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Language of the Integrated Nations

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posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 07:36 PM
Ok, this will be my first thread; so chill out, yeah? It is obvious that the nations of the world are losing their sovereignty. We see the the seemingly perpetual progression and expansion of the European Union and the beginnings of the NAU fold out, each day. International integration is happening. End of.

So, this evening I was browsing my trusty open news source,, and clicked on a link entitled "French Children taught English PE". The link to the video can be found here: .

After watching the video, I thought to myself "why would they do this?". And then I thought of why. What will be the language of the soon to be super state? English would seem a reasonable choice since many people speak it. But, you see, the French don't really like the English much. The explanation of this is not for this topic but they tend not to like the Brits. So, consequently, they do not really want to speak English. So, by forcing the children of today (in France who would normally not want to speak English when they're older) through the use of "subliminal" techniques such as the one shown in the video, does this mean the future language of the integrated nations will be English?

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 08:14 PM
I think so. Part of the reason is that Britain was so powerful in the 1700's onward, and in the 1600's started a few colonies in America for the wealth (which, America was a big plan. The country is still ruled from Britain, I think.). Because America got so powerful and wealthy, everyone else (generally) wanted to mimic Western culture to be in the cool group.

This follows into the language dilution well illustrated in Orwell's 1984. English is a very flexible, relatively rule-free (as compared to French!) language. If language is diluted enough, ideas can't be exchanged very easily, and ostensibly the ideas of rebellion against the superstate. Then, with the fluoride in the water, the MSG in our food, the aspartame in already unhealthy drinks, and the increasing cellphone and TV radiation, people may be so damaged they must depend on the government for support and a "healthy life." The absurd "leet-speak" and text message shorthand so popular among the newer generations (who the PTB most want to control) is just furthering the degrading of the English and many other languages.

The idea of language dilution is very well illustrated in 1984 and in the movie "Demolition Man," with Wesley Snipes and Sylvester Stallone. In fact, that movie is basically a Brave New World (Huxley) adaptation with a twist and lots of explosions...

And rat burgers.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 08:24 PM
It will break down to 3 languages simply because there are 3 main ones in the world according to population

1. Chinese
2. English
3. Spanish
Edit to add
4. Farsi

Of course English is the most widely spoken in business.
Even in India a huge percentage speak English because it's easier to communicate between different Indian groups than it is to learn all the different dialects.

[edit on 22-1-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Lifthrasir

If language is diluted enough, ideas can't be exchanged very easily, and ostensibly the ideas of rebellion against the superstate.

That's absurd. English is the best choice because it is nimble just as you described it, but it is also very precise and literal versus, say, French. The cultural background is where language acquires special nuance - idioms. However, all languages have culturally opaque idioms and practices. For example, there is no real reason why certain prepositions are preferred over others to describe certain relationships (on, by, to, from, etc).

Point is, your characterization is just wrong. I'm not even going to address the paranoia.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Daleron
...After watching the video, I thought to myself "why would they do this?". And then I thought of why. What will be the language of the soon to be super state? English would seem a reasonable choice since many people speak it. But, you see, the French don't really like the English much. The explanation of this is not for this topic but they tend not to like the Brits. So, consequently, they do not really want to speak English. So, by forcing the children of today (in France who would normally not want to speak English when they're older) through the use of "subliminal" techniques such as the one shown in the video, does this mean the future language of the integrated nations will be English?

I think that English will be the main language but not necessarily the English we speak today. English lends itself beautifully to almost any language. We are adding words to our vocabulary almost daily. We have created new words to describe new technology, new ideas, new life forms and anything else that needs description. Americans are free with our language. We don't have a problem with adding to, taking away or even borrowing words from other languages. Our need for global understanding and communication will probably see the English language as spoken in American morph into some kind of global lingual stew. You can see this also in the way English is spoken in small immigrant communities. They speak modified English that is usually a combination of English and their native language. The new English would just be a bit more inclusive.

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