen.

Plus I like it a lot, Got any more information like this?

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:52 PM
do people actually believe this crap
Boy what imagination!

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:52 PM
The fact that you added the jesus fairytale at the end got you those flags & stars from the ever dumb crowd, other than that this is all bull feces.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:55 PM
very interesting....possible....but no less crazy than any of the other posts..... very detailed do oyu have any other sources other than the FBI informant?

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by soygreen2k
An object as small as a bullet that is sped up to incredible speeds approaching the speed of light can create a devestating atomic bomb type effect by kinetic energy alone.

That sounds like rail-gun technology to me except from the atomic bomb level of damage. I am not sure whether you are getting two different devices mixed up. I will check on how much damage you could do with such a small object even at that speed.

Originally posted by soygreen2k
None of this technology is ours. It all started at roswell. A disc shaped craft crashed in the desert and one of the aliens survived. Its companions knew exactly what happened and how to reach him. This is when what has been called "the real deal" began. Before this, the aliens monitored our civilization and intervened only during extreme circumstances. Only after the deal began was it learned that alien "agents" infiltrated the allied powers to destroy the nazis. Certain technologies like the radio and even the atomic bomb were trickled down to us by these agents.

Sorry maybe I've got my facts wrong but didn't the roswell event happen in the 1950's? That would place it after the Nazi's and the development of the atom bomb.

Originally posted by Daniem
I got a cool piece of technology while i was in the army. I was in the Coastal Ranger Command (a Norwegian amphibious unit trained to operate in littoral combat theatres, filling the role of a marine corps and coastal artillery.)

It was an audio enhancer, which you put on like a headset, and then you could hear a pin drop in the next room. Every low sound got turned up, so you could hear people better if they whispered than if they talked normaly.

If there was loud noice, like someone screaming in your ear or someone banging on the metal door next to you, then the headset would lower the noice so you didnt damage your hearing.

There is someone with a similar piece of technology at my shooting range. It keeps out the loud sounds of gun shots but allows people to talk to each other at normal volume because of the way that it selectively allows sound through. It also can be altered to change what level of sound it blocks. Does this sound like the same sort of thing to you.

To soygreen2k this is an interesting thread you have started here. However like many others have said I would like to see more evidence than your "friend". Also on an extra cynical level wouldn't the PTB be controlling our minds so that we didn't look at this thread or make you delete, disclaim or otherwise undermine it.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:57 PM
Well I found it an interesting read and I also find it an interesting piece to try and "swallow." For the most part, if the FBI agent were to disclose this information towards you, wouldn't we have heard about some 'accidents' that would have befallen on you and the agent himself? Being that the God ray can read everything we are doing at the moment and through the walls?

Not really going to try and sit here and discredit the whole post, as I will leave that up to others. Being that I'm not as knowledgeable in various fields and not to mention I'm slow on news happenings; but for the most part many of the things the OP lists in his post seem in a way to contradict what would happen and keep this sort of information off of the net. Such as the example I gave with the God ray thingamajig.

Though it was a pretty interesting read and I will give it a star for that

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:01 PM
Is this your FBI friend?

[edit on by YoungStalin]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:01 PM
cuz, i want some of whatever it is that you are smoking. i don't even think that here, where people starve for such conspiracy theories, you will find many who believe anything you say.

trent reznor is an alien adored around the universe? come'on dude, he went to my college, and was a theta chi. a universally beloved alien would have at the very least picked a more popular fraternity.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by soygreen2k
An object as small as a bullet that is sped up to incredible speeds approaching the speed of light can create a devestating atomic bomb type effect by kinetic energy alone.

That sounds like rail-gun technology to me except from the atomic bomb level of damage. I am not sure whether you are getting two different devices mixed up. I will check on how much damage you could do with such a small object even at that speed.

Originally posted by soygreen2k
None of this technology is ours. It all started at roswell. A disc shaped craft crashed in the desert and one of the aliens survived. Its companions knew exactly what happened and how to reach him. This is when what has been called "the real deal" began. Before this, the aliens monitored our civilization and intervened only during extreme circumstances. Only after the deal began was it learned that alien "agents" infiltrated the allied powers to destroy the nazis. Certain technologies like the radio and even the atomic bomb were trickled down to us by these agents.

