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So, what exactly are the republicans doing to help?

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posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:42 PM
I didn't realize that gutter-sniping was the way to fix an economy in turmoil. It's business as usual with them, yet they demand to be taken seriously now. Hilarious.

By all means, though, don't stop. Obama and company have already proven they don't need 1 republican to pass legislation. Not 1. So please, let Limbaugh lead your party now. I'm begging you.

When the smoke settles, and Obama and the democrats walk out the saviors of the economy, and the repukes walk out the villains who tried to stop them, you can enjoy not having ANY political power whatsoever for the next 50+ years.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 12:07 AM
I agree, I hope not ONE single Republican goes along with any more of these bailouts.

If it works... good for the Dems (and the country I hope)

If it don't.... nobody else to blame... LOL

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 12:48 AM
Well if you actually looked to see where the bailout is going maybe you might think otherwise. This bailout is being handle just as every bill seems to be with tons of pork added. Everyone wants a piece of the pie that has nothing to do with bailing anyone out. Does 400 million, that is MILLION, for STD education sound like anything to do with bailing us out? There are 100s of others added to it too by your liberal buddies. I just wish the money would go to just what the bill intended it to go to.

Also would you really like 50 years of just one party with no check and balances? You are blinded by your hate my friend.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Xtrozero

You took the words out of my fingers, man.

Our country has survived for as long as it has because leadership has gone back and forth throughout American history. 50 years of Democratic leadership would result in a much, much different country, just like 50 years of Republican leadership would result in huge changes. Extreme's of any one ideal are not good.

On that note, I think these bail out plans are ridiculous. My Congress woman listened to everything I had to say regarding the bail out until the earmark level rose high enough to include her and her district, and boom, she's voting for it. They do not care that we want corruption removed, because they think they know better than we do.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by ModernDystopia

Payback is a bitch.
That is what about half of the stimulus bill is about:
payback to special interests.
Increases in the availability of condoms should equal 1 or 2 additional jobs, but they'll add 10K to 20K, run out of money and ask for more.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by ModernDystopia
I didn't realize that gutter-sniping was the way to fix an economy in turmoil. It's business as usual with them, yet they demand to be taken seriously now. Hilarious.

By all means, though, don't stop. Obama and company have already proven they don't need 1 republican to pass legislation. Not 1. So please, let Limbaugh lead your party now. I'm begging you.

When the smoke settles, and Obama and the democrats walk out the saviors of the economy, and the repukes walk out the villains who tried to stop them, you can enjoy not having ANY political power whatsoever for the next 50+ years.

obviously you have not read the bill, because only 10% of it helps the actual economy, the rest is just BS so people like YOU stay happy.. please tell me how does STD education starts jobs and helps the economy?
im waiting you liberal *SNIP*

Mod-Note: Civility and Decorum Are Expected

[edit on 31-1-2009 by Skyfloating]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 11:30 AM
"more infoSo, what exactly are the republicans doing to help?"

dued youre riddiculous, they cant do anything. what happened to checks and balances? 100% of house rep. plus 11 of the democrats with half of a brain and some testicles vote against this BS stimulous bill and it still passes!! so when your messianic savior does nothing but cause the biggest hyper-inflation in history of the U.S dollar come back to me and blame us crazy republican loons (which im sure you will).

p.s good post swatman

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by invisibleman11

"more infoSo, what exactly are the republicans doing to help?"

dued youre riddiculous, they cant do anything. what happened to checks and balances? 100% of house rep. plus 11 of the democrats with half of a brain and some testicles vote against this BS stimulous bill and it still passes!! so when your messianic savior does nothing but cause the biggest hyper-inflation in history of the U.S dollar come back to me and blame us crazy republican loons (which im sure you will).

p.s good post swatman

some way, the way obama brings this bill and if it fails, i just know 100% that it will some how be george bush's fault and kanye west will go on tv about how george bush hates america and black people

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 11:42 AM
It isn't bush's fault? Damn! Just when I gave up and started blaming Bush, he didn't do it.


I think the Republicans should picket the Capitol. Refuse to vote and picket the capitol, expressing how they aren't being listened to, and their ideas aren't being considered.

