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Alien's have a god?

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posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by avail

"The point is, science and the advancement in knowledge has lead us to revise our concept of the Earth. So should it be with God."

This has been my position as well in regards to "organized" religion, which is what most people who identify with some concept of God adhere to. But they tend to seem unwilling to change.

I consider spirituality to be something different than religion.

I'm not sure how much you buy into the stories of various "contactees," but a man named Alex Collier, who is one of the better-known contactees, addresses this question in this 1994 interview, in which he describes his interaction with a group of ET's from the Andromeda constellation:

Turn your speakers down for the's pretty loud.

"Nobody really knows what the ultimate spiritual goal is. They themselves are still searching for what 'God' is. They know it exists, but what it is, nobody really's just a force that is." (15:38)

I tend to think that this is a quality interview. What do you think? I may start a thread on Alex Collier because I think he presents some pretty interesting claims.


[edit on 26-1-2009 by suterlaben]

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 11:25 PM
Why wouldn't they? It seems that any sentient civilization would have a god(s) just as we do. We have religion, why shouldn't they? We're not THAT special

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Solomons
If they have any common sense and have left behind mysticism and supernatural thinking then no,they wont have a personal god.

Just because that is your belief doesn't mean it's right. I'm a creationist so I believe aliens will be as well. That is my belief, but it doesn't mean I am right.

EDIT: Man seems to have a natural (designed?) tendency to believe in one or more gods.

[edit on 26-1-2009 by Lannock]

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 11:34 PM
Ok fair enough , but believing in creation doesn't necessarily rule out the spiritual beliefs of any beings. Maybe aliens are exploring different solar systems looking for clues.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by MoothyKnight

Here's the problem, M. Knight....

In our brief existence as a species we have fought more Wars, between ourselves, about hte ARGUMENT over which 'god' should be the 'one god' than ALL of the wars over land, and resources....which is what you'd expect WARS to be fought about...

Because, territory and resources ARE what species fight over, generally.

ONLY Humans add in this ridiculous notion of "KILL THE ONE WHO DOESN'T BELIEVE AS WE DO!!!"

I'm sorry to blurt out the uncomfortable truth, but that's the way it is. Has been, continues to be, and it's a sorry state of affairs, when the majority of the Huamn Race are taken into measure.

What say ye?? Defenders of Humanity????

Whence be a 'god' in this scenario?

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by warrenb
Deity worship seems so primitive. If the beings from other planets have advanced civilization and technology, why would they need to worship deities?

Perhaps as acts of reverence to their creator whom they believe by faith. A form of thanksgiving, appreciation for having experienced a life of fullness, a life of wonder.

That they believe that everything they have achieved, created, learned wouldn't come to being if not for Someone who started it all.

I'm a practicing Christian, engineer, and inventor. I'm pretty much very knowledgeable in the field of Science and very open-minded. Who says they can't come together

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 06:07 AM
Some will. Some won't.

The real question that should be asked is how those that believe define Deity.

We may not like what we hear.

Their "god" may be a synchronistic cosmic computer, a Logos.

It may be an Infinite Singularity, an Alpha Point as opposed to an Omega Point.

It may be an Overmind, a collective unconscious of their own species.

It may be Absolute Chaos.

What it most certain is that it will not be anthropomorphic like the gods of earth.

Ponder this.

A Black Hole, aka Singularity, has the potential to be the ultimate computer, with the ability to process information and store it on scales hard for the human mind to imagine.

Somewhere out in the cosmos, possibly in its center, a naked Singularity may exist. One that our universe emerged from billions of years ago. If another species called It "god" I wouldn't argue with them.

[edit on 27/1/09 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by OuttaHere

I was waiting for somebody to mention Dan Sherman. For those unfamiliar with the man, he was an "intuitive communicator" for the USAF and was responsible for communicating with ETs. He wrote the book called "Above Black," which is an excellent read for anybody interested in this subject.

To elaborate on what he said regarding this topic, I believe he offered a little more information in the book. If I remember correctly, he asked if they (the ETs) believed in a god. The reply was "yes, but not in the sense that you think of."

My guess is that they're aware of a supreme source, but realize such an idea can't be comprehended in the reality in which we exist. Further, I feel fairly confident that our view of God as some human-like figure, with human emotions, is quite primitive in their eyes.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 09:10 AM
I do believe that question is loaded with infinite possibilities. A very well thought out and good one though. It is of my opinion that every civilization starts basically with many different gods to explain things like weather, wealth, love, etc... But as soon as they reach that high point of intellect they all seem to veer towards one god. With this though seems to come the killing in the name of happening to all who have different opinions from the larger group. So I would say that if there is intellegent life able to travel vast expanses of the universe, then too there advancement has led them to the knowledge that religion and science go hand in hand and niether disproves the other. If reason being this has happened then also reason would state that yes they would have to in my opinion believe in a higher power for the sake of unity of the whole to be able to achieve any goals set forth. Even though I may be wrong on this I did enjoy such a chalenging question. Thank you.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by SugarCube

thanks for puting up with my grammer and speling to try and get what i mean and yeh i get your point its a interesting 1 i hadnt thaught about before

peace batch

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by batch

I know you didn't direct this at me, but it is I wanted to tell you that I got it, and it's very funny!!!