Sorry maybe I've got my facts wrong but didn't the roswell event happen in the 1950's? That would place it after the Nazi's and the development of the atom bomb.

Originally posted by Daniem
I got a cool piece of technology while i was in the army. I was in the Coastal Ranger Command (a Norwegian amphibious unit trained to operate in littoral combat theatres, filling the role of a marine corps and coastal artillery.)

It was an audio enhancer, which you put on like a headset, and then you could hear a pin drop in the next room. Every low sound got turned up, so you could hear people better if they whispered than if they talked normaly.

If there was loud noice, like someone screaming in your ear or someone banging on the metal door next to you, then the headset would lower the noice so you didnt damage your hearing.

There is someone with a similar piece of technology at my shooting range. It keeps out the loud sounds of gun shots but allows people to talk to each other at normal volume because of the way that it selectively allows sound through. It also can be altered to change what level of sound it blocks. Does this sound like the same sort of thing to you.

To soygreen2k this is an interesting thread you have started here. However like many others have said I would like to see more evidence than your "friend". Also on an extra cynical level wouldn't the PTB be controlling our minds so that we didn't look at this thread or make you delete, disclaim or otherwise undermine it.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:06 PM
I didn't read through the whole thread to see if anyone else pointed this out but if this "god ray" did exist that delves into peoples thoughts, don't you think that a flag would pop up on this AI supercomputer saying someone is reading something about "god ray"; which in turn the "god ray" would manipulate our mind to think we are reading something else. At least thats how you explain it, changing dialect on TV and such. Decent story but thats a major hole. If it did exist, people that didn't know about it never would because it (the god ray) wouldn't allow that to happen.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by soygreen2k

Alot of your post here looks like it's been tampered with... but of course, if it was all 100% true, it wouldn't still be sitting there. So we have to settle for 80% true.

Jesus proof of god?? That whole thing about Jesus flying up to space with alien powers was a bit wild. It looks like you're taking your religious beliefs and tossing them in the mix too.

The part about FBI agents communicating with their mind... those folks may look like the FBI, but if you look at their similar looking jackets, you'll see that they don't say FBI. You'll actually see that their jackets are similar, except that they're blank. That's a completely different group.

As far as that mind reading technology, that's "The Psychic" or something like that. The folks that use that, well they walk up to someone with a tape recorder, hit the play button and say "Hey, it's reading that guy mind right there. It's the psychic. He's trapped in a machine, can't get out...".

In other words, the folks you're talking about with all this alien technology is "the crazy crew", not the FBI. And you're friend must be with the "crazy crew" too. You have to keep in mind that when folks say they are with "The Federal Investigators" or "The Federal Police", that it is nowhere near the same as the FBI. They may work with the FBI, but if you mention them, the FBI will say "we don't know what you're talking about"!

Actually, any thing with the word "The" in front of it like that, for example "The Coffeeshop", "The Psychic", "The Federal Investigators"... when it sounds funny like that, you should instantly think "Aliens", not "FBI".

I'd steer clear of your "friend". And even if he was with the FBI, he's really not supposed to know about that stuff.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:11 PM
WOW, you either have a great imagination or what you say is only 50% truth and 50% incorrect information, (not meaning you lieing) Although a great story and well thought out, I can not take everything in.

I do love the ending though, I think thats the best part!


posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by soygreen2k

Ok, this is what it's all about. The islamic account of Jesus' ascent into heaven is the only accurate account of his crucifixion that we have. He ascended into "space". He is actually what we would think of as the president, or a pope of The Universal Alliance of Civilized Beings. He has lived billions of years and was chosen by god himself to unite the universe for peace. The miracles that the aliens perform with their technology can be done by him without technology. He is the universal proof of gods existence. There is no other proof. '

so..he was chosen by god to unite the universe in peace....hmmm...good job hes been around for billions of years..the rate hes going he'll need a billion to unite just the earth...

people FIGHT because of come hes doing such an awful job?