It's clear that the ruling regime's idea of bipartisanship is to get the opposition to sign on to their ideas; it's clearly not about compromise.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 11:46 AM
i know, it never fails. people wonder why this country is going down the drain as they eat the medias and Obamas absolute propaganda like its candy.

obama appoints crooked cabinet members-and its change

he injects billions of dollars into corrupt banks and empty "stimulous bills"-and hes trying to save the economy

democrats pass a fake stimulous bills that are 100% voted against by republicans- and its called a bipartisan bill

democrats push anti 2nd ammedment laws-and there saving the people

democrats legalize FEMA prison camps-and its to help diplaced peoples


[edit on 31-1-2009 by invisibleman11]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 12:00 PM
Actually for the first time the Republicans are up to something even if they blow out themselves with the first bail out scam.

Taking into consideration the nature of the so call "stimulus for the economy bail out" this is just another bad idea like the first one.

See Americas economy is base in capitalism not socialism so in order to reset the markets and fix the economy America needs to let things run its natural course and stop meddling with what can not be fix.

Let wall street fail, let the fat rats lose their wealth and let the economy recuperate and the strong take the weakest.

America will survive, America will recuperated and capitalism will prevail.

So actually the Republican are the ones here using their brains for once.

[edit on 31-1-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 12:15 PM
I'm going to have to disagree with you, marg.
It seems to me that the Republicans want Obama to fail. I think all they're thinking of is 2012. I suspect that whatever move they make is to make Obama look bad or fail so they can take over next time around. I don't believe they are thinking about what's best for the country. They're not going to let Obama's attempts at bipartisanship succeed no matter what is right for the country, because if it looks like Obama brings the country together, the Republicans lose.

During the Bush years, I had a lot of criticisms of the Republicans, but I thought once Bush and Cheney were gone, there were some human beings in there. I was wrong. Since this election, I have actually considered becoming a Democrat!
That's how much I disagree with what they've done and what they're doing now...

So to answer the OP, Not a damn thing. In fact, they are standing in the way like stubborn children.

I agree with ModernDystopia. Let the Democrats make the stimulus package as they originally wanted it and pass it. Then they can take all the credit or all the blame. At least they will have used their time in office to be true to their values instead of trying to be bipartisan with a bunch of people who aren't interested in working together for the better of the country.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 12:26 PM
They may be trying to make Obama fail but the truth is that no bail out will help the economy right now and Obama will fail during his first year because even with this type of stimulus the benefits if "any" will take years to show.

So I still will not vote for another Republican in a life time and for Obama he may become just one time wonder, with good intentions but to late.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I've to take a little exeption with what your saying here, BH. I watched many snippits and clips of republican congressmen, standing in front of congress, asking to take some of the garbage out of that bill and bring real relief to the economy. They were ignored.

Listen to Hannity (yes I said the "H" word). He's very clear about wanting to see Obama do well and our country to do well. Thus far, no one has stood in anyones way.

I can agree that the republican leadership has done a disasterous job at being republicans and it cost them dearly. At the same time, they know that nothing they do that doesn't boost their image in the eyes of the people is going to get them elected in 4 or 8 years. It's much more likely that the country will tire of the shortcomings of a liberal president and, having forgotten about the short commings of a conservative president, vote republican. It's a cycle.

Real bipartisanship is a product of compromise. 188 Congressmen represent a lot of people. If Obama wants to unite the country, he'll refuse to sign anything that those 188 didn't get a fair hand in. Otherwise, and I suspect I'm closer to the truth, he's just another fithy pig politician looking out for his own.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 04:59 PM
Both parties are screwed up, all politicians are crooked liars, and no bailing out or stimulus crap will save anything. Wall Street will fail. GOOD. That's the cycle and it needs to happen, putting it off is just going to prolong this horrible state we've been left in.

We shouldn't be bailing anyone out. If you gambled your money in the stock market that's your own fault. I can't go to Vegas, loose all my money, and then ask for the casino to help me out. It's unheard of.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by exfed
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I've to take a little exeption with what your saying here, BH. I watched many snippits and clips of republican congressmen, standing in front of congress, asking to take some of the garbage out of that bill and bring real relief to the economy. They were ignored.

Listen to Hannity (yes I said the "H" word). He's very clear about wanting to see Obama do well and our country to do well. Thus far, no one has stood in anyones way.

I can agree that the republican leadership has done a disasterous job at being republicans and it cost them dearly. At the same time, they know that nothing they do that doesn't boost their image in the eyes of the people is going to get them elected in 4 or 8 years. It's much more likely that the country will tire of the shortcomings of a liberal president and, having forgotten about the short commings of a conservative president, vote republican. It's a cycle.

Real bipartisanship is a product of compromise. 188 Congressmen represent a lot of people. If Obama wants to unite the country, he'll refuse to sign anything that those 188 didn't get a fair hand in. Otherwise, and I suspect I'm closer to the truth, he's just another fithy pig politician looking out for his own.