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by damwel
Please don't ever type like that again. Also are you saying Tibetans are aliens?

i know. i forgot that i was being graded.
also, no, Tibetans are not aliens. The Falen Gong are. you must have mis read somthing.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 01:05 PM
i think they have the same god we do thats called money

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 03:47 PM

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by avail

Maybe someone can enlighten me as i ask a serious but 'out there' question:

Do Extra Terrestrials believe in God or Religion ? If yes/no what makes you think so ?

[edit on 26-1-2009 by avail]

For me your OP contradicts your title so I will answer them seperate.

TITLE: Do aliens have a God?

In my opinion, yes they do, of course they do we all came from one source, we all have the same creator. This Universe can NOT have two creators that would just be mad so yes we all have a God, the same God.

OP: Do aliens believe in God and do they have religions.

Mmm thats a lot harder to answer, seen as I dont know any aliens to ask. See only they can answer this really, but I guess they would know they had a creator so would believe in God. It would depend on how advanced they were, if they were still at our equivalent caveman stage then no they may not know.
Do they have religions? Im pretty sure the advanced aliens dropped religion long ago. Most advanced aliens are spiritual and not religious. They most probably follow the idea of one true light, one true source or creator and have no need for religion.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I was referring to how ancient people didnt understand the world around them so they created gods to explain things. Like, how the Greeks creaded the god Zeus who lived up on top of Mt Olympus and threw lightning bolts down to the ground which explained an event that couldn't be explain with the limited amount of knowlege of the world around those people. Today we know it is just the rapid movement of electrons and with this discovery we have effectively killed off any and all lightning gods in areas that have grasped the teachings of mordern times.

Death is the only unknown that I think we will never be able to shed light on. There will always be a god of the afterworld similar to the ones that we have today. But if death can be explained then there will be no need for any god. Gods quiet the fear in all of us about the unknown. The more that is known to each of us the less we will need gods.

Therefore, it would depend on how much the aliens know.

[edit on 27-1-2009 by A NeWorlDisorder]

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 10:44 PM
Personally, If aliens exist, and if the stories are true.

They seem to be just as confused about "God" as we are.

I have seen many stories about Aliens who are part of a Vast following of some type of "Cosmic Brotherhood" worshiping the universe as God. Who come millions of miles to "Teach" humans about their cosmic brotherhood. Other stories tell of Aliens denying any religion, worshiping one "god", worshiping a superior "alien race. Etc.

Either way, Usually what happens is that a contacted human has his\her belief reaffirmed by the aliens, and leads me to wonder if most Aliens are but a construct of our minds. (Much like near life experiences.)

The Bible\Torah simply calls Aliens angels, and they can be good or bad. Depending on how they act, and interact with others. Some are benevolent, other diabolical. And most somewhere in the middle. In the past some came to Earth to spread the message of the creator, others came to be worshiped.
And in the present and near future, it doesn't change.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 10:52 PM
Maybe the question should be :IS GOD MERELY AN ALIEN?

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by Srvyr1969
I do believe that question is loaded with infinite possibilities. A very well thought out and good one though. It is of my opinion that every civilization starts basically with many different gods to explain things like weather, wealth, love, etc... But as soon as they reach that high point of intellect they all seem to veer towards one god. With this though seems to come the killing in the name of happening to all who have different opinions from the larger group. So I would say that if there is intellegent life able to travel vast expanses of the universe, then too there advancement has led them to the knowledge that religion and science go hand in hand and niether disproves the other. If reason being this has happened then also reason would state that yes they would have to in my opinion believe in a higher power for the sake of unity of the whole to be able to achieve any goals set forth. Even though I may be wrong on this I did enjoy such a chalenging question. Thank you.

Good to see it got your mind ticking. That was my intention and from what i see a lot of us see to come to the same conclusion that yes it's possible for these advanced aliens to have some form of belief and or spiritual unity towards a creator. If they did have these beliefs maybe they left their ideas here on earth ? That's an interesting question to look in to. Were the Mayans or even Egyptians taught by an alien race? We know how astronomically accurate their buildings were back in that time.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by avail

In "Babylon 5", there is a program where "Kosh" saves the captain, who is falling from an immense height. Kosh flies up to catch the captain. Those watching, of different species, each see Kosh as one of their own. This got me thinking. If other beings went through a trial, as did humans, and failed, as did we, they would need a savior. Jesus could become one of them, as He became one of us. He would still be the One God.

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