[edit on 4-2-2009 by alienesque]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:30 PM
I have a few a weeks since I begun to negotiate a loans with the bank for my business, I have to renew my restaurant , I have to not makes me problem to return the money, and even if business gets wrong or better, doesn't matter, wright?? Will be fine at the least. Or I'm wrong?
Reading ATS it's kind'a take antidot, to become more skeptik, i like to have doubts about what happened around me but this story is impossibile to swalow. With this kind of technology , with thousands of billions of money spent not in wars but in electronic components of mind control in this moment it can be possible to hear only the birds, moschitos, frogs, not a human voice.
Ah! they are waiting 2012, and for those ho will not accept consciounsley to transform what will happen them ??
Saddam it was THE ONLY one ho not accepted the alliance authorithy , I suppose Fidel Castro did it , like Gheddafi, like Hugo Chavez.
By the way, it's no pleasure to live in a world like you described.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by soygreen2k

Just stop! I have to stop reading here. No wonder everyone thinks that we are crazy. Just because you say that you have a friend in the FBI doesn't make this credible. #1 he could be lying to you (as he probably is) because the FBI would not be privy to this type of information, CIA, maybe, NSA, maybe FBI is just a cop in a suit. It would be several classes/levels of security even above the Presidents head. Jimmy Carter tried to get info on ufo's and could not because he didn't have the clearance as President of the U.S. but this FBI agent can get information like THIS and be trusted to spread it to an idiot with a big mouth who spreads it to the rest of the world no doubt. This is not "Truth", this is someone telling us science fiction that we all want to believe......but once again are asked to bestow our blind faith and take the word of a friend of a friend. I for one believe a lot of conspiracy, but it is based on FACT not just because someone said it. Bring proof and I will apologize, otherwise stop making the rest of us look's hard enough for us already.

[edit on 4-2-2009 by DNAlien Fusion]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:36 PM
Your story looks like alien propaganda... very probable its false..

You should read this book about how dangerous is the aliens presence in earth for humanity:

About the Extraterrestrial Presence in the World Today
Marshall Vian Summers


if you want more information about the reality of aliens abductions, human genetic manipulation, cover activities, cover wars, slavery, human cattle, etc.. you can read the books of this investigator:
Salvador Freixedo

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by soygreen2k

oh for god sakes why does the disinfo always get lathered with praise!?,how many stars for utter nonsense?

you dont need sattelites all you need is NANOTECHNOLOGY,thats how mind reading is done,how mind control is done.
the satellite theory is disinfo,utter tripe.

and its not alien technology....its future artificial intellgences technology.

do you really think aliens would be using "sattelite" based mind control?

i mean think about it,nanotechnology is the most important scientific step on the horizon which enables precise control of the biological system(hell thier even replacing neurons w ith nanobots as we speak),you would think any aliens would be using some kind of nanotechnology wouldnt you?
but you never hear about nanotechnology do you?,not even once for its the truth and the truths of this world are hidden from us always.
this whole disclosure will be a lie to blame the actions of the future on aliens.....and to cover up the nanotech,do not believe a word of it.

NANOTECHNOLOGY PEOPLE,thats all you need to know.

[edit on 4-2-2009 by welivefortheson]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by soygreen2k

This is one of those threads where an OP just registered today, posts unbelievable claims founded on nothing more than supposed statements by a "friend" with absolutely no documentation.

The OP seems to have left the building since we now have 6+ pages of posts by "golly-gee" readers and no response whatsoever from the would be inside info expert. Seems to me what we have here is pure disinformation, at best.

Obviously, IF the FBI had all this tech available, why do we still have crime? I postulate this is nothing more than a list of those items already explored on ATS recycled in a fantasy.

People, believe whatever you wish. I'll believe this story when the OP provides documentation or hard-core example. I'm NOT holding my breath. No proofy - No believey

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by soygreen2k
I have a friend that I've known since I was a kid that works for the FBI. Over the years he has told me alot of the tricks and technology and secrets he uses on the job and I've always kept it secret until.... Things have changed now and the secrecy will soon no longer be necessary. My friend has told me that what I am about to tell you is the begining of a larger disclosure effort that is going to take place in the near future....

I quoted only this part because of your mentioning the FBI friend. Strange, this FBI leakier some how is in the accordance with a lot of old sources who have been spreading this kind of information for almost 20 years now. I didn't know FBI gets the information from Branton and Commander X (considered as fringe even in the UFO community). Maybe someone is pulling a string on you my friend coz there is nothing new in all this. The majority of what you've posted has been posted already on ATS for years.

Cheers and say hello to your FBI source

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