I disagree, the republicans are using the "our way or the highway" tactic instead of making compromises with the majority. Their doing this on purpose and I agree with BH, they are making attempts to bring Obamas bi-partisan effort down.

Now I understand many of the arguements, the republicans. They wish to cut out some of what they consider pork, such as sex education funding, or animal research funding in that package, and yet they also demand tax cuts, and you know what, I agree with them. However, within the package itself, this $800 billion package, a large fraction of it are tax cuts as requested by republicans the first time. Now they demand more tax cuts, yet history shows us that in times during such economic disasters (the worst since WW2) tax cuts are the worst solution to the economys woes. You give tax cuts to businesses, instead of them using that to further sustain their current business, they keep back the amount earned from tax cuts to save for a rainy day, and thats where the issues grows.

The republicans have to understand too that they lost the elections and that if they are going to want any changes, they are going to have compromise with the majority. If they really cared about the economic crises, they wouldnt be sitting on their asses using the "my way or no support" gig, they would actually be going out of their way to get some deal out of the package. I remember in 2000 when the republicans were majority, they did completely shut out the democrats, despite the "bi-partisanship" crap Bush used in his campaign. In 2003 they shut out the liberal population and proclaimed that "if your not with us, your against us" and you what, good riddance for the way they are being shut out now for not compromising.

As BH said, if the democrats wish to take the risk with this package, so let them do so, it will be on their heads. If the republicans really cared about the implications of this package, they would be going out of their way to get some deal with the MAJORITY, instead of the obviously useless "my way or the high way" stunt.

The republicans have 2012 in their minds, their lack of interest for the economy for the moment, their "lets sit back and leave the mess we made to grow" attitude tells plenty about their intentions for this government to fail.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by exfed
They were ignored.

They weren't ignored. Obama added a bunch of tax cuts to the bill for the Republicans and took out the family planning.

Thus far, no one has stood in anyones way.

Did you miss the House vote? NOT ONE Republican voted for it. And in fact, Boehner told them NOT to vote for it before they had even seen it.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by ModernDystopia

Right now, the Republicans have to be very happy with the way things are going. They Democrats control the House, the Senate, and the White House. Perfect.

The Democrats are digging themselves deeper into a hole every day. Obama, the Chosen One, is already having a few problems with his promises.

The economy is tanking, and these so-called stimulus packages are going to be the gasoline on the fire.

They've only had control for weeks, and look at the damage they've done. Just wait until two years go by.

The Republicans hold the line, do not vary, and get back to basic conservative values, and they can rise again to prominence.

While I want to puke at some of these utterly stupid initiatives, I have to console myself that a day of reckoning is coming.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by ModernDystopia

Right now, the Republicans have to be very happy with the way things are going.

With what? 8years of hell under their administration, more than a trillion in debt from a war they so promoted, still no Osama, that guys laughing at us. What do they have to be "very happy" about? Conservatives putting their own personal partisan gain ahead of the country? No sir I think your greatly mistaken.

The Democrats are digging themselves deeper into a hole every day.

The democrats are having to once again pull the nation out of a hole the conservatives made, just like Clinton had to following Bush snr, just like Reagan started the hole in the 80's with triple the debt carter left.

Obama, the Chosen One, is already having a few problems with his promises.

Calm yourself down with the "messiah" talk, after 8years of conservative heck (once again", any democrat be considered the "chosen one". By time Obamas finished fixing up this mess, I wouldnt blame folks for calling him the chosen one.. or any other democrat for that matter

The Republicans hold the line, do not vary, and get back to basic conservative values, and they can rise again to prominence.

"get back to basic conservative values" he says.... so you admit your party's hypocrisy over the last 8years eh? No no you keep on rootin for them buddy, nothing can explain a republican any more than when they put their own partisan goals ahead of the country.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Did you miss the House vote? NOT ONE Republican voted for it. And in fact, Boehner told them NOT to vote for it before they had even seen it.

?? * Tilts head to side and scratches* ??

To be clear about it, every republican and 11 democrats voted against it. Voting against it is standing in their way? No. Philibustering the vote would have been standing in their way. Regardless of what Bonehead said, where I come from, my congressmen and senators vote the way they want. That's why thy're called RINO's. There was no compromise here. hundreds of millions went to Planned Parenthood for treatment of STD's. What a real boost to the economy that will poduce.

Like I said, filthy pigs. Liars and cheats. only interested in their own power and future. POLITICIANS!! I don't care which party you pin on them, and frankly, Barack Obama is one of the filthiest.

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